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January 11, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-11

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L ° 0.....,wr"' "rS - "er o

eave Tomon-ow for Satulrdtay Tilt I
WIIith (xoplier' ;-WIilFic.

Again stressing correction. of the
aults wheih proved most glarig in
-he game against Illinois last Satir-
Jay, Coach Mather put the Varsity
asketball squad through its next to
,e last -workout of the week last
ight inl Waterman gymnasium.
Tomorrow the Wolverino court five
will leave for C(,hlcago oe the firstl
oad trip'of the season. The team will
o to Chicago where after a short layi
wer they will, continue to Mlimneapo=
isr and Saturday nlight will face the
trong Gophr quintet. From there
.he squad will proceed to Des Moines,
owa, arriving there, Sunday.' 'The
'earn will remain there uintl Monday
niorning before going on to Iowa City
vhere on Monday night the Wolverines
,wil play the fast ,Hawvkeyes. This
;tp over at Des Moines is to save thel
elmn from making the long trip 'from
1~inneapbliis Lo Iowa, Cite in one.
11ather Woks An iHard
Tihe practice last night was long and
ard. Mather Is determited -to pre-
;et a stronger front. to Minnesota
Ld Iowa than was ishuwn against the
'ckers last week and he has worked
he~ men strenuously all this week iu
:rder that the Wolverines imight im-.
)rove every posslble phase of their
)laying. The following in of long
hots in last week's gamne was-partic-
darly ragged' as was 'also the off en-
ive play at times.
Mather last nigth gave out the
taes of the members, of the. squad
ho will make the trip to Minnso~ta
nd Iowa. Nine men will 'accoinpany.
liecoach, including Captain Ely,. Mil-
Er, Haggerty, Paper, Cappon, Kipke,
enderson, Rice, and McWood. Birks, .
ne of the veterans fronn last year, 'has
een ill for the. past two. weeks. and
ill be unable to accomn~my .theteam..
'Fly Recovers,
Coach Mather plans to 'start the
alma five mien again't. Minnesota. that
e sent a ainst the Illini. Captain
Ily will be in his regular position, at
ie center .jcb. Ely is expected to put;I
P a much better showing than hie
isplayed inl the last game.. The Wob-
erine leader was taken with a: slight
~t.ck of illness the dlay of the Illinois'
ontest and Mather was undecided. un--.
I thre last .as to whether or not the'
nky center should start the encount-
rAlthough playing' a nice floor game
ply was entirely oft in his shott~n°
nd severely, lowered the tonal of!
ichigan points. However Ely has en-
rely .recovered and is expected to '
lay his usual fast brand of basketball. .
Opponents; Fast
Bill Miller and Hlaggerty will take
ae of the forward berths. Both men.
ill have their hands full'-this week
r~as M~innesota's, strongest playing,
> on the defense. and, her gu~ards are
tid to rank withl est inl the Confer-~

