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January 18, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-18

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A61F Ar
AWN t r t a n


~ HE S. CnA;



EconomiC, Financial Matters Dela y
Further Negotiaitions at
Lausanne, Jan. 17 - (By A. P.)--
The Orient and the Occident seemed.to
be playing a game of waiting at the
Near Eastern conference; each side
appeans to be seeking to wear the
other out. The Turks,- as Orientals,
play a dead hand at this game, but
Ismet Pasha betrayed some uneasi-
ness today that he might be overplay-
ing his hand.
Turks Fear Conference Collapse
The head of the Turkish delegation
sent his secretary among the newspa-
per correspondents to see if anybody
knee anything ,about an allegedI

T echnic Issue
Both Learned
And Readable
Containing articles of technical in-
terests easily comprehensible to the
layman, the January number of the
Michigan Technic, official publication
of the Engineering College, will bi
placed on sale today. Members of the
faculty, alumni , of the engineering
college, and other men nationall
known in their field of work are lst-
ed among the contributors.
The majority of the contribut ion
I to the current number are of great
and imminent interest. Some of then,
seem to have been extended somewhat
(Continued on Page Two)

Will Defend Negative Side DEBATES LEAVE
In Debate With Chicago Team n PIIPAPOTRI

uAmericans LackU0

U11 U 1 Ia V1Iu ou 1111ii Individualism of thought and in-
terest in the bigger things of life are
Backstrom, Clardy, and McFarland the chief eeds of the America stu-
Members of Team to Invade dent of today according to the three
Chicago University European students, Hans Tiesler, Piet
Roest, and Jorgen Holck, in an inter-
NORThWESTERN TO OPPOSE ivew last night.,
: R ICIGAE RTOPPOE W Piet Roest was of the opinion that
TI!hihytates that the ra frne be-,
The Varsity debating team which s gretsiffn ce Nrw ,
ic Vrsit debtingteamtween European and American stu-
will defend the negative side of the dents is that the European students
unemployment insurance question take great interest in life, politics: and
against the University of Chicago will raego g iea tey a .in ollega.
leave at 2:23 o'clock, this afternoon,; outs eti e repa n.
#Ann Arbor time, for Chicago, where (Yout nsttieo PepTon.
they will meet the Chicago affirmative ;___________
team tomorrow night. Prof. Ray K.
Immel, of the public speaking depart-irn na i
contests, will accompany the team. LITTLE TO [H IM 1N i
Reservations have been made for iir
Members of the Varsity debatin g team who will leave this afternoo them at the Hotel Del Prado on the
n at 2:23 o'clok for Chicago to pir diipate in the annual Central League Midway. - ID a
d ea tb : 2t o 'c o c kfhr CCi c goaogp r.-an di a t e n t ewa nsa l C e n r al L e a uev eM isa yt'es.at eTi te yhc a g o a n d 'd eth we nde n u n v e rF .is . .e yBill d e f e drt em ,. H' a4 ,t rK . 'F . K F . al a r yy
negative side of the question against t he University of Chicago. From left t '25L, and Ross McFarland, '23, are the<
o right: F. H. Blackstrom, '24, R. A. McFarland, '23, and K. F. Clardy,'25L. members of the team who will make Assistant Coach Denies Report of Ap-
the trip. Backstrom who lives in Kan- pointinent ais Wisconsin Football
sas City, Missouri, graduated from the Mentor
Central high school of that city.
While attending school, there hie was OPPORTU'NITY OFFERED HERE
a member of the debatingt DESCRIBED AS SATISFACTORYt
D Clardy is from Liberty, Missouri, andI
was a graduate of the Liberty high Press dispatches from Madison stat-I
school. He was the winner of a de- ing that George Little, assistant ath-
PAE bate contest at William Jewellol- letic director, had been appointed as
lege. Since entering the Universitylhead coach of Wisconsin's football
l'ih'f~*M S Idake. lReiW Clgan ~league Tin Leslaturedrin he has been a member of the Varsity t sur i
C orreclt;3hakes, llemn t (Colleagues That Old Buildingsmt unNAt nr .ttpmoo

