ls. 11L - CLAKELUNHS LEAG t CAMPAGN' Forarie' Suprempe Curt Member Ado- vttes Covenat Ref ore ew PARISA$ (AI'Sl1) lEFEAT or. PACT, SAYS JURIST NIew' York,' Jan. t0.-(By A.' P.)--- The work that John H. Clarkce, of Youngstown, 0., ,ct out for himselfI when h6 resigned his sat on the bench of th United States sureme coyt, was formally launched tonight, when hlie delivered the 'keynte ad- dress at the first meeting of the Nvon- Partisan association for the League of Ntions. The jurist, whose resignation on the grounds that he might so better serve humanity, was taren-until lhe denied it-as the opening of a camnpaign for the Democratic ncminiation for res- identin 1924, addressed in intent a- chaence. made u.p in almost equal parts; Of ;Democrats and Republcas. Ie opened with a fling at. political 'Pe tsanship which, he declared, had defeated the League of Nations in ,Axerica1,-a defeat that he declared' already had proved "a great misf or- tunie," and that, uncorrected, would r"eslt in permanent disaster to our country. Dever Had traireiri~ "The subject never haed a fair hear- ing in the UnitdStates," he declared "ftor as soon .as it appeared, it became immersed hin party politics with all the isinterpretation and misrepresent - tion which that Implies. It it, the ~ur- pose of the organization for which I ami speaking tonight to o what it can to lift this fateful quesion out of the morass of party politics and 'to candidly submit'it to our country tVe - President and sente 'for reconsidera- tion upon its merits. " O" lar recent congre-soa lec- tlons," he continued, "are interpre-d by men of all parties as showving an unrest- a deep and widespread notic- -al, moral, social andi economic di- cotent--such as has seldom been seen in our favored land." Turning from the moral to a more 4apractical plane, Justice Clarke pictur- -ed-America as standing on the brink -Of the most disastrous of all wars, and argued that since this was the case, America could Icse nothing, and might 'gain much, by entering the league. 'Any "ltperiiiiciit etter. "If anote war is inevitable with- -out 'the 'league, why not join the - league?i Any refuge, any experiment even, would be - better than to push blindly, hlplessly, stupidly forward into thehell of another World war." tt the league, he argued, even without th.,memnbership of the Un- ted Staten, had proven mre than an experiment. He ,declared it had -brought to'--peaceful settlement "four as Promising prospects of war as the A rt ne y o th le ge cud hvwished to see provided to tet its use- funesand power," enumerating the settlement of the dispute between Fin- land and Sweden over theAaland 'Is- lands; the disagreement betwee Po- land and Lithuania; the dispute be- tweeji.Germany and Poland and that between Jugoslavia and Albania. DODOS TO PRESEN T ORIGINAL PL AY S mance languages department, wvill be ~ DN the speaker on the Spanish lecture STUDE TDCO M ENI course at 7:303 o'clock tonight in Tap pan hall. lie will speak on the subject "Columbian Poets." DS U SD O UI so well worked out. In this chance -1imittee meeting. They wil he awarded , makes the King marry Slut, an un1- by lottery. clean; slattern, Instead of Tidy, the i A dance will be held the afternoon neatest of women, by juxtaposing the of Saturday, Feb. 10, at the Union, and two characters while the Ring isj the time at wvhich the tickets for it searhinga' bride., Chance is played, will go on sale Nv ll be announced as e JUN10 U tGilt . ., TOPRESENT ecml 1public. There has Ibeen mnuch PLAYHER BEORE UB~C dscussion on the adcvisability of a1- lowing its ope.n pres'entation here 4imdi (Continued trem Page One) the women on the can'pus iave tied sire of a large majoriyof the woni-- for the ;past several years to present. en students on the campus, t-hir}play openly.- Thin is the first. Thce first peorance till be re- time thazt the pla.y has been open to served f(,- the sei'or girls asiin the the public in Ann Arbor, although a past while the other performancees performance was given !in D~etr -it in Ann Arbor wall be"owen to the gen- three years ago. flflfl TII by ±Ruth Christensen, '2 t,. theing fby ;soon as, possible. II5PIT1ilj (ContinuedI from Page One) 'HIal Conkey, '2", Slut b~y Rhea Schlaak, po UIfl MIUI[ N finting the fo?! owhig men as men-1 '25, and Tidy, by Louise Barley. TheRU SA PRESS hers o te Student cmitee , 1acting of Louise Barley .is partiular-i AoS atcuarPP PIAJID B [ L Ctiunilme Thon:asLynch, '25L, ly good in this nufaber. FEtk S NEW 'BAR HowrdLivr~nce '3;and Harry _ flt PNOS RUIEI0'tod,'3,adaso hmsUdr PROFESSORS WILL .Moscow, Jan. 10 (A. P.)