* £I£ L ...Alal'..l ll%..A ALV LLE .L. 1£ .:.- ! F i' Virr yrr OMNI r z ..w.. ....... ........ ,,,... ...., r.. .. .. .. ' i.,J 777 ICHIGAN COURT TEAM SUFFERS INJURIES ON VWEEK-END ROAD TRIP' l Y 5 YI / YYiI Y M '! i mCIi s im h;cut4ap Theta. Pi vs'. Hermitage; court 3, Sig- 1~ Beta Psi vs. Kappa Nu; at 10 o'clock, K TEMWO K court. 1, Lambda Chii Alphia vs. Alpha t Tan Omega;: court 2, Delta Sigma P 31iD TDS~ EEK Sigma; court 4, Phi Mu Alpha vs. Nu i9T 1 E K playing together. Probably m ore sear-, arrangements are merely tentative. It, ing would have lone if it were not for i s hoped that -.n interesting schedlule the fact that "Old Sol" wanted a liEt- b llIe engineered lbecause hockeoy tie of the limelight dluring the past st~ock 0on the campus has risen in week alnd thereby liayed havoc with leaipsand bounds and the sport bids the lee. Several times Eddie ahn lU fi to take its place in the athletic or Captain Macfluff would snake theE spotlight. of the University. t (eiptain ly and Cappon Both Hurt 1in ( gHe.Tr ,Aai1 nst HaivE es. FIELD GOAL IN, LAST- FEIV SE~I JS LOSES IOWA TILT Carrying the scars of 2a terrific bat- Gi at Iowa City the Varsity basketball- squad arrived hoine yesterday after- ~nprn from the first western trip of theu 1923 season with an easy victory over Nfinnesota 'Saturday, night anid.a heart breaking last minute loss tc Iowa Monday night for the next edi- tion of the recordJ book. It is doubtful if a Michigan basket- ball. team ever played-in a more-slam banrg encounter than the one at the western school Monday night. It was a see ;ya affair frooi the first wistle until the en'd with both fives fighting' desperately, for the advantage. Mich- igan amnassed A five point lead near the end of the game and seemed well- on the way to her third successive Con- ference victory but a Hawkeye, field goal and two free throws cut down the margin to 17 to 16.' LonK Shot Wiis- Game ,Wt0 .25, seconlds to play and Mich- igan -holding' a one point lead there wvas ti jump just in front of the Wol- vcrnue bench which wvas situated in alfout the middle of the court. Burg- itt suceceeded in taking the ball on the jump and. passed to Manse who re- turned to ;Burgitt who. had Moved even back of- the position. where he had jumped for, the. ball. The Nawkeye center with 'no opportunity to work, the ball down under the basket for -a shot and the timers already to fire the closing gun shot -from his position in mid court and the ball- dropped, from the back board into the hoop{ for the deciding counter. Iowa has a strong team and one that should go far in the Big Ten race' but on form alone Michigan should have lead Monday's game.' 'neither Coach: Mlathe r or .any of his. men are mak- ing alibis :nor decr'ying Iowa's strength or hlei' Delforrnnce of iMonday. They realize that the Iowans received the lucky break that so often wins. games and are planning. for the return visit of the westerners here Mar. 3, Injuries Handicap T~eAjn~ In. addition to the blow of the Iowa, loss, the team received two costly in- juries which, iftht~ey -prove'-as serious as " feared,: will,. be almost fatal 'to championship hlopes:.Cappon sustained} .a-,everely bruised heel 'near the end of, the Minnesota tilt Which prevented Will fronm W~l1ing. for thle.%reniader of. the tine ,and lm'hy keep, huxn'out oft play for the rest of the week. Capi- ta n ly received injuries at .Iowa City, the extent of which have not been, aserttained' as yet. A broken collar bonae is feared by menmbers, of .Zhe squfad a. this would keep the Wolver- Ine'.Jeder oukt for at least the rest of they, semnester. .Cappon's absence in the Iowa game nm iy have had. something 'to, to with, the final result. It has been Mather's plan of attack' to keep alternating3 Paper and Kipl e in order to keep the !attack speeded uip; they. are his f"punch." With both of these men forced to stay in. for the entire game they were not as well able to burn things tip as they usually are andl ash ta result the Maize and Blue attack may have Been slower at times. Also, Caippon- is a tower, of strength under the basgket and few teams have been able to take the ball off the back I board, from him. .lather Says Iowa Wton, Coach Mather had lit tie to say about' the Iowa game when he returned yes- telday outside- of the fact that it was one ,of tho bast lie has ever seen. The coach has nothing but sincerest praise for the I'Iawkeye team and believes that It will. be a difficult proposition to dislodge Iowa from its present com- manding position in the Big Ten race Ini as mucht as it has an easy sched- uale with the exception of the 'other Michigan 'game and two clashes with Northwestern. Other teams which Iowa meets this year are Indiana,. Chicago, Minnesota, and Ohio State. Michigan will meet M. A. C. at East Lansing Saturday night in the see.