MimIJ~~p es Vodvil UOMIFamous Engineer T I, ournamnent Cup L ?May Be Chosen DRILIN MAHINRY TO Succeed Fall: UNMOOR 00. Si",te B1" P'r e. EFted in I"raFern vi'ai ll I be AUIENCE O )DE' Dfl lt.Rv; appearin Ithe frateritylcompetton, for 'thee Mimces Draniat cc(up toigt anti tomorrow nigi t t the Mime theater, resulted in eight of the bs, gkits kbeing sele ced for pr)e 5enktaLionf. These acts gill be Irt on by un.- hber, the aud~enes on both igts votng for the wiker. The acts accepted iielude skits and "musical Rcs of ,several varieies. Both the actocrs =and °the writers oft the skits are ii:embers of the fraternities entering the act. Some new mate- rial for female ipersonat ions will appear and the singing will be one byseveral nowew TI, in some cases, with exceptionally god voices. In some of the skits, clevr pots sae in- troduteed; but, the burlesque of fai - *iliar scenes andl acts redomintes. In voting each memiber of te audi- ence will= write the number of' thle at he favors for the prize on te hack of his set stubh and drop it in the box at the door. Both men and Wom71en may vote o11t e aeol Ad~ience to Vote The act receiving the highest nor.-, lint of votes from oth auidieces will be awarded the Mhrnes' trophy. it Is planne to make this otrnmet a yearly aaffir to buring out latent dra- matic talent on the campuis. ' All seats for both lperfoiinc!les 'wrill be reserved and tickets will go on ssale at 10 o'clock this morning at the Mimces theater Both men. and women will be admitted The admis-1 sion charge will be 3:> cents. ORTOY STUDENTS I IVE TWO PLAYS TONAT "SX')Vho Pats ',s hile te .etils Boi" a d "The Exchange", to Shflabrt one act plays, will be g;ivenz at S o'clock this evenng in the audi~orium of U1niversity hal by the memabrs of' the clases in p5lay, prouction of the piilblic s'ieacng deprt mnt. Tliio two Plays will be infocrmlly presentod by w'onwn who are taking the course. They 'w'1 be free to the publi. +On Tuesday of next week the frrst two/af a series'of three plays will be presented by these classes. "ue - ically Speaking", a short curt;c.n ras- er, and "The 1Perfct Cre" will be enacted. Onl 'tbirsdy hal e- Spearo's "Mutch Ado About Nothing" will be0ilTOsefted. eserve lsat an&l general admission tickts for \thhese two 'performances are now on salv at Wahr's book store. CHCGO BOND COMPANY WANT11.DLICE SALBM College mnen, having training in bu- ihess' adpiinistration or ecoi1 onics, are',wantedl to fill openns which oc- cutr froin time to time in the bondl de- partmnent of Paine, Webber and Co., Chicago branch, as announced by Mr. IL P. Hayden' who is \Vestei'n inc~nna- er of the bond department. Applicants who have had bus mn ess 'selling expericelc and who a r :kc- equainted in the city of Chiago, will be given special con sideration. H 4owev r there are openings in all of the other F09stern offices, according to Mr. Day- den. F'or further particulrs write Mr. HaRydlen, western manager bond de- part, Paine, 'Webber and Co., The Rookery, Chcago, ill. laskan Engineer Seeks Funds For Ne vPi h lc Works London, Jan. 11--(B3y A.P.)--The ussian Soviet governmnent, in an- ticipation of 4nfcreasedl activity in oil production, hlas placedi a recordl order for drilling machinery with a :British firm.I Ten complete outfits of the Rotary- Rlex nmachine, specially designedtl-or deep and rapid dr-illing,,are to hede d-livered tarly in 1923 for use in the Baku fields. SThe govornftent of Persia is mnakingk large. amnounts anuntlly out of royal- ties froml oil produicing' area-,, andl this in aditiou to many other beneilts re- Sulting from711thle activities of foreign oil Coi] niiesin 1Persia.. 