rmpusSymphony± Will Play. Today ~e Univcrsity Symphony orches- under the directioni of Samu-aet P. kwo(od, will give its next concert he Faculty Concert Series at 4:1:> 1ck thlis afternoon in Hill aUdi- n. Miss Clara Lundell, -pianist, 'appeal- as solist with thie orches- THE MICHIGAN DAILY CENTER OF WORLD'S INTEREST, AND COMMA NDER OF INVAD1)ERS g eneralI public is co;ria lly in- to attejj. It is requested that seateJ pronytly v~3 the doors w cloyed during the nur her^. owing i5 the ipro.,rrum: MJu.;ic aud W'eddlin g:March -om "Fortin~ors" .....luibin~tCi n WeDnIchi D~ance of the 1"vidt":1of Kashi- I i I I i I k ° MUSTER. ~ ~IRl~.T ,~?D.t~rMMUKDEN I -_ OARBURGD F E SEND TWO 2 it' ' 't. Strl. In Hvna Underwo~od, Remington, Smith, Roy- SHIPS + .Z, Havana, Jan. "!3 -(By A. P.)--AU al, and Rteinlfntoni Portable type~frit- t ; ~~~~~~~studerits in itstitutions of higher Ad- o aeo et loirdrvo ____ Portables for sale. S. A. :Moran, Pars, an 13i~y A.~b-woucation in this city are out on strike. ,14oom 2, 711 N. University.-Adv(l. Ts cinwas takenu to enlforce de- i- - = -- French destroyers left Cberbour g to- ( r,,. il mands nmide l); the SMudent:; for re- New r'l%('.0o Suits f.) et lr I 1dcay for Memnel, the scene of the r" or- Am jmetngws ed !o and Co. State Street --Adv. F centUivasion by Lithuanian invaders. it y to e,'eavor to come to somne sort Oether naval units will follow ,soon. f!a011 grc..ent x t uhoii~ atronize Daily dvries-Adv. Make YorefHa-ppy - with the Newv Columbia )'Iusic layatdore tz nce II Weddilng NMarch eyed igldyl............ Wagner .ornian Fairy Tales" Op. 1_35, Nos. _i and 2...........Bcnilcl Orchestrated by S. P. L.ockwvood "wrinii wicl" (The Snow Witch). "Schncewittid~eb" (Sn ow-Whtite) iuceriio, Op. 6' A minor2. (:Gicy Allegro inoderato; Adargio-Allegro m a reato s We Iha ve five very fine reiordis whichx we are glad to offer to our culstomners and wvhich we 110 'artily rCC)1l~lfl(n.i.l eethey fare: WHOhAerby Eddie Elkin s Orchestra (exclusive Columbia lArtists.) ATh- by Tecd Lewis and Orchestra--anotlher exclusive Columbia a rtist., OOGC AS BU -by 'Franik Wesh"l and Orchestra. HELOVES I-A Coiediean Song which EddiEe Cantor sings aid "You'll declare, he's .a bear." And here is the recordl that Irene Castle danced -to Thursday evening: LVIN' SAM (THESHEKOF ALD8R) New Sheet Music that Should be ono Your Piano lathryn Mle 'il BURS-F K .1 A1//pears .S I (I'1flfJQtvy RThp ,l;!i4cYc°a? 'cm~e Fitte$ atfllroeau e:i'-w-wouht alby lri~e's ; hire of Iefill. bPiur. Main sh adeI Sec- tirnt> IOWSzwwn lu, ghinle Ete pil by .aa!szciai ~l1)OcVs a*"~inJ~e ('ld f ia%'.Cirt-ala shiaded scwon 'rhe Detroit Symphony orchestra?. , tinder the direction cof Victor IKolar will give the 1fourth11number onl the I ~ l:()E~n eito r lt',sio i~ 2 uhi~ hr itn'oelrta rni Extra Concert s .r es aat 8 ,clckto- t R zs h'sc gafw n °;(3) 1thbroit, t :eugh vlihl 'Ale egA',h Itroops avatcat a e4 llIn c-ojw atdois wit French; mnorrow evening 1in Hi :llt]uditoriuin. ("-) i~ '}:1.7lr bsiniudi ' ttei1 by i rdshladling, 1the dis-ral stIzetl. At, right4 ei,'eral De (4ou, Freneh er Miss Kathryn Meia1e, contralto, who .I lnder of iIll41i'fl orces. was heard at the 1922 May FTieStivail, _____________ __ ____________ w iappear as Soloist.- Following ,sthe programnt ppred ( lI 'iingSc C r uieri~ty l; z~ 111ra- Iby K olar w ith a. view to nlt re. hug W n s ° ° ,tc s E~ n r z ~ s t a i~ a l a iv~ll classe.; of music-lovers: ,,tc1,:cuto atya. Wagner, over' ire to the ole U near tts Latent aM P Us T alent a t ecpod chnas4 Year edto ....."Tannhauk211er' - Aes wil be in his 30 ,Session, for onre Saint-Saens, Spring ,Song from 34c !r, Mimes tournament reg.ulatLions ."Sams.on'and Delilah" By leo J~) .1 er.hml rfe:' Se.