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January 17, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-17

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THE So 0. As







Germany Warned of Further Penal-
ties if Mines Do Not Commence
Operations Today


s t

i I t

l.'- I' 5gI j
"Winter Sports" will
in the issue of Gargoyle
on the campus today.
cartoons dealing with
campus activity from
cutter riding are used.

Winter styles that ca
the most conservativec
the University are descri
and illustrated in a
makes them exceedingly
two pages of "Bon Ton
men's League." The ed
their hopes that those g
going to the J-Hop will

be eatred Chicago, Jan. 16. - Harry Pratt
that appears Judson, president of the University of r
Articles and Chicago since 1907, has resigned, ef- !
all forms of fective Feb. 20; his sixteenth anniver-
sary in that position, it was announc- .-f"
a ed here last night at the close of a
meeting of the university ,senate, com-
.n be used b~y posed of faculty mnembers holding FFYTREBOH O SR
of women at Il rfsos s1ebroh~ii FIFTY-THREE BOOTHS TO SUR-
of ome fa full professorships. The boards of RON FL RFO BI ET
ibed in detail trustees, the statement said, has of- ROUND FLOOR FOR BIGGEST
manner that fered the acting presidency to Ernest SOCIAL EVENT
attractive in D. Burton, head of the department of
with the Wo- New Testament and Early Christian STUDENTS WILL DANCE
ditors express Literature and Libraries, who has ac- IN J A P ANESE GARDEN
girls who are cepted it. The title of President Emer-
use the illus- itus wtas confered on Dr. Judson. IT-



Paul Goebel, '23E, captain of Michi-
gan's 1922 undefeated football team,
has received an offer from the presi-
dent of Fairmont college, Wichita,,
Kan., to assume the position of di-
rector of athletics -at that institution.
In this capacity he would serve as
hea~d coach of all major sports and
would supervise gymnasium work and
other minor athletics.
John F. Fin 'ayson, president of the
college, a former University instruct-
or, in a recent visit to the University,
expressed himself as being highly im-
pressed not alone with Goebel's ath-
letic record but with his personality
as well, which he considers to be one
o-f the most important characteristics
of a coach.'
(toebel has not decided whetcr be
will enter 4pon a, coaching career and
h s acceptance of the position at Fair-
n ont is at present unsettled.

Play Production p'ayers last night
presented in University Hall. "Eugen-
tcally Speaking", a short skit, and
"The Perfect Cure", a three act com-
edy, in a manner which was a fitting6
interpretation to the type of plays
givEn. As a curtain raiser, Edward
Goodman's light satirical play con- TITUS Wi
cerning the efforts of a young society IDENI
girl to secure a husband was given. AN]
To show her democratic spirit, she
begins with a street car conductorBE I
but her actions aretrather unsucces , B E L I E
ful, for this particular youth is a HAS "N
happy married man. Her fee ings of
(Continued on Page Two) Opposition
W01lhI11 R RN IAOflFN FRnU I

Clever Comedies
Interpreted Well

LEG1 n min



trations in designing their costumes.
Two stories "For the Honor of
Michigan" and "Northward Ho," are
used. A poem dealing with winter ;UR PEE SECURED FOR

Bamboo, Wisteria, Smitax, Greens,
Plume Flowers Will Adorn

Declares That Fiuds
Hospital Were


Essen, Jan. 16-(By A. P.)--Hew far
the Franco-Belgium- occupation will
ultimately extend and what other pun-
ative steps are contemplated are
questions uppermost in the minds of
the Ruhr population because" of the
new ultimatum delivered to the mine
directors at Dusseldorf today.
General Degoutte's latest order
which is declared to be final, pro-.
vides for the resumption of the repa-
rations coal delivery to France and
Belgium not later than tomorrow
morning, otherwise Germany wilsl be
subjected to further penalties.

sports is written in the style of Ed-
gar Guest. One page consists of
drawings of the basketball team.


