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January 11, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-11

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M. Coue's Teacher
Is Eager To Greet
His Famnous Puni

Comedy Club New
Members Act Well

AL.a V V .3. l+wY F ii lP i 4'V AL VV ll

!v v

President Deems Expedient Time Has
Arrived For Recall of Forces }
At ('oblenz
Washington, Jan. 10 (by A.P.)-
American troops were ordered home
from the Rhine today, with every in
dication that the administration's pur-
pose was to emphasize its disapproval 1
of the French reparations program.;
They are expected to be back in the;
United States by Feb. 5.
Official explanation of the withdraw-
al order, issued immediately after a
morning conference between Presi,
dent Harding and Secretaries Hughes
and Weeks, was confined to the state- Prof. Sidney A Weltmer
ment that the President deemed it ex- Prof. Sidney Weltmer, president of
pedient at this time. ?the Weltmer Institute of Nevada, is
France Warned I looking forward to a visit from M.
There were explanations which ap- Coue, French exponent of auto-sug-
peared authoritative, however; that gestion. It was from Professor Welt-
France had been informed that per- mer that Coue received his first idea
severance in her plans for forcible of healing by suggestion. It was
measures in Germany would result in through a orrespondence course.
American withdrawal from the Rhine,
but no inkling was given as to when!
or how diplomatic exchanges of such1.
a matter had been transmitted. l
Ambassadors, of the Allied coun-
tries here, including the French, and
American ambassadors in Europe
were promptly informed by the State
department of the order.
Transport Ordered to Leave -
A cable message from .the War de- Famous Southern Jazz Orchestra Is;
partment to Major General Allen, j Second Chosen to Play For
commanding the American army of Annual Ball
,occupation, gave him preliminary in-
struction to prepare for withdrawal, 1IES'TO GIVE SPECIAL
while orders also were issued for the "IN-AND-OFT" PERFORMANCE1
transport St. Mihiel to sail tom New ~
York Friday. She will pick up about I Contracts for the decorations for{
40 officers and more than 1000 men, the J-Hop and another orchestra for
comprising the American force on the '
Rhine, either at Hamburg or Bremen, the ball, have been awarded by the,
as General Allen elects. Hop committee. It has also been de-
Actual movement of the troops from cided that a special performance of1
Coblenz, it was stated, would begin "In and Out", this year's Union Opera
just in time for them to embark di- will be given Saturday afternoon, Feb.f
rectly fromt trains. The only Ameri- 10, in honor of Hop visitors.
can military unit left behind will bo Smith Brothers, a popular jazz o-
detachments to complete disposition chestra of the South, secured by the,
of stores and property not brought committee with the view that it was
home, and those ii charge of grave the most entertaining and represent-
registration activities. ative of Southern orchestras,; is the
second of the three orchestras to be
engaged forthe affair. It has play-

Appearing for the first time as
members of the Comedy club the new
initiates performed most creditably in
the presentation of three one act plays
last night in Sarah Caswell Angell
In "The Impertinance of the Creat-
ure", by Gordon Cosmo-Lenox, Hor-
tense Hoard, '24, acted well in the
role of Lady Millicent, an extremel-
"proper English flapper". She was
supported by Robert Brown, '24, an
unknown gentleman who later devel-
oped to be the guest of honor at the
dinner she denounced as "boring".
Both people took their parts well and
the resulting skit was good.
"Nevertheless", by Stuart. Walker
followed. Here two children, a boy
Elwood Fayfleld, '25, and a girl, Car-
ribel Schmidt, '23, are puzzled over
the meaning of the word "neverthe-
less" and they only manage to solve
the problem when a burglar, Robert;
(Gontinued from Page One)