French, RBelgians and Italians Approve
I Order to Start Work on Ger-
inan .Forests
Dusseldorf, Jan. 17--(By A.P)-
The: plan of military operations for
the occupation of the Ruhr valley as
prepared by Marshal Foch and exe-
cuted by General De Goutte, has been
completely carried out, it was ofmcial-
ly announced at the French head.
quarters here this afternoon.
The French troops in the Ruhr now
number nearly 100,000 and the mil-
-itary authorities are prepared to take
charge of every mine tip head in the.
valley tomorrow as a protection for
the French economnic mission, which
has undertaken to operate the mines
with German labor.
General De Goutte issued an ordev
of the dam co mlitlin i nh+.,

University R. 0. T. C. And Ex-Service
Men Represented in Equal

statement by Lord Curzon predicting Committeemen to aid the committee
the collapse of the conference and
describing the possibilities of signing hairmen and assistant-chairmen in
peace as absolutely hopeless. Nobody preparing for the third annual Mili
was aware of such a statement, 'but ary ball to be staged April 23 in the
the British spokesmen have been combined Waterman and Barbour
openly pessimistic and this has reach- gymnasiums were announced yester
ed the ear of the Turks. day by Gordon M. Gale, '23L, genera.
Curzon Desires Climax chairman of the affair.
As secretary of foreign affairs, Lord The dance is being sponsored by
Curzon feels that he, would like to re- ;the Veterans of Foreign Wars in con-
turn to London as soon as posible, junction with the University R. O. T.
esipecialfy in view of the numerous C., and all of the committees were ap-
problems now surrounding European pointed with V. F. W. men as chair-
affairs. He thinks two months enough men and R. O. T. C. members serving
to devote to Near Eastern discussion. as their assistants. Committeemen
and believes things should be brought have been chosen with equal numbers
to a climax-good., he hopes; bad, if from the two organizations in each
it has to be. group.
The British plan for presenting the Schleuter to Select MIusic
treaty to the Turks has again been Aiding Jacob Hostrup, '24E, and
postponed, however, to permit a final Herbert C. Churl, '24E, chairman and,
negotiation on economic and financial assistant respectively of the decora-j
matters like the Ottoman debt, in tions committee, will be A. E. Ander-
which France is especially interested, son, '25P, and Stanley S. LaSha, '24E,
as her people hold five-sixths of the ; both of the ex-service group, 'and
Ottoman bonds. Frederick Ott, '24, and Alfred H. Rob-
Special Commission Formed ins, '23, representing the R. O. T. C.
Next week should see some, devel- Capt. Frederick W. Hoorn, assistant,
opment one way or another at Laus- L)rofessor of miltary science and tac-
anne: That a temporary halt has tics, and Ralph K. Super, '24E, will
come in the discrission of the main be aided in their work on invitations
unsettled issues was evidenced by the and programs by Townsend H. Wolfe,
fact that today's conference activities '24, Edmund K. Ellis and Warren G.
were confined to the sub-commis- CorvEdmund2.
Coyell, '24E.

y..u m.'JLLujnp mUnentl
French and Belgian arr
admirable way in whic


Work of the 1924 J- lo committee
was approved by the student council
last night in its acceptance of tie re-
port of the committee of the council
which was appointed to work in con-
junction with the representation of
the junior classes in charge of the

annual allir. Fulldetais were giv-
en concerning the election of men to
I the committee on a proportionate bas-
is, and the distribution of tickets.
Steps were taken by the council
which it is hoped will promote a bet-
ter understanding of the distribution
of tickets for the football games.
According to thi report of the coun-
cil J-Hop committee, the sale of
tickets for the affair was limited to
700, 650 to be used for filling appli-
cations, and 50 to be kept as a re,
serve to correct any mistakes in dis-
tribution which might occur. 'rh.3
tickets were distributed on a pro ratj


