THE MICHIGAN DATL\ rSAT DAILY OFFIIL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:2~0 v. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Volume 3 WEDNESDAY, ,IANUAR-Y. 10, 1923 Ntumber 77 J I Monumlen Honors Heroes; Symbolizes U. S. 1923 3piri t -- - - - - - ., . I 1923 CALENDARS AND DIARIES ;ELSIOR - NATION1AL - STANDARD OFFICE SUPPLIES IN GENERAL EXC To the Deains; There will be no conference of the Deans today. M. L. BURTON. Communicatons to the B~oard of Regents : The next meeting of the Board of Regents will take place Friday, Jan. 26.. Communcations, in order to be presented at that time, must be in the President's hands before 5 p. m.., Jan. 18. M. L. BURTON. Executive Boad, Graduate School: There will \be a. meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 4 p. mn. ALFRED H. LLOYD. L~earned Societies, Editorial Boards and Similar Organizations: Not all members of the University faculties holding office in learned so- cieties for the current year have reported,. as requested. Will the delin- quents please write to me at once. The information ,as nearly as possi-. ble, is desired by a special committee investigating the whole matter of at- tendance at scientific meetings. The committee would like to have, either from department heads or from the individuals themrselves, aso, the names of all who attended such meetings during the recent Christmas vacation as officers, as readers of papers or only as members. Address University Hall;. AFE .LOD School of Education: The next asserhly of the School of Education Neill he held in Tappan Hall, Thursday, Jain. 11, at 4 o'clock. All students of Education are re- quested to attend. The speaker will be Principal Charles Novak of De- troit Northeastern, on the subject "American i~ation. Work." Members of. the Staff plan: to spend the half hour following the close of the assembly in an informal mneeting wth the students. A. S. WIIITNEY. Extra Ccncert Series: The next concert in the Extra Concert Series will take place on the evening of Jan. 15 when the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Victor Kolar, con- ducting,~ Kathryn Meisle, solist, will give the following program: Overture to the opera "Tannhauiser" (Wagner) ;' Spring Song from "Sampson and Delilah" (Saint-Saens) Miss Meisle; Ippolitov-Ivan ov, Cau- easion Sketches, (a) 1u the Mountains, (b) In the village (Solo English horn--Mr. Rey) (Solo Viola-Mr. Kolodkin) (c) Procession of the Sirdar; Treasure Waltz from "The Gypsy Baron" (Johann Strauss) ; Les Filles de Cadiz (Delibes) Miss Meisle; Scenee Napolitaines (Massenet), La Danse, La. Processlon e l'Improvisateur, La Fete. CHA:QLES A. SINK, Secretary. lNo Twilight ()rgan Recital: The usual Wednesday afternoon Twilight Organ Recital wil be omit- ted this week."-- --- BOOKSTORE Are You Qoing toDecorate IF SO, OUR LINE OF BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WALL PAPER- WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT A DISCOUNT OFf 20 PER CENT - WILL INTEREST YOU. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF PAINT GLS-ANSH AEC OSWALD A. HERTZ, 112 WEST WASHINGTON STREET I World war inenoral at Canton, Fulton county, llinois The spirit of America, symbolized by a mother, guarded by a- soldier with uplifted shield, is the outstand jIag feature of a beautiful memorial to soldiers, of the World war, erected at Canton, Ill., the gift of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ulysses Orendorff, prominent residents of that place. The shaft, twenty- 'vfeet: i fn he igh1-t. is of bronze and granite and is surmounted by an eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its talons the national banner. Upon. a tablet are inscribed the names of 110, men from Fulton county who gavo up their lives for their country dur* ink; the! World war. -4 CHARLES A. SINK,- Secretary. opliofote and Jtinicr Engineers: The~ schedule for physical examinations is posted on the bulletin board outside .Secretary Hopkins' office, Room 263, Engineering building.' All ;ophoiwore and Junior Engineers are asked to watch this bulletin board or the date and time assigned to them for their examinations. LOUIS A. HOPKINS. 1?-:. e Club; 3 m~onthly luncheon today, Jan. 10, in the Union, Room' 319, at Please notify office, 14SW, if unable to be present. A. G. CANFIELD. Cerc'e Frncals: Th~e nest lecture will be given by Mr. ',Cloppet today, Jan. 10, at the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15. Subject "Pierre Loi--This Jlife and works" This lectuire will be in French. A. J.'JOBIN. Rifle Club: There will b~e a very important business meeting of the University Rifle Club tonight at 7:15 in room 302 Union building. Several miatchies will be discussed. All members are urged to come out as well as all other m~en inerested in t 4e sport. WILLIS SH1IPPAM, Major, C. A. C. Comedy Cb ib:/ Will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 10 ,at S o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angel Hall. The following plays will be presented by the initiates: "The Impertinence of the Creature" by Gordon Cosmo-Lenox; "Nevertheless' by Stuart Walker; and. "Two Slatterns and, a King" 'by Edna St. Vincent Eilay. C. J. DRESBACH. STATES HRONRIVER IS BADLY POLLUTED, PROF. W. G. RIOAD SAY CITY MAY BE COMPELLED TO REMEDY COND)ITION "The section of the Huron river be- tween Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti is Smore badily polluted than any stretch of the river from the headwaters to Lake Erie," declared Prof. William }0. Hoad of the sanitay engineering department yesterday. "This condition is as serious as is found near any of the cities which have recently been notified by the state that more ade- quate provisions mrust