~ond lprize was awarded to the !,1tiul.Ati;t lgtat, the owner must be Miss Meisde Last nighlt inl the MZim es theater i"'zij) representing A.lphia Sigma Phii thxe winner ci' 'two contests. Another Ip olitov-1vaiov, Cauzcasian Sk1etche110 rsentd aproramof aud- re nXity, ho scored i athler well inttournalment,, following the same plan 1Tn the nmointains Villeccontairrnnga bevy of true Thoes- Spanish burlesque. Delta Kappa as the oflC jrast' concluded, allso" under II In the village ! 'tcnia1B'O l pIloln, winner of tlhir' honors, en- ,the au;spices of Mimes, willI be con- Sol _Il Iiflliwn....oM . 1eyenTh*ertained with a son;-and-dhance rum- 'ductre~i in the spring. Sc61o .n .. o. Mr.. yway n:ight app rove, Teoff erinlgs rprygthtD Wi!Tao,'2 S-foViola.....rtKldknconcluded. the Mimes =amateur tourna-"socastpn'su". ea BtlIL O T R MA E TIIProcession of the Sirdar "montcaa ctep at'which broughtasbefore JoanStus raueWlz thefootlighuts manry personas of'talent Pan secured:>out.i;jrizeon th Johan Sraus, reaure'Walt andl ability, her'etofore latent either 1 :;trngth of ,a humrorouts negro silit, in SUCCFSSSFUL FLIGH I ... from "Thle Gypsy Baron" beas f ako ppruiy rb-;hicli a darky (dude" and a "high De~eLsFle eCdzcause of the fear of stage-fright brw aie"cil sm ea tn aslhington, Jan. 13-13y A.P.)- MsMisewhich is so common to ambitious yet : . A1nnunent that the firmy air Massenet, Scenes N\apolitaines tne uspol.Johin Giylls, '255, and Gordon Rice,' Ci{ as(~eoe ahlcpe Laa Danse To Mimes, then, and its dramatic '2, gave their interpretations of the a~11nd ad1e successfull flights with the i La. Procession e 14'Jmproisateuar ideals, Michigan offers praitse, and to I olisfamed "Gallagher and Shean" mlachine at MceCookc Field, at Dayton,I La 'Fete Lionel Ames, '24, who was adjudged again, and l WO1l(I prob.ably have won !0wio was made tonight by the war --winner of the tournament, the cam- '?gllcr than fifth prize had they put} FIV LOST M_ Npu rndnshoae. Ames, fem al e n~ore effozrt into their foolery and in- " rtmntWoftheoxerien SE PL N , AL Simpeicrsonator extraordinary, proved toue Oenwparo11es;lght was one mlinute and~ 42 scondllts, hiSrgtEobeclldthAosNntrEPitt hi nd Kappa Nu in spite of1 driii;; which the machfinrerose --- ~~~taining and delightful entertainer who tbr ta,ct thafit thiey were awarded sixth ,srih tontegon n an1 K ey Wes t, Jan. !b(yA..- as appeared recently in Milchilgan and sevenlthr places, respectively, utn- straight fon twilo the oend atorwai l r'adio nmessegeoreceiv;ed here tonright dramatic enterprises. His act last: athdtalent which bids fair to a ihi hc ewsal sitdf' ~inOeaith nv- i aneuer :t~e ofatfel-,oftesocerator promt . l ag,plyofQing tweensha-biplo.etrn '51 h iao ails c ,lcerned are so minded. Theta . nd landed o:wiiy. the new miachine vaennaIla he lyn b entitled loa 'te~n,2, tth ~a0ryhas a total wefight of 3600 lpounds ana adKy eAcofrdrecnsseofainepreain ns-Cilli's -skit. which migltht nildir - prts at nd F. Atkin Jr. reltwo ,a y ffective ,of a little irl, ans-d his "The Wronlg Apartment'% is a clever ;fou~r lifting screwts actuated by a 170 I chiortnt oft NewAtkis, J(Trace two-kvehicle was a song riddle.Very sim- hit of farce, discovering, Crosby IRece, horse powver Imotor. The system of. 4 oi~al?, rP~' ~h he Atkinrs' pie yes=,_ but with Ames simplicity is .725, anid Miltoti Green,'25, as genuine {g w~~I~ dheetrlynvl ,,,ly:nd ne aiia -lr'oda atjutasi i ih uia l-hmrists.. I{a ppa Nu presented an ;Furtheii' and lmore exactling 'testsi ~Thmpon wee os th sa-tinge, whio holds.