TEMICHIGCAN DAILY _________ Int ramtural (continued from Page Six) 2, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Chi Phi;, court 3, Phi Mu 'Alpha vs. Delta Tar: Ljpsiren; court 4, Alpha ChiSgm v. Delta Chi. Tuesday night's schedule is as, fol-. lows: att 6 o'clock, court 1,. Nu Sigma Nu, vs. Theta Clii; court 2, PI Delta Kappa vH. Delta Alpha ;psilon; court ~,Phi Beta Delta vs. 1Psi Upsiloi ;I cour't 4, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Chi; at 6:':0 o'clock, court 1, PI' Gammla Deltav~ Phi Delta Theta; court 2, 11Kappa Alphia v4. Cygnus; court 3, Tau Ep-. tilon Phi vs. Alpha Rho Clhi; court lf ! Delta Tau Delta vs. Theta Delta ClI ; atL 7 o'clock, court 1, Alpha Sigma vsr be lta Kappa Upsilon; court 2, Pill1 Del- to Epsilon vs. Zeta Beta; Tan; cour; 3,Dela Si .111.1 Delta vs. Phi Rho Sig-. 111a;court -4, Delta Thet a PhI vs. SIg- 111a Alpha EpsiAlon ; at 9:.3t1 WcO 1i. ,(ourt 1, Delta Uphsilon vs~. Phi i1clta Clif, court 2, senior lits vs. laws; court :junior en1gineers s., junior lit$; court 4, s~jph enginieery vs. upper, dotnto ; at' 101-o'clock, coa( 1, phar- Showing Speed" ....:..... fBfNT RACE BECOMES CLOSE Beta Pi Delta Kappa: Nu Theta Xi Trigon, Kappa Feta Psi (Continued from Page Six) A rare case has arisen in league sev- J3eta Theta P! ecn three fraternities being tied for Phi Kappa Sigina the lead. They are Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma Chii Delta rTan Upsilon, and' Delta Chi. Sig- Sigma Chii ma Nu, league eight, is making a Ifermitago strong bidl in keeping possession of Sigma. Delta Pi the Intramural fraternity cup, ,is theieLe have won their two games, but they will 111id some serious opposition Wvhen Phi Chii is encountered, ftor I i~a lda Chii Aiego . the are in the. lead and will engage ! Dlta a Tau Omeg Sigmla Nu in a third round b~attle. { Dlt Sigma l I iii lDel Ta'heta and Cygnus, legI Kappa Sigma. nine, have strong teanms this year and Chi i Phi inut be considered1 when the final Peens~ count is mnade, while D~elta 'Theta Phi! Len. and Phi Rito Sigma if league eleven, jiave as yet to play two gaimes and Pi i Mu Alpha their, real power has not been dis- Delta Tau Upsilor played. League 10 runs true to form, Delta 'Clii all of the teams having won and lostJ Alpha Clii Sigmia agauze apiece. tNu SigmAa Nit Following are the standings of allI Theta. Chi fraternities entered in the fraternity . aie 1 '1 ,3 1 1 1 1 1 o z 2 I. 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 E? 1 1 1 3 2 1) 2 .500 Lea p .500 .500 Phi Delta Theta, .50cygnus' .000 'Pt :Kappa Alpha, Alpha, RhoaChi Phi Gamma Delta Pct. Tant Epsilon Phi 1.000 gue 9 w 1L 2 0 2 0 1 I 1 1 0 2 0 2 ' League 10 Pct. XW 1,000 Delta Tau Delta1 1.000 Alpha Sigma 1 .500I Phi Delta Epsilon 1 .500 Theta Delta~ Chi - 1 .000 Deltai Kappai Epsilon 1 .000 Zeta Deta Tau 1 League L~ Pct.j 1 ".500 Delta Theta. Ii 1 )500.11hi1Rho .sigma- 1. .500Delta Upoilon "°.50)~ Signia Alpha Epsilon I .500 1Delta Sigmna Delta 1 ,500 Phi Delta Chi z 0 a 1 1 1 1 aguef ar .70' .0()1 Pet 1.00' .501 .00( ignte 7 W n _, ? 2 f} 'jlsv.graduates; court 2, vs. upper a1rchitcts; court ' modics vs. lowe,(r arci tects; :S0Ip1 deflugt& S. f'esli lit:. opli fits 3, lower (101't -,; " 11 4 14 {) fl 0A 2 9, r, 1 0 Nine teams have ente:redi the finter- frateruity - hockey tournament. The entry sheet will .he held open until! - afer, the cl-as hockey ' ia . r1j,_, All1-A iei ica ii u Irn J. and ecapta in elect of t hC'I 2ri'ol teamn, is ,3lay- ing; With his acVciis I lied (1ash1or. basket ball the end otI night, nog in the leagi leagues as they, stood at the play on last 'Thursday, ganies having been played 1 'li Clit' ; ssi c th nP11CiLeague ti Phi 1Beta Delta, tv i. Pot Delta Alpha Epsilon' 2 1 .4 1) )0 )0 ! I) 0E 4: i ltoq I ARTY .............................il............ ....Y~r ...lr...Y*S4***S*S FA-VORS We will be glad luote you pricesonfvr for your lo-Hop booth or H ouse' Party y. b'ee~n started. twee1n guiard and forward. Ilie ISa [flashy, brilliant jrlayr. The following schedule will lake of-.