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January 12, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-12

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1111 riace)MnneOta To'morrow- Niht
Mfather Hopeiul
Mich~igan's Varsity basketball teami
eaves this morning on the first lap)
.f its trip to Minneapolis and Iowa
iywhere thoy play Mtinnesota an
owa respectively, facing the CGophers
,atnrdky night and the 1-lawkeyes
londlay night. These are thie first
)reig n games of the sson antud the
tames~ are expected to be two or the
ardest con the Wolverine schedule.
Coach Mather is taking with him
Inc men. These include the usual

mner years and has not lost any of his
playing strength oni account of his-
absence from school. With the total
Ssrengtvah of the Wolvcerine basksetll!
sqluad' taken into consideration, Coach
lviather, aithough not making any pro-
lphe cies;° is hopeful as to the outcome
of 'the g ame on this- trip rand for that4
matter of the whole season. ,.,.ut, a
has been saidl before, too much should
not be expected of the team. There
are too man11y other good teamrrs in tihe
C onference.
M ichiganSecond
In Rifle Tourney

Itzranu al te s ishing to save the students allf The coliseum is available for any-1 coliseum Saturday night, when thei week ends before re-appearing at
Ii~t~rmu gd Iems unnecessary trips to Wineberg's coli-! one to p ractice on after 18 o'clock any purple-jerseyed tossers from North- fhome against Purdue on Feb. 0.
~eum, andi to prevent a shake-uip in evening ne.:t week, andl any team de- western step into the Buckeye lair.
Following are the results of Las- present plans, the Athletic Associa- siring to obtain permission to prac-j Despite defeat at the hands of fl1-1ja ( Goler Mkes Reord
Iketball games held in the inter-frater- tion has had signs printed for ;show- I tice can do so by calling up Method.' in the local "Big Tren" opener Mon- Pinhurst, N. C., Jan. 11.-Starting
nity and class leagues Wednesday4 ink in windows on which is told Intramural hiochey manager, at 783".1 day, Ohio State showed prmnoise by with five birdies in a row, Emmett
night: Lower archiitects 17, UPper 'Whether or' not the coliseum is avail-) -- forcing the flashy Ilini to give five =rench, the Youngstown' prafeslrnia
mnedics 10; Alpha kappa kappa 6, Phil able for skaters. .~uky minutes overtime t0 win 36 to 31. 'gehier established 'a new* record of
TPau 2; Phi Kappa Psi 3, Phi Beta Pi These signs will appear in the Ni- lorthwietrn has been def ate y 71 for the paid-times country club
1; Beta Phi Delta 10, TPucker Douse (lows or the Athletic Association's of- RedIF rP rpe i sconin. course today.' The dour ".I' con i-
l14; Phi Kappa Sigmaa 7, Sigma Phi 2; face, George Moe's Sport Shop, and The;acne Saturday will be the last, erect one of the rmost difficlt in the
'Tan Delta Phi 203, Pi Fpsilon Pi 7; 1the three Cakin-Fletcher drug stores. t oluinbus; 0., JTan. 11--The Scrap- at home for the Buckeyes for foui} South
ihermitage 2, Sigma. Delta Pi 0; Delta a0 green sign with black letters being pi ho ttnnier asebl eeks, as the proteges of Coach Olsen !
Sigmna Pi 23, P'ers 3; Phi Sigmna Del-i she >nx when the ice is fit and a red ta nrcn er iltk t tackle Chicago, Iowa, Michigan andl ' ae smehig A e ssfed to
ta 12, Clhi Psi 0; Si-gm1a I'lP Epsilon sign with black letters' being used ~ tido hesao~aantaIotivse'1in order on successiveI the Daly will find it.--Adi.
5, Alpha Clhi1Rhio 5;'rigon II I.i- j whew the skaters xwill be ha.,rre~rl from on saneofhe leoppon ant N°rsar n.ir~ceai~ni in lie
spa beta P si 7 ; Beta Theta Pi 13, Sig-' the Coliseum.
ina Chi 7 ; Alpha Tau Omega 1, ap~~t-- Velon the hockey teams and stu-
pa Sigma 11; Fresh engineers 5, d (enft skaters canl save themnselv<es
fresh its 3;'_'alpha Dela Pi 6, Sima much tr~ouble if they wvil look at thes.
Delt a Kappa 3; Xi Psi Phi 10, Alphia signs before going to the coliseumi. If, ga :Ii5 ap 3 Tht iual ogtt hr h in il
8; Lambda Chi Alpha 20, Chi Phi 4; be posted, katOrs canl fnd out Owl
Phi Sigma Kappa 16, Delta Sigma Phi Condition of the ice by telephoning T U
.;; Acacia 1S, 1?: i Omega 2. Method, 753, Intramural office, .2268.
or Wineberg's coliseum, 30 9-12,. Are Mulligan men obdurate~? Co omiprom ise%
TPonight will mark the end of the Ypi yiri' will answer in un-s
secondl round of the basketball gamnes Owing to the shakeup that occrired son . .....o was Claudio un" ite xodfr h a h
in the fraternity andl class leagues in the past schedule, the following til he loved Ilero at first sight. likes style without fussiness.
with the following teams having( schedule has beenf arranged for the' Then ..."1~iuch Ado", at U. Sud tegh outsye
the floor: At6:30 oclock, courf ;coming week: Monday, 5:30 o'clock; in thi.s sh" upem WlkOe Buy i t W a
1soph its vs. graduates; court 2, jiunio~l" its, Arner, x558; 6 o'clock, sopi suremeWhi lkoer comfort-Weal
fresh enginecer, vs. lower miedics; enigineers. Jove:,, 14841rfTuesda~y 1:3 ur
r ~all winter--andi all spring. No -
court 3 soph denrts vs. lower arci-- o'clock, fresh engineers, VoSe, 3056 l
teds; court 4, upper medics vs. firesh 01 o'clock, senior it s, Loeb, 1104; We(- compromise with rough usage. A ,
Iits'. !n sday, 5 :30 o ,cock, soph nits, I-ur -. revelation in dogged wear awaits
wich, 29iRu-Al~I; 6 oclock, laws, Storv'z you in this 'shoe.t
Due to unavoidIable circumstances 12999; Thursday, 5:30 o'clock, il'i ] IPRI E I
that arose yest erday the timec for the denits. lrodheyi32.1 tC-~
practice sessions of thne Independent
,ind Church basketball teamis has been;
changed. Teams may secure the Wta-I LEARN TO DANC? d1-
terman gymnasium courts from 9:30!e u
to 10:30 o'clock tonight by calling the HALSEY'S
'In tramura.l offi ce today. or DANCE SrTDIOS a 4
hus149, 7-10 W'uertli Arcade. -
'lTere will be no hockey pra~ctice for q

