THE MICH IGAN DAILY% OFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday ning the University year by the Board in mntrol of Stude:nt Publications. of people at least several decades to become adjusted to a complete change in calendar. This was true In the! sixteenth century when the Jtlian calendar was replaced by the pres- ent one, and in this case only one change was made, and that of minors importance. Besides this, making the, 1 / DEDICATED TO THE NEW STUDENT EDITORIAL COMMENT A SUGGESTION TO PROFESSORS (McGill Daily) In connection with our college LAST EDITION OF - . 10I GA N SONG BOOK Member of Western Conference Editorial calendar of the present completely GOVERNMIENT courses it seems that there are many: Association. different from that of the past might things that could bear some improve- Asy easily cause anything like accurate "I see the University architect is The Associated Press is exclusively en- astoricasecording o e imposibe building against a new war," said ment. One of these is the manner titled to the use for republication of all historical recording to be impossible. in which the notes in a course of leec- news dispatches credited to it or not other- huad fdts'ol emd the Old Alumnus, blowing smokei wise credited in this paper and the local Thousands of dates would be made Itres are delivered to the students news published therein. wrong over night. benro"Tenewlitfbuiln hstaking them. The methods pursued Even if these impediments should been roofed over, and from all ap Entered at the Postoffice at Ann Arbor, pearances is going to e a low by the various professors differ almost Vichigan, as second class matter. be obviated by the reformers they ,b as widely as their personalities, and Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. would still be confronted with the ti- in structure where the co-eds and ely asieir tsat anei Offices: Ann Arbor 'Press Building, May- faculty can run to cover at the ap t nard Street. I tanic task of winning over all Eu- found who seems to have the facultyi Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- rope, which more directly confronted proach of hostile air-craft, while the fof"un who sees" hs thes n system ness 96. Stte tree clb rasesa s oke f "putting across" his lectrues in antb with the political maize following the State Street cub raises a smoke way that grips the attention of thenot be Communications not to exceed b00 words war might well be more skeptical of, screen.!wytagrpthateio ofte Cf signed, the signature xot necessarily to tha we are "While I was watchin' the activitie" student. Although the student is sup- Patro appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, .change than we are of the wage slaves o labor in posed to be imbued with an over- and notices of events will be published in ___theagesves_____b___mthe 1e Daily at t escre ionDaly ofie.rig UNBALANCED ENTHUSIASM ringin' words of Sam Gompers, yes- helming desire for know dg we signed communications will receive no con- tterdiay afternoon I observed, down inD sideration. No manuscript will be returned With the increased expansion of the African dark does not obviate the necessity of( unless the wrster e osetage a American universities in the past gen- ness of the new lit presenting his lectures to him in an does not necessarily endorse the sentiments presenting ishlentreltt expressed in the communications. eration has come the problem of diag- building the fick- attractive manner, calculated tol nosing the evils of college life. From arouse an enthusiasm in him for Det EDITORIAL STAFF various sources we have read that G o thinks I, Al- further study, and also for more, 6:4 Telephones 2414 and 176-M the trouble with the collegian of to-"fred has gone and earnest work. However anxious to Jack day is that he is allowed too great scraped clean down learn the scholar may be it will not every MANAGING EDITOR a freedom, both in the .selection of ttake many dull and lifeless lectures; Loc MARION B.oSTAL to Hades! I always andthi courses and in his use of leisure time; knew An n Arbor stife the keenest enthusiasm and 11:00 News Editor.................Paul Watzel that supervision of everything as it s ssto deaden the liveliest ambition. P- To City Editor...............James U.Young was in the days of our .grand-par- e, The great majority of professors Loc Assistant City ed it was that near."t o: tiditoriai Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss ents should be restored. This - dog- * , , seem to be possessed of old man, I To Night Editors- matic view is held by many of the old scripts seared and 'yellowed with age, ited c Ralph Byers Harry Ioey ,lMARS IN THE GYMN 4:4of J. 1 IDawson, Jr. 3. E. Mack school.a ap eyI oTeon fated that we should for-al 4T L. J. lershdorfer R.aC. Moriarty Again others say that 'student ac- 1eLt sees tstages of disintegration. Old notes, 8:47t 11. A. Donahuegetoicuecnrbtssgswh Sports Editor........ ......F. I. McPike tivities, athletics, publications, and t tonclude outrsigs wih like old friends, may be best; but the Sundi,ayaaxne Editor ..Delbert Clark n' their contribs. Our Freudian wish is1' Woe<'s dtori..............Marion Koch dramatics, are permitted to monopo- getting the upper hand. Yesterday's trouble seems to be that these old un'or ditor...............Donald Coney lize the time of the student and thatr elics of the past continually lead 1923 Conference Editor...... ..1. B. Grundy Pictorial Eeditor................Robert Tarr he neglects his work at their ex- t label the the lecturer into bypaths of intrIcate Music Editor..................E. H. Ailes pense. Still others say that the detail from which confused mass .theI Editoria B dfollowing.) LowelIl Jerr, Mauric. Berman youth of today goes to college with students loses his perspective and 21 Martin Klaver Eugene Carmichael the sole purpose of having a good Far happier the lot of Mars; wonders just where he is. Others 2 28 Assiant aia eTo him aone was Fate propitious AssistantsI d time and only works so that he mlay there are who read from their man- W Thelma Andrews Walter S. Goodspeed She gave again his faith in men, . . f and . A. Bacon - Portia Goulder remain in the institution and con- Of h e sscripts and who dicate fairly plaon-'ho Stasdey M. Baxter Poraldr tinue to enjoy himself.wn ly that the student is expected to Dorothy Bennetts Franklin ) .Hepburn ious. Sidney Bielfield Winona A. Hibbard There is no denying the fact that i copy down the notes aln:ost verba- FAA R. A. Billington l1dward J. HigginsI lHelenBrown l;izabeth Liebermann these maladies exist to some extent "They fight not as of yore," he pon- tim. Such a system does away ai- 617I W. t. Butler John McGinnis on every campus and we find the dered, most entirely with the personality of 11I. C. Cla k Samuel Moore rony A. I. Connable M. I,.Pryor cause for all of them in one fatal j "They flee a'l effort that they the professor and is mechanical, tire. I erae Co Wb 1. Ray blunder, the unbalanced distribution shun" some, and monotonous, in the ex- - 1Fvelyn 1. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsay f lneI Wallace F. Elliott Campbell Robertson of enthusiasm. It has often been l And, speaking thus, by chance he treme. There is, fortunately, another ADRIA os eh itei ol J. Schitc said that a college education is just wanderedclass of lecturers, usually of the Sce A, 1. ebbink eeric .Temoem s what we make of it. After all this Into Doc. May's palatial mansion. Younger school, who follow methods, John Garlinghouse Philip M. Wagner is dependent upon the direction of different still. When they enter the 3:457 UWSINESS STAFF our efforts while at school. The man With joy our court stars there he saw lecture room they spend a few mo 4:30 Telephone 960 who neglects everything e'se for his Setting each other on the bean, ments in writing a short synopss 5 I s studies usually becomes narrow mind- While dribblers, with a rude guffaw, of the day's notes on the black- 545 BUSINESS MANAGER ed and impractical, while his fellow Left enemies strewn all o'er the board .which the student can copy and D-- ALBERT J. PARKER student, who is called by friends at scene. then fill in with more detail from the and If home, "the collegiate man", spending lbody of the lecture itself. This seems Ann A Aertisng .. .. .dward F.ConiH his time in idleness and He clanked his blade in loud ac- to be a method that closely approxi- JA P pet,~,..E Watrd . SChere istie 9nonstant ilns n'dis-i JN Arising.'.a.....M...arrsiation; becomes equally one sided in claim; nates the best way of imparting ! Accounts........... awrence H. Favrot his view of life. V "Who says there's nothing taught knowledge to the student. In a cer- ( ireu ation . ..,.. .. rownsend 11. :Wolfei- oege?" 7 i Pubic:tion.. ...... Beaumont Parks The man who directs his enthusi- co tain course in the University the to- Assistants asm properly and allows neither good They beat me at my private game; tal number of Lectures is printed and S KennethSeick Alan S. Morton times nor scholastic ambitions to run I'll hang around and pick up then sold to the students for a nom- reRokod Jamxes A. Dryer Irolcg, terry M. Hayden Win. H. Good I away with him is the one who derives - inal sum This method may have its Eugene ,. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman TOMA A CELANO is a gesu Ths m t ay haes Wn. Graulich, Jr. . Howard Hayden the fullest benefit from his college Tdsadvantages, but its ad lntages ohn C. TaskiIi Henry Freud course. An athlete who can main-' would appear to be greater still. The NTa C. L,. Putnam flerbert P. Bostick E. D. Armantrout D. L. Pierce k 'tain a good scholarship record, gainI ATTENTION OF HELEN attendance rule compels the presence - Hrerbert W. Cooper Clayton Purdy W'allace Flower C.'