VOL, XXXIII. No. 82,
Miller To Address
Press Club Meeting;
,A. L. Miller, editor of the Battle
Creek Enquirer-News, will address the
members of the Press club at their
dinner in the Wisteria shop at 6 o'clock
this evening. Mr. Miller, prominent in
Michigan newspaper circles, will have
as his subject, "Theory and Practice
in Journalism." His talk will include
discussion of practical problems met
with. by. workers in the journalistic
field.r -:
Tickets for the dinner are on sale at
the Women's league booth in Univer-
sity hall and will be available until :3
o'clock this afternoon providing thei
limited supply is not exhausted be-
fore that time. This meeting cf theI
club will be the last before the close
of the semester. Anyone interested in
newspaper work may attend.
Mexico To Send
M aniAs Envoy FRENCH iuOrP
If Recognized !NOC
Daily Magazine
With Solemn
"Censors hi
ORAsserting that without valid rea-
sons the Board in Control of Student
publications had established a censor-
PLAN TO TAKE OVER DORTMUND, ship of the Sunday Magazine of The
IMPORTANT RAILWAY Daily, the staff of 16 members. re-
CENTER, TODAY signed Sunday morning. The resig,
nations were immediately accepted,
OF RA CEi and beginning with this morning
OPERATIONS OF FRANC these individuals are no longer con-
MOVE FORWARD EASILY nected in any way with The Daily.
j H. A. Donahue. '24, has been appoint-
Paris Asserts That Government 144s ed as the new Magazine editor, and
Counter-Movem'nt for Any will have his staff organized by this
Made by Reiehs evening.
The action of the resigning mem-
Paris, Jan. 15-(By A.P.)-The, bers was taken without a single con-
French and Belgian troops are now
occupying the whole Ruhr basin, and
have reached the limits of that neutral I
zone, 30 miles in depth, in which the, ti n nst In t
Staff Resigns
(?) Protest Of
p" Of Publication
ference with the Managing Editor of
The Daily, and he knew nothing
whatever of their intended plan unt!7
midnight Saturday. Yesterday sever-,
al of those who left the Magazine,
talked for the first time with the Man-
againg Editor. They ascertained what
they admitted were facts which they
had known nothing about, and con-
cluded that their action had been ill.j
Resort to Underhand Methods I
f i
Michigan Leads Almost Entire
Reads of Invading Army Predict Pen-
alties Will Be
Berlin, Jan 15 - (By A. P.) -- A
clash between German demonstrators
and French troops occurred at the
railroad station at Bochiu this eve-
ning. The French fired, killing one
person and woupaing several.'
nri rn~r r nnInnn
The incident followed political dem-rr
onstrations ,n a big scale. Several I reichswehr and regular garisos.
