D I ' 3r, tv .Ci 'r . t ' aY '. rN f : j P ,y Four w be rimn WAaternar mark the that the season, a to judge the races of thle''ru Farrell. ed hs- me are in fir ~e l l ns V a sty Tr c Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Rho 11924 in Paris. lie will appear in a ;Al soph fits interested in class " follows: Tues. 530-4, junior ,fits, Art, re , "at js y r cClli. !meet in New York, Feb. to hockey are urged to report for 'soph nor, ,558, and fresh engineers, Vose °Jan. 18, De t.ap.pi on h _ _ _ _ __ _ _ o k y p ac i e a : 5 o c o 356-J; G -6:30, ,soph engineers, Det hi tonight at the olseum. Jones, 144, and senior -is, oe, _____________a___a:igmaZeta Psi.I tr mu alHo ke Jan. 19, Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Nu;I - - f Because o h uiu hrce announced later. varsity track relay races will shot yesterday afternoon throwing the Be,, Thea Pi; Delta Sigma Delta The fllowing hockey games are of the weather it was found advisable;w' next Saturday afternoon, in, weight 39 feet, 6 inches. ,Jvmn.2V~ Phi Camma Delta; Phi Del '- etle for to ghit: Ten o'clock, Ito str the it~c ~hceei~ Michigan Song B Veoy g ynsu. Ti il CahFr~1rnhsdsac ent pa; Nuii;KapaNu LmId C i lmj~ior its, Amner.. 58vs. fresh engi- asr a.on asi. Books, Banner and ePiiants at throgh eveal hrd unsto gt pe; u Sima u. tinas oonas pssile.Wa hr s University Bookstore-Adv. e first serious competition them in shape for the races SatuLrday fan. "3, Trig on; Theta Ci; Jan. eers, Vase, 3056-J; for Thursday; The first round will start Tuesday, squad has 'hadl so far this !afternoon.. 24, Sino ia ; igma Phi; Sigma Xi; j night, 10 o'clock, soph engineers, I at1top. in., at the Coliseum, when the _______________________ .nd Coa ch Farrell will be able - - an2,Sia Alpha Epsilon; Delta J ones, 1484, vs. senior its, Loeb, 104.: fresh fits (Quirk, IS) play the jnio( swith more accuracy after 'lids 1 :~, N psPi Pi; Jan. 26, Kap- Practices will be as follows: 'Wed-longin ers (Pigot, 27201wlV). Furtheii) 9 how the respective merits iPOI E~fFIpa Sigmai; Phi ("li; Psi psilon; 11hi nsday night, 5:15-6: 20--i edics, Ker-!elinnations ae hoped to be run offl DETROIT nners compare. II PNT 9 t~ ilo ; .lei. 29, Alpha sigma Pi; !lie, 609; senior engines, Burktte, iS th12 near future. JiTTf haPhog rciewik l l i~i apipa iSigmia ; lPi lpsilon i 13-4V :-630sphli ts, luH ruh Practice for fte teams which have 1N U enau troug aint wr-they H 1Ul . 8u, Del(a Tau Delta; Sigma Phi 29 80 Pd, laws, Storz, 2999.inet, ; yet, a schedule date will be asj nie shape for the, most part 'U Il flsilon ; iermitage; Jan. 31, Delta----- tostandthe tests of outsid(- -('hi; liii beta Pi; Feb. 1, Phi Sigmna ion. 'There will- e or1lr'}R1 itwi atover a orio f FASt'1 )WIN "F iL ~ l' ( i r' i ,c lw i A.P.)-A resolution as] to accept Henry *'ord'G purchase of Muscle uSh ed by the Lower lions( hema legislaturelate to Got someth~ing for sa: the Natly will find ftt.