;'THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDESAY ? { {_Mhooks. More than that, some Stu- aitp in 3 dents are forced to sit fifteen ors '° t ~twenty rows, away from the profes- g OF FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE sor, which is' more than the average; UNIVEPRSITY OF MI1CHIGAN person is willing to .do at a theater Futblished, every morning except Monday w r en he goes merely for pleasure. IAE dutrian the Univereity year by the Bo ard in ;Snch a state of affairs can continue x r TE PM1'T Conttbl of Studet Publications. temporrily, but its indefinite exten- k i lid r of Western Conference Editorial Sion, which would be implied in the "Les Miserales" Association. failure of the legislature to make an Snow on the Campus, 'The Associated Press' is exclusively n appropriation at this time, might haveI Squirre&;s in the trees, a itled to the use for republication of all disastrous effects upon the type of Co-eds with boots on, a sws ise ae credited toi rntote-fonaseceie.t this paper and the local student who will be sent out fro Men with sock to their knees.k trews published therein. the University to carry on the busi-; Entre atth potofie a An, rbrness and government of the state and Frosh 'with their pots on, ,Micereanat tcoclsofinatAn.Abr nation within the next few years. Even Flying soot in the air, Subscription by .carrier or mnail, $3 So. more important, it may con ceivably be Ylo oso h aps card Street. tecueo epn wyfo h Sophs with grease on their hair.; Phones: dI~torial, 2414 and 176M; Bus- University hundreds of out-of-state ness, g6o, young, men and women who 'because The flag on the flagpole,4 Communications. not to exceed goo words of taking up their residence in Mich- The front of U Hall,'-# if= sigoed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidenice of faith, igan following their grauation, be-a The smell of the Chem Lab, Sur notices of events will e published in come decided assets to the entire The list of Exams on the wall b libte Daily at the discretion of the tditor, i #et at or mailed to 'The Daily office, Un- State. algned communications will receive no non= President Burton assure us that in Thjih efr ias } deration. No manusript vll be returned Tengtbfr ias ttnlas the writer encloses postage. The Daily order to carry on the building pro- Thick pipe smoke in the room, o 4cce not nesessarily endorse the setimens gram effectively and .adequately, he hurried up breakfast, r aepressed in the communications. ~f= _______________ can get along with no less than the I Tecmn eln fdo E TOILHAFamount that has been asked for. Sure- t;h oigfeln fdo Telephones 2414 and 116-I1: ly no less should be allotted.I An E± on those Blue Books, ; --Only a word need e said about the1 The Dean's letter to dad._I MANAGING EDITOR tUniversity Hospital. It is true that it Ie wish we had studied more a MAION'B, STAH L 44 a jUi:fv-at .r,,~~iti+, ln. wever, And ?lad let her be mad. it s a training suhxAi for the educa--R tne V Dew's Editor..........Paul Watzel , Rgit. CityEditor.........Jines B. Young tion of young physicians, specialists * * * Asssttit City Editor J)Jaon Ker and nurses; it is a laboratory for the I Dar ! ,7 Editorial Board Chairman...... R. Meiss Night .Editors- advancement of medical sciences; Wil you kindly lay to 1 side all ex-.t Ralph Byers H~arry 'Hoey and, more important than all else, it tr odjke bu lacn, uc L. J. llershdorfer R. C Moriarty tr odjksa tttarcnpc aIT A. Donahue J. Mack is a place 'where peope froni all overdrnigevin r.ltehus rtens Edi't...........ian.MPike the state are receiving expert mthIetc., Tor isein Th Daily Hp -tx-d Conference Editor fl.. . B.13 Grundy; cal treatment at a very nominal 1ta''? Here's the dpc: First wtionC Music H3tr, ,H Ailes c ehrge. The present buildings are vill come. ot abot Mdnight and willu WA toria 1oard worse than crowded. Nothing moreI contain a it or 17, inch co. of Rolh. f; 'wt 11 I ~i, e i :frxnt need be said of the necessity of com-' ens.. l.tul~tixa<-1or mavhclP they would be glides. S5e- Assistants ploting this new building, the shell of deiinwl pernIh tet Thelma Andrew Portia Gouilder which has been standing idle nowfor in the morning and will telI again. 