Must Be Replaced
(Special to The Daily)
Lansing, Jan. 17.-Attempts to pre-
dict the fate of Uuniversity of Michi-
gan requests for funds to carry for-
ward her building program for the}
next two years slid into the discard
here today as the flood of appropria-I
tion bills being introduced in the fif-
ty-second state legislature here sud-
denly slumped to zero.
Measures calling for funds for state
institutions up to today had been com-
ing in at a great rate, throwing the
main burden of work on institutional
conmir'ttees of both house and sen-
ate. This torrent culminated Tuesdayj
in the introduction of 20 appropriation
bills out of a total of 28 in the house
alone. Wednesday, however, not a
single request for funds showed its
head ,and it appeared apparent that,a
with the exception of the University of
Michigan and Michigan Agricultural

p rt~ su~p1e o UE ALe j e
debating team in the Mid-West debate carried out the operati
potta sc nofferh .dene-O arriedotte prt
of 1922. He is a member of Delta port that such an offer had been ex horting them to bear th
Sigma Rho, honorary oratorical fma- tended him by Wisconsin athletic of- weather and other hardsh
ficials was denied last night by the titude.
ternity. McFarland, of Ypsilanti, pre- coachy
pared for college at Park acaderny Lcoacs.
and had two years of college work att Little said, "I have had no negotia- Essen, Jan. 17-(By
'Park college, Missouri. He debated 'ions with Wisconsin and know noth- French economic mission
on two. teams at that college. Prof. ing about any action by Wisconsin to content itself for the
Thomas C. Trueblood of the public authorities in regard to my reported with the requisitioning
electbhion as footbalcoach. I came ready mined and brought
spakingt departmen habeencoac to Michigan with the intention of stay- face, diverting to France
ngtetwo teams.jtoFac
nthe grts Mg if I made good and I'am anxious ready loaded and destinee
Thie followving are the members of i' to remain at Michigan if I can mak~' eno fGray n
the Chicago affirmative team whom mgkterior of Germany, and po
Na- my work effective. The outlook here the present the idea of r
they will meet tomorrow night:, a h ie hmevs
Sthan Harrison, '23 and '25L, Arnold for the future offers a fine opportuni- the mines themselves.
Tolles, '23, and Phillip Wain, '23. The Further than this Little was non-P
question which will be used for the coitextha that he was well Fr, Jan. 17--(By
debate will be: Resolved, That the commital, except that he was well French, Belgian and Ita,
United States should adopt the Brit- pleased with the work and opportunj. ments today gave the or
ish hystem of unemployment insur- ities here at Michigan and of his as' ately to commence worki
sociation with Coach Fielding H. Yost. forests on the left baTh
aTomorrownight's contest will be The news that the Wisconsin Ath- for penalty for Ge inany
the twenty-fifth annual triangular letic association had decided to offer the delivery of timber as
contest between the Universities of Little the position as head football by the decision of the
Chicago, Northw'estern, and Michigan. mentor was given out yesterday by commission of December
The Michigan affirmative team will press dispatches. As far as is known
argue against the Northwestern neg--I now, the campus can remain assure Paris, Jan. 17-(By
alive trio tomorrow night in Hill an- that Little will remain at Michiga) French govermment has b
at v t i o m r o n g tnH ll . to continue his w ork under Y ost. g
itrm.TeNrhetr fira cy of requisitioningy in t