Boy, Page Horatio!
Alger Might Use
These For Heroes



I j
Lausanne, Jan. 10 (by A. P.)- One
'nillion human lives are virtually af-
fected by the decision reached by the
Near Eastern conference today. One
million Moslems and Christians who
live either in Greece or in Turkey,
must give up their farms, homes, and
'usiness places, and move on to .find
farms, homes, and occupations else-?
In the interest of future peace be-
tween Turkey and Greece, the Mo-
hammedans in the Hellenic peninsula
' must henceforth reside in Turkey and
the Greek Christians in Turkey must
emigrate to Greece. {
That peace in some form will be
signedat Lausanne seems more prob-
able in consequence of today's devel-
opments. It is reported that the Musl}
oil question will be settled up by the
conference, and earnest efforts are be-
ing made to find some satisfactory
formula concerning judicial guaran-[
tees for foreign residents in Turkey
which ,will be acceptable to the;
The Turks announced that the
Greek patriarch who is primate of the
orthodox church can remaini in Con-
stantinople provided he abandon all
' political and administrative activity,
and devote himself exclusively to spir-
itnial matters. The Greek colony in
Constantinople will be allowed to re-
f main. The compulsory exchange will



Hillery, 25L, Urges Cooperation In *
Formulation of New System of .
Reorganization of student govern-
ment was the main topic of discus-
sion at the meeting of the Student
council held last night at the Union. ,
A letter to the council from the Sen-.
ate Council committee requesting the
Student council to appoint a commit- I
tee to act with the Senate Council4
committee in its discussion of reor-
ganization plans was read and a com-
mittee appointed.
The letter read as follows: "The I
committee appointed by the Senate
council to make a study of the possi-
bilities of student government on ourf
campus Is sympathetic with the pur-I
poses of the Student council as de-
fined in their present constitution and
desires to bring about an increase in
their prestige and influence. In an
endeavor to accomplish this it desires
the co-operation of the student body.:
With this in view we are asking that
there be appointed by the Student
council a committee representing in
the best way possible the entire stu-
dent body to act with us in making
plans for the future,"
Hillery Reads Report
Vernon F. Hillery, '25L, president
of the Student council, read the fol-
lowing report to the council in which
lhe took up in detail the points Above, James Simpson, below, F.
brought forward in the report of th f , J s White
Senate council committee. His re-j
port read: "To the members of the Reading like a Horatio" Alger yarn
Student council and the student body: is the story of the lives of two Chica-I
"Since the publication of the report go men, F. Edson White and James,
of the Disciplinary committee in The Simpson. Simpson entered the em-
SDaily of Jan. 5, there has been someploy of the Marshall Field Company
misunderstanding as to the status of as an office boy when seventeen. Now
the council and I desire to make this Ihe'd forty-nineand has ust succeed
statement so that we may not be ed John G. Shedd as president of the
hampered in our present responsibil- concern. White, who has just become
ites. president of Armour & Co., entered
"The report of the Disciplinary upon his duties in "Packingtown" att
committee speaks for itself and be- the lowest round of the ladder. That
cause of the situation which has aris- was at the age of seventeen. Today
en in regard to student self-govern- he's fifty.
ment, the attention of the University '
administration has been focused on, r
not only the Student council, but also
the whole system of self government. IA11UUi TA MANAGERS
A committee consisting of Prof. Mor-
ris P. Tilley, Dean Alfred Lloyd, and
Prof.. Evans Holbrook has been ap-

Phi Sigma Takes
18 New Members!
Phi Sigma, national honorary biol-
>gical society, held its annual initia-
tion banquet last night at the Union.
Four members of the faculty and 14
!f the student body were taken into
the organization.
Prof. P. .. Welch, of the zoology
department, Prof. C. V. Weller, of the
pathology department, W. C,. Wilson
and A. A. Crissman, both of the
medical department, are the faculty
members who were initiated.
The other initiates are. R. L.
Glass, '24M. C. D. Moll, '24M, R. L.
Mustard, '24M, Dale VanDuzen, '24M,
G. B. Sartoris, grad., J. B. Leighly,
grad., F. E. Eggleton, grad., A. F. Roe,
grad,, C. 0. Edlanson, '24, P H. Jes-
arich, '24D, R. E. McArdle, '24, Gerald
Harris, '24, L. M. Folsom, '24, and
Norman Cameron, '25.
Prof. L. V. Heilbrunn, of the de-
partment of physiology and zoology,
spoke to the members on the topic,
"Biology and Civilization."
Senate Coinmittee on Student Affairs
Grants Permnission for Mixed



