intramural Items Close scores and hard fighting on, the part of all teams were the out- standing features of the fraternity and clas: basketball games Kehl at Water- man gymnasium Tuesday night: Following.-are the scores of the games : Delta Chi 12, Theta Chi 4; Pi ; D~elt~a Clhi; court 4, Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity and class teams should solved( the rest wvould be compara-' vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon; at 9:30 inake all effort to arrive onth floorI tively simple. o'clock, court 1, Phi Delta Phi vs. at their scheduled. time, for lateness! "New York may b}e dragged dlown Delta Sigma Delta; court 2, Delta Beta interfer'es wvith the schedule. from the high pinnacle. Also it may Phi vs. Phi Rho Sigma; court 3, Delta not. At'any rate there are two chances Upsilon vs. Sigma Alpha E~psilon; Thrceuefrtecuc )~fr tlathl ftewrdssre Th ceuefrtecuc a- a es afo h ol' eiscourt, sonh engineers vs. senior nits; keblllauetas!il emdeubeing played here. That is some at 10 o'clock, court 1, junior ktblngineeeasrsl e ad u, engieersthe last of this week and will ap- comifort." vs. laws; court 2, upper dents vs.; junor its cort3, ppe arhitct pear in Sunday morning's Daily. junor it; cur 3,uper rcitetsManagers of all the church teaims;. One pitcher creating* a record dur- vs. homieops ;court 4, seniorengineers_1 ing' the last season who -will not be 'vs. harmis. Ithat have not enteredI are requested toI, vs pharmipcsdge.he i te ansimmediately g rabbed by a big league The lat shedledgams fr te ;of the Intramural department on time. club is Eugene Whitehill, who (luring end of the week wildl be played on Fri-! the declining days of August pitchedi day igh wih te falowng teas 'his eighth consecutive victory by a day igh wit th folowig tams All soph lits wishing to tryout for; score of 1 to 0 in Oklahoma, allowing having the floor;: At 6:30 o'clock, court the class hockey team should call' only two hits, and struck out sixteen. 1, soph lits vs. graduates; court 2, ;1lurw ich at 2930-M, or report at Wine-; Whitehill is a prisoner in the Okla- fresh engineers vs. lower maedics;! berg's Coliseum nett Wednesday at homia state penitentiary and pitcheda court 3,_ soph dents vs. lower archi- ' 5:30 o'clock for the first practice. for the team of that institution. Ile tects; court 4, upper medics vs. fresh Irving A. 1-urwich. has to serve eleven years more of a l is.(Continued on Pipge l+ight) fif teen year termn. ? 'C nts, Kappa Alpha 11, Phi Gaina' Delta 4; Theta Delta Chi- 7, Phi Delta Epsilon 6; Sigmna Alpha Epsilon 10, Phi Delta; Chi 1; Pharmics 2, H-omeops 0;, Phi' Beta Delta 2, Phi Delta Kappa 0; Phi Delta Theta 19, Tau Epsilon Phi 13; Delta Kappa Epsilon 14, Zeta Beta Tau 0; junior engineers 14, senior en- gineers 8; sopli lits 8, senior Zits 4; Sigmna Nu 6, Delta Alphra Epsilon 2;1 Cygnus 7, Alpha Rho Chi 1; Delta Theta Phi. 2, Delta Sigma Delta 0;] upper dents 12, laws 8;--graduates 9, upper architects 5; Phli Chii 2, Psi TUl- silon Q; Delta Tart Delta 6, Alpha Sigma11 ma 4; Phi Rho Sigma 9, Delta Up- silon 5; junior lits' 11, soph engineeirs 7;, sopht dents 2, lower medics 0. Due to a mistake made in this col- umn. yesterday it was announced that, two sets of games were to be,1)layedI last. night. The following schedule will be played tonight as follows: At 6 o'cock, court 1, Phi MVu Alpha vs. Beta Chi; court 2, Alpha .C I Sigma v-. Delta Tan Upsilon; court 3 Nu Sig~ ma Nu vs. Delta Chii; court 4, Phi Chi vs. Phi Delta Kappa; at 6:30 o'clock, court 11 Beta Delta vs. Delta Alphr Epsilon; court 2, Tan Epsilon Pi vs. Cygnus; court 3, . Phi GCarma~l Delta vs. Alpha Rho Chi; court 4, Phi Xalpa Alpha vs. Phi Delta 'Theta; at 7 o'clock court 1, Sigma Nu vs. Psi U[psilok; court 2, Delta Tau Delta vs. Zeta Beta. alb on the All of the teams that aire entered in the indepelldent, church, and society leagues can practice from 7 to 7:45 o'clock, Priday night by telephonling the Intramural diepartment to have a court reserved for them. All p jlayers participating in any basketballr game under the auspicesa of the Intramural department are re- quested to remain off the basketball courts at Waterman gymnasium until the tino at which tbey are