.R 8 9STKE MICHIGAN DAILY" k -IIreserves. The coach plans 'to senq urday night for the game against the Iuhirni0% i Aggis as he does not want to, ta.kc j the chance of losing any more of his [men before the game with the Evans-, Capttain Ely, ClIPP011' Uiible to Playsir it much more imnportant to hlavq In_ Comning Encounter wvith . the team in shape to play iits Coner_', 1TOrt fvesterll ence games than to make too mnuchf of the M.A.C. tilt. SECO-ND STIAG MEN T10 FA('jE Coach Mather plans to open the AGGIdES ON CQM1 rjrn{ SAURDY gmeStudynight with McWood at ! e tin, i iji'ac 'JL i~y. AL zneLlit Coacli Edwin, J. Mather announcedj ward b~erths will be fiend erson andi last night that the injuries sustained McGregor while Rice and Paper will by Captain Ely and Cappon in the has- lprobably take care of the guard po- ketball games against Minnesota and sitions. It is possible however that Iowa -last week- may necessitate theh ipi;lilke may get into' the game 1.17orf absence from tihe lineup3 next V on short while. day night *hen the wolverines ik- on the fast Northwestern court 1,v o ST AC TODAY in their next Conference encounter, Examination of Ely's shoulder by!' FROM' GARYT TRIP University medical authorities showX- i ed that several ligaments iwere torni Cox ilig I otW rc ttrn and the Varsity leader will bn forcce oc e'ednIf otwl to remain on the disabled list for t1w! to Ann Arbor todlay from Gary, In- remainder of the week and probably liana, where lie spc le last night at out of the Northwestern contest. Cali a banquet of the two hitgh1 c boo?,. Pon is suffering from a'bruised heel, there.' This makes the third city~ His injury which was receivedJ in thcc that the coach has visited this week, Minnesota game compelled him to re-! having spoken in Hastings, lvich.. main on the sidelines during the til't i Monday night at a Rotary club and withi the Hawkeyes and hias shownI high school banquet and in Detroit' 041ly slight imnprovement thus far ina Tuesdlay night. the week. In Detroit Coach Yost was the guesrt )'ecw Jinx Apliears of the Detroit university, end- a gze t The Michigan basketball jinx thi.:: l of honor at the reception given that year has appeared to come in the form 'nighlt for "Germany~ Schultz, '10, Dc- of injuries instead of the loss of the troit university's new coach. Schultz, first few games of the schedule. Durl one of Yost's All-Amnerican nmen, sup- ing the Christmas vacation Birks, vet-4 encodes James Duffy as D)etroit's foot- cran guard from last year, was take~i ball coach. Ill and has not. yet come back to thc squad. This coupled with the possiblf) Big loss of Ely and Cappon puts Coact: Bi Ten Stini Mather in a serious predicament as 1 __ mid-season nears-as hiq has only Mil- W..L1. Pct. ler, Kipke, and Papcr as veteran.? I Wisconsin...........3 0 1.0011 available for use. -The Varsity amen- I ow............ ,....2 0 1.000 tor's entire team play this year has'. l igali ............. l .fI been built around the five mnen who Illinois................ 1 .667 started the games and Birks. Losint; Northwestern . .... ...2 1 .667 three of his six men is an almost un-, Minnesota.............. t .000 surmountable han(licap. Purdue ..............0 1 .000 .)fC1V6j 1Relieves Fly! Chicago.............0 2 .000 Mather gave the first' team a rest 'Ohio State ........ ,...0 2 .000 last night and' worked only with thi Indiana ..............0 2? .000 THIS, THIS ULGL C mL SSI FI1E COLOSE C O L U M N Ii u i CLOSEP.M. DVERTOSENGAT 3 P.M. MICHIGAN DAILY r lmuioe vhaes(o Cntsayer2wordinimudatheaiteradvac.Three imuz harge or: Cntsap2er wordmamdayrpafteradvane. Three cents per word per' day if charged. White spuce charged for at rate Iof 5c per -agate line. Classifled, charged only to tbo, e having phones.! Liner -tates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance.j PHIONE 9680 i Yost Says Football Is Real' Intramural ItemsFR TDN JFractor In College Training' Tonight will bring the following,,-,0 N S, R E ---teams against each other in the tr'a- 5 American youth-s in too many homes i ryibenefit that is us ally der ivedl ternity and class basketball leagues ef the nation livea life of lu xury wind fromr it. The schedule follows: at 0 o'c lock., 2 c DAY O NIt 6 1 sptiLOO n11:flltinlue (onithe soft, es"Thsdfiut anb lmntd court 1, Alpha Ci Sigma. vs. Beta ' '207 cush. lionls o1* utcmobilses, in the opin-; arranging schedules so as to cause court 2, Delta Tani 1psilonl '. . Dltat: N. uu ion of Fieflding IL Yost, Michigan ;p les to miss as fe-cassesaspos- Clhi; court 3, PhIi lDelta Napp1;)i vs. 4 c rach, who tod'ay emphasized the valuek sib~le, byr limiting the length of prat- ma Nu; court 4, Ph i leta D elta s<. of football in develoining "that uncoil- Ilice periods and by seeing that thie Phi Chi; at 6:30 o'clock, court 1,.