THE m JIGAN [LY .. w w .- rM.rr rrrr r lrrrr rrt wrr +4 rriiirrrrrri6 rrY r rsr w ny wr on~~~~ nu P'~ P i e ~ e 1~tc ~t seuece te future ongasths ilstonexims and ual~~~~1'' COlCljIC' r ot re- 1, an ll-(3yA. PR)-='Gelsen-. th lre e n snortheast of Ev- 113d, in the1C ;on')1d zone .of oc- FO E " GERMAN MVA.N OF WAR RETURNS TO UI, S. AS A TRADER MICHIGAN WINS, (Continued frome Page Erne) through the entire Michigan teamii)and 'shot from a position directly in front of the ?Michigan net. It was a peeu- liar trickling shot, the p)uck toking one or two unusual hops tandl bouncing by Comxb for the first and onzly Wis-I consini score after five minutes of frmone en C.te ice t'o Lthe other, hchteams a eea ht at the alefforts. iNear the :d of thec first period Michigan Play1d with so much enthusiasm that Ma cr uff, Kahn, andl Aniderson were all sca:,t-to0 the,_penltyt hex 1(,-io;tins i, e ulsat th~ei sametim, lrvig te Mizeand Pie ih ry thr3e0me221"122;thIe ice to i }, . :C1S22 S S. ~ play. Michigan came 'back: with re ne, d:P, was rar the e-!of the period determination after this break, bu'_t te hn Audrsn ppi):-n the 'winning 'Wisconsin defense was too ,117o1g ,nd! counter, on a urctt v shot Iro-n right the, per~iod ended Michig an 1, W iscon- ! te anad*ieDf a sin. ivingAr ;.uind i:xt#hd crlu, 'n 12--(3yA. P.)-The 1er 1i ( 1 1 ;:''.C S of 'the federal sheetdyunaniimously a- Veci they' tr govetrnment's at-, do on repor;ationrs anld the occu- onl of tho RuIIr. r. Von Kn{irl ing , 'Premier of Ba- a, saidl the Bavarian People. w'er°e 1y to sutpport the Gentral govern- tt hels against the"insults irapacityof France', and1 deelar- hat uity of thea states Wats essen- 'a solution of the diffiiculties._ a~us >o. 1-(By A. P.)- The s -,aticis corimission toirorrow will ona, carouif nt Germiany a fuirthecr delay until *1, ini the indemnity payment of ing sw rds O,03,00 gold marks, idue next Mon- it wais forecast in reparations 1c3 . here toight.,L P uS 'e decision wNill I taken at the cost of France. .Afthough the of- il reason is to give the FrenchSE 3ation more timne in which to pre- e new mnoratoriunm conditions, it is Overtimie Necessary Honors were most even during the! greater part of the third period withx M+ichiganx having a greater number of scoring opportunities. 'Wisconsin claimed a gotal near the end of this period which was disallowed, by Ref- eree Hamilton after a conference with the goad umpire. it was iwiprssrible to tell from the gallery whether -,or not the shot counted but play contin- ued. 'With .Michigan rooters, demxand-' ing a score during the ;lost :nhuutee of the game both teams, played with' m~are snxeed than had been shown even in the opening periods. but neither was able to tally and the -xcore was decad locked, at. the end of the rer':ation time. Two litre minute periods were then necessary to determine the winner and the players opened up ragain with an effort that surprised the crowd which had watched a brilliant, game for 45 minutes. The puck was worked \voz kod 0the1)pu'ckin to scot'ing ,t-i-'I toYsvra ms'ol ti V ,turn e~d Bdtj{by rudwel t the 2n(t. t:1'''tonight ait thle CoiiU f11 Tickets will heona ale at noon. today in the Atnletic oflice in the Press balding c n , .aynrd street No changes in the lincup- are anticipated by the coaches. The lineups: °Aic11eigan iCif ''miil)........ Co il......Treadweit ll .~. .r. iDe :es .Bo gl vlaclu f (C) 1, De eflse . . . . M1 1' jl i3KxStrom . . Cen ;r omback:ter ( C) 'enderson . .1, WNing........ knuders.ou, . . R - ng.....uo P~et es'$....-ag loskings......Spik re........ !eresfor d......Spare ....... ..... k~ninmnary--Scoring;, xMichi an: Kahn unassisted, Anderson,' froma Linidstrom. for ,, Jonsn, )ziIlillensoftforcoyak or, Johinson foe Hugh, Combacre; for I-illen~off, Johnson for Blodgett, "lodge'tt for JIohnson.? Michgan:Beresford for Henderson, I lskigsfor Lindstrom, Peteruian for K ah:n, Lindstromn for Jioskiugs, Kahn or 1eeran enderson for Beres- lordPeterinan for MaicDuff, M acDuff Penltis: ichig~an, K1hn1, six miin- t es; Andtersonr., two mninutes; Alac lieut, two minutes. ,isconsin: JIohnson, four minuates; FIsk3e, one minute; Blodg!tt, two mmi- utC,. Scoring opportunities: first period, 1 :<{r IV, three; second period, A-- thr e, W six; third period, M four; WV itwo; first overtime periodl, M one, WV tw o; second overtime periodl, M two, Y'ank~s iLeve Q narters to French Coblenz, Jan. 12.-(By A.P.)--Frencl- officers at least are glad they will get the billets vacated by Amnericans; ttheir long complaint has been that lAme rican girl - steuogra~phers and cl-;,rkls had good rooms while Freh cc onuls were poorly quartered. New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. 