scheduled to go, on the' floor for their prelim- inary p~ractice. TIhe Varsity has somen hard ,gamnes on its schedule 'and the Intramural department is trying tc further the cause by seeing that the Varsity's practice sessionls are not in-' interfered withr. Players and specta- tors of the class and fraternity famesi can w~ratc) the Varsixty practice from thea gallery over the gymnasium floor, but miust refrain from interru pting Sport Dope (Continlued from Page Sig:) pr2aisedl at $75,000, coming uip to fight for the center field berth. McQuillan and Scott are pitchevs who wer'e not with the team at the start of 1922, and .lonlnard is a comer. McGrarw's onlly problem is pitching: if that were Fresh Shipment of c4PS DONALIDSON'S 24 SOUT''H STATE r jade I S ,;A BU Y YOUR, FOUNTAIN PENS OF, Ifa person came in your store, you wouldn't thi n k oflettin then stand around and not bolther yourself to wait on them. Noh merchant Niould, Ye there are merchants in this to wu i. ad, we 1) es u me in every town, that let dozens of pros- Pective buyers stand around lust outside their doors and don't bother themselves toY call them: - t. 308 S. State st. Ta; court , Alpha Sigma vs. heta the practice in any way. TI THS lUMN COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES t 3 P.M. D ER ISN AT 3 P, M. SKILLED ,TIi1 ONLit PEN IMAICERS .EPAIRIN IN TJLHE STATEO CI~ 1 IHA It Cost~s iNo 3ore for Our Competent Service p n Janay should be a ClassifiledRates., Two Oeats per w*ord' a day, paid in advance. Mini- imum charge for first, day, 26c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged:, White space charged for at rate of 5c per agate. line. Classified, charged only to tio ye having phones.I liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid In advance. PHONIE 9600 f Tliere are classiflieds replies in thel Daily office for the following box-i LOST es D.KF., S., Ki.DPW.V., White coral necklace lost M\onday cv- K.R. W.., ERF.ening at H=ill Auditorium, North En- POWL SALE! trance or Main floor corridor. Re ; E _ s TIhe primar y and most impor- tant bushness of the Telephone Manag er is to serve your tele- phone needls. MICHIGAN STAT[E 'r 4NECo. g "Ideal Teleph077? ert~ie for Mje jtan- fanner r in ____________________________________ ward. tCall FOR SALE-Furniture, new last Auib phoneO 1733-WA gust: Over-stuffed chair, two ma- LS-lh hlogany tables, twin beds, equipped pLOnT-Alphay chiffonier, dresser, buffet, and some pinyMona second hand clothing. Call 1393-, Gldy Hn morniings,~ 619 E. University. 77-2 ~' Rabit'sfoot- FOR SALE-$350 genuine racoon~ fur ma~oun ted with coat at a 25 per cent reduction. PoneAnl trite or phone if interested. L. E. Pin rod Oppenheim & Co., Jackson,. Mich. Silver Conklin 137' West Main St., Bell plialne ,469,1 noon, initialsT Jackson. .78-3' 1636-J. - FOR SALE--A, few Oliver,'Reiing- LOST--My pen ton, Royal, Smith-Premier typewrit- course. eris, at $1,5 and up. All in first class running condition. 0. D. Mrrill, 17 LOST-Gammia Nickels 'Arcad. -76-4 266,ewr at &31 Omnricon evening. an, 2949. watch Tappan Court. r 7-21 i Pi sorority Finder call Re ward. 78-1 charm lost,,, The students are back and have br o ught: with them. thousands of dollars orth of buying pow- ere More money will be spent by/ the s t ude nt body between now and the first of 1Febr ir than during any other similar period of time. TI s is the time for every merchant to b on~ his toes. This is absohvitely a month of opportunityr and the -merchant that most fully7 realizes that is the one that will profit the, most. I FOR SALE- 45 cal. Colt Automatic, holster and 170 rounds of ammuni- tion. Perfect condition. $30. Phone 2059, Throp. 77; FOR SALE--Tuxedo, size 36, short, with dress 'shirt and studs. Worm1 onice. Half price. See Loeffler, 10.20 Grpenwood 'Phone 2862-*. , 78 FOR SALEI-A wonderful 'help in o home. 42-inch. ironer in fine condi- tion. 520 Mack Rfpad near Elmn. 7S' IFOR 'SALF-Microscope, $25 and 8 ft, tsh skiis. Address II.R.T., Daily] 78 CRYSTAL radio set for sale. 40 mile range. $4. Phone 2840-J. 77-31 F~oa FRONT SUITE- Two, doors no site Hill au( Thayer St. 16 ABSOLUIJTELY1 the can pus. place, front ro FOR RENT-Ve double roomc 2863-W. 923 FOR RENT-i: 1 boys, 417 E.I Ifrom Campus. 