~l qluerable fighting s1mrit so badly need- sceueso hesaondtote-o Alpha Epsilon vs. Ps i p ilon col in our Aerican hf ~j tend over too long a period of time.cut2 h amalet s a Playing the piopular college game Alfobl ceue udcoe Epsilon Phli; court. , 1'i 1 appa Al- will cultivate the dualities -of determ- biy Thanksgiving clay. At the same pha vs. Alpha Rho (Chl; court. 4, Phi tethsboswllartoac-, ination, persistence and. courage, the; m hs oswlllant an-Delta Theta vs. {?ygnus ; a 0-,7 oeok veteran inlentr er cclasred, that canflee themselves to a group or ins'titu- cort' DeltaTuD]s~s ~ -.- nowhere be lbetter learned than on the tin for thle attainment of a commton ta Elsilon: curt 2, Alpha ISiav-:.I gridi'ons. Coach Yost believes thatI goal, which means that they w~ill learn Zeta Leta. Tau.; court 3, TI..:r a D14r footall asxvel asothr atletcsco-operation, team play, loyalty andliiv.Dt ap pio 0 h should remain a contributing factor of; service. Likewise, they will cultivate 4 et im et sl&t :i (:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h lle'ge training, as the snc't will toil-ai is f etrintinl n; at; 9:,'0 oclock, Cloli t ,Dea able collegians to become better fittest power , persistence and courage, both Theta Phii vs. Pi De3,lta iii; cou~: 2 for their acdarehrsical. hi Rho o i v-. >> ' . for their careers. I"Even those who do. no, par'ticipate ,ps'- "This is the one virile American ~~l;cnt. ::~i r I ; game and it is needled b~adly in our j telesnsoesrvcfadby= court 4,ii Amrca if,' oc Ys si."'h alty~ which ipelnleates the student at-- sp nier;;a Uo ~l.(~' rmefits are derived not only by the I ephr s eul - otbal' 1, las v. hi, '0io i S ; enitrt 2, phar- tlhousfands who uly the game, but!- mica '.-s. s~oi lIits; court 3, °'eflior on2- by the mianly more tousands who twit- i talu rIJo k y giliesis vs. uIppor a1'(ito('z,; court 4. ness these conteszts. Our b~oys inl too' lower (louts vs. fresh engineers. many homdes livea life of lulxury and l- ease an dI s pend too m uch of their tim e 1frecsh fits lieste dl junior engineers, The fifth and last r rou o'n d 01 -thth o t ea y c sb o s o u o le - , T u s a ig t i t e fr t a tpn:oil e fi l ea , w ,'R eh '-- -4 % A V on he at ey cshion of t a vem-, i, tesdayanghtoin theurst gat a 1wr o bwll he hld ~l 1er. \Ye, s5(112th- to) fit them as men--real men, are the i Winebeg's coliseum. of fthe teams that \wereO S~hedld toSp i g O x vary things w hich are taught and The fresh lits displayed exepition- ;pla, hIav'e beenmunmalle to play at the! Arriving daily. Ten to oevelopedtol c lr on the football field, a al spurts at times, some of which; tinr~e scheduled ill the hiast andl will stgalr body, a keen, -quick think- might le termed real hockey. The' have a chance to play their full i dollar's. All sizes carr1Ieq- ing mind, and that uncoiquerable two {quirk brothers at the wings and to before examinations, come. Those fighlting sp)irit 'which over~comaes all iNoddle at center showed up well f )i teams that, are tied f'or the lead in' obstacles in the end. tjUio fresh engineers, while Piggott was their league at, the finish will play' "Athletic games are generally reOc- the outstanding player onl the junior between themselves in order that the' o n izedl asa necessary part of oru lal~~oso ahIa~emyb e naioascoladcleelf.A few games have been arranged'* cided, fon no two teams will enter' the ~G i~ o Thle critics of college athletics, es- i for the balance of this week, the fol- elimination series as this champio'ns3'GA hl x.,eceily footb~alr, suggest that we1 lowing being scheduled to meet each; of their league. co 1e should have less football or none at otlher: solii engineers vs. senior hits. Theefmiaton'Meni ;wilX;P117.J.9 +6P s 11-, and promoSte athletics foi' every-! tonight at 10 o'clock; medics vs. sen- the close (of the league season, t h" on.what ave the seen(lnean iorn('gineers, Friday at 5:15 o'clock.! winners of which will be presenited wha ar thir experiences in estab-, and lawes vs. soph lts, Friday at 6 :15 with a silver loving cup. lisping, financing and putting across± o'clock. such as voluntary prnegram? Those All dents will practice tonight as Try 'a, Classified Ad- it, pa ys.