- ond of the annual series between the tnstitutions. 'With Northwestern biledtfor. Waterman gym Monday niJght 11-ather nlans. to take no chances on any more; of hiis regulars, having two out now, and will send the entire second string outfit against the Aggies. Ptirple Presents BirObl em North western - presents the problem of the Conference at the present. Victories over Ohio State and Purdue have given the Purple great prestige. all around the circuit and cgacles are beginning to plan for them ahead -of time.. Four letter winners fromn last year and one from two years ago are the men who compose the. first five and have been working miracles for the Evanston school. Intramural Items court 1, Alpha1 Chi Sigmna vs. Beta- Clhi; court 2, D~elta Tau Upsilon vs. Delia Chii; court 3, Phi Delta Kappa vs. Sig-' ma Niu; court 4, Phi Beta Delta vs. Phi Clii; at- 6:30 o'clock, 'court 1, Del- ta Alpha Epsilon vs. Psi Upsilon; court .2, Phi CGamma Delta vs. Tpau Epsilon Phi; court 3, Pi Kappa Al-+ pha vs. Alpha Rho Cho; court 4, Phl Delta Theta vs. Cygnus: at 7 o'clock, court 1, Delta Tau Delta v Phi Del- ta EAsilon; court 2, Alpha Signia vs. f eta BetaIt'au ; court 3, 'Theta Deltal I 't Ii I ' i I l SighmNu. Tomorrow night will' finish the fourth round and the following teams are seh-........tv.I- .:it n' In~f ---- '"puck to within scoring dlistance only, Coach B3arss Coovi it ,After" Wiseon- to have their attempt', foiled by thei Irish Execute Four sin Series Tha't Hockley Squad tricky ice. Footing, was unsure and I )ubfin, Jan. 15-(By A. P.)-FourF Needs C (onsiderable Pracile this hadl its effect on ther. Badgesrsas men were executed at Rosecrea and Iwell as 911 the Michigan team. on! tCrob h Fe tt oen TENTATIneERANAXE EN t 4 nesureofstsfciob ande ent today, it is officially announced.: FAI)E POR GAEtS THIS WEEK the work of the veterans MaLcl)uxff The charge against thema was pos- + Kahn, and Comb, was the playing of Iestno rs the wing-s and the center'. Beresford, ... O rs Coach Barss has this Varsity hockey Anderson and H-enderson, although itj squad working out daily this week !Was their first game with the Varsity,'" after their welcomed victories over the a v v i e n e o f a l i tl n c r t a n "vi s o sf e x e t e A n t e . t w i n e o r dlin a r y a b~ ilit y a n d w i th a m pt le ex - series last Friday and Saturday nights p~erience should prove valuable matir-1 at the Coliseum. ial. Lindstron, at center, in 5suite of Although hockey fans dlid not ex- the handicaps of lack of exe rience 7 pect the team to lose both games they aInd the tbad ice, showed what coot-I were more than elatedl to see the t dintation. in athletics means. Int one' Wolverines make a clean sweep.] or two flashes lie surprised[ everyone, Coach Barss is satisfied with the re- by his quick action andl readiness. suit: considering the conditions but !a ly ohr he saw several things which 60onvinc- Thei3'e is nothing definite as tioI IM POCR-" W''qOL F 95C A R 3 PRS. FOR DONALEI FED JOSE AIR 1 $2x75 )SON rmr rrr _ Chii vs. D~elta Kappa Epsilon ; court 4, Delta Sigma Delta vs. Delta Ulpsi-j loni; at 9:30-o'clock, court 1, Delta Theta Phi vs. Phi IDelta 'Chi; court 2, Phi Rho Sigma Vs. Sigma Alphat Ep- silon; court 3, senior lits -vs. upper dents; court =i, junior engineers vs.; sophi engineers; at 10 o'clock, court 1, lawes vs. junior fits; court 2, phiar- ° mics vs. soph1 lits; court 3, senior en- I gineers vs. upper architects; court 4, lower dents vs. fresh engineers. Tlhe fifth and last round of the tour- nament will be held next week, sched- ul obe announced later. Also, some of the teams that were scheduled to play 'have been unable to play at the time scheduled in the past and will have a chance to play their full - quo-! ta before examinations come. Those teams that are tied for the lead in their league at the finish will