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January 17, 1923 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-17

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________________ E MICHIGAN -DAILY WDNES

. 7


On in the Bulletin' is constructive notice to all members of
rsity. Copy rereived until 8.20 'p. m. {1] " 1o I_ . tr''ay.
3 WED7NE SD)AY, JANUARY 17, 1923 -Number 83



Thre C ncets Persian March .....' Strauss-Grumfeld
ry, ~e o~Iet Helen l3lahnik
ON Scheduled T oday, Deserted ................MacDowell
_____Slumber Song ........... MacDowell
r n'n'c, 4i n,'my'ZiN ,.f Vnnrn nn

ISposa.Iizio ..... .............Lisat Accompaniments will be played by
Mary Pearl j Pauline Kaiser and Helen Blahinik.
IDuet from 1st aet of Pagliacci.......
t ..... ....Lioncavallo The Michigan calendar-limited edi-
i Anna Hinshaw Shidier tion, 75c. Take one home with you.
Winfld Adanms Wahir's Univarsity 3Bonkstore--Adv.

e Deans:
Thee'will ,a. conference of the Deans In the President's Office at 10
ck Wednesday, Jan. 17. M. L. BURTON.
n r of the Ficulty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Tob aId in the approaching discussion of the question as to the advis-
ity oa-.installing correspondence courses, the Committee investigating
mnatter has secured various specimens o correspondence study lesos
rariotes subjets used by the University of Chicago. These lessons are in
o604c and may be inspected by all who are interested.
vroity Sente% Further Postponement of Meting:
It has, been found necessary to postpone to a still later date the meet-
of .the Univrersity Senate, called for Jan. 15 and postpone to Jan. 22.
lit be held on Monday, Jan. 29, at 8 p. m., in Room C of the Law building.
' ~Secretary of the Senate.
i~t, Final Exanilnations, Coleges of Engineering and Architecture:
All students having conflicts in final examations will, as sdon as possi-
Air .out ,Completely, one of the pink crds which may be obtained in
p 218 Chemistr'y building. Cards must be filled out not later than Jan.
1923, and'left in Room 208, Chemistry building.
On or b,#efoire'Jan. 26 announcement of adjustment of conflicts wrl be
E on' the bulletin board 'near room 208 Chemistry building. It is re-
tQet4 t tems istudent sign his name to the announcement as acknow-
enenE tht he sees ad understands the arrangemnt of his conflicts.
wtors of F'reshman Engineers:
Theare' will be a meeting of the mentors of the First Year Engineering
lnto oda y at o'c!lock in Room 248.
A. 0. LEE.
Th *414ar monthly meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wed-
a,' Jan. 17't 8 p. m. in the Histological Laboratory The folowing
' Re#On Res~arohes in. Navl Architecture" by Profesor H. C. Sadler.
"tit sUnrircgnized Government or State in Engish and American Law".
'the CouIl 'Ill meet at 7:30 p. m.
T. H. HILDEBRANDT, Secretary.
atmn.t of Engosh In the College of Engineering:
The staff .of the En.ish in the College of Engineering will met for
;leon. at 12;o'lock Thursday at Foster's Tea Room.
le's -Rsea fch Club:
'2Thr. wil be a meeting of the Women's Rsearh Club on Thursday,
1,it7:30 .p.tin., in room Z 231, Natural Science building. Papers will
3,*V by Dr.-Bols and Mrs. Ehlen.
d c = e 1jsi nStudents:
here willVie an important meeting of ai'l students following the pro-
oal crricutlum in Landscape Design on Wednesday, Jan. 17, from 7 to
fi. in Roiom 404 South Wing. Kindly postpone aY other engagement.
qr e1$will meet at Natural Science Auditorium at 3 p. in. Wednesday
e-a mtion, piture of the Browning Automatic Rifle. Men in Course
v ni hove noyt seen this film will also report
c ar~e wil meet at Natural Science Auditorium ,at 4 p. in. Wednesday
0a ; moition picture on fuzes. PictureS of material taken at the Ord-
:e zu wi~lAlso be shown.
Anyohe ele who is interested will be welcome at either or bth hours,
t the ;last meeting for this semester at 7:30 Thursday, Jan. 18, there
be aide bteo n the Vubject: "Resolved, That France shuld occupy the
rvdistrct." "On. Saturday, Jan. 20, at 8 a. m. the following will go to
ksoi1 Hall to represent the society In the first elimination tryout for the
WV §t>debating teams; N. B. Johnson, Elmer' Salzman, E W. Corey, R.
:ter, Howard Taylor, Glen -Wallace.
fenta Rteeital :
04 Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the School of Music Auditor-
th.fallowing students of the School pf 'Music will take part in a. St-
t' liectal:.
Ire Flinzlay, Lucile Bellamy, Helen Martin, Helen Bahnik, ~irginia
eliMaryPearl, Anna Hinshraw Shider, Winfield Adams. Accopani-
~by Pauline Kaiser and Helen Blahnik.
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
lIbt° rgan Recital:;
1r. Earl V. Moore wil give the following program in the Twilight Or-
,S~xre" tn Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium:
So ata No. 5, C minor (Gailmiant) ; Gavotte (Wesley) ; Reverie at TwI-
t (oore); Marche Russe (Schmnke).
v... CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.