7.. A. Bacon Ironald [ialgrim svrlyas Stanley M. Baxter isr"ankin 1) .llpburn svrlyas your squibs which first appeared at Dorothy Bennetts Wvinc na A, Hibbard With all these facts perfectly ovi- midnight Sidney Bielfield lEdward J, liggns Rd: A. Billington lizabieth Lieber~ann ous we cannot but feel that the leg-, Enuf--May the Hop extra humor a aHelen Brown John McGinnis islators of the state will reaize that clb ~ oda h eto h " I. C. Clark Sarnycli Moorecobeagodsth rstftec A. B. Connable M. 11. Pryor ranting the requests of the Univer- wty Bernadette Cute W. B Raferty g' ipla"per. WtY Cvelyn I. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsay sty will not be inconsistent with a*** Wallace F. lliott Cambell Robertson p~licy o" economy, and that mony i- If W4aty hy n ticket to the Nop " oseph Epstein J. W. Ruwitch M axwell Fead Sofl . Sonman vesto~d in the University ,at this time, he will fee plenty of jokes at dns,- T. E Fiske W. .Soeman i ai not be a burden on taxayers but" A. P. Webbinik Frederic G. TelmosI in, etc.H JohinatS Garli Gaghiuse~odpe, Philim.A Wag~ner a cetain means to the betterng o Spaing ofth Hpadaes e WatrS -odsed___________Itheir general conditions. Sekn ftheHpansae BUSINESS STAFF For that reason we shall be glad to IFMU AE Telephlone. 960 weloome the University committees of Romeo anj Juliet BUSINESS MANAGER both houses of the legislature some- Blind ALBET J PAKERtime in the near future anal show them Dromedary - ALETJ AKRfirst-hland that the University i ask- 'Amn jAdvertising..........John J. Hamel, Jr. ing of the state only that which it ab- 192TmLvlprne first poem. A~vetsing:..........Edward F. Conlin 9.*TniLvelprne Advertising..............Walter K. Stherer so'utely .feeds, and upon which it can *e Copywririmg.............. ,iaV ii J. Al. 1dan give the Wg:1hest returns for the sums ~ utb h neeti h rn Accounts ... .......Lawrence H. Favrot jCirculation'...........ownsend 11. Wolfe appropriated. cipal-" Publication .............. L. Beaumont Parks s a*' ° ~~Assistantstlr Kenneth Seick ,"than S. Morton THE IfT OF A FIIl:NIJ D 1ee !! , George Rockwood James A. DryerWith anocmmtoth u- IsebandtinCDhtRoo Perry M. Hayden Win. H. Good ihteanumetofte"u- IsebandtinCDhtRde Zugene 7i. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman stantial gift of Mrs. L. W. Olipant, Va~elino "refuses to act as a matteri WonGrnih, Jr. Henry Freud. the Union has achieved another step of p jn Itoti a JonC,. Has kin Herbert P. Bostickofpilla DutIshttwsa C, L. Putnam. D. L. Pierce towards. the completion of its swim- matter .of interest? .GASGAS 1"," D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy Herbert W. Cooper J. 1. Sanzenbacher ming pool through a ource other than i *s * °Wallace lower - Clifford Mitts: tdn raun usrpin h William IF Reidt. Jr. Ralph Lewright -studet oraaumni suscriptonseTh Hlarold L*.' Hale Philip Newal gnrst fMs lihn.i se IerRaigAyLwl Win. D. Roesser gnroiy*fMr.