____ ____ ____ ____ ___SHE MICHIGAN DAIL\ ENCH OBJECTIVES IN MOVEIVNOERCOOKWANTS TO C LLECT F:RMGE MANY l''WqON FREARgMS- . . 1923 CDALENDARS A D DIARIES 19, I i EXCELSIOR - N"ATIONAL - STAN DAR DI I I A Commissioner of Public Safety Urges Enactmnit of Law Prohibiting Concealed Weapons j BLAMES GITN TOTER FOR CfflIE RECORD UN ST'ATE Detroit, Jan. 11-(By A.P.)-Colonelj Roy C. Vandercook, commissioner orf public safety, and as such head of tbi Mlichigan :State Police organization, is ~~mhaicin his demand for new kilaw, 5cur; the carrying of concealed in Mel-ji-an. ? ine work of tbe-various' polic' :lepartments of tlhe state, it is pointeO out, crimes of armed men have taken "le' lead in recent years. Among the serious crimes there probably arc more cases of robbery by armed per- sons than 6f all others put together. Wants Stringent LawE Colonel Vandercook desires that the 'm s prohibiting carrying of weapons ' be strengthened considerably. He de- !,e-s that until the state has a law k itb decidedly sharp teeth police de- OFFICE SUPPLIES IN GENERAL W. A H S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE WE~EL "9 J4AMM o' s MAVENCE Abov'e, blydseye 'vtew of Essen, mapr showlng location dand approxiniate arie of Iuhi' valley, and )Marshial Foci Acting in the name of France, Bel- gium uad Italy, three divisions 'cof rencli troops cnr.terqld Essen, tho heart of the Ruhir valley industrial i.istzrict, yesterday. With the French .roops wasa small Belgian contin- gen~t. 'The French troops advancedi from Dusseldorf and Duislburg, anudwere joined by the Belgians at Mul- hein.. 1-7til last night, the invasion was bloodless, though the population viewed the invaders' sullenly. rnnot hope to cope with crimes committed by armed men. . present Michigan law limits the >;ale of firearms by recognized dealers in that persons desiring to purchase arms must present permits signed by either the chief of police or the skier- irf ^f his county. Colonel Vandercook declares this law does not go faI enough, contending there is nothing to* give the officers any information as. to when a firearm passes from the ,Pands of its original owner, either by lss, gift:, theft or sale.!J jr Would Register All Weapons "What the state needs and musi have if -the thuggery that is so rcom- mnon is to be curbed," Colonel Vander- cook said, "is a law requiring regis- tration of every gun, revolver or pis- tol owned. in the state, and making it a crime for any mnan to have a fire-j arm in his possession that is not reg-} jstered."1 He would have such a law go far enough to forbid circulation of pub- lications in Michigan that carry ad- vertisements for then ail order sale of firearms, citing the rulings that for- bade newspapers or magazines from circulating in Michigan previous to the advent of prohibition if they car-I ry liquor advertisemnents. S"Day by day, in, every way, I am' at your; service", JIMMINI the adl tak-. or. Call 960,-Adv. Patrtntle t6 hfIly' Advetisers-A'dv.' A f - I n A 1lY nulli sapg s,;IVEi LECTVRS GIVEN. r Publication in the Bulletin is constru Ithe University. Copy received, until 3_: Volume's + FRIDAY, JANTA7 Public Recital-Two Plays: Members of the class in Play Produc tation of "Six Who Pass" and "The Exceb sharp on the stage in University Hall the pulblic is cordially invited. Alpha Nu: The' regular meeting will take place for thjenid-rest debating team willt business meeting the nomination of officc place. 0O Saturday, Jan. 13, all rrenibe to have their p:,,tares taken for the Mi iL 0 UV LI K s' ictive notice to all members of B XESO PA ES 30 v. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday) __ RY 12, 1923 Nunjber 719 Five University Extension lectures wcere delivered in the state yesterday 4tion will give an informal presen- b ebr rtefcly er John R. E ffluger, of the literary col- ange", tonight, Jan. 12, at 3 o'clock No admission will be charged and ' =, addressed the Teachers club of Maniteeon "The Modern Value of R. D. T. HOLLISTER. ,n Education," 1',^f. William D. ---- Penderson, of the Extension depart- met akdbefore the Twentieth on Jan. 12 at 7:30. The try outs (Tn 0 ubi21 Detroit on "Dollars take place at this tiu-1. In the C a r; rse in Education.". ers for the next semester will take Prof. Calvin. 0. Davis, of the (de- rs should be at Spedding's Studio t lpartn'ent of secondary education, ichiganensian at 1:30. ,< g-oe tin firth of a series of lectures1 ELMIER SA1LZMAgN. c,"Aidolescence and its Educational -- -Sigitiance" before the comhmunitya the onthof anuay. Al fater iCgueat I1ubblard I_ ake. themonh o Jauar. Al f~xtr IProf. lexander G. Ruthv en, of pities, sororities, house clubs, and the zoology dpartmnent, gave an il- campus organizations must pay for luhs(_ trat or lei uie which was the fifth their space in the 'Ensian before a iiso' 0lcuesbfr.h these pictures can be taken. ap- llw ipcu)iDertonTh pointnments cshouldn betmadeonwiTh should be mauenwit of a Naturalist in SouthI photographers direct. Copyright All remaining suits are superb. v Iues at 1 I' - --____ We~ Use P lost, ppow Fresh Shipment of Ayres .