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January 17, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-17

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0 m



Prof. Noi
troit conlse

lr~ft TTTcQrI1 ?N"d T AVA m I A......f I..D t, - v. . 11 -.




All money raised for the league this
s-emester and reuorts of the same must
be handedl in to Neva Loverwell today.
Mfembers 'of the athletic board Will



meetl at 12:45 o'clock this aft- Patronesses for thie fancy dress Par-
crnooii at De 's studlio to have their tY to be° givenl by the Wonen's League
picture taken for the Mlichiiganensian., at S8 o'clock Saturda y evening in Bar-
All the members are requested to be I ou gymlnasluf l ~l be: 'Dean Jean
ton time.- Hamilton, Mr:;, Marion. L. Burton,
______Mrs. J. E. Effinger and her guest, Mrs.'
In addition to the University' tele- Arthur Raymond of Oak Park, Ill.,I

will giv~e a
tions thist
torium, Anj
Fred Lewis
corntpanis t.
The eofn
t h(, aspice
Ea~1 erh St
go towards
'ITickets wil

YV'jjzi111 TU F LAI AT IdeteWoru. Mvrs.Joe lArnett, 1;,11 G.ran,
$TAlR ENTERTAIN- E:NT ger a-venue.
rmanton E. lPilhtie of the De- Fraternity Clptfer Established Hero
=rvto~yof music vii11st Taui Ejsilon Phi, national general
~rvaory 5iCf fraternity, has, established a chapter
program of several selec- at thle university, by ,;'anting a char-
evening ini Pattengill audli ter of acceptanxce to Ele Taumen club
in Arbor high school. Mr. here. The induction of the clIi)into:
sof this city will be the ac- the national drganization took place
Jan. 12-14, of last week at the U7nion
cert is being given uinder1 and Whitney hotel.
es o1f thea Ladies of the I --
tar and the proceeds will Burtdh Gu st of Doctors 4,
the Masonic building =fund. President Marion la.: Burton, was
11 be 5b cents and may beI guest at tht d4nner of the officers of
at either Almiandiniger'sithe* Michigan Medical society~ given
and Sons; or at the resi-. a the Union last night.jn

Chocoltate Covered -Nuts
$1.00 per lb.
M ac 1Zl'a rmi*d's Candie s
715 No. University Ave.


phone number 16, the office of the e Mrs. 11 . limphreys, Mrs. T. R.
dean of women iay be reached by Rankin; Mrs. T. .l. Diekhoff, Mrs. J.
callinig 3026 on thie city line. W. Bradshiaw, and Mrs. R. W. Cowden:.
_______The patronesses for the party wit'f
Members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet act as iiudgps of the costumes and will;
will meet at Gi o'clock tonight." award prizes for the prettiest costume,
-- the utgliest, the most individual, the
All 'Y. W. C. A. pledges for the first muost uniquely dIressed group, and for;
s-emesfer mut be paid before the close, the cleverest Stunit.I
of the present semester. Pledges may' Stunts are be ing planned .by the
be paid at the office of NVewberry hall. iiieibers of each class and by Mortar-
--- board atnd Wyvern societies. Marga1r-
11ORTA R1dOARI) PLANS- et Reinelce and 1)or6othy Rlockwell
SECOD SAE O OTJVEShave charge of the6 seniaor and juinior
_____stunts respiectively; Dorothy Mae-
Farlan has charge of the s0piho nore
Nlortarb and society is arranging a stmft anid 'Aargaret l1tfiger off the
second sal~e of kid gloves for the bene-jfrs an Thsttswlbex
fit. ofreshman. The'stuntsuwillrdergiven
fitof.theV~mens Lagu. rdes wllafter the grand march. Dancing will
bre. taken immediately following tfi lloul1 'lok ui en
1~gjulngof he scon semste. furnished by Tedi Rhodes' orchestra.
Dorothy brown, '24, is in charge of--_ _
tihe sale,.,.
Inasmuch as there are. several or- IfD.~ff
ders yet to be filled, the proceeds from S~ o 'u

O IIUA4Urk kt


Mid- Winter brings
for~ whrich Milad v

many social affairs
must be prepared.


Formal Attire of distinctive st-Vler;nd
the important acecssoriles pill be found
in the manyv departments of this store.


the first sale h,.ave not, been comnplete',
ly countedl. The committee announced
yesterday that the tan gauntlet~
whifch have been ordeved will arrive:

.. .