Decorations for the J-Hop, Feb, 9,.,
HETrnUnr will be worked out to produce a Jap--l
anese garden and the effect will be-:
TTsecured by the use of bamboo lattice
CUSS INTER:NATIONAl-BOUND. work, Japanese plume flowers, wis-
ARY COMMITTEE teria, smilax, ferns, greens, and Jap-
anese lighting fixtures. The false
Lawrence J. Burpec, Canadian sec- ceiling for Waterman gymnasium will
rotary of an international committee extend from the tops of the railings
for the regulation of all boundary on the running track.. The ceiling,
questions arising between the United will be made by bamboo lattice work
States and Canada has been secured and from these will hang- thousands
as the next University lecturer. The of wisteria blossoms. Greens will beI
i r3t1r ttllt~r naa t #1 ~lnr k: nlaed Aover the 'ton of the bambon '

Special to The Daily
Lansing, Jan. 16. - Prospe
E slashing the University of Mic
request for $7,267,000 with w]
WOMN REPRESENTATIVES MEET carry on its 1923-24 buildin g p
COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS were seen here today ,as memn
SITUATION institutional committees of th
second Michigan legislature p
That women should not vote for to commence their annual jar



I 11LStL wVL1LCIL Ailvulti i1VL -VVLC LUI



members of the Student council was
DUFFY, '24E, WILL EXPLAIN PLAN the concensus of opinion at a meet-,
TO MEETING OF YEARLINGS ing of a representative committee of
TOMORROW NIGHT University women with the Senate
Council committee on the investiga-

The University committee
lower house, headed by Re
tive Albion B. Titus of Kalan
chairman, will go to Ann Ar
Monday night, it is understo
one member of the senate ci
Chairman Harvey A. Penn