. Sanzenbacher the admiration of his fellow students Dear Helen: They aint no use of the student, and if he was relieved Wiliam 1F. ,id. Tr. Clifford Mitts .and the respect of his professors, be talkin, you had a :ot of hard luck at from the necessity of scribbling down Edward B. Riedle Ralph Lewright noe-ohrid Harold L. Hale Philip Newall a hero of the gridiron and a student the union dance, but seeing as how notes so hurriedly that he scarcely Win. D. Roesser in the class-room, is nine out of ten you ast for public opinion I am writ- has time to understand what he is times the man who will see success in to say that most of your tough writing, then lie could, by discussion when lie goes out into the world of luck was your own fault. You should- with the professor, clear up many affairs. n't of used no ladder. If they didn't difficult points that would otherwise :-: AT :-: BOTH STORES A has been evolved. Grades dispensed with. nize Daily Advertisers.--A ca ETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) roit Limited and Express Cars--, y:oo a.m.. 8:6uc a.m., 9:05 and hourly to 9 :oS p.m. kson Express Cars (local stops of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a~m., and two hours to 9:47 p.m. al Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m. every two hours to, 9:oo p. i., p.m. To Ypsilanti only-- :40 i : 15 Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. al Cars West Btund-7:50 a.m., 9.n.m. Jackson and Kalamazoo.-Lim- ars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, p.m. Jackson and Lansing-Limited at p.m. 1T1- I F yr f + i +IMn l S E 1 t 7 I iii I i YOUR FRIENDS AT HOME will be interested in views of the .campus and of the many Michigan activities. Take home s o m e pictures from rr LYNDON AND COMPANY 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY f 1 8 1:, JANUARY 2 3 4 .) 10 11 13i 17 l8 4 1 y J 12 1923 6 13 20 22 23 t 25 26 27 29 30 31 e do all kinds of Cleaning Reblocking of hats at iw prices for HIGH CLASS WORK. CTORY OAT STORE Packard Street Phone 1792, :AN-ANN ARBOR BUS :dl1e in Effect October t8, 1922 Central Time (Slow Trime) X X D A.M. P.M. P.M. 7:45 . . Adrian .... 2:45 8:45 :5 .,'Tecumseh ... I2 :15 8:15 8:30... Clinton .... 12 :oo S :oo 9:15 . .Saline .... II:15 7:15 9:45 Ar in Arborv. 10:45 0:45 (Court ffoa e Square) A. M. Daily. X-Daily except Sundays lolidays. Friday and Saturday special rstudents leaves Adrian :145 leaves rlbor 4:45. ,MES R. ELLIOTT, Proprietor 926-M Adrian, Mich. LEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT ATRFX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street r State and Packard Streets YOU WILL WANT THE HOUSE TO LOOK ITS BEST FOR THE SEVERAL WEEK - END PARTIES THAT ARE COMING SOON. For the F in e s t and Latest Things in Curtains and Draperies See * *Pilbearn&Marz, 206 S. FOURTH ST. . I - u - THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923 Niht Editor-T-ARRY D. HOEY YOU KNOW ME, AL --- Clarence 0. Mega is a Michigan stu- THE OPERA AS PUBLICITY I dent. He is a clear-thinking, level- Any University of Michigan product headed, conscientious, unbiased and placed upon the market, retains its unprejudiced person - on one sub- individuality as a Michigan product. ject, Clarence 0. Mega. Clarence is a A student home on vacation, a grad- good-hearted chap and so unsel'fish uate launched into a career and an that he is willing to discourse on! athletic team abroad all testify for his favorite subject whenever occa- the work done here in the University. sion arises, or even when no occa- In like manner, the Union Opera, as sion seems likely tp arise.j a finished Michigan product is another Clarence is the sort of fellow who ! instrument by which the prestige of always drops into your room just the University, as a builder of worth when you're commencing the nightlyk while things, is enhanced. battle-before-the-blue-books, and who Finesse is a quality expected in a helps you overcome the dreaded dra-I dramatic production, and critics on gon of fear 1by relating his own per- the Opera tours have unanimously sonal conquests in the ball-room. agreed that the Michigan Operas are Clarence is generous,'too-he never finished, polished and marketable hides anything from his friends. All products. that he knows about himself htis But while the Operas are lauded as friends must know and' for fear that dramatic ventures, while they are some individual of his acquaintance praised as the, best itinerant college may be neglected, he tells everyone, shows in the country, they do not and often repeats his tale, for he, lose their Michigan trademark. While would spend many sleep)ess hours (in to authors comnan and director the lecture room) if he should omit1 let you have no ticket it was most: likely because you are a girl and you should of went to the authorities and said "I know that men has gotI the preference here at the union but if it wasn't for us girls they wouldnt s have nobody to take to their dances and therefore don't you see that us girls has got equal rights." If that didnt. fetch 'em you should of out with the whole thing, holdin nothin' back, and said "Well my man is mad