1'ild rand Co. State Street.-Atty. LI In lC6UASEX'S DONCE STUDIOS Thu(i~immin ~n~ i~.l-c i.-lpedbig scr-Ipped by, bcomhiu; a rader tO nrests in Germlian re+ buying up the former wai-rsh ips of the ex-kaiser's navy and fitting them ncrco carriers. The first of thcse converted trade ships now is on. its mayi to the United State vwith rmcrchandise. :Man-y former. German fighting ships are undergoing the same transformation. "r eat- intopighars"as it weir. . 111I0E Dim6K YESTERDA YrNI T TO PUBLISHERS WSIGO p: la- 'levred the increasing indications of sive resistance by Germany to the ench occupation of the Ruhr ha~s ch to do with .it. W'THO.R TO SPEAK HERE ON MONDAY ' ut Alfred Korzyibski,-author. and 'entist, nill be the speaker at a iversity lecture' at 4:15 o'clock ()FF]('1L tiJM ,I Free seed provision was barred fn II LL RE Ally fromi the agricultural bill. ' Cupid Earns New Salary Increase! Lansing, JTan. .2-(By A.F.)-Dant Cupid is the latest victAim of search- ers for revenue sources in Michigan, it was learned today. A' bill is being prepared to ini+Crease the marriage lie-:; ense fee to one dollar, half of which 'would go into the general fund for the support of tihe bureau of vital sta- tistics. Rumor has it that Alex. J. G)roes- beck, Milchigan's bachelor governor suggested the levy against' Cupid's in-I dustry. It would yield about $65,000 annually. COMING TO Ia r rerr~~rrrwI~r~~r l '- ~ IHouse appropriation committee ap- proved a 7,000,000 item for further Copy for the Caip us (-iu'e Book,;F government development of Muscle a recognized official nub~ leation of the; Shoals. University, approved by the Board of Regents, has bec a ren~t to the pub- Ani ual army bill was reported toE I lshers and shop imd be 3out wvithin a the House making provision for main- month. With this L-e the puthhlca- jtamning the army at its present tion will appear on the cai pus forf strength. the first time since 1915. d 1 AM& C hl tr. OF H k k S. '$1 la} kt.. Rt!; '.n': o s V! A+d day afternoon ini Natural Science The material for the booklet hxa.s itoriufn. fHe nhas been secured as been comipiledl by the office' of th 1 isiedprohibiation heladquartergto pekr here through the invita- Dean of Students. It will contain 3-'iteprhbio hadutrs o of ixmmers of the departnents of pages of printed matter, four pages present evidence supporting charges hemaatics, pilosophy, and engin- of pictures of ,various buildings and of drinking in high places. scenes of the camipus, and a map of punt Korzyski has completed a thxe campus on which all .of the build- Representatives of the Big, Five 1 called "The Humanity of Man- pings in construction aalil of those 'Packers, conferring with administra- I," upon w\hich he, will base his certain of construction, as wvell ats thec tion officials express~ed dissatisfaction ire ,. iie will not only tell 'of cer- present buildings, will be mi'arked. with the government's methods of en- phase Uofth contents of the The reading material wGiil he lividl- forcing thme packers' control acts. u;, but ill enlarge and extend ed into two sections, the it in en- Prsien A, to deal with further work that cyclopaedic, index of all points of ir4 Peidn Harding nominated D. In. lar arriedl on wEith the view of a 'terest on the campus, administrative, Crissinger of Ohio as governor of the )mad bwoolk in the near future. I officers of the University and other. Federal Reserve board, James C. Mo1- le ?)ooktat.e has written al subjects of int rest conccrning th e Nary of New Mexico as 'comptroller "the ciceand art clo Uiversity. Part two w.ill conitain a! of.the currency, and Milo D. Camp- ineerifig". He lay s down rthe aws- omplete description of all the Ares, bell, the "dirt farmer", member of ma ET'7 PRODUCTION -EXACTLY AS IN NEW YORK, CHICAGO,PHLDLHA PRE- ETC. F 10 UV. SHUBERT Nighis 60-7541S.0G i MICHIGAN SM.h2caadn50 1111 LeriiMoreRapdlyALL THIS WE9K-8:15 InoaFewBONSTELLEPRVTLESN COMPANY PRIVATE LESSONS Fin Sat- WUSEY'S ANC STUIOS Rachel Crothers' w r.Comeldy f 'EY ACESVDO NICE PEOP LE'" As Always in "Mims" t'rcducto-is All1 Characters are Played by Mper $tudents MIAIl. ORDERS NOW4TM- Sand check t,)nldself-addressed stamped nvelope --- AlBeats Rserved. *1 PRIGE $1.00 A Frid ay and Saturday, Jan. -26 :Andl27 THE MIMES REPERTOIRE COMPANY PRESENT Do Ea oft air y t , N-A,- x. A PLAY IN F'OU,_R AcTS 'Ia CUSTOM TAILOR SaeExcelletting fyCoin p'any -andMasvPrd- tion. -- Mail orders~o.Pic 15 Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf Suits SAT*ISFACTION 'I In Preparation "SEVLN KEYS TO BALDPATE"I Based upon the Novel 4 -"JUSTICE" &_ !I 11 -,