1The royalties in 1021 amon ni.et to $2,750,000 onrag2,327,0040 tons of coil. The' !C1)M:panT2Cs als.o Spend aiit $'7,500 000 for amaterial, labor and food, and t:E.the ie(inpio ynleCni to 20,040 110,- ILLER WillAflIRE} I .... , . ;< +, ' r i ) : a .: G ...YS 'R'f!"" .:o yP. t ";L'" ..,. .;:..},. ;.. Ta doted x e 0, t to ter individual mfasuremlwt '' I .00 to $85.00 E4ightvovr il I earns -om n frzdtel-ii) et "ad olier "call.pus gr-~toups w i Icorn- plicte 4onizglIL and tomnlorrow vnight it a. 3Z'13% 1'litt tt i .oumeU at: e iestheter rf'ol heui siuof* the, silver trophy nc Li il abo1 ,m (e. The toll I' n ament m-fark ihE.' , frt:al i' .t.?t tl lo ta.ge Union dram. rr .Y PRESS CUB TIJEU&Y tJahn Ma~ys Hammond, oe -* i. Miller of Battle Croelkwill .T?'fohfly11rmtnd nte Odra( C'ssIheie mecs of the Prm OSeS f lub' at the ir t g'ulmr meting net TuesdIaycev -ainrg, at the Wis>teria scucceed Albert Bracon Fall as secre- ! sho)p. Mr. Miller is editot' of the titry of the inter~ior is' one of thie ru- Ph! tie Creek Enquirer-TN ews and ;: ors wtidecly discu';Sed in connection Our stocks are filled with newv ideas in Tuxedo waistcoat's, shirts,. ties' and. Krementz jewelry for, your approval. ihi~~~4 ~t~NLVI N ILE (fo .tinued fr( o I,;i Ca ne) c(c:';1 clli(Ifr ' a ie C reel arry in 1909' f' :lcaus of iioplmkr cia mor agains t birm, C('o ntnine be'cam e a na1t onal Lhero Ilinethe Balkan Nvar of 1912 bry lc Idiiiga, CrPeek irmn to the caplture c. rSalonli frLoil the T'fri, and was a ccorded the p-oplilar title of*'"The Lib- eriatori.' XWhen i ng George WA!:! .isassm nated inl PiVar"'lh, '1918; 'OTIStaut11file Sucf.e(I- edl to the throne atthe age of 45years. The Worl d -war broke out thme nmext yea :', ailI 'inme Miniister Veilizelo;S in- 5i1,'dtht Gireet-, join the Allies. In- fluenceed it, ir;s sad, by his German edu1- cation 'tild the ilutence ofl his 1=lohen- vo; -,'n wi(e the kind. ( ilaSed this; schemie. D ot')'i:;! a at me's ;failure to Gar'-" m' cul* 'mreaty obligations to Seria his euemte >'f' de 'llndin 'favorl'of his restior- Under his reniewed reign, Greece was plunged into a war xith the Turk- ish ; Nationa lists. Cons-taintinc took the fiel aganstthe Tn rl s in Ana tolijaIi July, 2, but was stricken 'with ill- ness1' andl was forced to return home. Disatersoon overtook the' Greek Forces. A revolution in Greece follow-1 ed, in which Constantine wag once1 more swept off the throne. H~e abdic-1 atedi and retired to Italy, where e liad rccently been making his home t Palermo. hol'lsya?; pominent piace in thA state edtitor's organizatLion. His talk will dcet.li withi some of the experience:, to he enicounitered in practical newspa- per' service. Ticket~s for the din-nr w il be on -ale at the won.-ens' Lea- gue booth in h-huh luntil ?Moniday' noon, al'ter which time no res1ervI,- 'Donis for- tile dinnier ccan be made. w~ith iie filling of the cabinet vacancy left by Fall's resignation. It is point- ed out.,that as consulting and direct-. ingz on Yi ne r rfor mining,6enterprises lhe has F; t horouglib; acquiainited NWith the natural resources of the "trOil y. Grit souetlun. g sur sal ~? A "Daily" South State at William Street The Honie of Vietter Clothes and Furnishings at Fair P. ices TUXEDO AN FULL DRESS SUITS FBOR RENTAL. 1 4 .K_. ., ....... ..,,_. w....._._... , y 4 S M fb a R i tiw i the D~aily Will ,tinti WXiSCUNSIN4 BEARS I it.- - v. ALL WEEK x Prof. Antonio G. Solalinude, of the roim}ance Ia ngiiages (ltp~ Ii'tiTleI", i t,1 to (deliver 4~wo illuastrated lectures ,i the university of Wisconsin, thiis Pr"ofessor Solalinde is professor of Spanish literature in the Centro de Estudios 1- istoricos of Madrid, Spain; dirtc