THE MICHIGAN DAILY s IAOooop- IIc . ,, +,, . t14-mill lulwi . _ ., [r r'"' r srsIty Men &r 1Decides on ,Eight lames for Annual Southern Trip Sprinig Yacation PEING CALL FORl BATTERY, CANDIHATES IWILL BE FEB. ;12 Coach Ray Fisher yesterday 'anl- unced the southern and home sched- le for the Varsity baseball team for ie coming seasen. Eight gamnes have1 en scheduled during spring ,Vaca- an, but there are not as -many games 'yed in the south as there were last! The Wolvcrines will meet Ijentiwky diversity in the first game of the ar, April 7, at Lexington. Two ys later they will play Vanderbiltj iversity at Nashville, staying; there r two games. Vanderbilt will no ubt have a good team as almost all their veterans will be back. Meet Georg'ia Again The team will also have hard games th Alabama Polytech, at Montgom- y, and the Univer ity of Georgia at hens. Coach Fisher's men will face. ch of these schools in two battles. ast year they proved to have strong, sins and they will furnish the hard- ipart of the southern schedule this ' ar. Coach Fisher will call out the bat-! Ties Feb. 12,, it it is pos5sible to put 1 net in 'the gymnasium at this time. he following week, Feb. 11), he- will sue the -call for the tither candidates, If ineligibility dloes -not weaken. the ain a fine, well rounded squad should ! pear at this time. With the e':cep- -in of second base, veterans will be ik for:.? very berth. Will have Tajn Ready 'Coach Fisher is confident that he n get the teami in good condition bie-! re the- first' :amie of the soutleril hedule. Hle gives' the excellent bra.nd 'ball that the team. played-last year ithe southern tripas as proof. a The southern andi home schedules .es follows: 4 COMEBACKS PLENTIFUL IN' 1922 I men of last year have graduated so FRATERNITY BASKETBAL 'WfLIE HOPPETO OPEN ¢ftt. - foLhi ~ b..e l /n 1 ~r~ rrw s Pa .' - r,., . ', . i ~' -- ff a ;,, { r r _ ' wwwwq .. r; Mfpi7~tE WFIc.* 4~ CH, AMPIcN (Oq , . ,,_ /ref , " , , ti,: ,t. ',fe: ',r' , I eM SC '' i, I = a..,. Fr f I r'ees of $1 must be placed with all en- BECOME"S CLOSE!! i Il anv A TIEl~S ' BILLA RD scurce will he spent int buying a lor- __ -s-ing cupi which will, be given to the, ! IHO(TSE FIV F ,4 u tO ST1Ro3-xG i FPornial openiin~g o te iar- d , 4winnier. . 'TIJRI) t)lY)) °'l N'1'll.t1 season at the Mimes will be held ill At the samesc time as the interfratern- ! AL- MI"'!ET 1,00318 ; near future with an exhihsition bey1 its toirney there will be an- All-cain- ---willie 13c'ipc, champlion 18.' halk line, pus three cushion tourney. Any manl Wiith more thian 20 teams still Ilan 'bPliardist cf t he world, an iit( ilia- ont the campus ilb lgbet on ¢ C ing a. percentage of, 1000, jutereatt s'tei nity stratight rail billiard toiii 1W\ , pete in this, and it is hoped that men all(on]le 'nenllM * ~ m an All-camnpus - lire cusi'hion who are in the interfraternity con- t our ney. test, will also compete lin this one. ternty basketball championship as to who illbe he irs tofal frm ti~ lthiolgh a6:0o'clock, court ±1, Delta Sigma Ph- 'v.Alpha Chi 'Rhto; court 2, Sigma freeze. Automobile Heaters. Spot Lights PiEpsilon vs. Sigma Delta Phi; oflUT te court 3, Phi- Beta. Pi vs. Tau Delta Phi; TFake care of ou A TO d ringthe Cold-, veaher ri court 4, Alpha Sigma-Phi vs. Phi Ep- Ride safe. . i silon Pi; at ; o'clock, court 1, Xi P'si ~Rd ae Phi vs. Phi Kappa Psi; court 2, Kap- i- pa Beta Psi vs. Tucker House; court PRC SR1H --S R I E P O P 3, Beta Phi Delta vs. Theta Xi; court ___________________________________________________ E4, K~papa. Nu vs. Trigopn; at 9:30 o'a-m clock, court 1, SigmnaDelta Pi vs., Sig- UMM Ima Chi; court 2, Beta Theta Pi vs. Sig 'i..mAn lw 'bhA I T ma Phi; court 3, Phi'. Kappa Sigma, vs,-S IHermitage; court 4,. Lambda Chi A--TU p-o at-arwr pha vs. Peers, at 10 o'clock ,,court 1, - ..p Delta Sigma Pi v s Kappa Sigmia, courtti PHONE 1610310 . SA E TR T ,= (Continued, on Wage Seven)31 S. TA E TR T t ti " . AACA WI Lur IPopper = ONCE moafF THE~ tNTLIR titNA MON 1 MtAMS P~cz~uut/ 1"4--. MA Le : Sometimes th~y come hack:. More often the- dethroned monarch 1 SOUVTIJERN SCHEDULE April 7--Kentucky uiniversity at 1lexington; April 9 and 10.