be made to:- sewage disposal." Professor Hoad believes that it is only a question of time before the city will be requested by the state, under the provisions of a law enacted in 1913, to remedy the existing' un- sanitary conditions, and recommends that steps be taken before such ac- tion is dir'wcted against the city. First and foremost among the im- provements which he believes to be necessary is to change Allen's creek from a refuse deposit into a main storm sewer by enlarging it and ce- menting "it over. This waterway iel- lows the general course of the Ann Ar- bor' railroad throoigh the city, rising near Ferry field, flowing into the Hu- ron river. .1t present it is in places covered by buildings and in practi- cally all sections is used as a dump- ing ground. A complete 'survey of the Huroui river from the headwaters to the mouth was recently completed by smembers of' the sanitary engineering department r'ader the dirrption of Professor Hoad. I A 7T ilIIE THEATERS I Sereeu--Toiny4 Arcade - "Kick In." a George I Fitzi-uiaurice prodluction, star-I -I ring Betty Conipson. Bert Ly- tell and May Murray ;comedy and news .feature. -I TUXEDOS 1F -00 =1 THIIlEE - PIECE I GARMENT SILK LINED COAT AND VEST DRESS SUITS FOR RENT 604 EAST LIBERTY UMOL Are always the cheapest in the endl. I'That is why we recommend Shoes for Men They are leaders in the shoe world just as we are leaders in this community. A pair of Nettletons this season will convince you of, their real wxorth. Wahr's Shoe Store Downtown Made I y 4old1;y U's THE f l i GOOD SHOES I W HA T'S GOI 1N G -ON NOTICE---Copy for this column should1 be submiltted by 6~:30 o'clock ofII the day beore publication. 11 :00-Freshmifan engineers weel y as- sembly. Coach Yost speaks. 12 :00-Matinee 13usical lunch In room 319, Union. 12:14 -oanc4 club dinner i, room 310, Union. 4:15--Cerclo Francais lecture in -ia.- tural Science auditorium. Mr. Chop- pet speaks on "Pierre Loti-,His Life~ ~and His works." *;00-Eihi Sigma banquet at Union. 7 1~V.F. W. meets In assembly hall. Union. 7 :15-Mfenoralh Stuy clrele meets. 7:15-Rifle club meets In room 3412, campus organizations must pay for their spaaoe in the 'Ensian before these pictures can be taken. Ap- pointments should be made with photographers direct. PROPOSES SlEETY LAWS TO PROTECT HIUWAY TRAFFIC RULES M~AlDE BY PROF. BLANCIHARI)TO BF SHOWN LEGISLATAUyRE Changes in the present laws rela- tive to lights and signals for highways and vehicles, which it is hoped will improve conditions of driving after dark, are proposed by Professor Ar- thur L. Blanchard, head of the depart- ment of highway engineering an(' highway transport and president of the national highway traffic associa- tion. Present hazards to safety which he would remove by such changes are poorly lighted motor trucks, trailers. bicycles and carriages,. and the con- fusion with regard to danger lights or i . 't 1^ _ i _ x' a: I t{{ k ? IE 4 I' , i , I'i i I 4 ,_ - - tudext eounii meets in roowr 'nion. esterners club meets hII Lan" narfrrdeck meets III z )0JR « :l25, Union. highway obstructions. '7 :30-..Cosmo poiitan clubi meets In At the present time, according to Wesley~ hall.' Professor Blanchard, it is difficult for 7 :80--panish play rehearsal inIoon the aver'age driver' to discern the 205, University hal,. true width of a motor truck in th + 7 :3-Jl~o Molay get-to-gethier at 31a,- dark, it appearing usually that theyI sonic temple. 'are narrower., Accodingly hie advise~ 8:0--1 Circolo Itaiiino meas ini room that "every motor truck, six feet six 20::, South wing.I inches or more in overall width, shall{ 8:00-Comedy club meets in Sar~ah Cary a green light on the left, han(I Caswell Angell hall. side of the body of the motor truck~ _ or motor bus." THURSDAY Section 16, (C) of the Michigan Mo- 12:00-Dental faculty luncheon inLi.t or Vehicle law, would be amended ac ion, that tractors would be required to car- 0:00, ~-Exciange club dinner in Union,. ry one white light at the extreme V :15--Alpiia Delta Sigma smoker in; left of the front of the vehicle and a room 225, Union. reed light at the rear. Other changes which he would in- 1 -NOT ICES stitute would require that pedestrians All class officers munt have their ple- should keep at the extreme left hand3 tar~es for the Michiganenslin taken: side of the roadway (outside of in- at once as these must be in the corporated towns and villages) and hanuds of the engravers this week. carry a lantern, and that highway{ Tryunts for either the photographic or barriers should be marked with red brainess sta~ffs of the Michigan Optic, and blue lights in order to do away Majestic-Jackie Coogan in "Oli- ver Twist;" Educational com- edy, "Blazes;" and sport re- view. Orphaeum- William Desmond in "Dangerous Smiles;" and com- edy. Wuerth-%lBrothers Under the Skain," a Peter B. Kyne story with an all star cast; comedy and news.. i i} i ; E , ; ' ,' : I; i Could you know, the happines's it brings to family and friends you would be photo- graphed more often Little time is needed; the expense is small. TIe le phoane 604-W and arrange an appointment Portraits 9ua iffy Play Production Play S TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 Two PLEASING COMEDIES : STANLEY HOUGHTON'S "THE PERFECT CUARE" and EDWARD GOODMAN'S "EUGENICALLY SPEAKING" THURSDAYv JANUARY, 18f Shakespeare's Splendid Comedy "MUCH AD ABOUT NOTHING", HAVE You EVER SEEN IT? E STRONG AMATEUR CAST Presented ifl connection with COURSES 14, 14D AND 14E UNIVERSITY HALL STAGE TICKETS AT WAHR'S 75c, 50c, 35c i ! 1: SI age-This Wee] Garrick (Detroit)'--- San Carlo Grand Opera comlpaniy. Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) - B~onstelle company in "Nice Peopl)eI" i' _ I' ' 1 _ x ! . f