*lpan s*se cially gratifying in that she is not a _________________________ Igraduate of the University, but she is Summner, Fall, Witer and Sri , a frien d w h o has its interes ts at h eart '"rhre r en g a s Iand the mother of a student attending Summeer-ehega WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, hee.Gee2ras - ----So far the Union has been able to Buileautiful green gas Night Editor-JULIAN ELIs MACK, raise only half of the sum required Beuiu1lihgengas ----- to finish the -pool, an urgent need for Beautiful bluish grass green grass. CAN w1-; RE1)UCEI which is constantly being felt uponI Word comes to us from' Lansing !the campus. The recent recogniition Fall--O the grass.c thsmrigta rset ~of swimming as a Varsity sport makes Yellow grass.' it Imperative that a proper pae for Dedy, o grass. state legislators point to a material! practice be obtained if the newly se- Sad dead yellow grass.c °Srash in the $7,727,000 appropriation lected coach is to develop a swimming ,$ad dead grass yellw grass. i which has been requested' by the Un- team able to maintain the standard varsity administration in order to' of accomplishment set by Michian inr Winter-Play in the snow.t keap its building program! moving, other fle'ds of athletics. Aside from this i. White tsnow.t Every Michigan student and faculty fact, hundreds of students who ency' Fluffy wite snow. I mermber ,pauses for a moment at no- I swimming as a beneficial recreation Fluffy pure white snow I tice of the announcement to ask upon are deprived of indulging in the sport Fluffy pure snow white snow. What grounds a reduction in the ap because the University possesses no I propriation cou'd be justified. tank 'to which they can resort.I Spring-Alas the snow Upon reading further into the arti-' A sun: of $25000 is still to be ras- Dirty snow.t ele and learning the motives which ed- before plans for the completion ofI Slushy dirty snow.1 might prompt the prophesied action, the pool can be carried on. No doubt Slushy gra~y dirty snow. the samxe- persons. are ready to agree the University has other friends such Slushy gray muddy dirty snow. 1 that the body of legislators are . ni-j as Mrs. Oliphant, who if they realized But it will rain.c tived by admirable intentions; na-me- I how appreciable a 'service they might I l y, to guard the interests of the Poo- render by aiding the Union to cornY-' Summer will come. pie of the staite and to reduce the °ratc plete its swimming pool, would whole- Green grass.1 of taxation-a perpetual. thong in the heartedly lend their assistance. Stu- Beautiful green grass.I side of the property holder. With the dents and alumni of Michigan who Beautiful bluish green grass. idea of conditions clearly in mind, theE know such friends of the University' Beautiful! bluish gras~s greenz University fairly enough is willing to might well acquaint them with the grass. say, "Let usa again look at our *re- great benefit they are in a position; Hurrah for summer. quec:t and see if we are asking an. ex-, to bestow. sED orbitant sum of money in considera- ___________ * * * tion of the fact that the money must Just about this time many profes- Can be sung as a round, as "Fire,.I come from the 'pocket of the propertyi sors will announce to their classes the : Fire,* pour on water.' holder." 1, advice that the "best way to study for ** Whe are nowv in the midst of a great final examination~s is to go to the mov- ! Just an adi in The Daily bluilding program. Out of the appro- ies. Tragedies are commendable ] priation which was granted two years brain-stimulants, are they not? Yes-- PUNCH!z ago, the administration has taken al- they are-not. The same as we furnished the Hop;1 mnost unbelievabe stridq;, toward the - last year con'pletionl of many buildings These ' Tuck me to -Weep in my old 'tuc- Let us supply the drinks buildlings are, however, at the stage ky home" croons Broadway; "Broad-, One glass calls for another. where they are wvithout value so fari way Rose, I Love You" chants Dixie- WE GUARANTEE PLENTY OF KICKf as scholiAtic purposes are concern*1 land. And still there are those who "x I~ and -whfere a sudden break in the con-I say that the Wounds of the Civil War If the guarantee is FULLfiled calll structb,) oft them -would cause 'a se-! have not yet been healed.' for the first glass. riowusa inan.cially. From that ---____ _____ *1 standpoint failure of the legifslature toa The punsters must