Permission was granted by the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs
to present this year's Junior Girls''
play before the public in Ann Arbor,
as the result of a petition being pre-
sented signed by 420 out of the 460
members of the women in the junior,
class which made evident their desire
to see the play openly given. Tie
committee decided that the character
of the play itself is to be subject to
the approval of Jean Hamilton, Dean
of Women, and the committee on dra-
matics, which is composed of Prof. C.
A. Campbell of the English depart-,
ment, Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the
English department, and Prof. Her-!
bert A. Kenyon of the French ana
Spanish departments.
Previous to this year there was no

People of France Stand Behind the
Government; Expect Parlia.
ment's Approval
Berlin, Jan. 10 - Germany to-
day recalled her Ambassador at
Paris. The ambassador, Dr. Wil-
helm Mayer, was Instructed to
leave the embassy in charge of
its counsellor. The German min-
ister to Belgium also was re-
called, with simlarI Instruc-
Paris, Jan. 10 (by A. P.)-France
will go into the Ruhr tomorrow
morning; tanks, troops, airplanes,
and engineers are ready. Essen will
bow to the French in the early morn-
ing hours, and Preiiner Poincare,
when he appelars in paliament to-
morrow will tell, not what he plans
to do, but what he has done.
France, with Belgium at her side,
and supported by Italy, will begin
her long talked of "separate action".
The decision of President Harding
to withdraw immediately the Ameri-
can troops from the Rhineland came
as a blow to the pride of France and
to the French sense of right, although
there is no word of official criticism,
only regret.
People Support Government
The French people, however, are
standing behind their government at
what is frequently descrilbed as "the
most critical moment in the end of
the war". Germany wis notified to-
day in identical notes from France
and Belgium, that, effective tomor-
row, control of the, Ruhr c0a distri-
bution would be under a commission
which will go in with a small army as
a guard. Italian hesitation has been
giving some concern, but Italian en-
gineers will go with the French and
Belgians, which fact M. Poincare's
note took pains to mention.
Troops Ready to March
General Simon, commanding the
Dusseldorf area, is ready to move at
a half hour's notice, marching rations
having been issued and' erman a-
tomobiles requistion. General de
Goutte, in supreme command of the
French, has already returned to Dus-
sedorf, and will direct the advance.
M. Poincare anticipates not the
slightest difficulty in getting parlia-
ment's approval tomorrow; it has re-'
peatedly endorsed his plans for seiz-
ing "productive guaratee", athougl,
then there was 'no chance for imme-
diate action. The deputies and sen-
ators in their group talks today voic-
ed the sentiment that it is every
Frenchman's duty! to srpport the
government and only the customary
,pposition from the extreme left'.is
The calm firmness of the French
note to Germany is indicative of the
feeling of the government and peo-
ple as revealed by the newspapers
and individual expression. The French
feel they are going into the Ruhr to
make the Germans do what tljyk
agreed to do, and although great dis-
appointment, such as England's re-
fusal to join them, and America's or-
der for the withdrawal of troops,
reaching them the night before they
ptrayed their last card, may amaze, or
grieve, or anger them, they never-
theless are going into the Ruhr to-
Firm Denies Custer Fraud
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 10 (by A. P.)
-Denial of fraud in connection with
the construction of Camp Custer in
Michigan, was made here today by
R . Porter of the firm of Porter

JAN. 23
Varsity Glee club members will.
make two trips this month, one Thurs-
day, Jan. 18, Ypsilanti, the other Tucs-
day, Jan. 23, to Jackson.
The entire club, comprising the vo-
cal and instrumental sections, will
make both trips. It will give its con-
cert in Peas auditorium at Ypsilanti
under the auspices of the Episcopa'
Women's organization. The special
interurban car for this trip will leave
the Delta at 7:15 o'clock on the even-
ing of the entertainment.
The program planned for Jackson
will comprise many new songs and
novelty features, and will be under
the auspices of the Women's club of
Jackson. The Glee club members;
making the trip will be entertained in
the homes of Jackson people. The
special interurban car far this trip
will leave at 5 o'clock from the Hur-
on street station. A detailed program
of each entertainment will be an-
nounced as soon as possible, as will
also the place where tickets for the.
affairs are to be sold in Ann Arbor.
Famous Dancer'
Tonght In
Irene Castle, called the Joan of
Arc of the dance floor, as well as
Ame.ica's best dressed woman, will
appear in the ".Dances amid Fashions
of 1923" at 8:15 o'clock tonight in
Hill auditorium. She is coming with
her own company which includes

ed for many seasons at proms and en- be carried out as humanely and just-
tertainments in the Southern state, -!