thousandpersonscollected fronthe troops are at the gate of Dort-'
of the town hall where the French oThettroops.oare attzhe gytr off'!mund, where they were ordered to
general had his quarters, and cheered iCOU1itittee (Chooses' Ritz Players o tpfrtepeet 'MeigMl atNgtt ics
rman reublc then marched t Detroit to Be Third Group tov stop for the present. pleeting elD Last Night to Disess
through te streets. ayo h emnattdhwvr 0 olr tA 4.numrber of Furnish MinscI i fte progressive obstin- i . Plans of Drive; Must Raise
thogrh-tees ubro Frih3ni acy of the German attitude, however, j(40Dolla~s'
young communists made a counter: thsbe eie oetn h d
inon i , e ee the l ii BOTH TO E AWARF~l ATit has been decided to extend the ad- 3
demonstration, cheering the third in- BOOTHS TO BE A WARDED AT_ vance tomorrow, occupying Dort- TWENTY TEAMS TO COMPETE
ternational and the F'rench commun- UNIlON TOMORROW AFTERNOON ;gDr-
____mund, and establish troops in the IN SOLICITATION OF CAMPUS
£~ league. AbrPn otesesadsuhat o-
Theupolice were unable to handle Henry Theis' orchestra of Detro;t Xbrr al northeast, east, and southeast, com-
thMexian dip omat well pletely commanding the importanj Two hundred Student Christian as-
the crowl, and toward evening the 'hvs3been chosen as the third oh, S koni Aeia ilb ae m alodJnto
french troops had to intervene. It tra to play for the J-HOp on Feb. 9. nown in Ameica, will b named am- railroad junction.sr
So inte evening a result of a consideration of all the bassador to the United States by Mex-will extend sociation workers will beg this
when they opened fire near the rail- best orchestras in the Middle West ico if the government of the latter to Barmen and Elberseld, which will. morning the annual drive among the
the committee chose his 12 piece - country is recognized by the United not be occupied just now, students for $4000 which will be used
wastrn to be third orchetra. Theis, States, according to reports from The promptitude which the French to defray the expenses of the associ-
rhrfm y ethe it? Washington are showing in countering each fresh ation for the ensuing year. The cam-
al, ourJstrike c15lled a adThe orchestra of Detroit. These musicians measure of obstruction, appears to be paign will continue through tomor..
tato of s rif called as a demon- have played , at various rons and having its effect, at least on the in- row and Thursday. The workers are
station of eoRur, passg offthI- alls at colleges and universities in .dustrial magnates, who were at first divided into 20 teams, with a captain
out ncident throughout the British te country. Theis himself played at Udeceived by the polite conciliatory at the head of each. Lawrence Dooge,
'a J-Hop four years ago.imethods of the French and there are '24, is general chairman of the drive.
ahd Amicnswere stopped forteone The three orchestras that have been 111TU indicationsthat they will not persist Campaign workers met last night at
secured are the Mason and Dixon in their refusal to deliver the repara- Lane hall where they discussed the
quird tim e, and the banks, te gr p se u d a e thelTU Ewhere theyE disic tionsdersis
fi d l te t bu- Seven, representing the East. Smith's tions coal. In consequence of this plans of the drive, and were address-
, an alhe Thveeemployes of Saxophoneorchestra, representing the MISSIONARY WORKER RELATES the French may temporarily hold ed by Victor H. Lane, of the law
the hotels, shops, and factories also South, and Henry Theis' orchestra, EXPERIENCES AT UNIVER- their hands. school, on the work of the S.C.A. in
SITY SERViCE The Franco-Belgian operations are its field, and by Rev. Lloyd Wallick,
were' idle during the interval, which i representing the Middle-West. The; IYSEVC
many passed sipping glasses of beer. Mason and Dixon seven piece orches- everywhere being carried out with the financial secretary of the association
_ tra wil play in Waterman gymansium, Speaking before students and towns- regularity of clockwork. Such pro- on the S. C. A. budget and its details.
nJan. 15-(By A. P.)- as will the orchestra of Henry Theis. people at the University service, held tests as have been made at the differ Following the .speeches, the team
en , -nngpTe .eSmith Saxophone orchestra will uent centers of the occupied area, were were each given a list of the students
deadlock. involving the completefunsthmsifoaborg n- Sunday. eening, Dr. H. K. W. Kumm,ofaorlntue Thnrmlie
furmAsh the music for.Barbour gymna- of a formal nature. The normal life whom they were to solicit. Those not
econoc f 'bet tern o um. Along with the regular Asonkry w ,ofthegreatidstl'rgoscon present last evening will be sent their
ecunguthrtiesbetendthe 1 eranc -and Dixon Seven are five toveity en- I declared that the people of the United tinues unnt difted thefdtoies are list this morning through the mail.