Ing both the
mies for thq
:h they havq
ons and ex-
he inclement
ips with for.
thas decid(j
time being,
of coal al-
t to the sur-
the caps al
1d for the ilmt
ostponing foij

sion's drafting further details of the William A. Schleuder, '23L, wil' a 7ptasye t e a will debate against
wi' ciiln ci(l vlih niled s thei' c eg slicings wasc habouyt to be i ive-team ildbaegintthe Chi-
project for the obligatory exchange 'fhave charge of the music and enter. ceiving cards which entitled them tocing was about to be- negative team at Northwestern GARGOYLE ISSUE
population, and which in accord has, tickets.Bgv i.OD
already been reached in principle2. k H d4,e an B. In order that the council may have Representatives to Come Here university. TO BE OUT TODAY
A special commission, composed of tokesbur me4 his a an w on- T a complete understanding of the sys- ' Institutional committees began their
one Greek, one Turk, and one neutral sist of four men from eachgroup. Th 1 ( ten of football ticket distribution, annual junketing Monday, when the
chairman, selected by the league of V. F. W. members are William McK. Harry Tillotson, assistant director of senate committee on mines left for a Delay in the press work on the
nations, will supervise the liquidation '2abroK. 24E, Harvey Eustrom, intercollegiate athletics, will be asked survey of the Michigan School of January issue of the Gargoyle that
of the real property of the immi- , . MacDuff, 23E, and Fred o meet with the council and explain Mines at Houghton, and preparations was to appear on the campus yester-
Wynn,23L.Roy E. Butler, '24E, C' t heme fully t systpmiom.. wervnalreadyaunderwaystaperonhecmuyse-
__________ G. Hall, '23E, A. C. Tucker, '24E, and ployed by the athletic office. A cont- Tuesday to Ann Arbor, to be made by day the nmbe i toay. The
J. B. Vlack, '23E, will constitute the ovrtenubr ntltdyTe.
JI1111 .0.. aCk 'deaionsitute themittee, composed of Howard J. Liv- a part representation from the Uni- v thmAIRoDES
DID T TNT IR IPaR.n. T. C. delegation. erance, '23, chairman, Walter K, versity committees of both house AFFAIR DESIGNED TO TAKE CARE will be sold this morning.
eP ns Star.ted in November Scherer, '24, and E. H. Lundin, '23A, senate. OF J-HOP OVERFLOW; WILL The issue is a "Winter Sports" numl
chairman was appointed with a view to a dis, Rumors were slipping about the RIVAL MAJOR FUNCTION ber and it deals with all forms ot
of the ticket committee and treasurer' Icussion of the work and organization legislature today that the University .. sports characteristic of this period of
of the ball. Harry L. Kaiser, '23, his of the Underclass Conduct committe h be al'owed 50 cents on the dol- Preparations are being made by the the year. Two stories are publisheda
first assistant, is supported by H. D. lehaiprsnaio fte oh-b, but no committeemen would take pause committee of the Union, fora Northward Ho which is described ase
fis assani with a representation of the spo
Freshmen of all classes'for the first i Clark, '25L, W. E. Benson, '23, Carl J sthe responsibility of predicting that formal dance to be given from 9 to a "gripping tale of the far north" andc
tii3 in the history of the University Fairbanks, '24E, and Paul S. Calkins, membes. Tht comm such would be the case. Apparently 2:30 o'clock the evening of Feb. 9, "For the Honor of Michigan" which
tin: n th hasar o the nivesityFairanksof members of thte present committee "Fotwoldb the caorose.hgn"whc
will be organized by the Upperclass '24. I an some special representatives who both house and senate University com- the same night as the J-Holp, in the also lays its scenes in the northern