--~ + 3y' nnd' able~ conmpetitic races tft ter Sh I, Amft from 0 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Thir-#l ty-two ill all will compete in these races and have been traieospecialw I More 1 ihanTi40 1he:-1sare enere il ly for this event. ;T( ' -Pour 11ile First the \Vester o eeac nw iv .The prog-rami will start with a four Tournament undier theaupcsoth ;mile relay with four Wien onl a team. Ohio State bntitarail (± isi~{ Each man Twill run one mile. Bowen7 which will begin .Jaii. 7, and w ola ci weill. captain one team while Isbell tinue wntil Feb. 2 at all o," h 'n will captain the other. They Will ference school,- thatla iurina some tlie before Satwrday choose departmnents.I, four men each fromt the following: Ohio ,tate lead:; the field with ti I Arndt, Cochr an, D)aVls, Griffin, Krzy- m iost entries, hiafing 1=1, xwhile lic h-! minski, Nichiolsoni, Rea, rick, Shenelield,f gan is not far hehhid, for 11 tI earnS and VandeVisle. This race will start( will roll on the Union alik ys dur ri;g p~romnptly at 3 o'clock. the course of the t(;urni m met. MLfi-E At 3:301 a 12 lap relay will taker nesota has entored l. tm, u!M place between two team:: of fouri'mmn{rear is bi'oughl tiffiby Ii io s w itel each. M4'artin and Thiomias will be theI has 18 fraternities Oout. aftr te<.;- captains of these teams 'and wiJ, Ietecl cuip. choose four mena each from. the fol- More teams would have en tared. lowing: ,Barger, LEdwavrdsJoyner, but t itother Conference sbis c'. i- Siemans, Spodding, ILoomis, 1-mise,j thier io notlehave bowling i a a per or Prophet, and Roe'sser. else have not includedl it inu.l heir A six: lap relay will 'take place ttI Intramural program,,._ 3:45. One and a half laps for etch i Slt1IIi; C ceM,,". ia~aza ;.r mian on a four man teamn. Burl~e and OuCht of all the ratn tsthi. aves Purdy will captain the two teamsnil; anentercd, only tl.ehr!e v ch trspal- will obtain their men fromi the fol- itlcipatig ili ietO asili . ll cefr lowing:. Aldrich, Anbrey, Gotdwatel-, ;the. foers sciioi.,these, ing.elt., 1Higgins, Samuel, Simpson, flubbard,j Tan Delta, Phi Camima Deltai, < cm}it.h Wittman,. andILKnox. :Delta 'Theta. Half Milers ILast Bowling is fast 'be o ?in a popular In the last race iltu afofa two mile. mie,- ach I sport amnong the ftraternhiy 1mcen at thiif manwil rn ahaf amie. lltteI Confereynce sclooi', OTICEj REPLIEIS to ,the following boxes are in The Daily office: L.C.S., C.S., W. L., PR, W.T.V, K.D., S., TIBSON, X. ROOMS FORt RENT-For next semnes- ter. Single room's, can be doubled or suite. Shower bath, private house.'. all 1247-M after 6,p. mn. FOP. RENT-Comfortable double room ane block towards Campus, from' Ferry Field. 507 Benjamin Street. 82-2 FOR RENT-Two rooms in beautiful double room. Also' Student Girl Nvishes room-mate. Phone 1809-R. 83 FO RRENT-'Two rooms in beautiful new home. Phone 2102-M. 83-3 AUTO 31BILE S JIUPMOILE-Late 1921 touring. Mechanically perfect. $200 acres- I sories. 1923 License. Cheap for quick sale.~ Phone 1148-J. 82-2 FORT) CAR--For'sale. Winter top. Call 2574-:4. 83-2 LOST! FUR ROBE--Lost from sleigh on, Cambridge Road, 11 p. in., Friday.I Large reward for information or i return. R. Skall, 1831 Waslitenaw. Call 2980-M. 82 LOST-At the Union Saturday, night, one galosh, size 6 1-2 M. Was taken J by mistake. I have one size _5 P. Phone 476-J. 82.2' LOST-Scha effer silver pencil in Na-7 tural Science Auditorium or be-I tw(,enlthvere and Library. Return to' Daily M.-C.L. -831 LOST-.My pen troubles, at Rider's of' oorse. 21 WANTEDI WANTED SOLICITlORS POP ii0u '?' TO HIOUSE. CANVAS FOR HIGH! CLASS EASY SELLINGx ARTICLE, CAN EASILY MAKE FIVE T EIGHT DOLLARIS A DAY. Si'LEN- DID) WORK FOR STt. 