magapy in thriesa thes rmang tertainers who will perform alon; States had cause for pride in the pro- working as usual. The plan as drawn up by the work-
magates in the Ruhr, is creating 'a v ith the orchestra in the large gym-' It wa setd in fiia'crce o eelst ih, rvdeIh1
critical situation which the French nasiu s t gress of Christianity in this country twas assere n oici circles to- ers last night, provides that every
will meet tomorrow with penalties, s fr. -wl bHe said that although a large part of day that the French government has e iworker shall report by 10 o'clock each
military, economic, and financial. ath o'l tm How a e inate the world was today torn by unchris- 'an instant counter move ready for evening the number of subscribers he
The exact nature of the penalties, at 4 ogclock tomorrow afternoon .the tian motives, the United States, by any move the reichs may make. All has seen, the amount each subscribed,
the French general staff refuses to Rpesreading room of the Union. her recent acts had shown herself to arrangements have been made to re- and the total amount of subscriptions.
disclose, saying that instructions from rs t a u be worthy of the title of Christian na- ply by appropriate measures to Ger- Money subscriptions will be turned in
aare being awaited roups who signed up for boothii -tion. man menaces, whether they concern daily to Lane hall.'
Perare ben'watd day afternoon will call at this tine to to.-
In the meantime the military occu- draw by lottery for the booths which Mr. Kumm then told of his expert- questions of labor, food supplies, or In support of the drive, the commit-
pation of Bochum and GelsenkirChen their groups will occupy at the for- ences -in famine relief and of the way transportation. For instance, General tee in charg pointed out that Cor-
has been completed according to plan. mal. A $35 payment must be made in which America had responded to Payot, director of communicationsI nell untiversity last year subscribed
when the drawing is made. This every drive which had as its purpose has taken steps to defeat the. German, $1,000.to itsreligious association cor-
Paris, Jan. 15-(By A. P.)-The Al- payment includ s what is neede;1 for the relief of suffering. He showed plan to deprive the Ruhr basin of'roll-Q responding to .the S. C. A., and that
lied engineer commission at Essen, one chaperone's ticket. how our charitable help in relieving ing stock, which the Germans have Harvard,. Yale, ,and Princeton each
acting in agreement with the French The 53 booths which will be placed the suffering of the Russians althiough just begun to put int operation. . subscribed $6000 last year for the
government, has decided, because of around the walls of both gymnasiums we did not agree with their political The commission of control has dis- same lause.
fresh inforrmation received, to sus- will be decorated by the committee all beliefs was a practical example f covered that thecal tax has not been The budget for the S. C. A. this
pend for 24 hours the order given at - in Japanese design. The groups to the working of, Christ's doctrine of collected for the past three months, year includes the following expense,:
the pitheads for the coal due on the have booths at the ball must furnish love. enabling German industries to get Uiniversi'ty services,'$800, religious' ed-
reparation's acount There is ground furniture for them. Complete in- A special musical program, under coal at 40 pe 'cent under the world's ucatlon, $300, extension service, $200,!
for hope that the mine owners will structions concerning the booths will the direction of George Oscar Bowen, prices, and measures have' been taken world service, $125, conferences and
withdraw their decision, announced be furnished to those who draw to- of the SchpUf of Music, was also of- to stop this. conventions, $500, state student Y. M.
this morning, to comply with orders morrow by S. R. Boyer, '24L, chair- fered. The' Presbyterian choir sang * C. A., $100, publicity, $50, foreign stu-
from Berlin to cease deliveries of coal man of the booth committee. several numbers, anrd Earl V. Moore dents, $25, student volunteers, $25,
gave an organ selection. The Rev. - Monteith club, $25, maintenance of
Henry Lewis, of St. Andrew's Episco- Plan Foreign Trip Lane hall, $1000, and operation ex-
EU Ora tions compiled pal church, led in prayers. 'pense of office at Lane hall, $850.
