THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . __. FORECAST STRONIG AQ URTIC .._S5EASO i Acquilsitioni of IBowit for Coach ( ivA- T~l nk Teamn 's Pr'sioets B;g :. Boost Z)(i).;i)litlfis i i raing; w'ith a fu-. tur'e soi) prol!;=ing ?Fit11"e1th ' lbeen pPi; d 1 e SW1 _1ERS.WUL-GETF1 ST' 1l'e , sz to so ns i l19 ,) Ihe TEST AGAINSTii .A.C{. J. 1 -)C~u O~ th ii ve lunty c lo4 ,gugto r- 'With. the announcement made last'ti ntefl f12.furire. to 111if5 0' b'2.1V1 nn of Thursday night that., Sterry 13iow~li i. 92 he" .Ia ,1 J'rg o head swimming coach at Waslhngton xinfn h haUni: ue o University, had bee:n secured. to takecc :c . over the coaching of swiilmming, -at Thie U-. eIeiicrCLI Michigan, prospectAs for a succ .._, tllascain cehgs. ' aquatic season took onti of the lig!) enei o o] b is vzr? , bud upward leaps since the first call f ie- candidates. tor o .A leic zat Ilinis -ad b The acquisition of Ccdh Brow l~imer ato l 0theti (! - i ~ion. -gives 'Michigan's new Varsity ,sport I1-iwill take 11p)his noeaoith :; at. lb e~or - ulg-a Big Ten~ and a man whose past re- arriving inAn roro i. ordl bids fair for a groeat future. j011e of thfi-.~ t:ks~s Brown' is a young man. ie" ecg-greot Coach~riawl i ',s- nines in Michigan aschool of ~st ing into saeof a<. rito -i AT3 .M. DVERISIN utlook For 12 oigShow rigt As, M.en Begin Training ;rith ,icre than 10t) men training Wolnitz. Both of these mien handled for thc cmn boxing show which theniselves commnendlably on Iasi will i),: held the latter part of Febru-, year's informal squad in the bouts at a-ry, CoachI Ted Sullivan is whipping - Deroit and Waterman gyminasiulf i; mhell hito shape as fast as time" and 50010 to havey improved co0051dei-- wili permit., ably over the form they dispilayed last: The cut look for a. fir t class boxing, year. squad fromt which to pickt men for thel e t er°a ~a Back s-,how iii c-ceedingiy tine, many Of the,! esides tit . two mien mentioned, veterans of last y ear's successful out- ;olwr 1tern ansaeasr fit b ing out every dlay in fighting ,' htato il ese hnt~ L!); as w ell as mlany 1new men somo e htacir wl ese hntr of l!i9iom1!'nave haid eoridoei'a bi ()x- i 11en1 in thie 145 pounld class appear t~ctieflce at the tgamel£ before comting ill the rn, for H-ousel anid YOtt are «_ sieh~ai:".!botalbac' inl school this year, and !at 150 'pounds, Coach, Sullivan hascabedeuedpotowrevy t~e'o men wiho. can be- (lioen(l~ upo:1 to patut.0~ great ,c raps when they get ! Timn11t, e a they will box at the show. inltoa action. rphey are McKechnie, and (f.' later for the niersity. ecw 1blod was brought intro tier ;-Iichl]i anAge in the fir!'st roet- ?box:ers' realmi yesterday when it wss :4O oit the year, the eet to i(liscoeerod i )at Meiane, a man11 who 1ae'Ieeat.Lasing on 26 . (BTe-l has been the leader amlong the mer. ..h1 : fact that the e who a at 135 ounds in in tercollegiate cir,, r:. C*(~t to ];tar on the Var ity cbs~i in tile east., haS started schoola) at 2cYConferetico teanis (:ur-1-i tllciiiilyan and will dl-splay his wa res) ;G 'l(I i °}E nete.' in are, )i ' 0 1 ?0 f) t abei~fore ,the i P al .; th]is Zwinte. :ie is a$ maiie1, 'ble a~t1)reselit, St:rry 2lill fist -raxi;! n110 l~idol m akes his nmoveti- face, a diffieuit jobt in la (ping a star r (1 puinchingAwithi lighltning swift. aggreg aton i th e tnka a ins:t tia c n(;5. ilwas oiershaadowed by one green. of the .'l'1 lcot.boxers in the Un i- c °' 'e ermz!4 is t'aiuI i rity durIing a little fracas vq ste'-, Only 11 the. i7u;5lc, tr heane.dy, lut ti i s somewhaacune oss t stiroke, and fa:ncy (iig, rill for whlenIi't is known that his, oppon-; be N to ' vterns * ~* ct outweighed him some 15 pound0ss liO