have had a good I had waffles for breakfast this . grant; the needed funds would serf-! time Tuesday when The Daily an- morning. olisly endanger the investment: that nounced that the 'tank coach" had ar- They made me home-sick. has already been made by they comn- , rived. We have Vacuum Cup tires on our 1 monwealth. That fact alone justifies,3 car. Ex-Edit 1 -the requtiet ')f the University. fort- Latecat market report: Michigan,* enough monney to. save its present Out-; lambs cram full of knowledge as We were in a street car and youth lay. "faculty bears" corner blue-books. and his girl friend got on and sat TChen, we are constrainedI to view the Idown across from us.IE We hoped. 'for a dramatic conclu- siou, but when the popcorn was all -one, and the car hadn't moved yet, They got up and LEFT. peregrine pickled 0 ., * *; ._____ . ,..~ ' O]F '.3 I' NG B OKC Blue-.books coming on again know. Rather troublesome. You :: , 3 0 The reason for. someone doing what I someone did is because the other just ain't. Caligula ain't. Iam. CAMPUS OPINION 1 Editor, The Michigan ,Daily: Sixteen students resign their places on the Sunday Magazine. They rep- resent the best literary ability on the campus. They resign and sacrifice their literary future at the Univer- sity. The managing editor of The ; Daily states that they have no griev- ances. Why then did 'they resign? (T n as a right to know. W hy9 l re th(-.,sixteen notAllowetl to cx-C o,''> th~n'-vc- -~xq 41i a few iluUful tatenienzts o"1 the two or three anonymous weaklings who may have been won back by promises ofj rewards? The editor accuses the Sun-, day staff of beirg undevhanded. lo~w could they help being underhanded under such a. system of repression? Let us have 'faiir p'ay. E. V. H-EILBRUNN. OT] IsT0RE-- . ao. Slow-motion pictures; sorority sii-E teiv cr osingdiagonal. - Patronizo Da;ily Advertlsers.--Adv.j DETROIT UNITED LINES 1 -Ann Arbor and Jackson TIMIE TABLE (Lastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-- 6:00 a.mn., 7 :oo a.mt., 5 :oo a.m., 9 :or a.im. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Anti Arbor)--9 47 a.ml., amid every two hours to 9 :47 p.m. Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo am. E and( every two hours to 9 :oo p. in., z:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-i s :40 P., m :is a.m. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bcund-7 :5o a.mn., 12:10 I.rn.! To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim- ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m-, 12:47* 2:47, 4:47 P.M. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47, p.m. ttC-' Was tchat a Ktornado or 0T I 9 d 'for, The Michigan Daily There is a gnr'1 feling on the campus that The Daily should printa a staij-yeat from the editors o the din'ty Sipplement givng te reason for their resignation. Various garbled accounats of their action have been printed or noised aout from unrelia-;- blel sources In the interest of faire play, the prsons most deepy concern- ed should be heard from. H. H. BARTLETT.! ~I WH'N 1DOCTrORS TI SA it~d iNew York Times) Two higher educational doctors speaking on thle same date, one in New Jersey andl the other in Ohio disagree1 in their therapy thoughi they 'cannot 1 disagree in diagnosis, for the' symp- - tomrs are obvious. The -universitiesi and colleges are crowded. A few - years ago this would not have' been- regarded as a morbid state. Collee and university presidents were going up and down the land as missionar- ies seeking students and s pport. Whether as a result of their I peals or of the obviotis advantage whh th co~lege mlan had in the war (as Dr. H-ibben suggests), the students have increased beyond tho endowments, buildings, equipment and teaching fa- cilities to take care of them. Dr. Thompson of the Ohio State univer- sity, the dean of university Presidents of the