TVF T~N4TtHJG-AN lDAILY : r ristest Pursuit Plane in World Gives America War 'Mastery of Sky 4 I HAN'rIS T0ACK CAL0NL ON 'ki MYTHICL TEAM. . With two extra men on the forward f ense men Barss will probably play te substitution game to the limit: to- .ight not only to save the men as miuch as possible but because of the advantage it will give the Masize and Blue. The pace will be terrific for firs" few moments at least and the team that can rush the strongest r'eserves into the fray should have an adva:n4'ae. 4 mnen on each side are thet goal tend-,I other, th.e man receiing the pas: er, tw,,o defense men. a center, and 'must be straight across from the pas twvo "wings. iser. Other infractions are kicking the j RUlC Forbidl "Rom"gh1ing" - puck, tripping, slashing, or otherwisi P laying rules forbid anythling in. unnecessarily roughing an opponent the nature 'of a forwaZrd pa.'s Nh,(:h! or the m'or~ e 1~otl violation of th( stops the play when detected andm is rule:; the offender is put out of thm officially called an offside. That in game for one, two, or three minute, w h n t o m e b r f a t a n a e ca - s t e -a e m y b n i e~ niryin the puck tow ard the opponent's left short handed until he is a llow e , goal and one passes the puck to the' t return. 9 d i iEutHN*12ZCANDIDATES PORnT TOlEA IALI. ('OX ( I'RES;",BURF al' RATEf{S WTh.r By During the first few weeks of prac- j In a conzesus vote taken by the Rom- tice Coach Archie Hahn, of the fresh- 'iepesvipn bureau oNe man track team. has gathered together Yor k of nearly e very important prss more than 1_25 inossible track men. ;a -ohspce nAlAeia Coach Hahn is at present feelingi them ma ohsrikda AlAeia cnfootball- team, Michigan was shown the ouct in various events so that he ex favolrite over every other team in tine;f obtain u. line on their respective abil-z t e.The e ar imoigan country. Seven men from the Varsity, . cuad were given berths, in the ar- geiicing into fair condition, but this io'smythlici4 first teams .chosen. to year's freshman team is considerably ;represent America:, giing the Varzsity weaker than that of last year. in all a total of 365 votes. T'elegraphic mneetis will be plannedI These me n are Kipk f .Kirk, Go !el wiO) Illinois and Wisconsin an~d will ,.Ut~izp. Mihedan ltol : be0 held later in the year vhen the men T nt-tr sholin alpae .ye in better shatpe ,fo- competition. OeO mrIano t esioeO Thfese mee1ets were held last year for the teams. Iowa was a close secondo. the first time and were (decidedly su on the list being represented -lby fiV(e (Oesftul. With the exception 0f coni men who wire gvn35vts hl lzetition with the Varsity men these FCentr' was gvenast4schotos, ple telegraphic meets are the only formI one; manl being giv en 22 votes. of ivarythat the freshman ha ck ?111e(,New Verk Sum~ n sneaking of t~azz anobtain as there Ns a ru c lel Jimh various teams listed by sports 1 the Big Ten agreementithat saysa thlat writers said, "The Wolverines were D-12 MOTOR Skeleton View of New Curtiss P'ursuit Plane, Showing Metal Construction...+ Great interest has been aroused in thiis series and it is expected, that ca- na city crowd:cs xwill watc;h 1both games. T'e ice at th<2 Coliseum was g oo(I last it;[It when the Varsity wvent 1 brougpli a It ,orkout: and should be in Pirs "ci la IiTIIEunless it ;s untisually,, ilay. It is understood that masiny Visconsin alumni are co ing out from Detroit to watch thle 1Badgers in action. Tic k, is will not; go on sale; untix noon today at the Athletic office in the press building oilnMaynardl t h. liii a ct in has boon taken so that if there is nIo ice for the gamej "a,) le notice miay h~e given to thosej planknin, 'to atte(l. T ore ar e few rules in hockey Which wvill make the game (diihcult forI the un nitiaited spectator to under- st and, ac cordinig to Coach Barss. 