y DAILY __. R .......... - - - - - - - - - - =Irl:lllllllllolllmplipiii mill 11101"m w. ."a" . i f ...1'. , , _.ad ' -- Ad TANK COACH ARRIVES -TO TA KE CHARGE OF WOLVERINE NATATORS THESE MENARE KEEPING MIC IIGAN IN AC~E NIDPpE W1IU_ S IOW H[ : iN EXHIBITION JAl. 23 :national tourney in New York. Bil- I lard enthusiasts are am ious to see Hloppe who has not been here for twvo years. Hioppe will be assisted by Charlie Peterson, fancy shot expert. Peterson is an excellent man in his line and will be a strong dra~wing caret himuself. Tikets, will go on sale at the desk in the billiard room of the union next rStrry Brownt, Vrner Washiit in Lniiersity Mentor, YWi, Sgnad ont First DPay .AS INS IIIV'JION SYST11E SAID TO BIE 1,Y)OVATION With the introduction, yesterday af- mroon, of WV. Sterry Brown, untilI few days past coach of swimming~ at ashington University, St. Louis, as Ichigan's Varsity tank mentor, real, ork began in earnest down at the Y.I ;. CA. pool. Couch Brown made more than a istinctly favorable impression uponr 1e 35 or miore men who turned out r his, initial appearance. The new- t addition to Michigan's coaching gff; who arrived here Monday. morn- gf_ after two days of steady driving ,om his former location,.displayed. at1 ice his ability, his interest, and his'. termnation to turn out 'for"'tae olvairines a premier Varsity tank yam that will place Michigan ,firmily' 1the aquatic map of the Big Ten. * :lie)Wlg'an M3an" "I _.am v-ery happy to be at -Michl- in"oach Brownl said in a brief ad- Sto ~ the team before thesato ,tice'. "I am a Michigan mnan trough a-;nd through, and I. am. here amy last coaching job. If I cannot Lrn out here at Michigan a team that ill be a worthy representative of the ;ool that is my parents' Alma Ma- r I am through coaching."t That Sterry will make good was inced. by opinfons. expressed by embers of the squad before the prac- *e session. It wa~s the unanimous} rdict that Coach Brown knows, uimming and how to impart it, and, ,v~ding to all of the candidates, is Oire than capable of handling the sit- style in the record breaking time of 19:1, a fifth of a second below theI existing Big Ten mark, while Hub- bard followed a fast 100 with a snap- py 150 yard back stroke that was; more'-than plIeasing to Coach Brown. Brown is pleased w ith the prospects for an ex:cellen t year, although he is not over-enthused. ,he difiiculties of eligibility with several of thie bright- est of the aquatic stars wily have to be settled by the semester examina- tions before Coach Brown can be i certain of the m'en with whom he has to work. With the opening meet with 1M. A. C. but a little over a week distanat, the Wolverine ;tank mien twill have to makef the most of their time to round into shape. it will not be a powerful team that 'will face the Aggies, owing. to'ex- I Sisting scholastic difficultie's that it is hoped Nwilt be remedied by the "con- c lusion of the semester. U;owever, the squa d that will journey -to Lansing{ will, in all proba bility, be, well bal- anced, though- without an y really ex- ceptional swdimmars. Trhe existing el- igibility situation is giving many mnen a chance who would otherwise have' comparatively little oppprtunity, and1 all ot the candidates are going at to4 I speed.1 It is expected that a cut in theI squad will bc, made early~ next week,i and the team for the Aggie jaunt an-l nounced a few dcays later. IVILIL PLAY W'ITHP ITERSON' 'Al UNION ROOM Monday. As this, will m~ark the open- A definite dlate has been set for, the # ag of the 1923 billiard season, it is I xhiibition appearance of Willie Hop-1 hoped that many will turn out to see pe. orlds campin 132 blk lne i the exhibition. pe. rd's h mionld 18.2 balkU ionebil-. , Entries' are being received fr the I lirdit o theword, t th Unon ib interfraternity straight rail billiard liaid room, Tuiesday, Jan. -23. tourney in fair shape. This contest Hoppe wvill give a performance in (Continued on Page Eight) the afternoon and evening' in the tourn- - i aent room at the Union. Hoppe af~t- ; fyuhv oetiglsfud er losing his cham:pionship a year safYorren t, meipldostolnd; ago, is again -playing wonderful bil- jfrslfr It ipacdo tln Biards and defeated Jake Schaefer, his j make sure that it is so -%ith* a DAILY conqueror of a year back in the inter- classified. Call 060.