THE MICHIGAN DAILY '. WHas Likely For 1923' Looking quadk Freshman Court a' Te-am nce runner, and "T'urny" Ii'tr~nft, nn!n~nnn~~ ne of the greaitest track athltin. ~MINORVefcl nru.SP1t VPUOSP[b! Intramural items APF&R CO909ATPIKDE lack experience. The season opens Jan. 19 with Illinois. Tile swiiniers have started work- I1 ing with the new coach, MAerriam, ' '011mE*r Chicago star. W1aldo, who New Tuxedos for rental purposes. New Tuxedo Suits for Rentail. Wi: Wild and Coinpany.-Adv. and Co. State: Street.--Adv. .This year's freshman basketball prospects are brigjhter than they have been for several years, according to Coach Fisher of the yearling squad. This is no doubt of great importance to next year's Varsity basketball team as it will be severely weakened b~e cause of graduation. This year'k basketball prospects differ from those rpf last year as there are so mnany Baas-, k(y, fast men in the' field. l~ast year's team was comupostd of a crowd oif light men and was handicapped great- ly in this respect. 'thirty Rentain on Squad Work startedl for the' freshnian a* good sized delega.tion showed uapa squad the first week in November ann this time. Since then Coach -1,isher has had as many as 100 out at one time. However, as thec sifting pr~ocess took. place the number inateriall;:; dropped so that there are now only about .30 left ont the! court.,.I D~uring the late fall and early win- ter the squad was thoroughly traineda in) tihe fundamentals of the -_gama.3 Coach Fisher laid particular stre as on arching shots, pivoting, and: passing,.1 At the present time tihe squadl'has a fa irNy good knowledge of the rudi- ments of this sport, and Fisher is nlow giving them) floor wvork. In the near. ti' with an1'0gh (dkgi-, _,l ir t bare l otta??ildi.g in LV(i CJ.': basketll 11men. n (ar,(oe li's a he 1dy , fast x,.-!nliiagrt :asset to the te . ('bery wa;s .a or- .rier star it Soul~ 11 igh School Grant loreapids.m Tch is, an unusual n i;n the center l)!- sition. lie has remral ability in handling the ball tXvi IIco>ll.eec( ji'Th icticc viiw i oubtit(ov" lop into anx ec Cp tional player. R"a ~ uot her l ian that deserves, mei: ;on in tbh' for- warid position. I le ins atafat.t) ild cp 'hPrha s Bi n '; fortitudie ilea in his big morn in the guard positions. 1Hero he has an abun~dan6 i( f material that #is truly 1e- markable. A rt floo rgui'd I forl- stein is ain (ex cellent man, being fa)st andl h1eavy'.Vick, iBear, Ihinly,' Ross, and '1onmpson are other mon 011who have thea weigh t and ability that will lrla he them strong men for the inu<-,Ig po- sitions. These mon only need nl airdl practice to )round thiint o the be s" of shape. i future he intends to bave'scrimmages Sbi folr 1A hht f s .migiblo with the Varsity reserves. By the S tLSII ford Ulniver ity Cali i., s.'t l ooks of the material on the sqluad at(fyAP. Foro he1atu.n5 t 4 time the reserves will have thei;ft hands full When they face tile year- i disml'issed from Sltanford(luniver ,ity, lings. for deficient scholars hip areo 7' ar var- ID wring the lpractice to :(late there ,sity tltes tand lti ae arc f r~'h aph v n y m a h e r f u s r m :f (t.,li p y s1 m n t 1110g-,08for the squad and fox' this rea- ' Imurray C ,(iek, fullback Ic w la ;Ce .tos i sfnoshet ug h r- ikro h ofaltar;Caipctive merits of the individual play- Johnston, a tackle; Al Smith, a dist- COLUMN COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADYIERTISING AT 3 PM. MJICHIIGAN DAILY Classified 'Eates. Two Cents per wor d a day, paid in advance. i ~- liui ebarg~e for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20ce. Thr&e ac eni~s per w~ord per day if charged. White Space charged for at rate I of be per agate lne. Classifled, cbarged only to tho.=e having Dhones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in adivane PROINI;96 9O4 1+ollowing the schedule for the games in the fraternity andl (lass has>-" ketbal I leagues for Wednesday night: At 6 o'clock, court 1, lower architect.; vs. upper medlic's; court 2, fi eshi engi- neers vs. fresh lits; court 31, Acacia, vs. Psi Omega court 4, Chi Psi vs.; Phi Sigma Delta.; at 6:30 o'clock, court .1, ,Alpha Kappa Kappa vs. Phi T1aui court 2, ;Sigma Delta Kappa, vs. Alphi, Delta Phi; court 3, Delta Sigma Phi vs. Phi. Sigma Kappa; court 4, Sigma. Phi Epsilon vs. Alpha Chi Rho; at 7 o'clock, court 1, Phi Kappa Psi vs. Phi Beta Pi; court 2, Alpha. Sigma Phi vs. "Xi Psi Phi; court 3, 'Tau Delta Phi vs. 