P.i AR'...A.C1 'I L~tfA L !l iUniversitly Trainsl Indian To Teach Sports' MEMBERS OF Y'.W.C.- A. L WLomen Mortarboar'd members will meet at 12:10 o'clock Friday at Dey's studio to have their picture taken for the Michiganensian. SGirls Reserve leadiers will meet at ~7 o'clock this evening at Newberry 'hall. A brief but important business session will be followed by a reportl -oi the granting of certificates for the course. Every member is urged to at- tend, as this is the next to the final meeting. Freshmen who have earned 100 Mhon- or points may pay the 75~ cent dues of th~e senior WV. A. A. to a representative ofthe association, at 8 o'clock tonight in Barbour gymnasiumi. The dues for former mem~bers o~f. the junior organization are 50 ~cenfts. Masques will hold tryouts from 3 to 5o'clock today in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. All members are asked to attend the try'outs. Problems of interest both to i tul. versity wromen and industrial wermen were discussed at the fixV. inecting of the Y.W.C.A. group for diseto i,n oL industrial 'problemsA. "industrial iFacts", a pamphlet' by Kirby Pg was adopted 4s the basis of future, discussions. This pamphlet wil be used at the next meeting of the group. Arrangements are being completed for the industrial group of Detroit to be entertained here soon. This will be the second joint meeting to be ?hell. as the University group was enter- tamed in. Detroit in December. Au yf woman who is particularly interested in these subjects is invited to join the group which has been formed. WOMJEN GAIN HONOR PINT ~S yFOB S ,iA NG AND SIKIN-S Honor points for skating or splint + }may, be earned for the Women's Ath- letic association. Ten points are awarded for four periods of either sport taken for the minimum of an hour on four different dlays within two weeks. Although the points must, be earned within two weeks, the min- imum time is necessarily four days. More than one hour spent in a single day counts only as one period. Alumni to Hear Ch~tiacfer Judge William Judson Bibby, industrial psychologist and character analyst of note, will address the University of Michigan club of Detroit at 12:15 this noon at a luncheoni on the Hotel Tul- ler roof in Detroit. His, subject will be "Guaging Men at Sight."' Mr. Kib- by, a prominent lecturer and author, is described by the New York Times as being "ungrudgingly recognized as the greatest character analyst in Am- erica," HOTEL ALLENIEL. Is serving; a splendid steak and fish supper every evening, $1L.- Ad-v. New Tuxedo S;hits for Rental. Wild anrd Co. ,State Street.-Adv. VICTOR AILLME-NDINGEH PIA NO TUNING School, of 1ihisic Tumer PIHONE O! Ofieat ]to. 418 N. Division 8t. t0z. &A, portable t writer. Other m, at attractive pri See us bef ore youl 0. DMORILL The '' Type rite'r &Statienery Store Lase something? A classified in ie Daily, will find it.-Adv. Fresh Shipment of Ayres &Smith CAPS DONALDSON'S 224SOUTHSTATE i 1 Because of the Irene Castle per- formance, Portia Literary society will not meet" this evening. The po gram for this week will be postponed ~ until next week.I ~,Members of Mummners will meet at 'five o'clock today at Dey's studio ~to have their picture taken for, the iMichiganensian. Members of the Freslknan Girls' Glee 'club will mreet at 7: o'clock to- night at: Barbour gymnasium. DATE SET FOR WOMENi TO TARE 1." STRE EXAX 'IATIO : posture examinations for all women~ taking' the required work in the de- partment of physical educatioa wil l_ be given during the week 'beginningl 'Jan. 22. Appointments for the exam j i nations are being made this week and& those women wvho have not signed uring their gymnasium classes are, Tequested to do so as soon as possible in the office of Barbour gymniasium.!, Where will be no gymnasium , classesf _Vhile' the posture examnations archl being taken. League Houise Entetains Dehin Dean Jean Hamilton was