'flee W general plan of the game is similar to basketball in that the scoring is done b~y getting the puc~k. into the nits at each end of the playing sur- face. 'The net is guarded by the goalj tondler wh ose duity it is to stop . all scoring attemp~ts in any way posile, the new rules allowing himt to lay prone on the ice if necessary. The sip:x ,I oino.ros Y Igo n Toay'S SPEAL W . Y WWiWY iiiilYYYM iii11A dill IM' 1 1: 1ln I iauthorities; thw eating of* mlore recommend ice cream. 'I f , ,/ .- ,. l ° z ! : , P ' ua. h RASPBERRY Call up yiour dealer nomr and place 11r order facts, ice cre.,m is highi in food Vale ta;nd Noryeasy to digest. Chililrenu and adults alike bene- fit by it. M hen You,(lemand Gonnor's'youl kniow thi. you are -etting ; won- diE ."ul i y gU nlice creai--in ade fro Puestmaterials, under. ideal sanitary conditions, in a. spotlessly. clean plant. I The _test performance of. a new Curtiss Pursuit Plane has-caused a sensation in the Army and, Navy ser- vices. Ever since the Pulitzer Race at Detroit, in which a new all-A-meri- can motor finished 'in the first four places, it has been' expected that military planes of a super-type would. make their appearance at almost any' time.. The actual performance of the first pursuit ship ov a series surpasse.9 expectation. In many respects, this aeroplane is a departure from precedent. It uses -the same Curtiss motor used in the racing ships at Detroit. It is equipped with wing radiators, the most radical advance in the art of cooing a motor since 1917, and which reduces the resistance r~f the air almost to. zero. These features were expected.., The construction, however, is said to pos- sess, also, a new feature, in that-the entire machi e can be stored for a period of twenty years, if necessary, iesnien canno1t;.(compe)te. There are several men thlat have reen singled codutas men o good .,bil- ity inl their respective evenit s at this time. Snider is, cie of the lbest look- ;ti Y; lta=hC s 4t this tijne in bothl thc. high andt low hurdles. ll li hs nmadea cr-editable record, in lilt i.hoool and will no doubt develAop into a man of fine aIbilt. iteinkv," of the fr : l nan r ii s oiln-" try team, is a strong niller having madue a tiame ol 4.39 in this distance.. ,:ockell is a good quar°ter miler, w ille Prit chard is doing we=ll in the hgi,j :. the best team n nthe country last 'au- tumn." Kipke wvas especially praised1 'in this story for his ab~ilities., IThe following is the national rank- -1inJ of the first 1{l teamms on the list: 3lleikg'a ...............3657 Iowa.................. . 3r5 Get Acquainted with Connor's This Week the DeliciOus Sunday Special. by Tryingr Engine Water Is Cooled by Wing Radiation -- Diagram Inds ates How Water Is Pump ,-d Through Tiny Groorves in Wing Surface. and taken out of storage, ready to assemble and fly on twenty--Thur hours' notice. Th-is machine i s also stated to be s thetflrst real fightig ship of all- American construction and design. While tests are not com4)leted, expert opinion is tha:t it is not only the fastest, but vlso the most powerful r:fighting ship in existence in any na- tion today. t" i Chicago....... ..2{i8 Princeton...... ..25q Ar'my................54 C"o)rnell...................239 HTar°vard.................227 Wisconsin.........2i1 Pittsburgh..............145) Lafayette............... ' ' . ATTRA &C.,, TION, S .T. l). Viant is proving to be a1 fair vaulter h1aving cleaired '1 