fBerlin, Jan. 13-(By A.P.)-By an
overwhelming vote of 283 to 12 the(.
Reichstag today registered its approv-
al of the government's attitude to- John P. Lawton, ~24, an Elizaheth Wright Childs
wards the Frank-Belgium invasion of John P. Lawton. '24, chairman o f the J-Hop committee, and Elizabeth
the Ruhr. This according to the non Wright Childs, of Hinsdale, Ill., who w ill lead the grand march at the 1924
partisan cabinet headed by Chancel- J-Hop, Feb. 9. Miss Childs is now 1 nstructor in dancing and swimming at
for Cuno, is parliamentary support of Washington university, St. Louis, Mis sourl. She formerly attended Welles-
ley college and later graduated from Chicago Normal school. She is a mem-
sber quality to assure freedom ber of. Phi Delta Pi, national physica 1 educatipnal sorority.
political parties is concerned.
Situation Serious
Despite the unanimity of national
sentiment which is being vouchsafed
the government, the situation grow-
ing out of the presence of the armed
French forces in parts of Germany, is
considered a very serious one, and
nothing is suggested as to what line
of further action is at the govern-
ment's disposal.
The feeling in political circles in
this connection 'was reflected in an
expi'ession by a well known demo-
cratic leader, who said tonight: '
- "Germany has arrived at the en.
trance to a dark, a very dark tunnel".
He referred not only to possible reac-
tion from Paris to'the German's ofii-
cial attitude, the German government
considering the treaty of Versailles
advocated, but he was of the opinion
that internal situation was frought
with girave danger.
Emergency Economic Measures
"Just now the government is giving
serious consideration to the adoption
of emergency economic measures cal-
culated to meet the sudden turn in the
situation throughout Germany, with-
out anticipating diplomatic and for-
eign economic ratifications, which:
may become urgent issues at an early
Studeft, desiring to be considered
as candidates for business manager
of The Michigan Optic, pictorial mag-
azine recently approved by the BoardI
in Control of Student Publictions, are
asked to make application for the po-
sition immediately.
Under a ruling of the board anyone
may make application for the position
and the board will consider the qual-
ifications in the light of the experi-
ence which the applicant has had. The
appointment will be made at the next
meeting of the board.
Applications should be left with
Miss Allen in the publications office
in the Press building.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13--(By A.P.)- That Europe is undergoing a defi-
Invitations to compete at the great nite change in its social order wais
rel'ay carnival of the University of the opinion expressed by the three
European students who are now- vis-
Pennsylvania on Friday and Saturday, iting the University at the meeting of
April 27 and 28, were sent to colleges the Cosmopolitan club last night in
and universities of this and other Lane hall.
countries today. Foreign institutions Piet Roost of the University of Ley-
invited included Oxford and Cam- den, Holland, expressed the views
bridge, of England; University of Ha- that, even though Holland did not
Hawaii- participate in the war, all classes of
a a nds and most of the larger society were deeply affected. A com-
anlandes oCanda.ost ofry te larr plete regeneration of the social order
collgesof anaa. ver stte rn-is taking place with the workers and
1 versity and practically all the otherthstuknts aplied onhathew bassnd
hig colleges-in this country will re- the students allied on a new basis of
ig n sreationsldp. The reation is of a
I civeinvtatons Ispiritual and cultural mature.
One hundred and twelve colleges Class Strggle in.Denmark
and more than 400 high schools were A very acute class struggle exists
represented at the meet last year. Dr. in Denmark, according to Jorgen
George W. Orton, manager of the car- Holck of the University of Copcnha-
nival, said tonight that indications gen. Though a rapid change is tak-:
pointed to' an, even greater number ing place, a revolution is very un-
this year. likely. A large group of students
The program, Orston said, would in-|representing the most liberal type of
dicate 16 relay championships at var- mind are socialists, but the majority
ious distances for colleges and are working for a reconciliation be-
schools, two individual championships, tween the classes. They are endeav-
a two-mile international race and the oring to miake the change a gradual
pentathlon, in addition to the usual one. It is from this latter tpe of
long distance and special field events. student that a social settlement group
has been recruited. The students en-
gaged in this work distribute them-
selves among the homes of the work-
ers in the poorest sections of Copen-
hagen. A discussion forum has been
'FOM ISestablished and here the workers are
O1U allowed to state their views and the
students endeavor to help them solve
WILCE TURNS DOWN "VERY AT. their problems. Jorgen Holck is a
TRACTIVE PROPOSAL" FROM member of this group which has prov-
ALMA MATER ed to be very successfu.
