THE WEATHER DECIDEDLY COLDER; CLOUDY TODAY ( go It a VOL. XXXII. No. 85 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1923 GERMANY TO SEEK [BITSHIN RUHE ('OUR~~~~T RTI REfI jNSTtTUTL1 AGAINST SIX .. COAL )MAGN1ATiE S FRENCH HESITATE IN SEIZING COAL MINES All Railroad Stations in District Are S4izedl by Soldiers; Industry isI Held Up London, Jan. 18--(By A. P.)-The German government is sending a con- fidential mission to London to request the British government to mediate between France and Germany, says a dispatch to the. Times from Essen. Seize Mines Essen, Jan. 18-(By A. P.) - The French military authorities today in- stituted court martial proceedings against six Ruhr coal magnates whose names were withheld. They were charged with "refusing to obey the or- ders of the military in the territory under state of seige." The magnates have not been taken into cu '4ody., The French this morning took pos- session of all railroad stations in the Rulir area, says a Renter's Esen dispatch. It is reported that, uncon- firmed', the French seized the offices of various coal comnpanies. Coal operatoils who believed for a time last night that the French were to take over the mines, this morning,I found themselves still in possession of their ,properties and learned that only coal mined and above ground came under the revised requisiting by Home Town Man Is Wally Reid Dies Harding'see Choie In iais F ~ i o-r vpPn t tinnrrI 1 ttT hl ii i.4 44f-w.a t~ i' ~MIMESTO PRE*SENT E aunnun brns f~iinla' Affirmative Team Meets Prple Ierei ;:;rs :.::...:....:.N t l tves 1I111 Argue at Chicwgo V MIAYM ENT iNSUIN('E :Si1UBJE(iT OF QI'EIT'ION Michigan's Varsity debating team will meet Northwestern university in the annual triangular Central league debate with Chicago and Northwest- ern universities at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The affirmative team which will argue against North- western's negative trio is composed o5t the following men: D. O. Cook, '24, J K. Kumnm. '24, and C. E. Hodgman, '24. The debaters from Northwestern. accompanied by C. C. Cunningham, supervisor of debating at Northwest- ern university, will arrive in Ann Ar- bor this morning over the Michigan Central. Dean Henry M. Bates of the law school will preside at the debate to- night. Judges for the debate will be Mr. Henry A. Middleton, Toledo, Ohio, Prof. John T. Marshman of Delawares j T ~ IOiilI Los Angeles, Jan. 18-(By A.P.)--; Wallace Reid is dead at Hollywood. 1"The Thirteenth Chair" to be Given The end came about 1:30 o'clock to- by Strong (ast; Produced Last Year{ day in the sanitarium where the ac- tor was taken about a month ago af-!OPERA GIRLS TO ACT N. ter a nervous breakdown, said by his PLAY OF BAYARD VEILLIER family to have been due to his fight against the narcotic habit. Reid's wife and children were with him Dramatic talent of proven ability when. he died. i will take part in the "Thirteenth It was believed for some time that Chair", a two act play by Bayard there was a chance for recovery but Veiller, which will appear tenight and the relapse set in with fatal results. toiorrow night at the Mimes theater. This play was produced before large audiences here last spring and only z few changes have been made in the cast. The play is a mystery drama whose climaxes, although of a different char- acter, rank equally with those of "They Petitions Will be Circulated to Hame Bat". A niedium entertains a group New Structure Named for of guests at a house party by a se-' Football Mentor ance. During the seance, the lights (f lP r WILL BE MAIDEare extinguished, leaving the house EO4 L M QI AS PPnRT in complete darkness, and a murder is "Dirt" Farmer Is GSOLINE TAXB Reserve MemberL ~9I~ LEGISLATIVE BODY () " DI. I. Crissinger D. R. Crissinger, President H-arding's selection for gover'nr of the federal reserve board, hails from the Presi- dent's home town of Marion, O. Cris- singer's success as controller of the treasury drew Harding's attention to him when a successor to W., P. C. Harding was sought. ti I ,E E V the French. Attempts Premature London, Jan. 18-(By A. P.)