'Phi Epsilon' Pi; court: 4, Kappa Beta. Psi vs. Trigon ; at 9:30 o'clock, Bet,. Ph'i Delta vs. Tucker House; court 2. Kappa N\u vs. Theta Psi; court 3, Sig. Sma D~elta Pi vs. Hermitage; court 4, Sigma Chi vs. Beta. Theta Pi; at: 3;. o'clock, court 1, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Sigma Phi; court 2, Lambda Chi Al- pha vs. Chi Phi ; court 3, Delt a Sigmw 1Pi vs. Pceens; court 4, Alpha 'f'ait Om- ega vs. Kappa, Sigma. Wednesday night the following. teams will meet each other: At 6 o'clock. 'ou~rt 1, Phi Mu 4 ipha vs. xBt-. Chi; court 2, Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Fl* t Tanu Lnsiicna; court 3, Niu Sig- m:a N'11 vs Delta Clhi; court 4, Phi C'hi vs. Phi Delty.,rKapp~a; at 60:30(" 'clok., .couirt 1. Beta Delta vs. Delta Alph ; E+psilon ; i:ourt 2, Ta 1Epsilon Pi. vs. Cygneis: courat 3. Phi Gamnma I elh,, vs. Alpha. Rho Chii; court 4, Phi Kapp: Alpha. vs.. Phi IDelta. Theta; at 7 (,'clock cout I1.Si gnawNii vs. Psi Upsilon, coutrt 2, Delta, Tau Delt a vs. zeta Beta Tail; court 3, Alpha Sigma vs. Th'let~a Delta ('hi,; court 4, Phi lDelt a Epsilonj vs. D elta' Kaplpa. Epsilonf; at.9'130 o'clock; court 1, Phi 1)etlta Phi vs. melt , Sigma. I )eita; court. 2, Delta Bet a I Thvs.PiN llho Sigma: court , Dc lt Upsiloni vs. Sigma, Alpha, Epsilon: '(oirt, 50o1h engineers vs.5senioir fits; at 10 (,'('loc°I, court 1, jin~iol' engineers vs. laws; court. 2. upl)er (dents vs. junior ]its; court . upper architects vs. iluiieopF ; court 4. senior enigineeirs v.panisThe last scheduled games for the endl of the weep ivill be played on Fri- day night, with the following teams having the floor: At 6:30 o'clock, court '1, soph lits_ vs. graduates; court 2, I'esh engineers vs. lower medics; court 3, soph dents vs. lower archi.. teats; court 4,up e medics vs. fresh , lits. E y S ] y S y( n_.T (( ;tartc~l the season, resigned to ac- TII AL' Cli , WI ." ~CYN ~Sl C ept a bulsliess l)Os;itilr. rThe squad! jA L L We1l i NG E' ?~'is year is the largest and has bet- JUC YEAR1 . r' "i' aterrial than previous years, al'm mu n '),nck stroke; Benton. (Spo~cial- to The Diay) ;fives; Kniptash, Slater'rand Alcabe Lafayette, nd ., Jan ')---- Although u'e among the (lash maen.; Frazer and over shadowedf by the prospec1ts Of an- '~lin, plunge, have had more exper- j othr (011 eiefle h :dct~ ~u 1 :hall-w cethan the otlher men. pionrship, the minor s,"O't squllad-,are '.l'raIi should enjoy a better season, working' lard for what appea :rs to beo this year 'with Tnoi'e experienced mnent a good seaso n. Of track, wrestling, out a lnd the addtitionl of several mnen1 U DER'S PE~f SHOP.., "8os S. State St. SKILLED ,,'RP AIRING i tencing, swinuning andl gymnsini. the latter, due Co a vete ran squad. is expectedl to make thlehet. show-1 intg.('oachi 'level tthas pr a tically! his entire squad ba(ck froni last year.; TIwo hiel froni the Freshman tecam1 last year have also strengthened the Ic tani considerably. Capt ainCuddyi one, of the best tumblers in the state. Bushman vals the leading scorer Dist year, perform iin g on the parallel and( horizontal biars ad the rings. Tfhom- son works on the horizontal bar and rings. Cammack shows goodl form on tlie parallel bar' wh il e AM Vey is the best on the horse. Coach Von Pertmutli's wirestlingf sqluad was hit. pretty harid by grmad- nation last June. Captain D~ye, 145 pound class and~ Turner, 115) pou*nd division were among; the f'our men inE their class to )'oflhlet 0 ini the flinals last year. Broeu ghton,, 125 poun lds; x Hail, ,115 pounids and G rey, 115 pounds are the onily other le ttor tmen on the squnad. The heavyweigiht candidates with their t'rat"Irli iy in [ he coming' ( gamnes. En tries f(or Independent, ('111rcli andl Society basketball leagues. have teenl slow ini arriving at tlie tnt ramur.