Advisory committee of the Union on Robert F. Hague, '25M, and Philirp'sItmittees are -divided on the extent to' ball room of the Union. The affair is country. The latter story is a bur
Adioycmiteo h no n'Rbr .Hge 2M n hlpIwill be appointed by the presidents r ,
a plan which is purposed to uncover H. Goldsmith, '23E, will look after the of '25 literary and engineering classes, which curtailment of the University designed to take care of the overflow I lesque on a popular novel of the
talent in athletics and many other refreshments, with the help of R. E. Menbers of the council were me- appropriations should be carried, but of the J-Hop, and although it wli day.
fields. This plan will be carried out 1 Reid, '23E, S. B. Rentch, '23M, Charles Iquested to cooperate with the commit are united on one point that slicing be presented on a considerably small-
when the freshmen meet at 7:30 P. Sellards, '23, and P. N. Young, tee of the council which is working of appropriation is a necessity. Mich- er scale, will be a worthy runnin SENIOR LITS VOTE
o'olock this evening in the assembly '24E. out an official program of student ac n graduates in the legislature Here mate for the University's greatest so-
hall of the Union. : The chairmen of the various com- otaici t 'a ofsteyar have expressed a belief, or at least a cial function of the year. .MEMORIALTO IRK1
The plan, which wap drawn up by mittees and their-assistants were ap- tes for the ra in ee hope, that every cent that canbe
Jamese tatE.ey cntfhafc, 'Special music is being procured fo
amsEDuy,'24E, chairmant of the one aels oete n e Dates for tite annual spring' events -IC
as d e, i a o the pointed late last November and hav such as swingout, and capnight will spared wil be given to both the Uni- the event, and several novelty num-
upperclass advisers, is based on the been formulating general plans for scltr not oi i versity of Michigan and the Agrical- hers will bepresented. The ball roo { In memory of the late Brnard Kirk
results of experiments and ideas the affair since then. With the filling1 be determined by this committee. tyal college for their 1923-24 huilding! will be attractively deorated, the '23, the senior literary class, at their
brought out during the first semester, of their committee the details of the Npme Bard Poster Wiiners Soon iogram.t sides of the dance floor being lined meeting in Mason hall yesterday af-..
amal on the possibilities lying in more dlance will soon be worked out. Man-adIs~rWnesSo nvriyo liosCs ie
cloe assiti s ayfriendships-dansTtersirksdoth.UarsrsyBand Sy comentwas ased with palms and ferns. A regular sup-he ternoon voted to erect a bronze tablet
close associations and r nd i s The resuts of the Varsity B a d S nicm e t a r u e e e
among the members of the first year Poster contest will probably be ready today by the announcement that the t dancers at' to be placed in the Trophy room inc
class.n for announcement soni time next Uiversity of Illinois had issued a re- 12:30 o'clock in the main dining room the new field house.
Coach Fielding H. Yost, who is to [ Dweek. (Continued on Page Two) of the building. The programs will It was also announced that an af-
speak to the freshmen this evening on be of an appealing design, worked out ternoon dance will be given by the
thte merits of the plani, said of it: It' I AIllR UDE lP~JPwJ~~In leather. casi h sebyro nte
ts aniea for whch the sUniversity U ILL II EI EM usicale Program M ediocre Two hundred and twenty-five tick- nion SaturdayJan.20, from 230 t'
has long been waiting and the surest ',ets will be sold :for the affair, at $4 a 5:30. A nominal charge of thirty-five