-The attempts being made, particularly by Italian representation to the allied Reach No Final Agreement on Aria- anient Convention After Two Hour Discussion FIVE COUNTRIES AOREE IN PRINCIPLE OF REDUCTION Ohio, and Mr. Frank E. Calkins of committeed at this time. Because of Toledo, Ohio. The question that will ; .a. secret which the medium trys to be discussed is, "Resolved: That the Petitions requesting teBoardin withhold, she is accused of the crime. United States should adopt the British Control of Athletics to name the newDectvsaealdinndimwok system of unemployment insurance". field house for Coach Fielding H.1 ing out of the mystery furnishes the The teams hive been coached by Prof. Yost will be circulated on the cam- opportunity for unexpected disclos- Thomas C. Trueblood of the public speain departent. D. th Coo, ', pu3 today under the direction of the # urea and situations. spea kng dep 'm and C. E. Hodgnan' Student council as the opener in a Lionel Ames, '24, leading "lady" of J. K.iDunne'24,sndthE.nHodgsmay .campaign among the students and "In and Out", will take the leading '21, will represent the University. alumni. feminine role, supported by Arthur ENrth etn , sillb represee b~ Petitions will be sent to all of the Holden, 24, as her lover. William Edwin Paget, '25, school of speech! fraternity houses and to the various MacVay, '26M, will play the difficul Howard Terolzleimer, '23, school of dining rooms and boarding houses so character part of the medium, an ol" speech, and Harold Miller, '2. .that everyone will be given an oppor.I woman. James Stevens, '23, as the The Michigan negative trio will yletters detective, Harry Clark, '24, and Gar- 'met he hianoafiratie eama{ !tunity to sign. In ..addition,letrI the Chicago affirmative will be sent to the larger alumni rit Demmink, '23, are other actors who Chicago tonight and the Northwest- associations and to prominent alumni will be remembered from last year' ern afiirmative team will argue asking if they are in favor of naming production. Women guests at the against the Chicago negative at the new field house for Coach Yost. house party will -be played by some. Northwesternauniversity. The council believes that sentiment of the most beautiful "girls" of this, ItEach speaker will be allowed 12 n the campus is in favor of the plan year's opera. minutes for .constructive speech and and is circulating the petitions to show ' Tickets for both performances areE five minutes for rebuttalin the con- the Board in Control of Athletics de- now on sale at 'the Mimes theaters test tonight. There will be no admis finitely how the student body feels Tl e admission price for -both men andf sion fee for the debate, but the public in the matter. . - - women is one dollar and all seats arc) is invited to be present to listen to Because ithas been largely through iyserved. the discussion. Coach Yost's efforts that Michigan has I -- . 77 Milo ID. Campbell "The best dirt farmer for miles around" is the opinion held of Milo D. Campbell by his neighbors of Cold- water, Mich. Campbell has just been named "dirt farmer" member of the federal reserve board, a positLon created by a recent act of congress. President Harding made the appoint- ment. CIVCGCMMITTEE ENDS CONFERENCE[ Group on For;ign Relations Coni- niends Secretary of State for "Tactful Efforts"........ IECLARE PURPOSE TO BE ISSUANCE OF INFORMATION Lansing, Jan. 18---(By A. P.)-The much discussed gasoline tax proposal was laid before the legislature today when Representative Joseph Warner introduced a bill that would levy a tax of two cents a gallon on gasoline or gasoline substitutes used as fuel in internal combustion engines. The tax, its ,supporters declare, would amount to about $7,000,000 annually. Two-thirds of the amount raised would be paid into the state treasury to meet interest and principle on out- standing highway bonds and one-third used by the state highway department for construction and maintenance. The bill would attempt volunitary collection from the wholesaler, at the point of diistribution, rather than from the filling station or at the point of inspection. The secretary of state. or his agents would be empowered at any time to examine the books of oil com- panies. All provisions are to be en- forcible feverally, so that -if any one- of them i;s found unconstitutional the other will remain In force. PeIalty provided are six months imprisonment and a $100 fine. S C. A.U: CAMPIG N ambassadors in Rome, to bring about mediation between the French and Germans are enirely premature, ac- cording to British official opinon. Like- wise it is held that all talk of invok- ing action by the League of Nations or the good offices of America are, for the present moment, uselerss. It is believed that no power can diverit the French from a coercive policy of obtaining reparations while they are in their present state of mind. Interference would be likelyI only to delay the time when they are to decide whether military methods of exacting payment from. Germanyj are a success or. a failure. 