;ix of Captain 1i'iy, Miller, 11aper, Hag- Competing with the rifle teams of
erty, Capipon, and Kipke and three, six other colleges_ in a tour nament
;ubstitutcs, Henderson, AleWood, andi heldI the latter p~art-of December, the
tice. Their victory over Illinois la~st 1LitO.T.,C. Rifle club Came out secod01
aIturday speaks muc11h for their pow-I in the final score. The tournament.
r but it must be remelerecdllat the w;ras spotnsored by the University of
eamls they will face this week-c-,nd arce'Georgia, . 18 schools being chatllenged.
enerOVally conceded- to bhe among thei Of these seven aceepted the chm1-
nost powerful in the Big .Ten. MVin- 1 lgnge.
es ota has not played any ConferencA! The schools comnpeting with their
oamfs s;c;far1.this season ,butt Iowa (I(,-- respective 'scores are': DeI'au w Ulm'-
(<at( 1E'; iticagQ 35 to 23 last Satur"dazy versity, 3393; UTniversity of Michigan,
ri one of the greatest ganes evecr seenf3272; Clemso-n Ariculturtal Collo-e.
n the MiAdway. 'Both of the opiosing :'146; UIniversity of Kentuckty, _3127;
earns are composed of veterans for TUniversity of' Georgia, 2930. Two oth-
hie mo~t Hart. er schools who accepted the challenge
Fly Shows linprovement have failed to report, forfeiting their
One of the most encouraging things I place. They are the University of'
r Wolverine fans is the big improve, Minnesota and thec Citadel College,.
cenit in Captain Ely's ,pilaying seen in
lis last we ek of practice. Ely en2teT'-
d the gamne last Saturday just as h(, WisconlsiflLo ses
as recovering from sickrness and ev- Pulaski Star Enid
,n at this his floor work was easily:
nr a par ,with either of the Illinois
!enters who opposed him~. His shoot- Word came from Wisconsin that
ag has 'improved greatly and this Steve Pulaski, star end on the Badger
houldi mean a lot in the total scoring, football team, has withdrawn from
1111clr is in great shape. for the trip~
,nd this star can he relied ulon tc school and wil not be available next
liain tai n his usual stellar perform. year.
tce. Haggerty 'Shocwed in 'the Indian" Although not a regular until the
acne that his eye is steadily imnprov- closing game of' the rcason, Pulaski
(1g ancl this speedy forward fits well; established a reputation as one of
Clao th l;ather machine., With most the best wingmen in the middle west
f this year's team playing their lat and was mentioned on, many honor-
cason atiVI ichigan it is gratifying toi ary teams. He was expected to re-
ce the developinent of one whio will turn to school next year and fill the
a ve tw .o seasons ahead of him. shoes of Gus Tebell. "
trress Off ense in Practe( Pujaski is married and has two chil-
Practice this week has' consisted' dreii.
iainly in perfecting the offense but- -
Ic dfor its caine ii I e ditslssarcaof1i Wilgus ill
'urkC. Botch Cappon and Paper are Prof. Horace L. Wilgus, of the Law
arhaps the abhlest guarils in the Coni- school-, who ha s a maild attack of in-
erence andl Kipke is announced as
(;ady to takeheis; place In either the fluenza, hopes to be able to meet his
ffense or defense although it is like- classes Monday.
y that lie will relieve one of the
nards. Paper and Kipke possess
orlds of speed while Cappo's play- Fresh Shipment of
ia; although of ai different type is ,,. 1-%d
(11nally as effective. I y ~ L Jlll
~The 'substitutes have not been seen
a action to any degree so far this
ear but nevertheless whenever they D } N
gave played they have demonstrated014Sfl T,'P E
heir strength. H-endierson has seer)I ~ 1SL 1 1
. rviceon the Michigan court in, far-1