he-Ubl t se v - 'a_] o foin ie Oj>inion of Coach Sullivan, ):ri"'$1tea us. Illthe prnefor tie- 1 S(jan)'if 5 ~ an ilof the first water ance oe Ke i :; ainol Usry 3oh~n .anal one, of the- fastest' and cleverest ~~Il beovalabe, hes t~O hvin th college boxaers t~at lie has seen in the c=;i:ea t present. lR...r Ili is15 e)ctOdl 185 poiund lclass. Heicknows most of the to o the length of the pool SWithun'r Iut~0'f",tr of the gaandtl( will give) h. licnxt iew practice sessions and to 4the far ,a real treat when he lnake4 c ut (downlhis time rapidlly. In the his deblit in the ringed area. b)lras4t stroke ther'e w5ill oc four m1ern lnIsyw ztelf 1t Discovered tII) 'i'n'from, Norlmaln i kns oll, Ji-- 1ea vvf-;its at Michigan havq Any Aldrich, "Andy Carinegie and Mid - 1 OCI a commodity in former ziiner. H-anson and Aiel::-iner are G ea beI t Coacll Sullivan is begin- showing o_ ceptionally wvell, In the nilng to) feel that he has discovered4 (lives Eric Aildner, Dick TPapenguth, ! Manl I~l'.e, ormner Ohio : esleyanl Louis Vauplre. and Clayton Sea gers star, that will carry the Maize an() ore of the 'hest of those now elixgible. blue to, iletory when hie is given -aI III the free style, with Clow, fHub-1 chance to open up1 against some of thl; b~ard, Taylor, and others out because of, men of: his weight. H-Je is a harr tempcrary ineligibility, Coach~ BroAn p]uncher andI carries a left gab thla cill lIn plenty of material in suich is ,oison to those that have beea _1n Dsill Schwartz, Francis Smith., working out with himt. Paponguth, Vaupre, and an assort--I Ingle is in poor sha pe at the pres- ]Ment of others, while the back stroke e fnt time, but one or two months can is woefully handicapped at present. work xwonidlr in a mlan, if the coach Today, will' be vacation day for thej has a free hand and the pupil Carriee squad, there being no practice slated i te righlu;i;pint. Ingle has the spirit but onl Monday every manl is expected ar1n~ C oath Sullivan is expected to) to report to the Y.M.C.A. 1)0o1 give hini the benefit of huis idecx- prom optly at 4:10 o'clock.. In a wire I___________________________ r eJeved fromi Coach B~rown lie makes hi-request in ordetr that. le miay toll;Fes Sipen o m enmi before the u'cguia r practct \e 1S i held. __Avres & Smit New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. Wy-; AP and Co. State Street.-Adv. F V L a; «f. at -Wesley Hall tonig:ht.1 1a ANT 1'111Pu~ the Str ings", everybodAy SI H perience before sending' him against some prospectiv.e opponents. When the call for ba ,ttlers was sounded it broag-ht frhNa ic Aian, 11(, pounds. lie pert()rm(l unlder Coach Sullivan last semester and a been working out right along for the flast few, weeks. Although lie wa:; hurt in a fall at the 0. S. 13. football game, he is fast recovering his for-a mer stride and bids fair to rank well' among- the 116 pounders when thec icall for the small battlers is sounde(mal a so h or at 1 0 p u ds, is a newcomer into the ranks of theI boxers at Michigan, he heas a jaw that can take a world of punishiment an-, will, under the) tutelage of Coach Sul- livan, develop,- into a. (Ian gerous bo.-! er if earmarks mean any tig, andl they usually do in the boxing game,. Will ,A iT Y l jsvo Iwofr With the lun,,ciling bags continung to function, Coach Sullivan is hopingE In r m r lBowling cno fat ,nri will roll atths I ieat each of the Confere remiC"i-"inals inl the !ner(;ls bolscools. .aGL-tour1ament2.:ci~ut_ in the 'F soph f 'l iewnner will be given a. si :naed y h soia lie ad IweIif any. fraternity has a conflict lasrsetvl.. a result of this schedule and The scorestwere as follows: senion-j bits.