Tecturewil Germanmineaownes say theyxNew YokvJan. t ulvyU1 #,1The"alUri i ton pofastden agov 1r Umn T e sel-
The German ine owners saythey New York an.6-(By A.P)-The Wednesday, Jan. 24, in room B, law and thus the real ceiling of the gym Upperclass Advisory committeemen tion of student government. The sen-
were not given a hearing at the Dus- "bloc system" in Congress was con- buldiro n.sium can not be seen. Just below of the Union have completed plans timent expressed at this meeting was
seldorf meeting adrieaeteri-demned as dangerous by representa- buiding'alsoumagainst women. membersow beingplan
dorfmeng and reiterate their in- demned s dang'ros y r snt- Mr. Burpee has chosen as the topic this on the railing of the running which are purposed to effect an or also against women members being
tention to abide by the federal com- tive Fess, Republican, Ohio, in a of his talk "An International Experi- track ferns will be used to cover the I ganization of all University freshmen included in the personnel of the Stu-
missioner's instructions to withhold speech tonight before the Quill club, nint"a lie will gieanac nt of railing, into territorial districts in order to dent council.
the deliveries, an association of editors and editor thenwork of the boundary regulation Trellises To Be Used insure closer and better associations The vote of the women students for
While it was revealed at the coner- Iial writers. committee. The committee which ha Two strips of bamboo will extend and friendships among the members Student council members is largely
ence that the occupation of Dortmund The system is "naturally selfish'' been in operation for over a hundred around the whole gymnasium at the of the freshmen classes, cast without much acquaintance with
was the pr-Ice paid for the commis- said Mr. Fess, "based upon groups years has, it is said, been largely re- bottom of the railing and from these The plans as drawn up by James student affairs it was pointed out, and
stir's action, French circles in Essen which may be- classified by specific. is guided largely by friendship for
declined to disclose the nature of then iteest. e have t y sgrcrsponsible for the amicable relations will extend to the floor at different in- E. Duffy, 24E, 'chairman of the Upper-i
d tiod penalties to bte exacte locinterestsl. We have the agricultural hat exist between this country and tervals group poles of bamboo which class Advisory committee provides forI either of the candidates. The women
Repots enalties to be exacted. bloc, the loo bloc, and e ig! ts ighbor The majorit of its will act as the separation between the division of 'the entire freshman present expressed themselves as be-
Reports are widely current tat Muen-' bloc, the anti-saloon bloc, and the ig ists in settlin without the the various booths. Near the tops of class into geographical groups of 150 ing against such baloting although
ser " e thae netillrgecetsh- necessity of entering into formal dip- these poles will be a trellis and from men each. Every group will have its no definite action was taken as the
fall; yet tbe e are skeptically reCeiv- radical bloc. Some of these groups loesatiy reation all of the cae this trellis twining vines of wisteria own executives, including an athletic meeting was merely an informal dis-
ed because that city i% so far outside arI fltl infcne eas f uso fcmu rbes hni
the so-called Ruhr area.s are of little significance, because of wh come uo between the two con- will be suspended. Directly in front coach piked from its members. After cussion of campus problems. This is
lack of influence which is not measur- hhwl of the bamboo poles there will' be the complete organization of the one of a series of meetings the Sen-
It is pointed out, however, that ed so much by the number of mcm-A tries with regard to ounaries. kf imported Japanese flowere baskets groups,.a;basketball league composed ate council committee is holding with
nwhihwillscstginrgplubgsosCemgrrssi A typical example of the wor o i d Japanese a e ou a ask a eau cops members of the student body in its
importance as it is one of the big cen- they represent. the committee is its labor on the ques- wich ndl crns p plum of thinvestigation of student eagovernment
importance as i is one of the ig cen I willob
tral points of the railroad through to Twenty Represent 4000000 Men tion of an international waterway to Tflowers andferns. i orgtaini."etngeom e for in et -bringoutnew ideas. m
TTiA wich ruisrparllel4tthe1,00 e h otswilb eGae y prizes inoorder to -bringaouthnew'ideas
Wailoat ~h ruh prlamm lDothed r es ie htte omrsr-be built fromt the Great Lakes to the Th;both wllbeenpraeshofrutediningtemshavold
alrad wthru par t hm Mr. Fess cited that the former ser- bamboo poles on which smilax will ready been made by the ommittee Women should not hold positions on
I)cuadice men in Congress were not more tAtlantic. beucilplaced willbe-
DIhu, asen,Dg sDussburg. Thus ere wr for Before his appointment to the coAn-.placed. As a background for the "We have long felt", said Duffyy i the Student council, it was said, be-
ocu ion ud aidre ithan twenty but that there were four iee M p e tom i booths a blue drapery will .extend commenting on the plan, "that the cause the University women already
effecn tonoofldhe d gret million former service men who, if I ,. Bas raround the entire gymnasium. 1University has reached such a zehave a system of government of thei
effectig control of the Rnhr traffic, united could dictate results. "Then", Canadian politics, having held num- F t man tn it ii own and a committee, composed of the
such as the occupying forces are re- he said, "there are a like number of erous re ponble positions with the Foriing . 'lr t ei i o my d.boardof.ectorsoftheLeague
ported tO be latoll-g, ao ereettvswh li cCanadian govern~ment. He is also well lnen ilb ue.whee~l as ecv h b~~ fo so ich, oarrieo'and ll buosin-.tesseaguve
peflabor representatives aho claim tc known as a historian, especially in the be 'a smaller- Japanes lantern in tion with his lassmates, and we be- which carries on all business relative!