1 nrWANTED WANTED-MVusIcians for twvo Chao-' tauqua hands for the, summer of 1923. Must be' versatile and cap-_ able. Long season, ideal associa- tions, good compensation and won. dlerful experience. 'State all -about~ yourself in first letter. Thy Landits Attractions, 1513 N. High St., Co- luinbus, Ohio. 3- WANTED--Experienced window trim- mer. No dubs need apply. George K~yer,. 721 N. 'University. Phone 1593-W. 76-4 WANTED-A boarding house, that serves salads and. vegetables. Try~ 644 E. University,: 75x3I ROOMS for rent. room. $3.50 pt Ave. WARM ROOM fc 1127 Church S F~OR RENT-On for girl. 5111 tgold band. liteward.-- -- pencil lost Thursdall .. N. Al. Reward. Phone- troubles, at Rider's of - 21 Eta Gamma lpin. Call E=' " R 'RENT -For girls, for rent. orth of campu*, oppo- ditorium. 236 South ' 657-W. 77-3,~(s Running water, fire--/ Dons. 804 Monroe St, 21 cry pleasant, front, on~ first floor. Phone - Greenwood Ave. 75-2 * , . large double room fo'~j Walhington. 1 block r 77-2 nrat rUP W arm, quiet, double °A"- e a : 27S .Fft .S i s nO .e a s 774ut rd0'ot "or'rent. Quiet family. St. 77-2 = nue large single room" Cheever, St. 78-3 ELLANFVOVS TOMAN who picked up'~ ntlahrprs n =. room of Newberry THREE DAYS ONLY MVonday afternoon has - and will return sane THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND :o Secretary's office to ' rul.772STRA ST-Do you know that We've arranged our entire sokof trop capacity Master- -and: >st opulr pe on he ebroken lines of Suits ad Overcoats in- are is a reason. Call one great group for special selling.2 ~i Shps 21Over 100 garments. Prices have been 3ilbie, teacher of Vio- x' reduced from 33' 1-3 to 50 per cent. ieory. Collection of If you chose at random with your eyes- lected in Europe. All # closed, you'd still be bound, to get a v. Man, 61-M. 4- ~.Mi,61M 46big value. Selections are liberal, but - ,NUSCRIPTS typewrit-piewl rn i ead ocm enced TYPISTS. Bid-piewlbrnbgdma ssoc e re, 11 Nickels Arcade, early -for first choice. 76-21 !- to join independent op booth. Phone 122- 78 EWRITIW wanted. Theses, A ZTT"'- / N Ifthe students and towns peop1-oly knew what you and your clerks -know!- -' . < You know the values you are offering this mnoith. But the~re is only 'one economical way of letting the students know --thlat is to advertise. You can tell 10,000 prospective customers through the medium of this paper the things that y ou telU the individual customer when he comes into your store anid finally makes a purchase. Don't fail to tell them these things beca'use' if every-stu- dent realized what you, and your clerks know about the values You are offer- ing your store couldn't hold the trade. -Notl because you are necessarily offering greater values than your neighbor but because the buying public don't r realize the values he is offering eithcr.- The thing to do is Advertise --- not j u s t occasiornally, but, E Very Day --- Not ai Little Crampd up Ad but Some- thing sufficient to your needs.. 11 ;n'sef 'THE YOUNG WI a ' black paten Sgloves° in rest HFall at.2:30 I been reported avoid furthera ANNOUNCEMEN Rider's 200 di -pen is the mo campus? The at Rider's Pen W4ANTED-A Rider 'Pen which fails t~o write at touch. Rider's Pen, Shop. -211 TICKEt'T for J-H* wanted. -Call 158-J ini evenin~g from 6-S. 77-21 -FOUN~D . I HIAVE FOUND IT. The best to eat. Chicken on Sunday, place good things every dlay in . the week. Flynn's Boarding House, 607 Htil St. Room for more. 77-31 FOUND-Corner Williams and; Thompson Sts. at 7 p. m. Jan. 9, a pair of shell rimmed gold bow glasses. Finder can have same by calling for same at' Daily office aid E.: Normanton I lin, Piano, Ti Eold violins sel prices. 307 IN Have your MAN Sten by experi( die's Book Stci Junior wishes group for J-H( TYPI W??e are atYour Servile ;< I I The Michigan Daily maintains a Copywvriting department for the expr'ess pur- pose of. helping you prepare your advertisements. It also maintains a cut service which is always at your disposal. We suggest that you call 960) and I ,, get in touch with the Copywr~iting Manager. He' or one .of the staff. will be glad to see you personally and help you prepare Advertising Copy that w~ill. SELL THE GOODS. TYPEWRITING i