PRPLE DEFATSPURDUE j________nB o t__Form_
r I
Underhanded methods were resort- Rut Long Shot from Center (
ed to in an attempt to keep the Man- Deciding Point to Farmer
aging Editor in ignorance of a stor3lTy
which was intended to be run in the! (Special to The Idaly)
Magazine Sunday morning. The copy Iowa City, Iowa, Jan. 15. -
for the issue had been laid before the snatched victory from out c
Mangaging Editor by the editor of
the Sunday Magazine, A. D. Clark grasp of the Wolverines 'last ni
'24, on Wednesday of last week, but a score of 18 to 1'( in the last
nothing at all was said of the story ond of play, when Burgett, Ha
regarding the resignations and of the center, dropped in a basket frox
attack on the publications board. Ev- the center of the floor,
erything was done to keep the matter Michigan led at the half s c
a secret. ing10 to 8, mainly through Ut
Coming into the office Saturday at of Haggerty and Miller, who m
'midnight, the Managing Editor dis. of the Wolverine points in th
covered the duplicity, and solely be- half. Guarding was tight and i
cause of the attempt which kad been team had many chances for
made to "double cross" him, held the shots Iowa tied the score at'1(
Magazine from the Sunday morning i soon after the start of the
edition. half, but baskets by Ely and
The article which was to have ap- ( and foul throws by Miller sent
peared was an attack on the publica- igan into the lead again. A bas
tions board for an alleged repressive Janse and two foul throws by
policy toward the student publica- l put the Hawkeyes within three
tions, especially against the Sunday of the Michigan team With but
Magazine.. A specific example was minutes to play. Michigan.W!
given where the board had written the ing 17 to 14. The Hawkeyes Vb
Managing Editor regarding an arti- the ball back from underneatt
cle of exceedingly doubtful taste en- own basket and Hicks caged
titled "Back to Methuselah" which from the side of the court. The
ran in the Magazine Dec. 3, and stood. 17 to 16 in Michigan's
which the board viewed with dis- with but 30 seconds to play, wh
favor. It was an article on gland ball was tossed up in the center
transferrence. 'secured possession of the bal
Managing Editor Given Free Rein after a few passes Burgett st
The fact of the matter is that the winning basket. The game. endi
Managing Editor of The Daily has after the next tip off. While tbg
! was close, Iowa had a margin i±
been given an entirely free hand in ( Wolverines in everything but
the management of the paper. The 1 throws. The Hawkeyes mn
example cited by the Magazine staff mrebsethan iys hga
members was one of the two times more cosesthan did o b ichiga
during the year that the board ex- MI, of iohij
pressed any opinion whatever to the fouls, c giving Miller of isbg
Managing.Editor regarding the pa- ace to score byet.eef
per, and' in both cases the latter en- Summary
tirely agreed with the board. There MICHIGAN
was not the slightest semblance of any MillerR .
censorship by the board at any time Haggerty.L.F.. ...
this year. In fact, the Managing Edi- . Ely..............
tor was specifically told that he was pe ...........
given a free hand.-Paper...R.G
The Board in Control of Student Field Goals; 'Michigan, Hagg
Publications gives the Managing Edi- Miller, Ely, Kipke; Iowa: Hi
tor and the Business Manager of The Laude, Janse, Burgitt, Funk,
Daily as much rein as in any college throws: Miller, seven out of 1,
publication in the country, more so! 6 out of 9.
than in most. At a meeting of edi- Officials: Referee, Young,
tors of the Big Ten- conference at 'Wesleyan; Umpire, Lowtnan,
Minneapolis last May, comparisonin.
were made and it was agreed that the
Michigan board gave the most free-
dom-in fact, that there was hardlyUIVY fITIflhI UPI
any restrictions at all.