I ly as possible under the direction of " pinted to make a survey. of te
j and has also played a large num- a special commission, which will ap- tire self governing system and out or WILL RAVE SAME PRIVILEGES AS
her of the ,best known college formalsI
r theNorbtamng th the a praise the vslue of all individual pro- this survey should come ' a revision VARSITY NI CLUB; 20 JOIN
,annual proms at the University of Ii perty and endeavor to effect a rea- of some. of the features of student AT FIRST NOTICE
Ins an dpam thUn irt. sonable exchange in families and coin- control. ______
linois and at Cornell. mun ities. Survey Desirable. IInodrtbigtgehraltc
The third orchestra to be secured ITe lies have asked the Turks t "Certainlyanyone participating In order to bring together athletic
for the Hop will probably be chosen exempt all religious institutions from student self-government knows that team managers of past years into
on's Vire Record orcesta ofC- taxation, and the Ottoman delegates such a survey is desirable from every closer unison such as that which ex-
have taken this question under advise- standpoint. ^We are at present opere- ists in the Varsity M club, the present
cago has been considered for this Iuatisg indtr Varsiysy dlbnthgpresen
pupoe ment. ating under a clumsy 'disintegrated managers of the Varsity and Intra-3
purpose. men system with little hope of accom-gs
Local Shop to Decorate pushing what is rightly expected of mural athletic teams held a meeting
The Blu-Maize shop will carry out FEW CENSES Michigan students and the time is during the last of November and
the plan for decorations for the Hop. Ihere for ipoeet qmdteMcia tltca-
They will embrace many attractivef "We need ake no excuse for our m
and beautiful' Japanese scenes. Bam- ,l for At Li efforts during the past year; I be- agers club.
boo strips of wood interwoven with I y i y 'ea pnon cen ev sI The nucleus of the new club drew
smilaxand other green, producing the iT e in tswork as completely as could be ex- Iup the necessary by-laws, member-
effect of lattice work will be one of Less than one-half of the number, pected. ship qualifications, and elected offi-
the features used in the overhead dec- es thnoe-lfcof th e us- "We must now co-operate in every cers at the meeting in November. Af-
orations of the ball room. fally issued each year t re been way possible to formulate a new sy- ter a little discussion with Coach Yost
The Union will serve a breakfast d- given out so far this year in WashIte- tem. The committee appointed by tie and other officials as to whatthej
reiy after the Hop Saturday morn- enaw county. The bureau of licenses University is working hard and faitfl- i status of the new club was to be it
g gexpects that 12,000 play 1 3will be fully and it is our duty as councilmen was officially recognized by the Ath-
is sufficient demand for this feature. aisued in the county and only 5,200 and students to do our part in the letic association and the members
Those who wish to make reservations -applied for achievement of the results. were given the same privileges as are}
for the breakfast nust do at The local office attributes this de-ledgesSupPort Administration given to members of the M club. I
ITecuni nThheatenewl
early date through Dennis Donovan, lay to the lack of title certificates on The council in the meantime will' LIchjenberg Heads Organlazt on i
house manager of the Union. the part of some and to a general not shirk its responsibilities. There is At the first regular meeting of the
The remainder of the tickets yet to put things off until the much to be done and it depends on ( new organization the following were
unsold for the Hop will be on sale tdy n [tsthe spirit in which we approach it. elected as officers: William G. Lich-
thsatron temi ob flast day on the part of others. AfterThadisttonwlsuprte
this afternoon in n lobby of Feb. 1 it is expected that the use of The administration will support the tenberg, '23, president; Stewart R.
the Union. No corrections will be new plates will be strictly enforced. council in its work, .and with the Boyer, '24L, vice-president; William
made by ticketcomittee e w hearty co-operation of the student Merner, Jr., '24, secretary; and Law-
Aniades byoticketdonnnPteeTwmembers o[Alaohe v rush wasepleredat th
(Continued on Page Two) local office during the last week in body, we should be able to accom- rence W. Snell, Jr., '23, treasurer.'
December and an even heavier one is plash much good and make it easier t Secretary Merner has been sending
anticipated during the last week of for a new system to be formulated out letters to the former athletic man-
GZranwbefore the spring eletion.forufaes-aesdnmgtepatwetligo
W ill Appear January. The office can take care ofhagors during the past week, telling of
1T some 700 am cations each day. sor Tilley has written the above let- the formation of the new club and in-
t Varied .Progran " The process takes more time than in ter and with your approval, I am ap- viting them to join. Up to the present
any former year as care is being tak- (Continued on Page Two) time more than 20 of the former man-
en to insure that the title to the agers have joined and Merner is ex-
er before one can dress to suit indi- automobile is correct. No one is per- pecting many more when the answers
vidual taste. "Whatever may be mitted to secure a license on a car . to his letters are received.
1 one's type, one can certainly find which is more than 15 days old unless BiMembers of the new Michigan Ath-
5something interesting in these rich- he has a certificate of title. BOARDlNDU I let Managers club, being acquainted
ily varied modes of 1923." with the organization of all athletic
A special stage floor is being con- QUARTERDECK HOLDS FINAL will be in big demand for the sports in the University, are hoping
structed on the stage of Hill audi- MEETING OF THIS SEMESTER second semester, owing to the i through their efforts to help spread



