THE MICHIGAN .DAILY PAGE FIVE THE MICHIGAN J)AILY PAGE Fl K Robert Borden -Statesman, (By W. Bernard Butler) visioned statesman. Born on June 26, Sir Robert Borden, great Canadian 1854, Borden received his preliminary legislator, statesman, and war leader education at Acacia Villa Academy., is to bring to Ann Arbor, Friday, Oc- 1874 saw him studying law and 1878 tober 6, some of that electric activity found him called to the bar. From which was such a factor in enabling that time on his practice became ex- him to fool General von Bernhardi. tensive in the Canadian courts. He The prominent German made a spec- has received many honorary degrees tacular prophecy about the next war from colleges and Universities all over in which he stated and believed that the world and many unusual honors the British Empire's self-governing have been conferred upon him. colonies could be "complacently ig- 'Surely the University is fortunate nored so far as a European War was in having such a world leader on its When war had been declared, Sir lecture program. He is particularly Robert Borden, then Prime Minister well equipped to handle the topic of Canada, said concerning Bern- which he has chosen, "Political De- hardi's assertion: velopment Among the English Spo k- "I venture to predict that before ing Peoples." His share in the prog- this war closes, unless it reaches a ress of Canada and in bringing out a conclusion sooner than we can rea- closer union between the mother and sonably expect, the German armies daughter countries has been a large will find confronting them 2,500,000 one. He has in reality spent his from these same self-governing do- whole'life in work along the lines ofr of the Empire, will deem it an honour "Political Development Among the minions. These men, with the forces English Speaking Peoples." to fight side by side with valiant troops of France and Belgium, whose SANDBURG AND POETRY courage and endurance under the most deadly trials have already It is evident from a recent an- aroused the admiration of the world. nouncement by the American Library- . . . . We have not lorified war nor Association that Mr. Carl Sandburg, sought to depart from the paths of Poet, does not place American poetry peace, but our hearts are firm and high enough in the scale of excellence united in the inflexible determination to occupy. a prominent position on a that the cause for which we have "two-foot shelf" of books 'for a coun- drawn the sword shall be maintained try school. In fact, Mr. Sandburg, in' to an honourable and triumphant making a selection of 25 books suit-' issue." able for children, rates verse very That Sir Robert Borden's belief was low. Out. of the 25 books chosen by, to be realized is shown by the fact him at the request of the American that before three weeks had elapsed Library Association, only two are in 35,000 men were marshalled on Val- verse, and those two are Mother Goose cartier Plain which was transformed and Kipling's Jungle Book. almost overnight into a great military Sandburg was given a ballot on camp. The crops were gathered, which were listed 100 books--a ballot farmhouses were torn down, and a which had been used in a vote taken canvas city took the place of the rural by members of the American Library buildings. Contingent after contin- Association and the National Educa- gent of Canadian men left for the tion Association in a recent vote on a front and all made heriolo sacrifices, suitable choice of books for a country In July Sir Robert Borden attended school, The list must not include the meeting of the British Cabinet, the more than 25. The poet excluded first overseas man to receive such a Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of summons. In 1917 to 1918 he repre- Verses," and B. E. Stevenson's "Home sented Canada in the Imperial War Book of Verse for Young Folks," both Council and at the same time was en- of which were voted for by a majority gaged in all the meetings of the Im- of librarians and teachers. perial War Conference. 1919 saw him Sandburg agreed with the vote of as chief plenipotentiary delegate of the librarians and teachers in placing Canada at the Paris peace conference. on the shelf "Aesop's Fables," "An- By far his greatest achievement, derson's Fairy Tales," "Little Wom- however, was his work in eeffcting en," "Alice in Wonderland," "Robin- the Canadian conscription measure. son Crusoe," "Rip Van Winkle," "The In spite of the strong opposition Jungle Book," "Mother Goose," "Rob- which he had to encounter the bill in Hood," and "Treasure Island." was at last carried and the full use jGoing outside the one hundred of Canadian man-power assured for books listed on the ballot, Sandburg use in the struggle. selected "Stories of Science," by Although the height of Sir Robert Fabre, "Zigzag Journeys," by Barth- Borden's fame was reached'during the worth, "The Story of Liberty," by Cof- late war, he has been consistently a fin, "Chinese Fairy Stories," "Swedish great man as a keen jurist, as a Fairy Stories" by Martens, and "Folk shrewd politician, and as a pre- Tales of Flanders," by de Boschere. 1 3 S l s t t t 1 t 5 t 3 t 1 7 1 2 "i 2 i 1 t c WHT TURKS KILL CHRISTIANS more Intelligent and Industrious C Christianhraces has been their undo- (Cniud rmPgeFu) lg. .The fundamental conditlos back of the massacres and deporta- tions of life, and loyal to his friends. tions were therefore economic. In the massacres of the nineties when Had the Turks been restrained by a mob stormed the hospital of Doctor a religion which recognized the equal Shepard at Aintab, it was a Turk who rights of non-Moslems and did not en- planted himself in front of the door courage the destruction of infidels, and told the mob that they would. their vengeance upon their more pros- reach Doctor Shepard only over his perous Christian neighbors would dead body. In the recent massacres probably have been sporadic and in- there were Turks who at the risk of oidental, as were the pogroms of Rus- their lives shielded the daughters of sia. But with religious teachings re- Armenian friends and kept them as enforcing economic pressure, Turkish their own daughters. Many a Turk- resistance gave way, and as the Turks ish official refused to carry out the of Asia Minor began to suffer from deportation orders issued from Con- the economic disturbances of the stantinople and lost his position and Great War, the loot of the property standing in consequence. Others of Christiah neighbors supplied a managed to keep their positions bft fresh and tempting source, ready at secretly did what they could to evade hand. the carrying out of the orders. What will be the consequences, for Herein lies the reason why the the Turks themselves, of the destruce whole Armenian population of Asia tion of so great a portion of the eco- Minor was not destroyed, but some- nomically productive population of where between a third and a half sur- Asia Minor? Is there any hope for vived. The destruction of the Ar- Turkey? These questions are too menians was not the result of a spon- large to be discussed here. taneous and general exacting of vengeance by a dominant race. Al- though conditions were favorable for STAFF MEETING it, influences centered outside of Asia' The entire staff of The Sunday Minor supplied both the initiative and Magazine will meet at five o'clock the ruthless persistence of execution. Monday afternoon, October 2, in It may well be doubted whether The Daily lounging room at. the originally the hatred between Turks Publications offices. Any other situ- and Armenians or Turks and Greeks dent writers wishing to write for was more intense than the hatred be- The Magazine should attend this tween French and Germans in Alsace meeting. and Lorraine. The prosperity of the ftI * FIRST NATIONAL .- BANK ORGANIZ ED 1)8,6 04 low !. I- :: OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN Always in the Lead! Besimer's Grilled Steaks One a day would make you a football man COME DOWN AND TREAT YOURSELF TO ONE TONIGHT! You will find us upstairs opposite the D.U. R. 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