-The Rus-1 '.l''t~ kT+ a{9 .:f~l;'' O }wod,'2:11,president of the iinxo~:, w3 lOi)Xl#0I 0R lNSTI "'. M. B. Snahl, '25L, mzanaging editor of ADDRESS PIONEERS anpesgerlyvws rnc' 'LIBN Thi3 Daily, and Perkins' Bull. '231" action with regarA to theviw Ruhr, to- ____chairman of the Student 'Advisory'Po.~r .Suro h egah gether with the breaking up in dis- comttee. 1Po.Cr . aeo h egah Lansing, Jan. 10 (by A .P.)-Twvo} "Those iroen will iimeet with the department, will spaeak on ",Thxe Gee-' agreement of the Paris conference of- miliondolarswoud b aded o te ' comitee nd ~ gaph ofMichigan in Relation. to itsj premiers, as threatening a new war., SeaeCuniil The communist leaders always have requested two years budgets of six #select as many additional members of taeteetadDveomn, eoebken the" stand that Premier Poin- small nd onelargestate nstituionsthe commit tee as theyr deem advisa-} a general assembly of the Michigan Iciesplc smlbn n lresaeistttosI e" Pioneer and historical ,society at its 1cr' clc was the very thing to1 andl $2,390,000 would be given for the l zoD,,nz f m'oiiiiltiu pointed Iconvfention Friday, Jan. 19, in Ypsi- - riepraeinayht revoluatioheraui University of Michigan hospital, con- i The^se additional students '%ill bel lanti. Prof. 'Wilbert B. Hinsdale, of ir nenetedons eitoeratheracefuin cernin g which the administrative! seletcd froim senior and junior the Medical schoaol, will also speak j tti ie h onco i luta- ister of War Trotzky, in an interview board mrade no rcommnzzendiationx, ifa clas>ses oni the campus anzd wiil be attI iiteto~co luta with the. foreign correspondents, re-! meFn who, are active in some branch-r-ed lecture being "Primitive Men in !pidpsiitefyt usin s favora ble action is taken. by the leg- Ies of stuid ent activity: and who will Michigan." 1PliedatpRssiasatilytde qubestina isiatu re. on eight appropriation bills, rereiemit all de artistriits. Tie) The committee in charge has ar- ttc event of a new w ar~, saying that which~ made their airnearance. in the coc iriil. unaanimiously ad'optedl the re-1 ranged for a series of musical selec-} if France invaded the Ruhr, thzereyby- iHouse yesterday.1 port, approving the appointmnents. tons to alternate with the lectures. precipitating war, and. Poland joineo the.. principal increase Is an _ item~ of The4 council voted in favor of 1iav- The general public is cordially in- 'ane he doubted if Russia could re- $500,000 for the comning fical year, ing the new fie-d house' on Ferry field vited to all meetings of the society. I nurl and $1,000,000 for the 1924-1925 year, named after Fleldin 'VH. Yost, and a Dr. Puller, secretary of .the state his- I -__ - a ;, i .a . ; s ' 'i for Jackson prison. Inq addition to the $2,300,000 Univer- sity hospital request, which was meni- Stioned in the Governor's message, the. appropriation bills call for $3,054,407 outlay next year, and, $2,975,668 for the second fiscal year.- Inasmuch as the administrative board slashed the requested appr opri- ation considerably, the appropriation bills, exceeding as they do the request. ed appropriations, probably will br, trimmed heavily. It is doubtful if the grants to the eight institutions in- volved will exceed the approved bud- S get.- -- petition will be circulated .-amlong the student body, to deter mine 'its opinion., A con,.mittee was appointed to work with, the managing editor of the Michiganensian for completing the se- toricat commission, will preside. 4 J-HIOP COMMITTEE AWARDS MISCEJALANIOIS 'CONTRACTS IGot something so .sal,? A "Daily" the. Daily will find it.--Adv. ' r.1M2" OTA --: 3e; p Wte i the human S eseceo A ~E1DALDCOIEDY KINOGR AMS MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA', Tostial . ... . ene o l s....35c 1 x1... .r- Ar.'w.....l To ilk - "LOVE IN THE DARK CMN SNA PEX 1~RAMS IWDIEFIS(IIERP's t a 1 1 E . Representative Albion B. Titus, of Kalamazoo, sponsored the Universi3 hospital request. Michigan Song Book, Mlemory, Books, Banner, and Pennants at Waher's University Bookstore-Adv. j. ietiuon ofUt. Sutenfo the ti Aiiy (Continued from Page One) i section of that publication. 