S o tfff fl T O IUT have addcd materially to the Strength ! oC off because of the bad condition of
____T_10 9 Van Ordeni lh'ii rug 41iG1 tUJ Lonly last night for real pactice as
NdvYr aeal fains and scribes Va-Oren itha trowof =n
ledsthe sotputesiiiriioks ii elya light workout wth'Istress on
areI (Aaeiti : e of 5the x e<rdin thFe 'RA K SEASON like a promising an, while jluntev' 9IdiHJ iriinr Atewrk patcas ih h
Yakesaidf Giants re-i land Heath help to round icut this M,:ae Ihuff Elected aptan
eaignext season, il'te iwofiIevent. Atrte-pacieatnghh
guards. Those two men also face a one New York writer is a criterion. !Onlly Two Events, Javelin and Low 11 MeElven has succeeded in attaining iN Ineo rm~nl S3 iVnddites ,ore coach announced the names of the ment
difficult task wh~len-the Wolverines en- He writes: Hurdles, Are ITtout Exper- the height of 5 feet sl inche'u this -'Navd by (iacb lo i ears who are to compose *he regulars.
counter the Hawkeyes Monday night.) "New York's baseball supreinacy, j enced, Performers! year and is without doubt ihigan* s l to Met Wicoinxi thse ae Comb, goal; Ma Duff,
Iowa is 'reportedl to be as fast an ag-1 firnly established in the camipaigns. of, best man in the high .jump while; Nu-j ---- Kahn, and Petermnan, defense; Bees-
gregation as any court team in the! 1921 and 1922, will be put to its hard- I SPRlvTs, BRtoAD JUM:1P, JOLE 'fr, Smith, andl Gun look lronisinug in I;j v ~i' ITuh'h ET N I ford, Hlenerson, Anderson, wings;'
Conference and the Michigan dfense j est test in the year just begun. It) VIN T EiEN T WLL UANDIl this event if they continue pricicing) I11' 'E 1t, AT l iind trom and. Hoskings, . centers.
will be compelled to be on their toes l takes an optimistic fan to believe im-! in a consistent manner. Mac Duff, veteran captain: of last
all they time if the Wolverines are to ;plicitly that both Giants and Yankeesa With the formal opening of the The high hurdlers are taken care ol e to e a pta in tlhisfistasiy team.eet
stop this fast Iowa five. Vill repeat again next season. Other track season at the track pep meet- by Hubbard, Simplson, Loomihs lIi;- A;thrde rw na orte toarpainralhockes ,riy team.eet
cluserestrngheinggtraidlnainggTesaynigtahesqddlayturagns an Separdesdayofthsegightek thrie ithWicosindH ihasefnstmaronuusul biit
they can. A steadily growing anti- ed to harder work and is determined e will be used in the low Irh~les :4 :' 'clocka at the oliseumi Fri- and is backed by severi 'years ex-
ini n r evYork feeling will lend stimulus to make this year a sutcCessful one to bolster up this wpeak event. ,r~ a_6 Sar irdy rights, Coach l'assl (Continued -on Page Eright)'
pt0UfRT T HOE andl inspirationi to the assault. Andl and to be considered successful it will IHubbard, Neish, and Sheppard wili - ---o ialdtal t hewl
' '~~~~~ the law of averages, sometimes so in- h necessary to obtain the team's goal i take care of th broad jiinii, 'Iil(; cf trte ,Y irstty 1 uk cis Nersxd.uisfr etl.Wl
chances of either club) to win and is ship. Coach Farrell has "made the! ly prospects out for the discus oerhemigs.ans hechnc, f__satmethteasbeteposecsavlnvetsitou ay nda
Jifs Q{Ml{Ed L AY ' lN I ltd Iu es btht aking r i n uanother world'sH this year than lhe has had since h en i teUiest:'hes ent
IHowever, a mnere thing; like a lawestatement speaks for the team's po-I - l
JA.l'of averages' is not likelyi'to mnake in- tential strength. i __________a____aV_6.4
sonmiiacs of messs. McGraw and Squad )Tell Hounded I0"
Lafayette, liLd.,lJan. 1; Purdue's IlHuggins. Thcy are' more.alikely to 'What !nales ths yer's team so tin- V
Cofrnebiktbl hminhpworry over' the. more concrete- haz- usual is because it is, with two ex V' __
five opened the -1922-14323 ea.on last ;arls raised b~y Pittsburgh, and Cinin-ceptions, well rounded and 'has aO r4~



t11 j f1 L. F)} - ,UK;;it:ir 1.121 }y. LLtt": C: 7 i.7 vt:t;i..1131l t: cG.-1


college 41. to 112. The Boilermnaker"s are
'late in starting, their schedula aas Coac h
Lambert has been working hard to
Ifind a mnan to take Millers'. place at ,
back guard. The Conference sched-1
ule opens, with Northwestern here,
Jan. 15, -I'he 'remnainlig Pre-Confer-
enee game, is with Butler, hereo Fri-
day of this week. Butler has defeated
Wisconsin, Chicago; and" Illinois.
,Although winning from Rose Poly a
by a large score, the work of the Pur-I
'deplayers 'was r iagged. Many easy1
shots wore missed .and the team workh
was not up to standard. Coach Lamc-
bert sent his squad through: one of
the hardest practices of the year the
next afternoon in order to correct the K
mistakes that were made. and, get the
team ready. for Butler.
G1ullion, who was All-Conference
centelt last season-.has won; his. placel
at the pivot position, Captain Mast-
ers and Eversman, veteran forwards
-are again on the squad as regulars.t
Holwerda who steplped in and took
White's place at floor- guard when lie
wa~s declared~ ine~ligible in the middl e, r
of the season last year is having a'
hard battle with Robbins for the posi-
tion. Robbins is a_ sophomore and I t
while in high school was. placed on the K
All-state team. Both nien tre evenly .t
mnatched and -it f%: probable that theyI
Jwil l both be used, in. every. game.
Treat anld Wellma are the leadingI1
candidates for the back guard posi-s
tien. The latter was fullback on the
football, team. Both" men are new 'to
the .position -but hiavie shown won -I
derful improvement in their workf
since the practice started. It is a toss-
upi which is the better, manl. Well-
man, playing his first college basket-'
ball game against A'Rose Poly made a z
big :hit: with ,the students. Treat gotl
in' part of the game and took care ofl
th e job 4nw good style.
Dr". Jean 13. Cloppet, of the Romance
language departmnent, delivered a 'let,-
tore yesterday afternooan .in" the -su-
ditoriumn of the Natural Science build
ig. lie spoke ofi "The L.ife and Work !
of Pier're Iboti.".- This, was the third
of a series of lectures .being given by
members of the French department
under the au pides of the Cercle Irrau-
Dr. Cloppet gave an account of the
life of the distinguished° French au-
thor, antd showed in what way his life
was; ref acted in his works.- The talk
wNas given -in- French.