the din- Tie guest Tu~esday night of the resl- dbsof tihe McClinton house, 836 Eastj University. The e.I ton Portable. i1 The Onli, Portable with aStandard Key~board 432 THOMPSON STIIEET STACY R. BLACK PHONE 11284 I! 1 i 1 k r .. a ®" U ®. Is *unn n x n nu n nmmmuan 9 lit = n i o -Kay Electrice' Grills, $2.50, 36. U , ME U. 1 U U: M s U a s r U Milss Eleanor Itouk Miss.DMe"'nor HIouk, a pretty full-blooded Blackfoot squaw, who is a student* at .the tjniversity of-Oregon. She .is 'enrolled in the school of physi-t Cal edu~cation End expects to return to her people to teach Indian girls American:.ganmes antl sports. Miss Houk is twenty-two years old and is a graduate of the Chemawa Indian School.. THE GREY After the show in for a cup of come coffee SLEAGUE DIRECTORS TO GIVE Due to this party, there will PARTY FOR REPRESENTATIVES i rular league party on Friday noon01. The $oardl of Representatives -of the Womenz's LeagUe will be entertained at! Marriage Is Announced a party to be given by the Board o Announcement has been made b)irectoks . f the League from 4 to,~ marriage of ?Miss Marian DePuj o'clock"Friday afternoon in_ Barbou:1 r!Ar. James Rose, Jr., both of An: gymnasium. The purpose of,,thie par- bG'. The ceremony was perfi t~y is to foster a closer spirit between last Sunday evening at the. ho? thie two .boards. Dean SJean Hamilton Rev. Francis Cuthbert. and Frances Ames, '23, president :o the Women's League, will speak dur-l New Tus:edo Suits for Rental. lfrg the afternoon, and Co. State Street.-Adv. be nq 1 rafter- and a sandwich. It ,. 1 i l k Best for student needs. Weigh 'only one pound; occupy veryv little spce-; connect to anyj socket: will Toast, fry' and boil 600 L. Liberty wiv~ll relieve that hun- Goodyear 's 124 SOUTH- MAIN C Ly ni fe a2 of thq~ y and n Ar- ormed mne of' Wild 1 ger pain. k UUUUUUEUUU~UE35UE WEE, L l_- Pro'mpt ,and Excellent AT THE THEATERS j ' Screen~-TOder '"'l Service CALL POWDER PUFF BEAUTY PARLOR, Bobbing. And Children's Haircutting a Specialty PENDERSON AND FENDE SO 9 SOUTH STAT STREETV PHONE 993-11 I l -' } r 1 i i i . .r i '. iy i 1 I K 9S ~i :4 ~~1 4 A Arcade - "Kiickc In," a Georg e Fitzmaurice produc'tion, star- Sring Betty Compson.. Bert Ly- tell and May Murray ; comedy and news feature. Majestic-Jackie Coogan" in "01i- ver Twist;" Educational.6im- edy, "Blazes;" and sport re-' view. Orpheum -, William Duncan In "When Danger Smiles;" and comedy. Wuerth---Irene Castle in "Slita Shoulders;" (coniedy and news. jmthie storj by Charies K.Harris f r. ,. . CLEANERS PRSSERS Dicted atan Crostnvnd AFOOD INVESTMENT- Hav~ing your clothes Master Cleaned means looping your best over a longer ,period, at, the same cost as inferior cleanIng THE ANA ARBOR STEAMDYEWOKS 204 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PHONE 628. Stages-This W eek Garrick (Detroit) - San Caflo Grand Opera company.' Shubert - Michigan (Detroit)-; Bonstelle company in' "Nice People." !. d i !. , , t' >. ,; r k. t ;, g Feather Fans S m~1 Y,. j -.- 1/F t, j~ ',7 Important! TIME T©DAY WILLIAM 'DU CAN "WHEN. DANGER SM~ILES", ED)DIE POLO in '"C API KIDD", CLEANING AND PRESS ING, SUITS &OVER COATS CLEAN\ED AND PRESSED $1 25 I ..The'rimportance. of the feather fan can not he toos much emphasized! The fan adds a certain touch of finesse that makes or mars the 'effect , of the cos- tunic and hence it is that Milady must exert great care "in selecting a, fan that matches' or: harmonizes with her gowvn. The milliniery section is making ,a spec- ialyof ostrich 'feather fans and the girl who is particular about the appear- .ance of. her, f-hrop, or formal party cos- tume will bring, .a sample of her frock~ to that department and tape advantage of the special service which H~'ill supply her with a fans in the exact, shade shle can most effectively carry. . The price too, is 'a special feature '-- $10.00, (Second Floor) ;. ,,. .. ,. . :. . . . ' _ f