Middle West, thinkis that what is needed is simply more buildings, more °extensive equipment, better 'teaching. The mediocre have a right to a higher education as well as the brill ant.lHe even gives hint of a public "impression", that every high school graduate has -a right to a col- lege education, along with life, liber- ty and the pursuit of a~piness. Make the suppy meet tie demand, is the prescription. Pesident H-ibben of Princeton, on the other iand, reviewing the growth of his university during the last eleven years, hoJds that the preservation of intellectual vigor can e attained only by restriction. listead of using alum- nii orgaiza Lois to '"induce'' boys to come to Princeton, his university Is now faced with the problemn of limit- ing; its enrolment~ Dr. Hibben's pre- scription is the elimination of the mediocre. Thus the two schools of educational medicine are illustrated by these two eminent doctors. A quarter of a century ago there was no disagreement becar'se neither the public university nor the private col- lege was crowded It would be an unfortunate evolution that would lead to a difference between public and private institutions in their educa- tional service to a democracy. In this connection it is interesting to note that Dartmouth College, which has long since outgrown the little col- lege that Webster made his auditors weep over, has enewed the restric- tive prescription of last year, making "intellectual capa city indispensable", I but requiring, beyond that, evidence of positive qualities o chaacter, a widle range of interests and capable Performanace in school activities. Be- sides, . parental occupations and geo- graphical distribution must enter as factors. Happy is the youth who has elected parents of the right occupa- -;,_ .- 1"--- ,--- ~ 1923 JANUTARIY 1923 1 2 3 4 a 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2>t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 We do all kinds of Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at lowi prices for HIGH CLASS WORK. FACTORY HAT'STORE 617 Paekard Steet Phone 1792 ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schednme in Dffect Octob~er t8, 1922 Central T~rme (Slow Tlime) OAl .A.M. P.M1, . M ":45 7:45 . Adrian .... ?2:45 8:45 ",,z, 8:1r ..'feculnseb ... 12:15 8:15 ro8:31t. Clinton .. .. r2:oo .8:oo ; 5 9:15 ...Saline . 11.x:15 7 :15 (Court How,e Square) A. M. D--Daily. X-Daily except Sundays ant Holidays, Friday and Sauirday spe.cia 'inns for studlents leaves Adrian 1:5 leaves ,,n Arbor 4:5 HRJ MAKE THE HOME~ . COMFORTABLE ( ~Through the 'Winter We can furnish you thef material' for; a storm housq on that porch, easily put up, and that can easily he stored 8away + ~for the summer.; ' ~Let us give you an estimate on storm 1 sash, storm doors and that storm house: ?. ~We have stock sash and windows' thatr Y ~will enclose' that back 'porch.' JAMrS HIFLLLIOTT, Proprietor ll.iorc 9z6-M A&'rian, Mich. oLtd. /4', ~ HILL & FIFTH .STS. - EIN8ERGl'S COLISEUIM. bFPHONE2278 R. I STEAMSHIP AGENCY I ALL PRINCIPAL OCEAN- LINS Rieservationis, 'Tickets, Tours, !Crulises C. E. I{IEBLERf ('01 Iist Huron - Phole i~g8-t- ry f4 ' Ytdi. a . hetre OF THE ni ii 0T E THIS IS THE MOT C,,MPf"LETE STUDENT THEATRE IN AMERICA AEID OPERATED BY STUDENTS, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT 9 04 the University. Fri- a an, a~urda~ THE MIMES REPERTOI RE COMPANY PRESENT 13thCHAIR B AYARfqD.VEILLER A Mystery Drama full of thrills and comedy. A play that has stood the test for four years The best drama of its kind ever written.' A MOST COMPLETE PRODUCTION EXACTLY AS SENTED IN NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA, PRE- ETC. Students MAIL ORDERS NOW - Send check-. and self-addressed stamped envelope- All Seats Reserved. PRICE $1.00 Friday and Saturday, Jan. 26 and 27, THE MIMES RE.PERTOIRE COMPANY PRESENT "THE CLOISTE"