'DENTS WISHING TO MAK ± EXTRA TION- EY. FOR FURTHER INFORMA-i TION WRITE F. C. WVALTERS, 815 GROVE~ PLACE, TOLEDO, 01110.j 82--37 WANTED-Family and bundle wash-' ings. Draper Home Laundry. ,32 S. Ashley. Phone .3106-F-2. 82-r, WANTED--Student and fainily wash- ings. Phone 2873-M. 82-13 - 11 11 1 1 No Written Work At Babson Institute they' make a business of teaching business to college trained men who. wish to till positions of responsibility and j and trust without spending y-cars at routine work. I Standard office eouipment through- out. No classes or lectures, but a business schedule of work from 8:30 to 5:00 o'clock. including daily con- ferences directed by men with years of business experience, and discus- sions with -active factory and office executives at their plants. This re- moves the instructic i from the hypo- thel ical stage and helps the student to lot )k at thirgs in the same light: as a Tman actually enganged in business. Babson Institute, an educational in- stitution endowed for the purpose of I fitting men for executive responsi- blities, invites you to send for the booklet, "T'raining for Business S Leadership." Write today. IBabson iInstitu.te Wellesley Hills, (5Ejtor±) Mas. PFA ' " i l . r r ' This includes o ur whole stock 4f Men's- and oys' O v e r clfi at many with. two pairs of trousers; mothin'g reserved - original tickets legit on gar- ments - reductions made at time of pur- chase. WANTED-A Rider Pen which fadls Sto write at toucli. Rider's Pen Shop. 21 TYP]E WIRLTING Have your MANUSCRIPTS typewrit- ten by experienced TYPISTS. Bid- die's Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade. 76-21. TYPE~WRITING of any kind. Prompt 'and efficient work. Phone 1541-J. 81-21 Men's Best Overcoats $1875 $37. 50 and as low as ~U I .i . , ., . _ i i Men's Best Suits $37.50 and as lo Many with Extra "Trousers 015.00 Boys' Best Overcoats $15.00. and as low s Boys' Best "' its $15.0an as low as Nearly All Include Extta rousers. $52 $4.50 z as ;. , " #, I FOULND FOUND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real fountain 'pen for exams. 21n FOR SAILE- FOR SALE'-Large chair, black Wal-~ nut desk, Ilungarian hemlock 'diii- ing room.i cabinet. Must be scih' soon. Apartment A-2, 619, E. Univ. 1393-R. - 82-2 FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size"n37. Shirt 15. Studs. x;40. Box K. P., Daily. HISCEJTiLANAOIJS 7 vo IL V: ri ((8 ._ , o_ 9 (.4 M% C nmi I I i Nob~ody$ sll.loIest 1n03ifichi- lards here onice; they are all repeaters. The more ()fitla:ndlregulaorly you play, the greater your en- I WiseMen Will. Grab Tiese fferings COOPER'S UNDERWEAR, EAGLE AND EMERY SHIRTS, RIG$TON PAJAMAS- NIGHT SHIRTS, HATS AND, CAPS, 'SWEATERS, BATH ROBES, GLOVES AND MITTENS AND ODD TROUSERS ARE 'NOW reduced 20% Do not hesitate a moment, but come early and get in on FirstChoice. I ~ AL- 4 70E Plain or fancy work, also r'eoeiio l.z .Phone 140)-iR.a 4 ,4 S9TLLSFri. 'JCXGA1R.s CANDIES PIPES LUN iCtJIS SODAS .le try 40treat you ri $ht'j TA UD TERMS CASH Fashion 'Park Clothiers NEXT TO WUERTH THEATER ALTE RATIONS KAT COST ANNOUNCEME NT-Do you know that Rider's 200 drop capacity Master- pen is the most popular pen on the{ campus? There is a reason. Call i LOS".T--Leather glove. Call Zinn,I Qql~ ;s= m i~U :i IC22M . _k f : s; ... . , m