v: Z 1 t 1 M
was announced this evenin
thousand eight hundred tons
and six hundred tons of coo
the Gemans had loaded 1b
taken and rerouted for dis
among the allies.
Berlin, Jan. 17--(By A.P.
asserted here that the difficu
French are encountering in t
have lead to differences betWt
mier Poincaire and Marshall 1
Marshall having deniandet
troops owing to the unexep
sistance by the industrial n
and that if Foch is successfi
demands the French advance
one of military conquest.

ul in his
0 will be


Contributions for the Student
Christian association totaled $837.59
last night as the result of the second
day of the drive for funds' on the
It was decided by L. E. Dooge, '24,
chairman of the campaign, that thl
time for the drive would be exteld4
to-'Friday. in order that' a more coni.
plete canvas can be made. m'be{e was
t bn nnl Ipinr in the ino~ f

possible solution to having a fresh- HINSDALE SUPPORTS MEASURE'
man class united in spirit and deriv- TO GIVE STATE CONTROL OF Matinee Musicale offered only a me-f
ing the benefits which may come only HISTORIC FINI)S diocre program yesterday afternoonj
through close intimacy and associa- in the assembly hall of the Union, and
tion among the ntembers of the fresh- Prof. Wilbert H. Hinsdale, of the one which contained no talent of par,
man: class."- i
in addition to Coach Yost's speech, 'archaeological department, expressed ticular note.
Y himself as highly favoring the bill' Perhaps the performance of Miss
and the presentation of the plan of which has been introduced in the sen-' Doris Howe was the most interesting
organization by Duffy, Coach Suli- ate by Senator Andrew B. Glaspie, of and attractive. Miss Howe was well.
wvan oe U e bxin g eam ,' Pontiac, restricting the investigationI received and sang in a pleasing mian-
teur lightweight chanpion of the S. study, and exploration of Prehistoric ner, though the first group of songs
S., Texas, and collegiate champion of and antique relics and monuments in lacked in expression and appeal. Her
tme United States in ai exhibition Michigan, exclusively to state author- tones were rich and mellow, however.:
theUnied tats i anexhbi itie
bout at the meeting this evening. Wil-ties.and her voice showed to much better,
liant Franklauser, '24L, will lead in Dr. Hinsdale said, "Since the adop- effect in the second group. "The Wild
cheers and yells. Other features of tion of a similar measure by a great ' Rose" and "I Heard a Lark Sing" gave
the program are a novelty act by two many other states, and their apparent evidence of her best tone work andi
blackface comedians, and a softshoe beneficial results, I have no doubt ; interpretation.
dance, by DeWitt Taylor, '25. but that this bill will augment the Miss Florence Welden gave two vio-'
FoLiowing the meeting, the entire I proper kind of archaeological re- lin numbers, of which the first, theI
freshman class will be divided into search throughout the state of Mich- first movement from Bach's E Major

familiar Polonaise and the .Strauss-
Schuett "Concert Paraphrase", seem-
ed beyond Mrs. Cross and as a result
her interpretation lacked in climax,
finish and tone resonance. Of the
three, the Concert Paraphrase was the
most effectively played. R.A.H.
it is estimated, will enter the
University next semester - and
seek aid from

couple. The order of preference has cents per couple will be charged. It t ri ystray nLasu cce ss vIbutiO@iJ
not yet been worked out. Arrange- is urged that seniors attend in couples, the drive yesterday for co4ributions
menufor he anceare gin cony. =were much less than the first day,
Sments for the dance are being copn- preferably. However, the admission of According to the chairman this may
pleted by the Union house committee, single members will be twenty-five ' be attributed to the fact that many
of which Lawrence E. Dooge, '24, is cents. mmen did not make reports yesterday
The following afternoon an infor- and these when they come in will
mThdae ll beggivenrnom 2:30 tArchitecture is Research Club Topic greatly swell the campaign fund. The
530 oclock. Here ordan's orches- "Recent Researches in Architecture" ; goal for the drive is $4000 and it is
tra, of Louisville, which played for and "The Unrecogniezd Government expected that this amount will b%
the opera party im that city, will fur- or State in English and American realized by' Friday night.
nish novelty music. A limited number Law", were the subjects of the two The team captained by A. D, Con-
of tickets will be available for this papers which were presented at the nable, '25, was the leading team ay
at the usual $1 admission charge. ,regular monthly meeting of the Re- the close of yesterday's drive. Cana
_search club held in the histological nable is also high man, having se-
PAINT, VARNISH INDUSTRY laboratory of the Medical building cured more contributions and sub-
TOPIC OF ADDRESS TONIGHT last night. scriptions than any other man. Tean
The club is composed of members of members will continue to see the men
E. E. Ware, '07, will speak before tme the different departments who are in- ';on their lists for today's solicitation,
iAmerican Institute of Chemical Engi- terested in research work. and tomorrow will be an open day
neering at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the and all men may solicit freely and not
Chemistry auditorium. His topic will Granito, '25, Passes Crisis keep to their lists. Many of the fra-

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