y ana ian, stor. heach booth. Eleven booths will beh o ieve that this plan will enable the to the women alone. It was thought!
n convince their colleagues that field of arranged in Barbour gymnasium first year m en to form friendships that representation on the council
F IHS. DAY OF 11I E they speak for labor. They will like- mDnLHSwhere the decorations will be woked wich will make their first year here would tend to disrupt the present sy I
ly influence their vote". ADELPTI HOLDS out inthe same way, and there wil far more enjoyable and beneficial." tem, and would not benefit student
SSpeaking of the "farm bloc" Mr.ANNU AL DINNER ibe 42 booths in the large gymnasium. All iembers of the freshman class government.
.IT { W ' Fess said it numbered close to 100 One Orchestra in Bbour wili meetat.7:3O o'clock tomorow More dormitories for women on the
-members whose number and influence The booths in Waterman gym ex- evening in the assembly hall of the campus are necessary to a better un-
SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE SHOWN "became almost decisive in legisla- Members of Adephi House of Rep- tend around the whole gymnasium Union, where a program will be heW" Ity among the women of the Univer-
OVER FIRST DAY PROCEEDS tion". The same statement, he added, resentatives met in their sixty-seventh while booths will only be stationed.on for them, following which they will sity, was the opinion xpressed. At
LAST YEAR icould be properly made of the anti1 annual banquet last night in the ban- the north and east sides of the small- be organized on the proposed plan, present, many women living in the
1saloon group. quet room of Willet's Cafe. More than er building. Two large booths for Coach Fielding H. Yost and James League houses are out of touch with
Danger in Delegating Power 30 members of the House and their chaperones will b3e set up at the east IE. Duffy, '24E, will address the fresh- events happening on the campus to a
Arst day of the annual Student Chris- "This tendency has n.t least two visitors were present. Speaker An- and west ends of Waterman gymnas- men at this meeting. Other features large extent and therefore are mac-
tian asoitio anal d sources of danger. It lends itself to drew C. Beam, '23Ed, acted as presid- ium. By the south wall of the small- including musical entertainment have tive in campus work./
taasoito iaca campaign The members of the committee
wich wsslconin andtmor-nallowing a few leaders to report their ing officer and toastmaster. er gym a large number of chairs will also been planned. we -aebs A' resi te o
row= total a decided increase over the view as that of the membership. The The first speaker on the program be placed. One orchestra will oc- were, Frances Ames, '23, president of
sum colectd on the first day of last leaders too frequently are circum- was ex-speaker Wilfred Hocking, '24 cupy the west side of Barbour gym the League, Katherine Stafford, '24,
year's drive. With few returns from scribed wholly from narrow and sel- L, who spoke on "Adelphi History and nasium. L R.Helen Delbridge, '24, Frieda Diekoff,
yrears, the.totalWfth e sfewdsfitsh interest. Secondly it develops a Prophecy", outlining the growth of The doors between the ballrooms L4LSSOCIAH all members of the board of di-
workers, the total of the first day's hbtfdegtigto the leaders the Adelpht from a purely literary society jwill be decorated with bambooo. The 1Irectors of the League, Dorothy Jeff-
colecio ha raced$458.55 1 11111 miT.. is
D n B. Frederick, '24, was found to responsibility of the citizen who in- to its present form of a public speak- two orchestra stands, in Waterman OOO RLELbIO ries, '24, and Elizabeth Bell '23
be captain of the tean having turned stead of speaking allows the selfish ing society, and giving some idea of gymnasium, which also will be de-
in pa the t amtof subitinsd group interest to speak. the things that can be accomplished corated, will be located in the north COUNCIL PROVIDES
w he F.gsHepburn '25 sabsmemtbers "I"t permits the most dangerous log by the House in the future. The see- and south sides. Henry Theis' or- MRS. W. P.LOMBARD NAMED HEAD
of Fredrick's team, was the worker rolling where leaders of various ti- ond speaker was Prof. Ray K. Immel, chestra and the Mason and Dixon 78- OF ANN ARBOR ORGANIZA- FOR POLICE BOARD
with the largest sum of moneoy sub portant blocs may get their heads to- ! of the public speaking department, chestra will entertain in Barbour I TION FOR 1923
s in pledges and cash. gether and dictate an entire program who spoke on "Public Speaking gymnasium. Creation of a board of police com-
Thed o he ca s on a reciprocal plan. Blues". In this talk Professor Immel Entrance to the two buildings will Officers and directors of the Annissioers is provided for in the
The goal of the campaign is $4000 told .of some of the times he had felt be made from the west end between O n ovde for ithe
thesamne as that of fast year.blue in his own career as a speaker the two buildings. Here a canopy Arbor Art association were elected amendmnt to the present city char-
This money covers the following ailler deenas d some of the things that made him will be constructed from the build- for the coming year at the annual ter hic was passed at the meeting
items of expense for the association: feel blue now as a teacher of public ing to the driveway. The canopy will meeting of the association held yes- of the city council last night. This
University services, $800, religious ed- Olle rag ki also cover the driveway for a long mendment will be voted n at te
I speaking, als cover the drivway for a longterday afternoon in the West galerpiayectoonMrh7
ucation, $300, extension service, $200, The third speaker, Prof. P. Brand enough distance to cover four cars. sg y primary election on March 7.
world service, $125, conferences and "CuriC(it and sympathy, combin- B of Alumni Memorial hall. A report of The board 'whi w consist of
conventions, $ s student Y.M. ed with a proper understanding ofi phi and now of the philosophy de- four cars at the same time. the activities of the association d tr- ee e appoint g m hyo