-the same position on Egyptian fantasy, in which James Fro- it Wag said wrill be given .in hlope thwi ; wheiu the professional stage as the Wiilbel- st,'4 as Cleopatra, tisted andtewawilh indoutofri~ plnColumus ahd tit; ztacr o te mn f"nadOt oso the sq ,.~.uirmZed with the grace and agilityr deVelolrlflmt and use of the craft. te-.; -and .;anlk near Hllaana this alters-E amateur Istae; u.soso rr of the ancient beauties of the Nile. Rb- t ?l' "'' !j~off- is no stranger to the, stage,, hay- Try a ( la.;siflod Ad --it pays ---Adv.;. ORIENTAL EYES LOVIN' SAM MOON RIVER ALL MUDDLtT) UP CF-OGCHOG BLUES HERE ARE IT"I - WORDS TO Somewhere, In A Cottage For Two Fr 1've boon pinann ln g our future hapin ess i,_-_ - 111 all my d(I . ins arid scemnes 11ee- eaO r A Pla on' ]di : , for Yon a 11(1 3ne (lea -- Som~t~E -.v erc .-3ni a ottage for two We'll dill ;and coo- -together oomnew 1, r-- N-Where we'll'never he bluc,- And] our love will. ive forever I'l te her tpslove-birds will sing, And-, somte (lay the good stork will hring,---a stranger nonle were in a cottage,- We'll mnake our dIreamls comec true. As we grow older, I1 know that you and I Never will nonice the years go rolling by, And sweetheart aline, there'll be noi sadness Por 'tvey Year will bring more gladnless. ('horns (abhove). a= The music to this song will just kieep yrou on your toes. If you wvanta song that 'has all the pep of "MA" and all the melody of "Swaney Iki'ver" just ask for this piece. REMEMBER YOU ARE ALWAYS W EL-COME' _______AT All edinger's, Music Shop 305 MAYNARD STREET 1I '-- g i The Colubus sailedl frorII-",y IV-,I 1:0o'clock. Dl~ nof the ci !Jt are lacking, I)Iutill folhation inl- icafeis ilintthe imachOinle w crushledl hen it struck. the water.4 ;-omel survivor ; ar1x'.b)ing,, orought I thNis c"ity oll the IN'!gler which is wilet of one of thle lrgsu--gd1r plan- tions in11Cub'a tand is v ell known ,in w. busin ess Nor (. He w'Is On his u1rwiter tripl to Coil. First iforiation Of ' thleacdn as, col~ncl i theo following wre as niessege broadcalsted bly lthe Flag- . w late today De relict airplane lay-,1; 20 m l s n r h a to'g v su i o s l h a d. ~Now 'tmixdo Suits for Rteniai. Wild ril Co. State Street.--~A t. Lae sometbing? A ciaasified .in assified ad will sell It for you-Ad'v .' I .,... - . . ",.- Ij I1 4ffj 7 Y : nk(+p r-xy r a' K , , ' r p i Five Days-S tarting Today U 'II i f#I#l K . :mm- w. Stretch the Allowance with ": 1 Masf; prcduction makes the first cost 'Moderate. The simple mechanism never gets out of order and each double length lead offers the same writing service as a 7 in. Wood penc i-at only Ic. WE I G 1 T-- shown here -of lighltweight alumi-num 50c. Rolled Silver $1,00. See this and other'rmod- els at your stationery o r cooperative store. Ing~ersoll Redipoint Co., nc. Wm:. H. lIngersoll, lies. 461 Fourth Ave;, New York city hulhl~itSil t.: SIMI'S at -fts - Air- M.'A, I MORTAL ROMANCE SU NDAY - tTTESbi)AY DAVID' BUTLER JOHN GILBERT MAUDE GEORGE ROBERT 1McKIMY Knownin. a Lfe Tm LOE H ATE! In4 a-amous Romnae ESTELLE TAYLOR WILLIAM V. MiONG VIRGINIA BROWN FAIRE rI INi "THE MIL KY WAY" / COMELDY .N. JXVtS ;- S OUR GANG PATH E NEWS CORNWE LL COAL s '% r _,, Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump Pocahontas and Coke IMMNEIATE i'lERV r*'1lI S J~1 .T A NT'S E A f-1r T)TEir <-I MUSICAL PRESENTATION OVERTURE "Pique Dame" . .suppe ,; ' i ; I -' i i ir .I 'x " CIOMVING SOONy LON CHANEY IN "SHADOWS"--' -,. A _ _ Xy....: i j i{[ff ! i and a'' 'W;