Gives Sunday Editor Freedom
This freedom given to the Manag-
ing Editor was to a large extent pass- edUon byUhim
ed on by him to his subordinate, the
editor of the Sunday Magazine. The: Plenty of positions are open
Managing Editor controlled only in a E graduates of the Chemical Eng
general way, as was his right as the ing department, Prof. A. H.
responsible head of the entire organ- states, and all those going out
ization. The purpose was that the end.of this semester willgo iut<
_______ 5 .i.a5-*5 S~r55--S-,'i. cSF5' ff5-s
Lafayette, Ind., Jan. 15-(By A.P.) IN
-Northwestern's airtight defense,1Northern leagueorations which YESTERDA YI
coupled with poor basket shooting on have been delivered in the final con-
the part of Purdue players, cost the tests between six conference univer-
latter team their first western confer- .
ence basketball game of the season to- sities since 1916 have been compiled Ratifications vaididating the Tac-
night, which Northwestern took by a and printed i booklet form, Prof. na-Arica arbitration protocol were ex-
score of 19 to '17. The offensive play Thomas C. Trueblood of the public changed by the Chilean and Peruvian
of Stagman, Northwestern forward, speaking department has approxi- ambassadors in the presence of Secre-
featured the contest.' mately 1,000 copies of these orations. tary Hughes.
They are arranged in three different
FACULTY MEMBERS ADDRESS booklets, one containing the orations Ending a controversy of long stand-
IEETING OF RESEARCH CLUB given in 1916, 1917, and 1918, another ing, the Supreme Court decided the
the orations of ,1919 and 1920, and the south bank of the.Red River constitu-
Members of the Research club will other those of 1921 and 1922. ted the boundary between Texas and
hold their regular monthly meeting a' The Northern league oratoricalj Oklahoma.
8 o'clock Wednesday evening, Jan. 17, contest for this year will be held ,
in the Histological laboratory. Pro- the first Friday in May at the Uni- Construction by the Florida East
fessor Herbert C. Sadler of the marine versity of Minnesota at Minneapolis, I Coast railroad of a 133 mile line
engineering department, will give a Min.n. There are six universities in } which would provide a transportation
paper entitled "Recent Researches i the league at the present time. They outlet for 1,670,000 acres of land in
Naval Architecture". Prof. Edwin D. are: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minneso- Florida between Miami and Okeecho-
Dickinson of the Law selool will also ta, Iowa, and Illinois universities. The bee was authorized by the interstate
present a paper on "Legal Predica- final contest for next year will be commerce commission.
ments of an Unorganized Government held in Ann Arbor in May, 1924.
or State". For the preliminaries at the Uni- The Senate took up the Capper farm
The council will assemble at 7:30 vem sty this year all orations on any credit bill after Senator Norris, Re-
immediately preceeding the regular subject must be handed in by Feb. publican, Nebraska, had made an un-
Three classes of student touristsj
are recognized in the International-
j Students tour which has been organ-
ized for the summer of 1923.
iThe tours which are announced by
the Institute of International Educa-
tion include an art students' tour,
and tours to France and Italy. Mem-
bership in the' students' tours is open
to persons associated with institut-:
ions of higher learning in the U. S.,
either as students or as instructors,
and to teachers in secondary schools,
The art students' tour which wil)
make its first stop at Paris, will fur-
nish the members an opportunity to
visit the galleries, churches, and pal-
aces of Europe. Rome, Florence, Ven-
ice, and Amsterdam are some of the
other places which will be included in
this tour.
The cities and other places which
are the chief points of interest will
be visited in the tours of France and
Italy. Complete information concern-
ing the tour may be obtained from
Irwin Smith,. 30 East 42nd street, New
York City.
Detroit Edison to Show Films Today
Motion pictures showing various
phases of the activities of the Detroit
Edison Power Co., will be shown at
the Chamber of Commerce luncheon
this noon in the Commerce inn. Slides
of the plants and dams around Ann
Arbor will also be shown.
Short explanatory talks will be giv-
en by Mr. Sylvester, district manager,
and by departmqnt heads.
material in the Sunday Magazine!
should not conflict with The Daily's
editorial policy, as might conceivably
be the case occasionally.