peop10lpbiiye50 oeg tu nodrtoal~ h *tr will have the power of appointing the
., $100, publicity, $50, foreign stu- people and events, mark the ideal partment, spoke on the subject "Some In order to allow thepie o ing 1922 was offered, and plans for chief of police and the patromen, a
d; $ svnewspaperman," said A. L. Miller, ed- Wild Orators I Have Known", in (Continued on Page Two)s.t
Monteith club, $25, maintenance of 1 1923 also discussed.' will have the right at any time to re-
Lane hall$1000 and expense of op-'tor of the Battle Creek Enquirer- which he told of some of the great
n ' ' News, in his talk before the Press orators of the different countries ofTcor up en nnefrore
oration of office, $850. club last night "Ini gathering news the world that he has ha~d the opnor- I elected for one year. president, MVrs. force upon presnting their reasons
Inciting theresuts of the relig- s dungtyeofhaidh. RESULTS 4FDAILYWarren P. Lobad is ice to the council.
the iania results ofthe nvr he should be governed by one rule- tnt fhaig F DIYI'arn p obr is i This system will be a decided
itis L.an.aDooge'24, chairman of to obtain the truth. The last speaker was Ralph M WANT ADpresident, Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, change from the present plan which
s"iles,L.E. ooge' 'There is no set rule by which one Carson, '23L, ex-speaker of Adelphi, of the fine arts department; secondgypI
the. campaign showed that the results I gives the mayor the power to remove
th drive had n n e a esscan judge whether his own proper and later president of the Oxford Un-~~vice-president, Miss Louise Douglas;
of such drives had in nearly all cases field is journalism," continued Mr.i ion who spoke on the topic "At U. OF X. CO-ED FINDS AD- secretary, Mrs. J. L. Markley; trea- aoneof the olice forc witot
been successful, and had in few cases .J .Mrly re consulting the council' or any other
fiedn rcesaindadyrewasonablesMiller, "but if you are absorbed in it, Large". . Carson first took the attitude VERTISLNG PAYS surer, Herbert Slauson. representativebody.
goalg if you have a feeling of responsibility of an Englishman speaking to Amer The directors for 1923 will be E.
Returns of today's drive will he ito the people, if you are a friend of icans and then the attitude of an Ann Arbor, Jan. 11-Does it H. Barnes, of the architectural draw-
aetrns by the drive ws by 1 the home, and have a sense of the, American replying to the Englishman. pay to advertise? Just ask one ing department; Prof. Louis H. Boyn- EDISON EXECUTIVE
made by the drive workers by 10 o - dramatic value of a situation, you are In this he effectively brought out the hUniversity of Mich- ton .of the college of architecture; ADDRESSES C. OF C.
not far astray." ideal of culture that exists at Oxfordt igan, who begs that her name President Marion L. Burton; James .
I'in answer to the question, "Is cal- and' which he says seems to be so ot be published. Inglis; Mrs. William Inglis; Albert I
PARKWURSCHO61L, OLDEST lege training in Journalism worth lacking in American universities. Ten days ago she lost her Lockwood, acting director of the Herbert Silvester, district manager
LAW SCHOOL GRADUATE, DIES while?" Mr. Miller answered, "Em- 'old wrist watch. After a few School of Music; Prof. Emil Lorch, of of the Detroit Edison company, was
phatically, yes!-because of the un- WIFE OF ROOSEVELT TO days of frantic searching, she the college of architecture; L. A. the principal speaker at the Chambe
John D. Parkhurst, '61L, oldest derstanding, the sense of responsibil- VISIT SOUTH AMERICA advertised for it and within a Makielski, of the architectural draw- of Commerce luncheon held yesterday
graduate of the Law school, died at ity, scholarship, and the thorough -- day the watch was returned.ng department; W. B. Shaw, '04, sec- noon in the Chaber of Commerc
his home in Charlotte at the age of drill in the ethics of the profession i New York, Jan. 16.-(ByA.P.)--Mrs. I Afewdaysfte ,shelumniassocihaet; .y splaind h
89. Mr. Parkhurst, who entered the which a college training gives. The Theodore ERoosevelt, widow of the for- didn't waste any time in getting Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric d- workings of the local electric offic
University in 1858, was born June 3, newspaper world is intensely inter- mer President, announced today she' an advertisement into the paper. tpirtment, 'Mrs. W. H. Sehew; and and the duties of the various employ
,1833, in Washtenaw county. ested in college-trained men; the 'would sail Saturday for a two- The pen was returned, but be- Mrs Stanley Stevens. y es. He introduced local men wh
Enlisting in the Union army as a newspaper world welcomes college- months' visit at Yguasso Falls, Bra- fore she had that pen in her 1 On a vote of the members present, are in charge of the electric service i
private shortly after his graduation, trained men, and college training will , zil. Mrs. Roosevelt said last year hands an hour,.she lost her dia- I it was decided to change the date of Ann Arbor. This was the third of a
Mr. 'Parkhurst rose to the rank of take a man as far in the field of Jour- when se left for South Africa, she mond ring, a very valuable ring, the beginning of the fiscal year of the series of meetings held for the pur
major in the five years he served. nalism as in the field of law, medi- intended spending a part of each year ate id' go to the news- association from Feb. 1 to Oct. 1 pose of explaining the methods
He entered business in Charlotte aft- cine, or science." i rvl gas al sna h paper office to give in an adver-
-i travel Yguasso Falls is near the tisement. Instead she telephoned of each year. purposes of public utility companie
er the war, where he has been retir- point where Col. Roosevelt's famous Preliminary announcements were to the busiess men of the city.
d for -everal years. Debt Commissions Fail to Agre !!,epeiton, on which h discovered That was Friday morning. She made for an ehibit of water-colors byy Mr. Silvester told of the growth o