at me and didn't ast me to go to the dance with him and I want a ticket so's toi show him that I can get in anyway regardess." Us women got to hold our ground. But dont never use no i ladder again. HELEN B. KICT * * * THE WAY OF THE HIGH-FLIER{ Have you heard of Icarus bold, j The youth that aspired of old For a record to try By flying on high And wouldn't heed what .he was told ? remain more or less hazy in his mind. The suggestion is either that notes should be printed and sold to the stu- dents, or that before the lecture a short synopsis of the ground to be coveredtin the hour shou drbenwrit-' ten on the board. There are natur-' ally many subjects in the curriculum that, would not lend themselves to; such an arrangerent, but at the same time there are many others that it seems would benefit greatlywifsome such more definite plan; were fol- lowed. GRADES (Daily Nebraskan) The question of grades is a much- disputed one. Some instructors say it is not so important what the fig- ures say if you feel yourself you are mastering the subject. But to the' average student at the present time grades are beginning to loom up as a very important concern. Almost every instructor has his or her special system of arriving at Variety and quality are features common to the foods served in many es- tablishments. But here you get. them at lowest prices! Arcade Cafeteria. Upstairs, Nickels' A rca d e When he mounted higher and higher must go the individual laurels, the anyone from his audience. And come to the sun, that old frier, final impression, the lasting thought Clarence does not confine himself His waxed wings fell away which remains in the mind of the to personal visits only. You can, And he saw his last day: Opera-goer is-"This is a sample of often hear his eulogies in the lunch So don't become a "high-flier." Michigan products". room, in the class, at the library ARISTOPHANES I tdy tahle-he broadcasts his me-. * * * CALENDAR REFORM sage over the entire campus. If you "Every Day, in Every Way, I Ani Agitation has been started by the laugh at the Gargoyle's latest unin- Growing Wetter and Wetter" New York Chamber of Commerce for tentional humour, Clarence will tell It is rumored that the Eminent an international conference to discuss you that he has written better him- Coue has been tendered an honorary calendar reform. The calendar that self. In the movie theater, if you membership in the Anti-S'loon Lea- this organization recommends be chance to be with him or near him, gue. adopted either as a whole or with you will know that he is by far a * * * slight changes is one that, would - di- greater actor than any on the screen. Here Is a Mean French Romance vide the year into exactly thirteen He is master of the social arts-at "Prouvez-le," (lit froidement Baxtel. months of twenty-eight days each, the dancing, carrying on brilliant conver- "Faites-moi," reprit le ,bon La extra day to be known as January sations with campus maidens, at the 1 Fontaine. 0, and to be an international holiday. housewarming or at the formal prom, "Je ne dois pas," repondit l'autre. The obvious advantage of this calen- Clarence is an admitted leader and "Prouvez le," dit froidement Bax- dar is that it makes for uniformity authority. tel. in thaz if it were in effect our holi- Clarence, to quote him, "can't be "Faites-moi," reprit le bon La Fon- days would come on the same day of I beat"-and frankly, we doubt if it is taine. the week each year. possible. Clarence has many broth., "Je ne dois pas," repondit l'autre. But the burden -of proof lies with ers and sisters on the campus-they,, "Prouvez-le," dit froidement Bax- the reformers in that they must show too, have accepted the self-made of- tel.. that the advantages of the new cal- fer to present themselves to their urch urch endar, in eradicating certain incon, many friends and acquaintances on ** * averages. A few use a purely math- ematical system. The average of the, grades made on written work is.- taken without any consideration for the student as an individual. In large 'O" classes where the instructor has littleC opportunity to become acquainted with the individual students this sys- CAMELS LUCKY STRIKES CHESTER- tem is almost inevitable. E We hear a great deal of the (is-E S1 T tribution curve and the median. Ac- TAREYTON OMAR POLO TUXEDO cording to all the laws of individual difference it is impossible to rant P. A. EDGEWORTH = more than a certain number in an average class to rank in the upper . half. This is a logical enough prin- ciple and should certainly be consid- ered in making class averages but too rigid regard of such a principle :sometimes works an injustice. Among the questions which arise 2 t'4' '" SOUTH in any discussion of grades is wheth- .UNIT er or/not effort should be considere_ in making up a. grade. One instructor - offers the opinion that this should be given little consideration :since it is not the effort one puts forth but the results attained which counts in the'-