- --.I- fect next Moronday amld Ml games prac-heaouedasona tiaee Vill he Flcd as here isted un- taswl damucda, on, Jess the weather changeYs and a shale- J Vhe interclass touirnamecnt' is fairly ui1 imust be mzade: Monday, 5:30 o'clock ! underw~ay. The winner of Gie league jiunior lite, Amner, 558, 6 o'clock, o801iAil)ea rdda rpy u.Iti1 engineers, Jones, 1484; T uesdlay, ;'0 tecss ar37 that al11 of the 11house: Sena o'eloek, fresh engineers,- Vose, 31156 -3 ;in their entries :1001.1 0.1i ossibie 6 o'clock, senior lltI,A oeb, '1I04; Wed- :s st paEu ~a nll"o 1c nesday, 5:30 o'clock, soph fits, blur-' essary ]larl.! zvichf, 29rS0-M;T 6 o'clock, laws, Storz ,. 15.39; ''huu'~ day, 5.:304 o'clock, all '.1The coliseum savdil Ile 1fo' any- dents, rodkey, ;'2. one to practice on after 1 o'clock any -~everaing; ne ±.'wk, rand any te:m1(de-. Wtch .the .signs _that have 110e12nI irinig to obin Per ldsioli to pr~ac- lpo:ted aroun~d the -campus telling tice can dlo soy' by cealling u111 lftiod Nvyhether or' not the ice at Whineberg's int.r r~f.'a hockey manrager, at 1'8:3. coliseniji. can bhe used for skatin ;. - - -. 'fntries ,are now being _received for All frater'nities desiring .to enter ai the fra.:ternit~y hocey league which hockey team n . the fraternity hlockey will sitart: as ..con a the close leasgue should call Method, Intramur-! tootrnament is fair'ly under. way. Coal -al hockey manager, at 783, pnd leiave tender's sticks and i)a(h-; wxill he °farn- the name of their house and the mane- ished by the Intranini'~f department, tger of the hpckey teamn. Practice I paut allother necerssari es must bN< furn- schiedules for the fraternity hockey ishled by. the p)kiyemrs (t eamns. Acacia Phi Sigma Delta Phi Tau Alpha Kappa Kappa Chi Psi Psi Omega 2 0. 1 $1 1 1 0 2 i .500 .50,03 .000 .000 Ph1il Delta RappaV P si Upsi o.. I Lead-ue 1 wv ANNOUNCE- MENTP B AY Alpha D~elta Phi PI'MSigmia Kappa Sigma Phii Epsilon Sigma Delta Phi Alpha Clhi Rho Delta Sigmia, Phii 2 0 ue I-I 1 1 Y A Taui Delta: Phi Xi Psi Phi 11hi Epfiilon='Pi lPlii Kappa ;'si: P'hi Beta Pi \\V L 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 0 2 Pct. 1.000, .500 .500 .000l .000 1.o00 1 .:500 .500 .00 .0001 pet. 1.000# In accordance pith. her usual c.ustom Mrs.* Stoddard has en- ~agedl thes services of an expert narcel 1er and ha irresser to ac- mnommolate .J -Hop attenders. FYii; are advised to make av- poitinen3ts now. Arcade Jeweler Phone r642 r f Leatgue 4 WC 2 L I 0. Tucker f ouse ... i.4 .,c-...- -- -.. Fifthi Ave. and William St. REV. L~. F. GJNDEBWAN, Pastor 409 S. i1vision trtf Sunduay Morning Service, 10: 0 / Sunday Sclhool, 11:45. ' i . i ,,. 1 .; 1 , i I MJUICHIGAN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per wdrd a day, paid in advajnce. Min- I a htg o is d y 5 . M n m mA a ,e,2c h e I cents ,per word, per day if charged. White space charged for at rate I -ot be pr agate -line.. Classified, charged only. to tho.F;e having phones. Liner Rates! Twelve cents per line, without; coutract, paid Wn advance. PHON~E.960 9:30 A. M.---Blible School. "Oh y-ou whose hearts arc: bold and free; Oh you whose eyes with. tire ares lit A whisper thrills- The lay shall he. Wliate'er you will to make of it!' Wednesday meeting. 7:310. EV ning, 1 10:30 A. M.--"The Smoke of a Thous-I sid Vil l-ages."3 Readin~g Room, 236 Nickels Are "Tri, youl-s to ltbt the breaking light Against earth's smoke still Strive, in vain. Ori bid, in idisputed, right., T"he sun of love and peaice toreg. --Gilbert Thomas. Open dally 12 to ,6 except Sund~ays a ffoli d ays. ALIL ARE WEB COME. EVERYONE IS WELCOME I 1NOT1CE '.REPLIES to the followilng~ boxes are in The' Daily 'office: DOS,05,W. T.,, P., W.T.V, K.D.,,- S., TIBSON, X. LIBERAL REWVARD---Offered for in-, foriiation leading, to the recovery of of an overcoat taken from the men's cloak-: room' in the Medical Bldg.f .Tan. 12 between 1 and 5. Call 1565- J1 between 7 and 9 p. in. 81-2, FOR RENT FOR RAi4N -Pleasant newly-furnishi- ed