1 ;'

naw, will represent the uppei
according , to present plant
joint body is expected to spend
Tuesday conferring 'with Y
Marion L. Burton and making
vey of the University.
- Negotiations Are Prelimni
All -such junketing, of co
merely preliminary to the' re
ness of the legislature wIrith
to University, appropriation
hshould 'the committeemen be
bly impressed with the, situ
Ann Arbor all University ap
tion bills, once introduced.
a long gauntlet to run. and m,
under the knives, of both tb
ways and means committee.
senate finance committee. . R
tative Nelson G. Farrier of I
ways and means chairman,,g
fused to 'make any statement
own attitude on the Uni-reOri
tion but announced that the w
means -group would make .Du
the University and M.,A. C
IMarch' 19 and 25 and at t
probably woud pass on the
ation question.
Outlook Dark?
Taken as a whole general
smons of opinion shere suggest
er dark outlook for the Uni
immediate building prograt.
' sentative Titus already ha
ed himself in direct opposit
large outlay of funds for the
years, while Senator Pent
maintained silence on the qu
Titus takes the stand that
versity in the past has not
sauiare" with regard to the:
r pital project, and therefore
he is unalterably opposed to
s eral building, appropriations
' biennial period. He favors,
an appropriation sufficient to
and equip one unit of the ne
tal. In fact, most factioins
e tending that this building s
o put in use as soon as possibl
Opposition Hinges on He
n Yet it is about the hospita
a opposition to the Univers
(Continued on Page ti
s Harding Indisposed
Washington, Jan. 16-(B;
f President Harding, because

President Burton '
formed that the legislat
taking a st'and for ecd
appropriations for stat
tional institutions, stat
it was natural that spel
titude should be assui
ing the opening period
legislative. sM ssion.
"Our chief concern ',is
be assured that any ste
direction of decreasin
posed budget not' be'in
til members of the h
senate are fully inforn
the facts regarding
conditions here".
In remarking upon-t
tion directed toward1
pital and the funds for
pletion, President -Bur
led that the, University
ing for- -V7427,00 l
included $2,300,004 ' ip
designated as "the -fit
ed for the completive
hospital. It was .e,
posed to treat it as
separated from the r
of the program. The
project was placed for
the request sent to.the
ture for consideration

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