~~ 52,86 6, total 24199; soph c I been called uipon to play a basket. gaier, 31.758, 759, total 28908; up;Or hockey game at the same timne1 per law1 , 787, 751,, 120, total 2258; anO Ithe.y are scheduled to bowl in lower lt aws , 69,S21, 781, total 2298. ! Western Conference bowling tour Senior it:; and llower laws will roll mcont, they can bowl on the aftmr fer thechamI:pionship of the clash of thell day that the set is shd bJowlig league Monday night it S o'-; for pr oviding that they inform the clock on the Unrion, alleys. tramnural departnment of theft? on --- -- ; and their intention to roll 4 the TheIl-.;xcdule for the VWestern Corp ternoon. --, ,I } ;s ii , x to get Is n down to more hlctn..i sieve wVork as the (days progress. Mois 'j) of the 100 men that are daily ship-,; ping the rope, punching the bag, ant}i exchanging punches are green nun tor ial, but Coach Sullivan has the sit-,:- uation well in hand and will get the'; Best, out of the green en with t ho hope that this winter's exprienc:i coupled with the mastering of thet rudiments will produce a crop of loo ers that will be second to mnone whetj next winter comes, but this winter liet is earnestly urging that still mon I mzen come out and make the compe- tition more keener and intense fo-i those thhat have already begun' train. ing 1. Patronize Daily Advert isers.-Adv. frcr l3ilitcr# raternity bowling tou.-4 izamecz.: has been arranged by. the In- f ~ urldepartmnent of. Ohio State I i nivrsity and leas been forwarded tql he Initranlllral den~artuient at Mfichi The to curnament will get underway 17ednesday, Jan. 17, and the followinf1 otcswill ,oil at 7 o'clock on the Un., ion alleys.3: Alpha Ch',i Rho; Alphiq Delta Plai; Alpha Kappa TKappa; AlU' pla. Rho Chi. On Thursday at 7 6%1 clock the schedule calla for the fol- lowing tIeinms to roll: Delta Kappa., Epsilon; Phzi Rho Sigmia; iLeta Del- ta, Chi; Phi Sig na. Kappa; Zeta. Psi. The reminder of1 the schedules will azppear in the Daily either, toinorrq-,u or. Tuesday. Fraternities will have from 7 o'- cheerk until 10:30 o'clock in which to roil their "scores after:, which tim4 ~Hcir total; must be turned intoi the ntramural officials, who will send them to the home office at O011o State, SThe scores froin every school will be sent out from Ohio. State to all of th?-e conference schools and each fra-1 ternity can comp are its score with that cf the chapters at other Big Ten New Tuxedo Suits for Rental~. V tact Co. State Street.-Adv. Whether It's BTTER or EGGS or Home-made i a MICRIIG A-4VDAILY C0lauuified Rates. Twro Cents peer word a day, paid In advance. :? in- imum chargw for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. ' Thr e emts per w'ord' per day If, charged. White space chargedl fur at r: te of be pier agate line:' Classified, charged only to tbhouo ai iuv g phxones. Miner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, aid 9 t vai-itt - PHON'E 960 FRIED CAI{ES buy them direct from THE ANN ARBOR CREAMERY 123 W. L iBERTY PHONE664 Now under new manygevent o 3 f f FOR ZENT-Pleasant newy-fur isii- FO011 SALE--$, 50geunrconf' Cad rooms for 3boys, second seiester ccat at a 25 e1cet u.scn with dormitory, steam h leat, two! WY-te or I1lcon,'i Ctrse..~B shower baths, throee II'-vatmos, jOPPerihein, 4r,(, .ach- v3uSeh. sinigle Simmons' .beds, single des-ks.I 137 West Main St., ' ?I pihonc 46G9, v.wo blacks from cam pus, at reaso-n- Jac'kson. 73< a: le piiiicea . 