Castle Prograin,'Nets
%League iRuIlding



Soon.1. Senior women wvho ,broiu'ght the
--- - 'I rime Castle. engagement toQ Hill au-
: -1SEV. (.1rR~tOR P 1\ OR ditorium last week are turning. over
EAR OF STU'DYY I EUlROPE $400 to ,the fund for the University
of Michgan League. This was thie

} W
rl I
,ll'7 DD i
i'I I I I'I
} I III VIII llfl '
t ,.z cAs
.. h

Miss Wina, L. Winslow, curator ofI
niolhtisks in the zoologky museumn, Will[
leave for Eurape in the near future to
study in the various museums there.
Amrong others Miss Winslow will vis-
it the British musteum, the Mutseum
c PI 'ris, numerous collections in
Switzerland anid the Museum of Mon-
aco. The material in the University
mutsetun will be comnared -with that in
foreign museums- and continental
.m ethodls studied.
The funds ifor the trip have 'been
sufpplied by F. A. Winslow, of Mon-
aco,. who is interested in this work..

profit matte on the performance over
the $2,750 paid the company.
The contract price wa.s raised by
the K ke Con cert series, in wxhose
cmpaily Mrs. Castle travels' from'
i $2,100 to the final -price paid. Thiis
Was done at such a late time that the
committee was in a position where it
could do nothing but accept.
Irene Castle, ini a .comlmunication
yesterday,. said that she had found 'the
bracelet' which she had misused here.
This is one of, Mrs., castle's, most Val-
uable pieces of jewelry. It was pre-
sented to her by royalty.. at the time
of her, last visit to Europe. When
it was known tha.t the ,bracelet couldi
not be located after' her appearanceF
here, the advertlgement for 'it appear-
3ed in The b~aily.

?fICIT S and rnusic -- and lovely focks. Hona suiclssf ul they make an evening. Shim-
4meringgon that ripplde softly- with ever movement of the wearers - and soft lights
that cast bewitching shadows over the scene -gitrg glittering jewels acid head bands i and
the whole 'gaining effaliv'eness against 'the black-anid-white of 'the men's attire -- make a
pi cture not easil forgotten. , E

Msid-winter Brings with it a host of social activi-
ties, the J-Hoy for instance, and we( have r0-.
vitaeAd frocks that tiro expressive of the seasionu
ih~d in mnoodl with the< occ'asion. By way of slg-
gestion: There Are sonie frocks that are especial-
ly adapted for sear at the flop. Ror' instance a
rifilv ry creation over a sea-greeni silk-or a black
gowni covered with shimmering trimnniing.

'then too, there are softer affairs of bright hued
oorgette finished with a bit of gold lace or
fteathery trinm ing.. Pastel shades may lie founld,
especially in orchid combined with gold lace.
The brighter toties,: includinug burnt orango have
buou fashioned ihto taffeta frocksr of a crispness
that 'expresses the mhode beautift lly. Indeed, the
frcks "come iii a variety to suit individual needs.


Glitterin~g silver p u m ;1 s orn
soft brlal s tin Ones, whi lh-
ever are most appropriate-
add a cel-tain fn e s se of
charmn to the costu mc obtain-
able in no other 'a".

Q~ .V
Ii Y

Sof silken
matdches the

h osier y,
gon ' and


wear, chosen f romh a cornpre-
hensive diplay htincue
all possible choices for. the
occasion complete the cos-
tune effectively.

Combs and Pearls
The jewvelry worn with an evening
frock is of vast Importance - it
miust be chosen with greatest of
care for not only must it become
the,;eae but it must harmonize
with the costumne with which it is
to be worn.
Astring of indestructable pearl
b~eads,, recently Imported from
France, will be found appropriate
or wear with many a frock while
r, brilliantly set comb will prove
an' alluring addition to most any

Pumps and -Ho-siery
Ready to step forth g'ailo to the strains of dqi' music or 'dinner gong, are these twInkling
bits of footwvea r with their accomparnying - and mtching - h o s i e r y . Black or silver,
whichever one's gow n demands, most likeable wiith a glittering buckle or pin at the strap.
Each i sftled in evcry w~zyto takecfrst' step at the most important function.

Silver piumps. a xost prominent amionig the foot-
wear for forma l occasions. They miay be )lad in
th~e plain 'silver 'with onte strap or wvith 'd. bro-
cadled silverclthm comibined with the plain in an
tuusually effective :style. The silver pumps are
priced 0.75 and l~l .0

Hosiery has been ties-igned in beautiful styles to
accompany the most gorgeous evening frocks.
'There are slipper heel hose in black and silver.
slheer chiffon hzose, and fancy silk hose with hand
drawn work patterns.




A Permanent

W ave

iYour Hair --

ktill make arranging, a _°tylish And Mbeeoming coiff ure an. easy, m atter. In the beauty shoppe
you will find per~manent waving apparatus op ated by the most authenitic mode. A perma-
nent wave will be especially conyenient for the girls who will, attend J-Hp op opie parties.
Shampooing, rnarcelling , manicuring and all other forms of personal 'servioe are furnished in
the beauty shoppe.

The success or (allure of the love-
liest frock depends largely upon the
''it of the girdle and,, brassiere. Comn-
"ortable, they must be, but they
:ant also provide a smoothness
for the proper fitting oif the gown.
Boyshformi brassieres of satin or
the strapless ones of jersey silk
are greatly favored for evening.
E lastic girdles or dainty models of
siatin are much worn under even-
ing gowns.

+, :Eaa #t nf.'itsshoald tbeimad, at ymir cearliest convenience.

-, /7/. I

T . -

fii 1


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