'This until the sale: ends. this af'ternoon. comnmittee consisted of Jack Kelly, Further awards of tickets and the 24L, chairman, Herold Hunt, '23Ed., corrections of mistakes will be made and J. A.' Po'Dha~mus, '24E. lby the comamittee this evening.. Thos.~ Vern~on F.- Hillery, '25LI president, who receive further tickets will pr ob. and; Walter Shmerer, '24, secretary, of ably be notified tomorro. the Student council,, were elected as Applications for Booitts Redy delegates to the Mid-West" Student Those who intend to have. booths Council conference to be held March a h ac ilsg pfrte 15,si16, an 7 tNortweter ui-with the booth,. committee from 2 to varsiy, Evnston ~ 15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the- lobby of the Union. At this timea 1EW ME BE 4. OF, COEDY copy of the house, party and Hop rules CLUB INTERPRET PARLT.S ELL will ,be given to each. mane signig up (C~ninuel onPageTwo)for a booth along with a copy of the (Coninue on age wo) I chaperone card upon which the names Dean, '26,' helps them out. Here the of the chaperones4 for each booth ',re parts were rather well taken but the- to be written. play appeared trivial.' The lbooths 'will probably be award- Probably the' best, reading play of1 dTesath a f h ex ton the evening was ,Edna St. Vincent IMi. - e I -y h ayo h nx an lay's "Two 'Slatterns and ,a'King", though, its presentation could not he - 7'RAD& MARK REG. U. S. PAT. 0F. riE ORIGINAL WIDE When you change from the old narrow garters to thne comfortable wide ones, be sure to start right. Gept the original E. Z., which imi- tations cannot equal. A5c to $. everywhcere, insigl-gipancd the . Z. 2-Grip. andA the E. Z. Sp1ort Garter. Made ey IN~ b Thos. P. TZAyhx Co., Bridgeport, Connz. "Featured by all leading S Studenit Supply Stores" New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. and Co. State Street.-A dv. tuo-d. c3um thmng;? Lot a "D~airy WildI '101i ad titld ii.for you.-Adv. i F- r r +. I, Y ; y NOW Why Young Mene Should CosdrInsurance rSelling Seven Reasons for Life Insurance CareerU LIFE INSURANCE is founded on .the highest ideals.- It is capable of yielding ,a good income and the satisfaction of accom-plishment¢ It offers opportunities, for real leadership.U It brings insurance salesmen-in close associa-e tion with big business and big business men. It requires education in business methods, law and finance. It, is a field for workers, not. shirkers.U It. is an alluring and practical. calling for, men of dynamic energy. iFlE INSURANCE COMPANY 4P OOOTQl4. MAOSAC"USETT8S i .. 3 t ±Y ' i i' 2:00-3:30' NOW67 P111 HT NOW! :00-8:30 him w.2c~rc Spring Mi'1llinr :y $5 a .no$10 Stunning shapes of, taffeta' hair, cloth, faille} strati and ribbon- for dress and sports Wear. F'irst breath of siring! Throee one act plays written by Annr Arbor pee i il l e presented at 8 o'- clock thisr evening at the Dodo lay- haous:;e at 716 Spnring street, w hen Do- (105;, a drirli group composed ci -r ton and University people, offers it-'1 first programn of the school year. Tb-1 same program will be repeated tomzor- row andc Saturday nights. The first play will be "Swialning A1pples", by John R. Adamsir, in2struc- Itor in rhetoric in the University. Mr .10a 1st will appear in this, as will Oakley C. Johnson, also of L e rhetl orc ic department. Following this will bec "Undierstanding", by Margaret Greifeli. The final play-will be0 b Lowell J. Carr, instructor in sociol- ogy in the University, "Monkey Glands". This programn will also be givenI next Wednuesday for the benefit of the Rus sian Relief fund. Tickets will be $1 and may be procured fronAu either -1r. Adams or 0 . C. Johnson, also of, He rhetoric departmient. Giirciia to IDeliver Lecture Carlos Garcia, instructor in the Ro- GARRICK ALL LWEEK~ SAN CARLO GRAND OPERACOMPANY Fortune CGallo, General .irector - Pries: lied. and Sat. ;fat. $3.040i)C 'Nghts $.Oto 50C SHUSER tNight* 50-75-S1.00 ~''H I GA ats. Tues., Thure. and *V * ~ Sat., 86a and SOc ALL THIS WEEK-8:15 ONSTELLE OPANY Goody-4ear ' 14SOUTH 24 :T . . - -.:Awit s "Give 'mT " ris For Meats Call a 9,3 We sell..Sivift Products i r - .. FiR.OM NWIL.LARD MvACK'Sa 4 M1 A. Re. GFELL So. Main St. I IN ADDITION- - SUNDAY. SOON -"THlE PRIDE OF PALOMAR-f"' ~:'~fl~ O3IINCON WERS"1OIS TN I I Raclwel (rothers'_Smart Comedy "NICE PEOPLE" w ss ... ... ... .. a ., U. '4 Am __. Dances rz~ and Satu'rd,;ay __________________________- i - - - -