evidence presented to the committee
to show that the desire to have t b
play presented publicly was held by~

a v majority of the women students.'
However, in the petition given to
the committee, there was a statement
saying that a vote had been taken of
all the women of the University on
the question and out of 1,650 women
about 1,175 voted and 1,125 were in
favor of the open presentation in Ann
Arbor This led to the action of the,
committee. This illustrated clearly
that -it was the demand and the de-
(Continued.on Page Two)


Give Extension Lectures
Michigan Towns

Four University extension lectures
were given by members of the facul-
ty in the state yesterday. Prof. L. J.
Young, of the forestry department,
addressed the Federated Women's
clubs of Detroit on "Michigan's Cost-
ly Mistake in Handling its Timber
Resources", yesterday morning.,
In the afternoon Professor Young
spoke under the auspices of the De-
troit High schools on the "Forester's
Life". Henry H. Higbie, of the elec-
trical engineering departme'nt. talked

LSlt l GL 1GG Lt UG a L111" a, G1'A. . . .V G L l16i111 1 .V l
on "The Art of Good Lighting" before Brothers, who have been sued by the
the Three Oaks historical society.' government for an accounting for
Prof. Calvin O. Davis, of the depart- about $5,000,000. He declared that on
ment of secondary education, gave the the contract, involving about $8,000,
fourth of a series of lectures at Ona- 000, the firm received only $250,000,
way on "Adolescene and its Educa-! out of which it paid its overhead ex-
tional Significance". I penses.
Fraternities To Rehearse Acts
For Mimes Vaudeville Contest

Mr. Wiliam Reardon, her dancing torium today in order that there will ?
partner, Miss Bertha Farner, prima be no places which are not perfectly' Quarterdeck held its last meeting'
donna soprano, and Duke Yellman's level and which interfere with good of this semester last night at thet
orchestra of 10 musicians. Idancing. Union. Following a short business
"New, nmew4, new','1 is what Mrs.I The Castle company will stay in session, two papers were read, "My
Castle says of the coming styles in Detroit and motor to and from Ann Experiences in a Shipyard," and "Thei
dance and dress. She will dance to Arbor before and after the perform--Short History of the Development of

influx of freshmen, and expira-

the doctrine of Michigan in their
home localities.

tion of contracts.



Fraternities entered in the contestI
Essen, Ger., Pan. 10 (by A. P.)-A for the Mimes Dramatic cup, which
mass meeting of 10,000 persons was will be held tomorrow and Saturday'
I held tonight, and adopted a resolu- nights at the Mimes theater, will hold

numbered and the vote will be take
by number in order to insure fairness
The performances will be open to th
general public and all members c

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