13r h See Little hope The Britsh see little hope in the situation, information reaching Down-I ing street today indicating that the German attitude is constantly hard- ening and that German labor and the Socialists are supporting the Ber- lin government to a man. RMISH 11 TORT STORY CCNTEST BEST TWO ARTICLES TO RECEIVE PRIZES: WILL A.PPElt IN MARCH ISSUE A short story contest with prizes of $10 and $5 to encourage contributions to Chimes, campus opinion magazine, has been announced by the editors of that publication. The contest is in- tended primarily to encourage con- tributions for the March issue in which the stories receiving first and second prizes will beprinted. The time limit that has been set for the receiving of the stories is Feb. 10. All manuscripts must be ad- dressed to Chimes short story contest editor and marked "Chimes short story contest," on the first pazge. They shouldtbe mailed to the Chimes of- fice in the Union. The contest is one cf a number that Chimes has conducted annually in the past few years. It is open to all stu- dents of 'the University, either grad- uate or undergraduate, as has been the custom in previous contests. Mem- bers of Chimes' staff are the only ones that are excluded from comnetition. Judges in the contest will be the man- aging editor of Chimes, the assistant managing editor, and the literary ed- itor. In further rules that govern the contest, the length of the stories is placed at a maximum of 4,000 words and a minimum of 1,000 words. They must be typewritten and double spac..- ed. All of the stories that are sub- mitted in the contest automatically be- come the property of Chimes. The subject matter has no limitations laid n it ethmr than that it make inte- I i , t' 4 . ,.,. sBbeen a leader in athletics and becuse Washington, Jn; 18-(By A. P.)-T of his long service to the University,, I The committee of 100 on foreign rela- The Central American conference mei the Student council went on record as'tions, of the national civic federation, WsigoJn1SByAP) TWOf riniiiiu I FEhsLonLericWoSheUivrstS 1 r i Lin iThomo tee of10onalcvcfodreinl-UIIflu.I~ today under the presidency of Secre- being in favor of thus naming the concluded its initial two day confer- tary Hughes but adjourned after two CIA house. Hence today with instructions to its Zimmerman and Connale Stani Ot hours discussion without reaching a ,__Uexecutive cominttee to commend the as High Worker n secretary of state for his "tactful ef- Drive final agreement on the proposed con- FIRST ISSUE FOLLOWING WAl forts" fo' peace in Europe, and to vention for reduction of armament. OPEN TO GRADUATES DOING AD- YESTERDA Y IN EDITED BY MICHIGAN OR INrequest an immediateOR INCJ eNG + HATRa, investigationI TEAM MREMBERS MUTST H#AND IN Although the five participating YANCED ERCE 0M WASHING TON CHAPTER f propaganda of"foreign govern- CASH AND PLEDGES TONIGHT countries are expected to have agree]_ments or organizations" in this coun- conre r xetdt aearo oundationAs a result. of the efforts of the try. With reports of in principle to the reduction, an in- Two Flood F ntn fellowships President Harding, still confined tc) Michigan Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Alton B. Parker,. who presided, an-W.omany fratexnties tasse 4has apparently been reached be- amounting to the sum of $500 each his room with an attack of la grippe, Pi, national honorary engineering Era- nounced he would name the executive and of the majority of the drive work- tween El Salvador and Honduras on are now annually available in the Col- was reported much improved.. ternity, 5000 copies of "The Bent", of- committee and call it in session proib- ers not yet turned in, the results of one side and Guatemala, and Nicara- Icial publication of the organization, ably in New York within the next 10 the Student Cr- gua, and Costa Rica; on the other,, as lege of Commerce of the University oft American. merchandise export are being sent out to members of the days. Appointment of the committee nistnight at, the to the basis of reduction. The lat California. These fellowships are op- during 1922 were valued by the comrn society in every state of the United was recommended yesterday by a re- ter countries contend that the basis en to graduates of institutions of rec- jnerce department at $3,831,516,735 States and several countries of Eur- port declaring the purpose