Ti rce University musical organiza-,
NOTICE- -Copy for Obis column should tions-will present concerts this after-
be submitted by' 5:30 o'clock of 'noon- and evening.
the day be ore publication. The following program will be giv-
______en at the January meeting of MatineeI
WEDNESD Ay Musicale to be held at 3:30 o'clock;
4 :00-Rtomance club meets In room; this afternoon in the Union Assem-
304, Union. bly hall:
4:00- -llop committee meets In react-I Etude, Op. 10, No. 12....... Chopin
ing room, Union.i Nocturne,' Op. 15, No. 2...,:... Chopin
4 :00-Se nior fits nmeet in room 205,: Polonaise, Op. 53 ............ Chopin
Mason hall. I Mrs. Emma Fischer Cross
4 :00-J-Hop booth distribution begins :Secrecy .. ....... .......... .Wolf!,
in Union Biterolf .................... Wolf
7 :00--Liberal club meets in' room 325, I Sappische Ode............. Brahms
Union. My Heart is In Bloom ..,. ....Brahms
'4 :1r- Twilight organ recital in Hill Doris Howe
auditorium. Earle V. Moore plays. [Concerto in E major, FirstE
7 :30-Pennsylvania club meets inj Concerto in E major-First Movement'
room 205, Mason hal,........ Bach~
7 :30-Bapfist guild cabinet meets in Rondino I...... Kreisler - Beethoven)
Baptist. Guild house Florence Weldon
7:30-Roosters' club meets in assem- To the Sun ..,. ............ Curran
bly hall, Union Cry ;of Rachel..... ....Salter
7:30-Student. council meets In room Wild Rose ................. Coerne
323, Union I Heard a Lark Sing .......... Glen,
4:30 -- Presbyterian s~udent choir Doris Howe
Imeets at Lane hall On Wings of -Song..Mendielssohn-
' :1---T,-ervice men hold smoker in... . .,. "-"... ............Liszt
Lane hal Concert Paraphrase and Waltz....
7 :30- De~olay meet's at Harris hal.............Strauss-Shuett '
' 7:30-Recital of advanced students in Emma Fischer Cross
School of Music At the piano: Mrs. W. S. Mower and
7 :30--University Chamber of Com. Miss Irene Findley.,
mremeets in room 302, Union The next concert, in the TwilightI
8:00-Research club meets In MAWt. Organ series will take place at 4 :15'
!egical laboratory.. Professor Sad- o'clock this afternoon In Hill auditor-
} lr speaks ium when Earl V. Moore of the School.
S :0--Landscape design students meet of Music faculty will, play the fol-
in room 404, South wing lowing program:

-PRICE $11.00

Virginia Brodell

Saving andSavages
When primitive man first conceived the idea of
laying aside a store of m e atwend'f ru it s for the
next meal he had unwittingly made the first de-
posit in a satvings account.

~'2:~-1.in~'Daughters luncheon In
room 321, Union.
12 :00-Dental faculty lunch-eon In
12 :00-English staff luncheon In Post-
er's team room.
4:00-Tryouts for Players' club In
room 205, Mason hall.
4:00-Phi Epsilon Nu meets in room
323, Union.
6:00-Exchange club dinner in room
318, Union.
7 :14-A lpba Delta Sigma meets "In
room 225, Union.
7:30-Bo9osters' club meets in reading
room, .Union.
7 :30-Upper Class Advisory commit-
tee meets in Assembly room, Union.E
7 :30---lpba Nu nmeets in Alphia Nu
club rooms, fourth floor, Union.
7 :30-La Sociedad Hispainiea meets in
room 203, Tappan hall.,
I 00-Christian Science society .meets
Iin Lane hall.
All fraternities and sororities, and
Iother' campus organizations nuit
have lists of members, and other
copy for the 1923 Michiganensian in
by Jan. 25. Copy should be turned!
in as soon as possible at the 'En-
sian office.
All class .officers inust have their pie-
tares for the Michiganensiani taken
a~t once as these must be in the
hands of the engravers this week.
All grou~p pictures for the 1923 With-
iganenslen must he taken during
the month of January. All frater-
#nities, sororities, house club's, and
'campus organizations must pay for
their space in the 'Ensian before
ithese pictures can be taken. Ap-
pointments should be made with
photographers direct. '
Jdumior engineers can now secure their
officia~l blouses at W uertb's clothing
store as a second shipment of 200
checkered blouses has 'been receiv-
i Try outs for tlhe business staff 'of the
Michigan Optic are asked to meet
at the offices in the Ann Arbor Press
building today between 3:30( and 5

Sonata No. 5, C minor...... Guilmant,
Allegro appassionata.
Gavotte............... ..Wesley j
Reverie at Twilight.......Moore
}Marche Russo .. .....Schminke
Students in the School of Music
will give the following concert "at 7:301
o'clock tonight in 'thc School hall : ij
Sonata, 1st movement.........Greig
Irene Finlay
Legend, Op. 17 ...... ... Wieniawslri
Lucille Bellamy'
Lees than the Dust,' from Indian Love
Lyrics....... Amy XW. Findens
Irish Folk Song........ Arthur' Foote
;Ah, Love, but a day .Mrs.' H. H. Beachs
Helen Martin
B lue Danube '.......Strauss-Mills
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