&; Smit CAPS DONA LDSON'S 224 SOUTH STATE the sale redluctions! Hart Schaffner other fine makes. & MVarx and Very special! WHAIT'S GOING ON NOTICE--Cony for this column shoud b. submitted by -5:30 o'clock of the day before publication. FRIDAY 12:00-A. I. E. E. meets at 1Sjddiig's studio to have group picture taken for 'Etlnsan. 12:00-Law fLtalhy lunchon lill Un- Ion. 12:40--Westerniers' club meets at Spedding's studio to have group pic- ture taken for '.Ensian. i $45'50 $3750W Spedd in 's at 12 o'clock. ISHINGTON CNFFP IZEI) JAW INSTITUTE111 George .,,~;Ain, c-f Ihe Latin de- r hit aled before the Classical dcprt:cn(of the D~etroit Central for all suits formerly price for- all suits formerly priced FLAPPERISM t y i { t rot -. [o to Oven Ileage ('h:--~J, an. II.--Dectroit will bre 1:e ,t :t icn for tlihe opening of tle: Anicr'~a :a~ue -0;1i at St. Louis; Chiagoat loveland ; Washington at U> l-deihk ;and Boston will pry off the I'd with the Yankees at New: Yi k lzsid~n t J ohn son announced Tho ,season wi'1 l)penApril 18, thec c! : 1y -ic the irational leagrue starts. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. $55 $60 $45 $50 Euna, a society girl, proposes to George, a street car con- dun tor -and a married man. The outcome? "Eugenically Speaking." See it for your-' self Tuesday evening at U. Hall. $29.50 X24 50 I 'I 4:00-Xichigan optic plitograublie NwYrJn 1.Teo-Iz- and editorial staffs meet at Union. NwYrJn 1-- h raia 0:00-Student coinsn~ttee on aielie tion of an AmericanILaw iii titute'' affairs mieets in room 302, Anion. here today was ac companied by the' 6:00-Union dinner dance In Asseni- announcement that the leading 'law_ - bly hall, Union.' yers and judges of the nation would, 7:01-St Thomas Young Peoples' he invited to a conference at Wash- dance in St. Thomas hiall. . ington Feb. 23, to consider revampingj 7:30-Alpha Anu meets in club room.~ state and national i'awS with :a v~ew, fourth floor, University hall. to eliminating rcognized defects". 8:00--St. Paul's Youlg Pe ples' soci- . rgani atnon of the newv institute ety meets at 420 Wlest Liberty street # xwas decided upon at a meeting >at, for sleigh ride. the Harvard club of some 50 lawyers' 8 :00-Play Production class offers tN=Iwo1of prominence. plays in University hall. A documeint of 1009ages i'cpresert- N:0--Wesleyan guild sleigh ride. ed1o. report of the inany nonths of 8:30-Annual reception of Tau Beta study of alleged defects of existing P1iin Barbour gymnasium, laws, was ordered published. The r(- ,8:30--1fobart guild dance at Harrisj port started with the assertion t~il. hall for members and guests. I "Ther'e is oa general dissatisfac- ____tion, with the administration of jus- S.1T[.II)_lytice. The feeling of dissatisfaction is 12:0- AxT n onrolofAY ~t not conflued to that radical section. 12:0-Rardin ontol f Atl~('1C5of the community which 'would over- meets in Union. trweitn 1:00 - Varsity saxlilione sextette trweitn social, economic and; political institutions. if it wvere we, meets in room 304, Union. aslyesoudaortogorI. 1:4~Il Vrc~ Itaian mees But the opniion that the law is un- Rentschler's studio to have picture necessarily uncertain andl camp cx, . tak~en for 'Ensian.thtmnofisrlsdntwrk 3:00-ColeLriae aumn met i :t- 1well in practice, and that its adrnin-, sembly hall, Union, I istration often results not' in justice" 6:~-Cogreiatona stdens' ireidebut in injustice, is general among all chat in Congregational church.. Sub-; classes and among p~ersons of wide- ject, "What's My Religious Creed." Ily divergent political and social opin- 7:4«i--ewark club meets in room 302 , ions." Union. for all Sult for allwsits formerly priced formerly priced W~e are Showing NE W MID-SEASON HATS in all colors DANAN RICHARDSON 115 EAST LIBERTY STREET $37.50 $42350 $30 $35 T HE'R called 'winter, suits but many are light enough in weight for spring and early summer wear. Made of the rich- est fabrics, in newest coloring s. Sports and conservative styles; two, three and four but- ton models. Most have extra trousers to give you double the ordinary wear. At these slashed prices they're the most phenomenal clothing values of the year! A clothing event never equalled ! 7 'U. Ii NTEL.IG ENT AND INTERESTEDI you: bank should be sound, accurate and 'the Reule Cfonlin U-' OTICES All class officers mustluhave their vpe-' tares for the Michiganensian takyen at once as these must be in the handls of the engravers this weekz. efficient. But that is~ not enough. Banking A WORD IN YOUR..EAR! service to be of the most use to you should U be also intelligent and interested. CompnY