the class teams tonight: or Saturday at
Wineberg's coliseum. Schedule for
next week will be announcedI in Stan-
day's Daily.
Intramral Hockey
Although practice sessions for the
class hockey teams have been dis-
continued for the balance of the week,
off"icials in charge of the Intramural SSS
hockey program are satisfied with the'
w ay in which the annual tournament
has started and with the number of
ment that have turned out for the dlif-
ferent teams.
All fraternities desiring to enter;
hockey team in the fraternity hockey
veague should call Method, Intramur-
al hockey manager, at 783, andi leave'
the name of their house and the mnan-y
4ager of the hockey team. Practice
schedules for the fraternity hockey!
teams will be announced as soon as
the interclass tournament is fairly
underway. The winner of the league
will he awarded a trophy cup. It ih
necessary that all of the houses sen)
in their entries as soon as possible;
so as to speedl up the mnaking of nec-I
essary plans.
Officials in charge of the hockey1
program have become skeptical 'as to
whether or not the schedules for hock-!
ey can he. carriedl out. in the future,
(Ine to the uncertainty-of the weather.I

. . r


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Still Continues
C orl'e i s Clothing .Store on Liberty St.
is still continuin to give


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Steamed Cherry
Pu dding, IOc





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WE'REf off eringo a blanket discount on
every garment in our great stock. No
merchandising manipulation -- no bal-.
ancing of reductions= no alteration' of
original price tickets to equalize profits.
We must move our, stocks to make room

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are ha ving it here toohay as a
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a rich sauce-a superb touch.
You'll like It. loc.

on all Suits and. Overcoats.

It is a good op-

portunity for the students and towns people of
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carries ouir personal guarantee. as well as' that

of the manufacturer.

for incomin merchandise.




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