-Vander- hilt university at Nashville; April 11.E -Alabama Poly at Montgomery; April 2---Alabama Voly at Auburn:. April 3 andV _144L U1niersity :of. Georgia, at ) Athens; April 76.'University of Cin- .,mInati at Cincinnati. HOME ~:SCHEDULEI -April 21-OhiaState here; April 25.1 --X A. C. at Lansing; April 28.-Wii-I ^onsin hsere; -May 2.-M. A. C. here; dlay v. --- Notre D am e here; M ay. - i l a h r ; M y .2 -- I - liois at Uirbana; 'May 14.--Iowa- at owa. City; May 18 and 19.--Minziesota [iere , May 94 .-.4linois here'; May 28. --Ohio State at Columbus; May ,3'4 \otre Damte at Soutlh Bend; June, 1.- Northw'estem n 't Evanston; June 2.- Wisconsmin t Madison. llrbanai,,-Ill., Jan. 13-(Lly A. P.)-e Ohio-Sateuniyersity wrestlers d6-. featcd the Utniversity of Illinois wrest- leis here this ', afternoon,' 14 to- 13. Captain Martter, Conference welter- weight champion, the "Joe Stecher of the Big Ten," defeated Captain Tren- kle ,of Illinois, by decision. Mirply ,1ay Succeed 3rulealiy -London", Ja-n., 12. -(By A.P.).-:Thio D~aily Newrs says Richard Mulcahty goon will give -up command of sthe Freo State army. and be succeeded by W. R. Murphy,- hut that Mulcalty will continue to serve as Free State minis- ter of defense. In running a DAILY want ad 'Tell enough- and sell the stough."--Aviv.. Patronize Daily advertisers-Adv. in' sportdlin entirely disappears aft- 1 er defeat; but now and then one of ' these guys. dollsback in the dish andf collects the mazurna all1 over again.;v The glorious year of 1922 has witness-9 ed several, of. these returns in all 1 branchtes or:sport. Coirehacks may contain a certain1 amclunt of luck, but most of the boys9 acquire the laurels for a second time c by consistent plugging and a "nev-, er-say-die" spirit. Some, of course, have t thrust upon them and make the surprise unanimous by showing theirI consternation and consulting an in-c sanity expert at once to make sure the- old bra-in isn't doing a Vir'ginia reel? yAbout -the time that -folks thought Mike 'Dowd wans ready to wrinkle. the upholstery in the Old Men's Home he staged a comeback and won the Imiddleweight chainpionship (of- New York) from Dave Rosenburgh o-n a I foul. - Alike returns to the spotlight in one sense .of the word. notwith- standing the existence 0of Johnny Wil- {son and Bt-yan Downey, both CI .Whom0 lay claim to the bacon. Mike is thor-,I oughly recognh'veI in certain localities. A few precincts are yet to be heard from,. ho, ever. Willie Hoppe, playing wonderful billiards in the -international tourna- meat in New York, wvent through the contest without a defeat and triumph- ed over Jake Schaefer, his conquer- or of a year qgo. H-op~pe once more stand:, as international 18.2bak bakline billiard champion, jAnother notable comeback of the :year is Joe Lynch, 'who lost his ban- Tani title to Pete Herman some time ago and regained the emblem when ihe outwhacked Johnny Buff. I I Comuebac~ks in baseball during 1922 wre plentiful a-s' department store ISanta .clauses, but one of the most in- teresting of this return ticket fratern- ity was old" Babe"-Adams of the Pitts- burg Pirates, world's series hero of LIO.;. This gent has been relegated to the frontier, of back numbers since Hector wore rompers, but always comes bacl good and strong. Old Babe, witha percentage of .421, stands as 13t] hurler in the National league and al- lowed buit 15 bases on balls in 27 games.. This after the wise one pre- dicted that Adams would 'fiivver lasl s ea son. A mysterious individua-l with silver whiskers, generally known as "0ld Doctor Dope," is busily engaged un- corking a set of alibis. ., I *s .. a EAT SMOKE, DRINK, RIEST ?AN) PLAN: 'Wherever you g'o wor will be better off menially awli phiysi(icly afer 0. game of P~cket or Carom Billia rds,. t -'ctil t ~ ,, , '' ,rb k %i, L Q r", f -I __ . -y = _,- -_ 1B11,11ARD CIGAUS CANI1ES PIPES, LUNC4ES EIpDAS '"We -try 'to treat yo u ri jht" N ;. I EmI srj;:1 m m~tat-n ma Cigarettes-Tobacco CAMELS LUCKY STRIKES FIELDS--ALL 15c CHi ES'r TAREYTON OMAR POLO TUX P. A. EDGE WOR TH -I TER-' CELDO as pA LAw t PA4--OIF UNI-VI1$IT ~ i - . - -U -iw HCKE Y ~-TR2E}1AN1 quality as, exhibited in our new tuxedos is even more apparent and more to be desired. Ask about our shoe special at 6.95 1i . r ...+ ° t