-- Ad v. in charge of intercollegiate athletics, well1 as any other teams that can' through the funds obtained largely conme from 5:15 -to 6:30 o'clock. Calll ro fotalhaeianeladd-Method at 783 or XCineberg's coli-F veboped a bread intercollegiate and scum for xurth~er information. R i t amural athletic prog am, based ____ on vlunary nariciptio. be- mtronize Da ily Advertisers.-Adv. 1,1( Ys go to college to obtain a bet ________ tBr. education and to beroine better' fitteod for lie. Football, as other ath- 0thaueeoTac Yu letic activities, is, and should ever no-'t ic l o h main objto of colegeltraining.me ii , a co t i u a y f c o to t iD A CSmi ob et o col g tr i i , ItM B FNshould not be m ade an end in itself, In a One Cour : 'e for then iit, loses immmcl'of the ordlin- .:, .SE',;DA-C-STUDIO , ti W A OTICE Replies to boxes C.S., X.Y., C.Z.S., W T.V., W.L., D.8, K.D., S., K.P'. are at, the :Daily Office.- - I FOR RENT ROOMS FOR GIRLS, two large, wells heated double rooms with twin beds, pleasant surroundings, house just completed. Call at 1049 Olivia or phone 1751-4. 84-2. ROOMS FOR RE~NT-For next seines- ter. Single rooms, can be doubled or suite. Shower bath, private' house. Call 1247-M after 6 p. m1. 82-3 FOR RENT-Two rooms inabeautiful ; double room. Also Student Girl wishes room-mate. Phone 1809-R. . ____________831 FOR RENT-Newly furnished, well heated, conveniently located roams. Prices reasonable. Call 2866-M. 84-3. FOR RENT-In private family, largc WANTEDB WANTED SOLICITORS FOR HIOUSE TO HOUSE CANVAS FOR H41GH1 CLASS EASY SFELLING ARTICLE, CAN EASILY MAKE FIVE TOI EIGHT DOLLARS A DAY. SPLEN- DID WORK FOR STUDENTS WISHING TO MADE EXTRA MON- EY. FOR FURTHER INFORMA- TION WRITE F. C. WVALTERS, 815 GROVE PLACE, TOLEDO, 01110. f 82-3 WANTED-Bass soloist for Chiurch-' choir, one Sunday service. Salary. Address "Choir" care Michmigan i Daily. 84-.4 WANTED--Famjily and bundle wash-{ ings. Draper Home Laundry. 032 S. Ashley. Phone 3106-F-2. 82-3 WANTED-A Rider Pen which fadls to write at- touch. Rider's Pen, Shop. 211 WANTED-To rent a garage for a IFord car, near E. Jefferson and[ Maynard. Phone 2576-J. 84 1111I South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, 'Tobaccos R?. H. Tyfe s Co.., Deuroin Dress Footwear for MYen I front room for two, pleasant and STUDENT wants young man to share warnm. Phone' 2612=R, 535 Packard.I steam-heated room. 332 E. Williams. 84 f 84 FOR RENT-For second semester, WANTED-Student and family wash- large room for one or two. Five ings. Phone 2873-M. 82-13 dollars for two. 1114 Prospect.- 84-3 T SINGE ROM or ecod sm~tr 'WANTED-J-Hop ticket. Call 71-J. SINGE ROM fr seondsemeter84 in private family, Forest Court, for f quiet, studious girl. 542-J. 84 I .I i .i FOR RENT-Attractive front suite, no other roomers. 1458-W, 84-31 FOR RENTWarm, comfortable suite, 039' Greenwood. 2863-J. 84-31 FO .RENT-Two rooms in beautiful new, home. Phone 2102-M. 83-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Law Library, 100 Vol- umet, splendid condition, reasonable price. Bargain for student or lawn- yer. George Nichols, 1006 SputL1 Milwaukee St., Jackson, Michigan. 84-3j FirOR SALE-If you want a typewriter at an unusual bargain, call 1548- W. 84 FOR SALE-DIrawing set tine pieces,1 also attachments, slightly used. $104 Mac, 2578-R, 328 E. Williams. 84-21 TYPEWRITERS FUR ROBE-Lost from sleigh on Cambridge Road, 11 p. mn., Friday. Large reward for information or, return. R. Skall, 1831 Washtenaw. I Call 2980-14. 82 D ISTINGUISHED m o d e s of patent colt and dull calf, lightly built for dancing, Tu :x- edo and formal wear. LOST-Lady's pen Monday Auditorium Store. Call Waterman fountain afternoon between Hill and University Mlusic 2448-R1 841 Oxfords shoes -- $9 up - -- $10 LOST-Grey squirrel neck piece. Find- e r please call 963-R. 84 L OST--Wy pen troubles, at Rider's of course. 21 } TYPEWRITING Have your MANUSCRIPTS typewrit- ten by experienced TYPISTS. Bid-! dlce's Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade. 76-21 TYPEWRITING wanted. Theses notes, any work, 12 CENTS a page. f2278-Wt. 84-21 SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY In the Arthur F. Marquardt Tailor Shop, 608 East Liberty Street. Mr. H. C. Mack is in charge. RUG CLEANING TRADE your old typewriter in on a Remington Portable. Machines i Rugs shampooed or dust cleansed. # .iU1