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January 14, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-14

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Detroit, Jan. 13.- James R. Davis, London, Jan. 13. (By A. P.)-Since
federal prohibition director for Michi- the sinking of the steamship Egypt
gan, hopes to give rum running along last May, with the loss of over 100
the Detroit river a number of body lives, British shipping companies have
the etrit rver a n mber of ody been endoavoring to work out a sys-
blows during the present year that ten which would prevent confusion in
might assume knockout proportions.. the event of passengers having to
With the reopening of navigation in take to the boats, and British lines
the spring the director hopes to have are keenly interoated in the experi-
returned here the two motor boats ments in this direction made by the
supplied by the j prohibition enforce- French Messageries Maritime Com-
rnent headquarters at Washington for pany.
use in patrolling the river. He also As oil lamps do not give enough
is prepared to seek the stationing here light during the confusion occasioned
of three or four additional boats sim- by a shipwreck, and as electric lights
ilar to the ones operated last summer. are apt to go out when the dynamos
The chances for obtaining the addi- are flooded, it is planned to paint all
tious to the. Michigan "dry navy" ap- safety arrangements with luminous
pear -bright, it is said. 'paint of a new type which will resist
During last summer the Michigan climate and weather.
"navy" captured about 70 boats oper- The lates't regu'lations for safety
ated by run rumners. This not only at sea which are generally followed
resulted in v inotieable drying up of by the leading companies, provide that
the border; but. the confiscated craft a passenger liner should have an em-
were sold at'aueton, making the "na- ergency electric set on the upper deck,
vy" more than self sustaining. Mr. where the water cannot get at it until
Davis is emphatic in saying that motor the ship actually goes down.
boats are the most effective means of
combatting the liquor traffic in this
part of the state. year
The two bcats in use here last year
were transferred to southern watersT
with the coming of ice in the river
here,, it being impossible to use them
during the winter. The enforcement MCFARLANiD '23, RETURNS TO
agents now are obliged to keep a close
watch of the river banks to prevent TEAM FOLLOWING TEN-DAY
carrying of liquor from Windsor and ILLNESS
other border points across the ice into Varsity debaters who will meet Chi-
The recent ruling of an Essez judge cago and Northwesternruniversities
in holding that liquor legally could be next Friday night are practicing daily
transported along the highways in On- and have almost completed their pre-
tario to a river port for transfer to paration for the coming debate. R.
the United States, may be a handcap A. McFarland, '23, who has been con-
to enforcement of the liquor'laws in fined to the University hospital w't:
this state, Mr. Davis admitted. He diptheria for the past ten days. a,
said enforcement agents on this side dismissed from the hospital yester La;
of the river were prepared to be even and practiced with the team du :in
more, watchful than ever to prevent the afternoon.
landing of intoxicants on the Ameri- Dean Henry M. Bates of t _,
can side. school will preside at the contest here
Friday night, which is the twenty-fifth
JAPANESE DIET CONSIDERS annual event. Northwestern's nega-
var~r.irear ' - tive tean m will nn A A hnr .n..