,___Tells of German Sect
' Columbus, 0., Jan. 13-(By A.P.)- HIans Tiesler, of the International
Dr. J. W. Wilce, director of football, People's college Elsinoor, Norway,
atO State University announce spoke of two milion German youths a
tonight thathe has declined "a ven who have joined the German Youth
attractivehatoposastetuned very movement Starting 20 years ago, it
University proposal" to return toshma-protested against the Philistinism of
of Wisconsin, s alma Germany . The originators simplified
ter as director of football there. Germ . The y lied
Dr. Wilce stated that his proposal their form of living. They lived in(t
fr.'Wisconsintobcome tht fsooalthe open as much as possible. Before
from Wisconsin to become football the war this organization *was known
director also carried with it a "very Ithe"wasrgandwasprnow
desirable faculty relation and connec- the Wandervge" and had spreadn
tion with the new hospital and med- throughout Germany. It was then
largely romantic and idealistic. Ater
ica scool. D. Wlcesai hebadthe war,% and coneque t change of!
'wired his decision to remain at Ohiogoenetiswrkbcm of'
tet esthletdiretor vernment, its work ibecame of a
more practical nature. The members
Wisconsin, after receiving the "as- are pacifists, and they exert a great
suring words of many representative restraining influence in German af-
fellows among Ohio State alumni, fairs.
Columbus and Ohio folks". .Liberal Club Reception
Five reasons were given by the Ohio The Liberal club will hold a recep-
State football mentor for declining tion for their guests at 3 o'clock to-
the offer of his alma mater. They in- day in room 302 in the Union. The stu-
cluded: dents wil have tea with Dean Jean
That conditions at Ohio State and Hamilton Mondlay afternoon, and, In
in Columbus and Ohio have been most the evening, they will attend the con-
congenial and that cooperation of all cert of the Detroit Symphony orches-
elements have been splendid. f tra In Hill auditorium. Members of the
A thorough belief in the future of faculty and graduate students will
Ohio State university, and that state have a chance to meet them at 4
wide cooperation of all elements will o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Uni-
continue under somewhat changed versity club.
conditions resultant from the enlarg- The visitors will 'be entertained by
ed problems and opportunities which some frmaternities.
come with the stadium.
That, though Wisconsin is a great OHIO STAR HURT-
university and a great opportunity,
"under the circumstances another in TEAM LOSES 24-26
dividual would better serve her
needs". Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 13-(By A.P.)
Wie - -Lewis Dudley, of Briggsdale, Ohio,
'WilfredB. Shaw Ill star Ohio State University athlete and
Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of the forward on the basketball team, sus-
Alumni association, has been confine,\ tained a compound fracture of the left
to his home for the last few days with leg in the first few minutes of play
Impersonations By
Mrs. Vera Barbour
Win Approbation'
"The Distinguished Visitor", a take-
off on Margot Asquith, proved the
most popular of Mrs. Vera Barbour's
interpretations presented last night
in Pattengill auditorium, for the bene-
fit of the Univermsity of Michigan lea-
gue. "Margot" introduced her 'audi-
ence to many of the celebrities with
whom she has been associated in her
long career.
"The French Lesson", depicting, a
strenuous effort to instill the lan-
guage into stubborn mademoiselles,
gave an opportunity for the display of
Mrs. Barbour's excellent French, and
afforded amusement to those who have
taught and those who have tried to
"Some Scotch Stories" were,. as
Mrs. Barbour told them, understand-
vjbe. Their humor was not wrapped
in the obscurities of dialect as are
most stories of their nature. Mrs.
Barbour is herself the author of her
impersonations, and in their presen-;
tation shows an eagerness *to pleaseI
which easiily wins the sympathy oft