nati in the National "Le-ague and St. abundance of secono21 strung mhen. AtI
Louiis, Detroit, and Chicago in the this time -there-are only two -events,,
American. -The Gia.nts will :have to, lour, hurdles andi the javelin;-that are,
beat Pittsburgh first and Cincinnoati seriously} weakr
second, 'sayik McGraw. Peating either In the sp~rints Captain Burke is'the
one will be, a considerable feat.. The' only "M" mxan back but is ably sup-1
Yankees again face the St. Louis men- t ported by Martin, 1lubbard, and W itt-
ace, which is badl enough; but in ad- man. Coach, Farrell shQ~d b,6 able
dition 'Chicago and Detroit. have to count on this squad for many
strengthened themselves formidably.; points. The men are of about the
The Tigers .have new pitchers. and aj same calibre and furnish an abund-
new infielder and a first-rate manager ancc of coinpetition. for each other as
in Ty Cobb. The White Sox have add-j well as for Any new confers.' They
ed the $100,000 Mr. Kamnm, And theirlihae not'as yet this year run togeth-
young' pitchers are as good as any in er, but have beenl separated into dif-
baseball. ferent heats.
"So that is the situation in a nut- The pole vault is perhaps better
shell. Fror. this perspective it woftld, taken care of than any other event.
seem that tie Yanks have the rough -'IByr the first of next semester there
est path ahead, Potentially invincible ,will be three men out who should be
in pitching, steady in fielding and good doing over 12 feet consistentlty.' Pross- I
In hitting, the Huggmen nevertheless. er and Brooker. have already 'cleared
hiad the closest of escapes last sea-.., this height and 'Landowski who, is ex-
son; they staggered through the final pected to -return next semester, has
wveek and limped in one game ahead done 12 ft 6 -inches in competition.
of ;the Browns. In' the world's series. strong linstane" S4umad'
several of their players were discred- In the distance runs there is aril
ited by weak and listless playing. abiundanice 'of material. Isbell and
There' was much talk of a general Davis are as good men as could be
shake-up, but this -much of the off-; found in the country in the two milef
season has passed without a subtrac- run and are also excellent perform- }
tion or an addition. The Yanks, stand= ers in the mile. In addition to thene
ing pat, face a vastly improved De- men is a large following: BowenI
troit team and a still dangerous St. ' :Arndt, Cochran, Rearick, Shenefleld,
Louis team-. ' Polhamnus, Crzyminiski, Nicholson,}
"There is -much hope' in Babe. Ruth. and Griffin are all good men- in thy}
If he reforms, gets into condition and long grinds..
stays in condition, the effect on the Reinke, Hattendorf; Marsh, Gibson;
morale' of the! club wouild-be tremen- Cushing, and Carson form the' back-
Ions. And the Yanks -need new- spir- I bone of the 880 yard run. They have;
it more than new players. Given the b een working hard in this event and
former, not even an unfriendly law are improving with practice. It is ex*
of averages would stop them- from- petted that many points will be gart-
gathtering. in their third. straight pen-j nered by 'them.
iant. fl In the 440 there are: Simmons, Joy-i
"The Giants have added Jack Bent- ner, and Thomas from last year's
cy 'and have Jimmy O'Connell, ap- squad and Purdy, Hulse, Rankin, and
(Continued ,on, :Page; Seven) Rloesser who are also good -men and
-~T~A L~~ A VK.

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