--Adv. Captain Eta'', Center With seven "142" men on his basket- ball' squad, including the five who were starting ' all of the games the! last part of the 1922 campaign, Coach E. J. Mather has succeeded in round~- ing into shape an aggregation that hias made a wonderful showing in the Big Ten season to date. An overconfident campus is the big- gest fly in the ointment f or the hard working mentor at the present time., He fears that too much talk of Big Ten championships and an undefeated team will have the worst possi.ble ef- George Ha~ggemly, Forward Hlowatrd Birlis, (tiiard fect on his pupils and slow them up derson is the other "M" winner On I 'to the point where they will lose et- the guard.' fectiveness. Mather doesn't hesitate I n addition to this array of talent to say that no team can go through j Mather is grooming MVeWood and Rice l a sesonin te Wsten Cofernceagainst any unforeseen complications without bowing to an opponent. Ithat may arise during the course of a ' Captain Ely, at center, bill Miller 'hard schedule. Last year he had Pi- and George H-aggerty, forwards, and per and Birks to rush into the breach Cappon and Paper guards, is the con- when the men he had counted upon bination that Mather has been start- were forced out of the game. ing. Kipke has seen service in all - of the games while Birks, veteran- guard, has been incapacitated for ac- tive duty by illness recently. Hen-~ ''k-~X~ L~ Frank Brothers FIFTH AVENOE BQQT SH-OP OUR REPRESENTIATIVE EXHIBITS AT ALL THIS WEEK Wussoliiil Hea-ds Aviation Cnmislon Rome, Jan. 16.'--(By AJ. )-Premier' Mussolini has announced that 'for' the present ,time he will act as head of the aviation cor-mission for th~e new Italian government. i I S r r 4 I ~-- I1h -ao I tie AlVI'ist JANARY i z Coach Brown's. system of coaching san innovation' in collegiate aquatic ircles. Whereas the greater number f coaches correct faults from watch- 1 ng the word of the candidates, Brown tarts, even with veteran swimmers, ,' the very fundamntals of the sport, emonstrating every angle of co-or- ination from dry land before allow- I I ig his proteges in the water. Squiad Breaks Records. The work yesterday afternoon was bri ied to simple exercises, after the 21 ew mentor had looked over the work f his charges.. Every man wentj- trough his paces, several making ex- - eptional showings. Kearns, for thej rst~ time this year, touched the end~ f the pool in a 60 foot plunge, al-_ hough it took him a few seconds over U he time permitted to mnake the trip. i ack Gow ripped off a 40 yard freeI Indoor and Outdoor het Equlipment Everytldin foir ever sprtin- + Cluding5 sweaters, jerseys, shoeCs, etc. Ctloou~e sent on request S. State St., Chicago, UlL Eating May Be a Habit! Make your Lun 2hes a pleasure by eating at Tuttles Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. and South of Majestic FEBRUARY find many of us. car'eless or for some unknown cause subjects for various Troublesome Ailmnents. i ss I. ', 4 y J 1 4 4 . 't 1 ' _ _ _ - U - " Will I lq 'a ACare VICTOR 3ALLM4ENDINGER, PIANO TUNING School- of M~usic Tuner PHONE 806~ Office at lRes., 418 N. Division St. You Will1 Learn More Rapidly In a Few PRIVATE LESSONS HA LSEY'S MA'-CE STUDIOS ' We. have a Complete in selectipg the prevenytiv1e Line of For Correct Evening Dress remedies will mean good Judgment. SQUIBS9 THE J-1HOP, APPROACHES:. Have You Your. Gown? a d &VdPA-aft& C7 ART 'DOROTHY B. LOWRY1 CHIROPRACTOR 606.1 st 'Nat'l Bank 1Bldg. fours, 16 p.m. Phone 401J~ Serums -a-nd Tuxeos $ r.00 Vaccines always in stock. fRG. U. S. PAt. Ot i IT E~ change from rrow garters to table wide ones. be/ et right. ,final E. 2.. which f1rm-' Three-plce Silk Lined --- AT E. in SCH EIDE "The, Quarry" D~rug and Prescription Store G. CLAUDE DRAKE PROPRIETOR Mrs. Grace Van Schoick Phone ..795-W 230 Nickels Arcade' o$1, eterwhoere, in singlegrip anad te by The Ths. P. Taylor Co., 3rdeprIon "Featured by all lcadingI Student Supply Stores" 604 E. LIBERTY Phone 308 r a 4 F V, * -* ~- -,' y! - ; , ri . I '00o We hav~ jus reeivd an plced sae, $40.900 T k; f ..ii. "wk and 1S sacusts.