In the face of this situation whichl
several members admitted yesterdayj
was a revelation to them, the resolu-
tions which are printed below, were
adopted last week by the Magazinel
staff. One member insisted that he
(Continued on Page Two)
companies with pernnenutt., wo
along their special line of study.
This is due, in part, to the pick-t
in business along manufacturing line
especially of the larger concer
where trained men are needed-for i
Some of the larger companies wl
have expressed their desire to obta
trained men from Professor White
department are Continental 1Wtoz
Co. of Muskegon, several n
,r .. in drop forging and heat treatir
Kathryn Meisle And Symphony Acme Lead and Paint Co.,man
varnish plant; Sherman Willia;
Present Colorful Pr og r am Co. of Chicago, men for dry colora
varnish plants; Shepard Art Me
Body Co., of Detroit, nickel platit
Parke-Davis, Co. ,of Detroit, man
Compositions colorful, and verging lish horn and muted viola. The third nanufactviCng division d the
,at' jtintes on the spectacular were movement, "The Procession of the Sir-voy Process Co. two me for labc
played by the Detroit Symphony ordar", had, again, a compelling rhythnjt ory work.
but was dramatic beyond the possi.
chestra last' night with a degree ofjbility of being followed. Ex.Serviee Men Will ]by eSmok
brilliance and moments of glowing Strauss' treasure waltz from "the A smoker for ex-service ren will
life. The program, to which Miss Gypsy Baron" had a jerky beat that given o 7:30 o'clock this eening
Kathryn Meisle contributed some vo- was only at intervals interrupted by Lanenhall. Prof. WilliamH. Hobbs
cal splendour as soloist, was most the sweep of a typically waltz move- the Geology department will give
unusual in containing but one solid ment. Its melody, the redemption of illustrated talk after which Bur
and thoroughly intellectual composi- the ordinary waltz, was ineffective ''E. Hyde, '25M, will give several
tion and an undue proportion of fan- and the orchestra itself approached lections on his marimbaphone.
tastic and picturesque interludes. I disorganization for the only time dur- freshments will be served.
The ' "Tanuhauser". overture, open- ing the program.
ing the evening, was played with all The first movement of "Scenes Na- Aggies Will Play Detroit
the vivid, sweeping fire that is nec- politaines", by Massenett, had an Detroit, Jan. 15-(By A.P.)-Mi
meeting. All members are requested
to attend.
French Imprison Propagandists
Paris, Jan. 15.- (By A.'.) -The
French government is at the present
time holding eleven Communists for
their connection with recent propo-
ganda antagonistic the Ruhr seizure
20 They must be limited to 1,850
words and according to Professor
Trueblood if they are longer than that
they will not be accepted. All per-
sons submitting. will be given an op-
portunity to deliver them. Contests
will be held for the different classes'
on the campus and one sophomore,
two juniors, and two seniors willbe
chosen to strive for the honor of 'rep-
resenting Michigan in the Northern!
league contest.
successful effort to have . his bill
which would create a government cor-
poration to sell and buy agricultural
products, given seniority.
The Senate oil investigation turned
into an inquiry into the dealings of the
'independent companies", with L. V.
Nicholas, president of the national pe-
troleum marketers association testi-
fying thei'e was "no real independence
Who have drawing instruments,
books, and other school,-supplies
that you would exchange for
cash can find a market for them
by calling
essary for its interpretation. The tre.
mendosuly effective orchestration of
Wagner is, of course, the chief cause
of its long-established position in clas,
sic musical literature and Victor Kol-
ar's leadership brought out all the
I amaiv r-trn ronhn,,r of tha a noro l
abandon and tumultous swirl quite gan Agricultural college fo
effective. But the third reduced it' will play the University
heavy beat and almost Wagnerian tur- here next fall, it was ann
moil to a barbaric display of noise. day. The date has not beer
Miss .Meissle's contralto voice, in The Aggies consented to t
the spring song from "Samson and after receiving notice that