feet inches in high school. Richards.i two 17ilem' that shows go dl possibilities; andl Findlay is a good 11an3 in the halfs COach h ahn has taken several m1enl over from the gyrn team li hat jare hevy and well built, and is trying, to dtevclopl shot putters out of them. It will be some time before accurate information can be found concerning the respective abilities of these men). WVithout doubt, however, there will he several events that will be weaker than they were last year. OBCEE F Oxford Professor Says: HOCKEY TEAM NAKES INITIAL BOW TOIJICHT , > a r a d 4 .5( + Gi b i:.r: Y x As eatre TAU' RN"U1 PI 't'()BE "HOST '[0 ENGI1NE ERING' FACULTY11" .Michigan Gamma chapter of Tau 3etaoIPi, national honorary 6ngineer-I ing fraternity, will hold its annuat, formal reception for the engineeringt fact :fy at 5:""0 o',lo(k llt. ~1G>;#inre hour b' y?1n2asinnl~. Alore i.hall7 eou p les are a c n 11 1113 Tas reiill)1. Il1tmn' a DAIL' t\va t, ai ll ] enlough 1anse tll the smon gIh. ' '-- iv. OMIIG TO ( oMoined ft'm lu Tg4 One) three and poessibly flour men availai,ie f it' is necessary to() use aone ofthe Nhtori'on there. , nderson,*at rigidl wing, is, fast sensaitional player anld, one Who should develop reloadha '1~, Ea hard coin petit ion. lie is really a, de- inse playe- but because of the short- line andl Peterman-to relieve the clo- age Of good forwards and time fact ha~t Ia right handed shot 'was dl heeed on0the fom'wcardTine he wa: 1*.fed. 1l.enclerson i : r F '}r broYyE;it y ."33M' ' 1 .y"-wY ., a"t rrn f> i 1 a . I } MICHIGAN DILYT Clasfied Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paids in advance. Mu-- imum charge for first day, 25e. Miimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word 'per day it charged. White space charged for at rate of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to thos;e having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per 'line, without contract, paid in advanuce. PHONE 960 7OI SAlLE LOST--'Alpha Omricon pin, TMonday *evening. Gladjys H-inman, 2949.: LOST-Tuesday on AnnS hua bag containing $11 sidei Mary Nodruff. Ca Pi sorority! FORT SALE-$ 350 g-enune racoon f'ur Finder call I coat at a 25 pwr ccent reduction. Reward. Write or phone it interes ted,. L. E.i 78-4, Op penhaeim &,(Co.,,Jackson',Aienic. j1,37 WesA Main FSt., Boil phone' 46). St near Statel1 1 E . N~anme in- i 2895-It. Rabbit's foot watch charm lost, mounted with gold band.. Reward. Phjone Arnold, 776-M. 77-^ L.OST'-Log log slide rule with name of Gibson. Findler' please return to Daily. Reward. 79-3,8 LOST-Black leather glove. Finder please call 231. 3 :FOR SALE-A fe-.w l vem 1'eiin;- "r~ toni, Royal, Sruil h- Prem ier type writ - eas, at $15 ap-d up. All iii first class running conditioni. 0. DI. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. 76-4I FORl SALE---Pathae Phon ogra lph: in fine condition, 4 tauqua bands for the, su-mmner of - FOR RET 1J23. Must be versatile and cap -_________________ able. Long season, ideal associa- FRONT SUITE-For girls, for rent. tions, good compensation and wvon- I 'Two doors. north of campus, oppo- derful experience. State all about 1 iehlladtrum 3 ot I i ea d t rotTeAttractions1513 eN . H igh St y.,yuroe-__________________________.236 77 - lumbus, Ohio. 73- FOR RENT---Very, pleasant, front, YOUNG- MAN wanted to take- short double room on first floor. Phone hand notes and do typing.- About 2363-1V. 923 Greenwoodl Ave. 78-2 15 hours work Saturday and Sun- day. Calla Gower, 357 Between 4 R OOMS for rent. Warm, quiet, double and8 p nm 7.-2S roonm. $3.50 per man. 217 So. Fifth -Ave. 77-4 " W~ANTED-Single room by one stu, O ETfn