play,- between themselves in order that the champion.; of each league may be de- tided, .for no two teams will enter the elimination series as the champions of their league. The elimination series will follovI the close of the league season, the winners of which will be presented with a silver loving cup. PliESHMAN GYM LASE WILL BE TESTET) AG;AINY ~Freshiman gymnasium classes be- ginning tomnorr~ow will be put through the second series o'ff physical efficiency ftests in an effort to ascertain what improvement has .been made during the..course, of the semester.. The re- suits obtained will be compared with the performances of the freshmen in their tests given at the start of the school year.. - Three groups, of examinations will be given tomorrow -in chinning, broadI Jump and shot,..put. Dr.' George A. May,, director.- of Waterman rgymna- slumn expects. to have completed the: entire second series of tests b~efore the! end of next week. j oyal Engagement Announced London, Jan. 15-(By A.P.)-The!1 engagement of Prince Albert, the Duke of York, second son otf King. George and Queen Mary,. to Lady Eliz- abeth Bowes-Lyon, is announced in a court, circular Issued -today. i k ed nhi-nat plenty of practice ri illJ garnes this week end. It wvas expected be needed by his, men. Neither of the th~at the teami would play a two. gamnej teams last week end showed aniything i series at Wisconsin and then journey like 'organiszed team Wo~rk or simooth' to Alinneapolis for a two me en- comilhations. This ,is easily explained! counter with Minnesota on the fol- by the lack of pac tice of baothi aggre- lowing Mondlay and Tuesday but these gations. Second Gamime Shiowy4 linproveinent The work of the Wolverines in the second game was somewhat of a rev-:; 'W e: Use the Most Approvedi elation compared .to their work on the Sse fTahn preceding evening. The men seemied ' BALLROOM DANCING to understand each 'other', style of HALSEY'S -DANCE STUDIOS play and wer'e more accustomed to___________________ IINT.ELLIGENT AND INTRETE i I . P'hone 525 .FORB. EXPERT P LUMI R.S WM. HOCHR EII 211 SouthFourth Ave. v r Your '-bank should be sound; accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. Spring Suits That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK have aarved 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. 'STATE ST. -The fourth round of the fraternity l and. class basketball schedule will be held tonight and tomorrow night, tho gaines to be lplayed in the followinj rder: at 6 o'clock tonight,- court 1, upprer inedies: vs. fresh engineers;jI Scut2 , Psi Oinega vs: Phi Tau; court 3, Phi Sigina Delta vs. Acacia; court 4, Chi P~ti vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa; ,at' 6: 30 o'clock, court. 1, Alpha Delta, Phi vs. Sigma Phi- I~silon; court 2, Delta Sigma, Phi vs. Sigj'mna Delta Kappa; court 3, Phi Sigma. Kappa vs. Alpha ( Chii Rho; court 4,, upper medics vs. f'resh engineers; att 7 'clock, court 1, IAlpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kapa Psi; court 2, Xi Psi Phi vs." Phi Epsilon Pi;, court 3, Beta Phi Delta v5. Tnigon;,' court. 4, Tracker I-ouse vs. Thieta ki;, at 9:30 o'clock, court 1, Sigma Delta l'i vs,. Phi Kappa Si gma;> court 2, Betas am" MMM nowpwmwwAu MWAMOMMOy As usual, Ole itform tailors have outdone everyone else and wear prepared to, shbw. you our spring suits. There is positively no. excus~e Fin'est 'that's .made!' for One being shabbily dlressed CakDelicioudsly Frosted, IlOc while we are offering sucqult I suaits ,as we are at present p:rices. if you are not redy-to buy .come down"an jst lo."We'll be'glad' t i tve you. 110 01 .11 I 11 I I '' - 0 1 1 1 1 ." . I ,:, - . I x ' I. +r GA ENNAN HE cake itself is tasty and light; the Ifrosting Is r I ce and plentiful. 'At leaist two diff erent kipd, every day. Ideal as desert. Served in pieces of geneerous size. 10c. Corduroy, Reefers We Wish especially to call your at- CUSTOM TAILOR I r tention 't "o oz u r corduroy reefers. We thin k you will be interested. Tuxedos Evening- Clothes Golf Suits SATISFACTION +, WHENEVER YOU THINK OF MENUS CLOTHES! THINK OF Michigan Cafeteria Nic6kels Arcade Tom Corbett 6, 12 East Liberty 116 EAST LIBERTY ST. I. i !' MI wo- l $35.00 W !e have just received and placed! on sale at the above prices - 24 norfoalks - 17 spwl"I.Is suits and 118 sac, Suits. $4.00