523 -PackBard or phone. i---- an, L 1 s ...k F011 SALE 3200; allco ^^^^"-."" tires, cord; o' erhauled; - OTi E- ALF BLOCK from canmpus. Jgenes-ator; n ew atey l e Large suite for 2 or 3 men, suit A ve. 77SA-4ndrod y we r ________________________,______, No. 5; practic illy nc.. tl ure FOR RENT- -One large single room' 146 or l.O.T.C. ef'!Ce, SC for girl. 511 Cheever St. 7,400 TUTORING ~ cash. Cali Berry, 1,31. Ot-2, STUDENTS-D1esiring tutoring in IWA'XTEJ) French or German apply to A. J. Mleyer, 204 Ingals St., phone 2044-11.YOUNG MAN Ws},aliietl to take^ SO-2 lhand notes and do typing. I15 hours work Saturday' anv x~u rt 1 day. Call Glower, 3 57 bety and 8 l). 1i. About d sull- ween 4 79-2 LOST ORl.STRZAYED-Bull terrier ,- --. pup, Thursday afternioon, .from 6041 'WANTED-----Apar'tnieitt or ih.iut- I+. Madison, light fawu color, with! keeping roomas for -e'n eester. black nmarking,,;s; 4ywhitefeet andj Address box X.Y., Michigan<. Daly. wvhite neck. Wearing collar. Call.10- Sigma Phi Epsilon 'house. 1325. 0-7 VANTED-Single ,r.)nm by on(. stu-. ________________________ -2_ dent for second semnester. a ox L, LOST-Pair glasses without case in C. S. Michigan Daily. 79-2 Medical bldg. Loather note book with Senior Dental notes. Call i WANTEI)--Upperclassinan wvani7t soJsingle room for second semester . '1ewes, 2121=1. 8 Box C.S., Daily.(8 LOST--A gold closed-face Elgin WNE- ie e hc al watch, Natural Science Auditoriuni ATE- idrPn wihIal Wednesday. Reward. Call, B3rown,, to write at touch. .Rider's Pen 1198-M, 80' Shop. 21, LAST-Aiphia Omiricon Pi sorority- YOUING LADY student wvanted to stay pan, -Monday evening.' Finder callj with children evenings. Call 843-WV. Gladys Hiunman, 2949. Reward. 79- 7u-41 TYPE WRI T! N( LOST--Log log slide rule with name Have your M',ANIUSC IPTS typewrit- of Gibson. ,Finder please return to' teni by experienced TYPISTS. Did- ,Daily. Reward. 79-3 dle's BLook Store, IX Nickels 1krcade. 4 -- One rG rup- Sutsand 0'Coats THREEI DAYS ONLY MhURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We'ye arranged our entire stock of broken lines of Suits and Overcoats in one great :group for, special selling. Over 100 garments. Prices have been reduced from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. If you chose at random with your eyes closed, you'd still be bound to get a. _ big value. Selections are liberal, but } price will bring big demands so come early for first choice. SU.TS°TAN"TIAL SAVINGS ON OXFORDS AND SHOES The newest in style and the best of leathers, These are Exceptional Values., Men's- ano EVERYTHING GOES! WE ARE CLEAN ING H OUSE710 MAKE WAYFOR OUR NEW STOCK There's plenty of toe room in these {oxfords We have divided -the stock into Four Groups as follows, LOST- Bracelet inill Audtitorium Jan. 11, Liberal reward. Return to Daily office. 80-31 LOST-Key ringy. Saturday or Sun- day. Reward. A. C. Curtis. 921. 80 LOST-Fountain pen; name on bar- rel. Call Parker, 3104. 80 L,0ST-MAy pen troubles, at Rider's of course. 21 MIS CELLA NEOUS An opportuniy for a nimiith sell- ing experience to mnak'e $1040in very ,ort time. Do the work ev- eniings nti (curiug your spare tinme. Any 3:. e pair:; can pick up a nice bunch. cf money with the pr'ob i- - t ion gie have to offer. -Arite A1.J.P., GROUP 1 All Oxfords acid Pumps Priced at $10.00 $6.85 RO P 3 All fords and Pumps Values to $7.00 GROUP 2, Men's and Women's Brown Ox- fords, $8.50 or $8.00 GROUP 4 Odd Lot of .High Grade Shoes- Fairly good sizes $3.85'> FOU) Icare of Daily, givin g epersience. 0 ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that FOUND-Parker fountain pen. East rdrs20do aaiy1lse entrance, Natural Science building. Ride' 0 rpcpct atr Call738J atnoo. ~pen is the most popular pen on the Call 3-J at non.-s0 'campui s? There is a reason. Call FOUN?-D-At Rider's Pen Shop. A recal at F r' en Sp. 21 fountain pen for exams. 21.-'I Tl: hoto ta ~~4N dYW'V1 ~Ttft 11 tei~4( fro 2.lchia too tr;i ; "T" -low C i 5..."