of the end of the third day of te drive to- should be the area and the popula- ognized standing in the field of busi- compared with $4,485,031,356 in 1921, ope. This is the first issue of the committee of 100 to be the collection talled $1232.50 in pledges and cash tion of the states while El Salvador ness and related subjects No teach- and $2,484,018,292 in 1913. quarterly. magazine to be published and dissemination of information on subscriptions. The drive will contin since the beginning of the war, when foreign affairs, relating to the United uc today in the form of a general so- tries' reduce their armies to an equal ing is required of those to whom they Italy, it became known here, belev- publications ceased on account of the States. licitation campaign, and Will end thi' standard.-I are awarded. ing the Ruhr situation to be frought number of men in active service.1 Denouncement of pacifists and de- evening. The American delegation is under- A general announcement points out with danger, has urged France to This 'issue the "1922 Convention mands for military preparedness by G. H. Zimmerman, '25, was fou ing an opinion in tie matter, bue to-the facilities whicn exist in this part consider carefully the advisability of Number", is somewhat larger than us- the United States were voiced today last night to be the drive Woi'ker with be ready to offer its friendly serv- of the country making this type of taking any further steps to forcibly ual, containing among many other ar- by Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Edwards, -the largest sum of money subscribd research especially adaptable to the collect German reparations. tiles a report by Prof. R. C. Mat- United States, America, retired; Dr. to his credit, while A. B. Connale ices to reconcile the opposite views. University of California. The distance --- thews of the University of Tennessee, Harri Pratt Judson, president of the '25, was captain of the team, hving of this state from the middle West After announcing that future nego- of the 1922 convention held in An University of Chicago; Robert Under- subscribed the most money -in pledges gives great importance to the question tiations regarding funding of Great Arbor last October, reports of var- wood Johnson, former ambassador to and cash. All cash and card pledges NE yo ALUMNI oof transportation. The peculiarities Britain's war debt to the United States ions chapter installation, the finan- Italy; and other speakers. must be turned in to Lawree Dooge, of direct Oriental and European ex- would be conducted through the Brit- cial report for the year, and the re- '24, this evening at Lane hall. S WE ERNCLLIS change may be studied at first hand. ish embassy, the British debt com-, ports of the 42 chapters throughoutI The goal of the drive s 0e at $ยข000 Crop movements which are practical- mission left for New York, prepara- the country. In the biography sec- which covers a budget inwhch some ly continuous throughout the year tory to sailing for home Saturday. tion is found the history of the life of the principal items are the folloi Ipresent prOlens of marketing.T of President Burton who was Teitiated ,ing. University services, $800,. main- 4IICHIGAN GRADI A'TES TAKE AC- peenprolessofarkergantinThin December as an honorary member '3T1111 TOF .iIFi tenance of Lane hall, $1000 and ffice TIMYE PAR$ ieT IN MiOVE- completeness of labor organization in UUHURIL 1 1 OWUL ONUT fthhiciancape.operation of the bilding, 80. TATE some sections of California and its oALAM;ON WILgaCONDUCTeof therMtchigan thapter.danecon- absence in other adds interest to the Tw of the ive articles are con prolemOftrae niois. tributed.' by nmen having connection i Willard Bshnan, 25, and Joseph Alumni of all the Big Ten schools Applicatiotrade unionis. addressed UMM the University. Prof. Henry H S. Rocigel, '25, confessed yesterday to liig in New York are uniting togethi o the recorder of the faculties, Uni- IHigieof the electrical engineering j the robbery of three Ann Arbor cloth-IT er tonght in one representative body tversity r California, Berkley, and department gives the text of his ing stores within the past six weeks. of western colleges to be known as should be filed not later than March Prof. Rene Talamon of the Frenchseech deivered at the late conven-- They were arrested about 2:45fl ilItt Tnoamontor thenFrench I-ec eiee the New York Association of the West- department will conduct a tour to I tion in an article entitled, "Social I- o'clock Wednesday