B ThikY h Roest from the University of Leyden. Plot Roest, who is the only one of poganda purposes, according to
ran'Th~k~n YothsTogether, suacsgvnb aho h
"The youth of Germany," stated those in the mission visiting Ann Ar- assurances iven by each of the
Purpose Of European Students Tiesler, "now feels that it alone bears bor, who has any party affiliations, visitors, but is here onl to echa
the responsibility for the future de- pins his hope in a doctrine of "prac-
Ivelopment of its country. In spite tical idealism." Roest is a member oft . roixlv Ill
Our chief purpose is to bring the of the problems that are today facing of the fact that the German students the "Practical Idealists association,
American students into touch with the youth of Europe, and for their are suffering extreme poverty, they an organization composed of the pro- Frank H. Granito, '25, of Bayo
young men who are facing their own general acquaintance with the various are more widely awake to social pro- gressive youth of Holland, both stu- N. J., has been seriously ill at
problems and think for themselves," youth movements in their countries. blems than they ever have been." The dents and workers. Only a spiritual home since vacation, it was lea:
n as one of the statements made by Of the six men composing the mis- Gcrman youth, according to Tiesler, renaissance of the youth of the worldtoday. He has had a serious op
Jchn Rothschild, executive secretary sion, three have come to Ann Arbor find itself in a condition of "romantic will form a basis for world reconstruc- tod has ad a is o
of the National Student forum, in dis- under the auspices of the liberal club, flux." "We know that the old, compet- tion after the war, ithe opinion of rtion for appndicitisgaid s. cao
cussing the reasons for which the Eu- and are to remain here for five days. itive system has failed. It has brought Jorgen Holck "We are here to awak- fering from pcrat i'itis.
ropean Student mission was brought IHans Tiesler, from the International nothing but misery and suffering to en the social conscience of the Am-
to this country. The National Student Peoples' college, in Elsinor, Norway, the peoples of all the world. It is erican youth, and get them into sym- Good. typeriters, various ma
forum, according to Rothschild, has is the German student on the mission. only by collective effort and good will pathetic contact with the aspirations 'or sale or rent. Reasonable ra
selected the six men composing the With him are Jorgen Holck, of the Un- that our problem of the future will be oi the sericusly inclined students of A. M\oran, Room42, 111 N. Uni
mission for their individual knowledge iversity of Copenhagen, and Piet solved." Europe." The mission has no pro- 'ittv.-,Adv.




A Superb Drama Tops A Superb


, ;fi


Tokio, Jan. 13. - In view of the
growing uztilization of wireless tele-f
gra~phy, the Communications Depart-
ment has decided to revise the regula-
tions governing the use of this means
of comiurnication. The revision will
be made in favor of the general public
so that they may be freely entitled to.
use wireless for private purposes,
which is forbidden by the existing
law. The draft bill will be introduced
in: the forthcoming session of the
Imperial Diet.
Wisconsin Expenses Show Increase
Madison, Jan. 13-Total expendi-
tures for the fiscal year, July 1, 1921-
June 30, 1922, by the University of
Wisconsin, for , operation, mainten-
ance, reconstruction and supplies am-
ounted to $5,249,730 according to a re-
port submitted to the board of Re-
gents. This amount is $112, 906.951
greater than the expenses for the fis-
cal year ending June 30, 1921.
Wile Opposes Birth Control j
Prof. U. J. Wile, of the Medicalj
school, is among the endorsers of a
bill recently introduced in thle house
and senate, the purpose of which is to1
remove the legal bariier against im-I
parting or receiving knowledge as to
birth regulation and control.

LieLarwi come LoAnn Ar or ana
meet the Michigan affirmative team in
Hill auditorium. The Michigan nega-
tive trio will go to Chicago Thursday
and meet the Chicago affirmativeteam
there. The Chicago negative team
will compete against the Northwestern
affirmative at Northwestern univer-
The question that will be debated is:
Resolved, That the United States
should adopt the British system of un-
employment insurance.
"One of the best shows that I have
judged this year" was the comment
of J. W. Mulnix, of Toledo, poultry
judge at the show which has been in
progress at the Labor tem le during
the past week and which wiij come
to a conclusion tonight.
The exhibit, conducted by the Wash-
tenaw County Poultry and Pet Stock
Breeder's association, contains some
f tine specimens, according to the judge.
He termed the Silver Spangled Ham-
burg class the strongest at the show
and said that it compared favorably
with the birds exhibited at the New
York shows.
y a
Try a Classified Ad-it pay.-Adv.

6 6 1


t f

A Story of the Most Mysterious of all the Beautiful Women of Paris-
A Gripping and Magnetic Drama of Three Kinds of Love:
Atmosphere Exotic, Settings Gorgeous, Story Like a Legend-A Modern Arabian Nights
of Paris; Plots Sinister, Passion Overwhelming, Destiny Swift and Inexorable.
"It will furnish an evening of exciting entertainment"-N. Y. Times.

. : -

For your dinner today:
Baked Vi iHam, 30c
ONE of the finest dishes we
could possibly serve! Ten,_
der, juicy ham c u r e d in the
} olcl Virginia manner and de-
liciously baked in pure ma-
.Ple syrup. Spiced with cloves
-- - Just as southern mammies
would have done. ,hoc.

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The Picture they are talking about from Portlandd, Me., to Portland, Oregon





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