morning b Police 1rn conference colleges. This organ- France during the coming summer. j plications of Tau Beta Pi ideals". The ization is to be formed at the Hotelte H lisl This will be his second year in charge value of practical summer work for Ofier Gast, who detected them com- An inmal meeting of the , Astor at 6:30 tonight at a banquet Professors to Speak n Chicago 'of a group. the engineering student is discussed ing from Hagen's clothing store on tives of all state colleges both state- of all alumni groups. Coach Yost Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the en- The trip will include a four week in an article entitled, "An Engineer's Ashley street. They admitted that and endowed met here yesterday in was invited to this banquet but was I gineering college, Prof. Henry H attendance at the regular courses of I Making", by Charles E. Fowler, lion- they had just planned this robbery in the Union as guests of Presdent Man-' unable to attend. Higbie, of the electrical engineering the Alliance Francase, a summer orary member of the Michigan chap- a moving picture theater and had ion L. Burton. No definite formal ar- Two Michigan men are named as department, and Prof. A.- HI. White, school maintained by the department ter and construction engineer of the waited in their rooms until a later rangements for the meeting had-been instrumental in the formation of this head of the department of chemical of instruction of the French republic. proposed Detroit-Windsor bridge. hour. made. association. They are William Mc- engineering, will speak at the annual During the students' attendance at All assembling and editing of copy A complete investigation has been Six presidents of the state colleges Andrew, '86, who will be the toast- informal dinne' of the Chicago alun- the Clschool, excursions will be nade for the magazine was done in Ann Ar- made ad clothing dealers were taken were invited to the meeting Fou master at the meeting tonight, and E. I ni of the engineering college to be to points of interest in and about bor by the managing editor, John W. to their former room on Church street attended, two being unable to attend J. Hyde, '04, committee representa- held tonight in Chicago. Paris. These will include a two day' Ross, '23E, and his staff of assist- and a large amount of clothing iden- as they are aiding in legislative work. tive for Michigan. r trip to the battle fronts of the recent antin the Michigan chapter. tified, most of which was returned. David Friday of Michigan Agricultur- The movement to form this league iwar, and journeys to Versailles, They were arraigned before Justice al college, Dr. Charles M. McKenny of between the conference schools has Fontainbleau, and other points of his- YJohn D. Thomas on the charge of te Michigan State Normal college been under discussion in New York 600 T torical interest. DropYour Coin burglary, waived examination and President McCracken ol Western for several years. Similar organiza- ' t is m w n At the close of the school session iG t Aec" were bound over to thebMarch term State Normal and Dr. E. C. arrie itos ive eeneonteiinat.Loisestmat l, ilnenerrhetimestdens wllbeTivehanoppr oTe hncicicutu curtundruailofu2,50eorNminliad o.f. C$2,500in tions have been formed inArt.mLouise, the students will be given an oppor-reofCentral State Normal Vre pres. Pittsburgh, and Cleveland, and have University next semester - and tunity to travel for a month through ent at the meeting, Dr. F. W. McNai proved effective. It is thought that seek aid from Normandy, Britainy, Touraine and It turns, delivers, rings up cash of the Michigan College of Mline an' through the combined efforts of the iother points of France. Such places sales, and everything else but......, Basketball Tickets on Sale Today Dr. J. H. B. Kaye of Northern gtt alumni of all the schools, more can JIMMIE as Nimes, Monte Carlo, and Nice will such a machine delivered the Tech- Ticket sale for the Northwestern Normal were unable to attend. be done for the welfare of the Big TenI be visited. nics to students of the engineering; basketball game next Monday night ; Invitations to ten heads of endowed than by a group of separate alumni as- THE AD TAKER The group under Professor Tala- college yesterday. A large, box-lik will open at 9 o'clock this morning atinstitutions were sent out and all but sociations. mon will leave Montreal on June 20, structure in the second floor corridor the Athletic association ticket office. one were able to apear at the meet-