- 0l office. Athletic nmanag.,,ers ofth1le Society anad Church teamis are request- Ied to organ ize/and h snd 511ini their te amIls as ouicki13 as p0511 !;Ie. hi uSendents that' ployhashetball are urg ed to or1- ganize teams oid enlter tihe Indopend- j ent league in order that play can he started in the near future. practice for the hockey tealmg wile ccentinuo the balnc! o t his week and will be governed by the ifollowing schedule: On Wednesday, evenin g,; 5:30 to 6 o'clock, fresh engineers. Vose, 3056-J; 6 to 6:30 o'clock, senior lies, Mudd, 1121-11; Thursday, 5:30 to 6 o'clock, all-miedics, Kerli, 609, 6 to 6:30 o'2lock, senior engineers, man- ager and telephone number to by an- nounced in tomorrow's Daily; Friday, 5:30 to 6, o'clock, soph lies, 1hiurwich,} 2905-1l; 6 to 6:30 o'clock, laws, Storz, 29119; Saturday, dents and other teams: 1wll practice, time to lie announced l ater'. Anyone wishing information con- cerning class hockey can g et same by calling Methodl at 783, ~ho Is in ch1mrg- of all things connec'ted with the sport. friomilelst year's Froshi team. Coach O'Connor has until Feb. 10 to get hli;' team ready for Chicago. This year's fencing squad will1)(b, iepresenitedl by 'three men in each of; the dual,1 meets tile 'gymnastic team has. This spor't is comparatively new here aind is fast gaining followers.' It Costs No More for Our C:gmpeteut - Service OurCo etntSeric -- - - - E rr / ~ §'.~~1j s _ I I FOUNTAIN PENS OF WANTED WANTED-Musicians for two Chaux- .auqua bands. for the summer of, 1923.. Mw~ut be versatile and cep- able. Long -season, ideal associa- lions, good compensation and won, derful experience. State. all abot i yourself, in first. letter. The Landis Attractions, 1513 N. 'High St., Co. lumbus, Ohio.' 73-7" COAL, SUIT, and dress ranted. AWOunl lik'e to buy size 18 or 38. Muittbe in'good style and 'first 'class conidi- tion. Give description and' price i-i answer. Garments wll not be worn. in this city. Box D.K.F., Daily.- 771I SWhite coral necklace lost Monday 'ev-, 'cuning a't Hill Auditorium, North Fin- trance or Main :floor corridor. Ito-) ward. Call at 8, 21 Tappuin Court. phone 17$8.:-W. 77-2 Rabbiit 's' foo t watch charm' lost, u ounited wfih gld blend. Reward, Phone Arnmold, 776-'M. 77-71 Silver Conklin penc ii lost T out;r" u noon,. initials N. M. I'ewardl. IPhone Gold wrist wvat ch, lost with gdray :rihb bon wrist band. Phone 106J~.Re ward. 77 LOST-M-~y pen troubles, at Rider's ;of course. 2 Log log- slide -rule lost. Nanie on case Call Grauhich, 1158-J, 77 FOUND) Our entire stock of. overcoats goes now' at severe reductions-. All of the teams that are entered in jhc independent, church, and society 'leagues can p~ractice from 7 to 7:45 o'clock, Friday night by telephoningj( the Intramural dlepartment to have a . ('ouI't: ieservedl for them. ' Fraternity and other teams that ap-c pear'on the floor- late will have the lost timio taken from their regular 12 minute halves in ordeir that games can be finish(l ocn scheduled time. Men that are playing on the fresh-i meon basketball squad are hemreby noti- fled that they forfeit their right to continue with that squad if they filay 'You WIill Leatrn 3More Rapidly. (/ init 3Fe"w IPRIVATE LESSONS HALSEY'S DANCE STUDIOS I Hart Schaffnet- & Atarx and other fine makes. treat values! I i WANTED-2 or 3 light housekeeping ~rooms, preferably between campus and University Hospital 'Would like rooms unfurnished or partly so. Box E.P.F., Daily. 7R -2 WANTED-Experlenced. window trim- ruer. No dubs need apply.: George Kyer, 721 N. 'University. Phone ,/1693-W.. .76-41 Y X56.50 $ 34.' 50' for all ,overcotats formerly marked at WANTED-A W~arding house' that' serves salads and vegetables. Try 644 E., University. 75-3 WANTED--A Rider Pen which fails to write at touch. Rider's Penk Shop. '211 TICKET for J-Hop wanted. CallI 1138-J in evening from 6-8. 77-21 FOR SMILE. FOR SALE-FYurniture, new last Aw. gust: Over-stuffed chair, two..,ma- hogany tables, twin beds, equipped, chiffonier, dresser, buffet, anti somre second hand. clotinrg. Call 1393-R, mornings, 619 E. University. 77-2 FOR SALE--Furniture, new last Au- gust: Over-stuffed: chair, two ma- hogany tables, twin beds, equipped,i chiffonier, dresser, buffet and some good second hand clIothing. Call 1393, mornings. 7_ I HAVE FOUND IT. Thr best ~laco to eat. Chficken on Sunday, ;good things every dlay in tile week: Flynn's Boarlimig'Houie, 607 TIlM St. Room for more. 77- FOUIND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real fountain pen for, exams. 2 FOR RENT $75 $45 $50 a Iter every area for all'ovrcatis formerlymrkdt FOR RENT-Two rooms oil 1st_.lUom for two or three boys, each 'very do-, surable. Steam heat,. shower bath., 53~6 Thompson. 75-3 .. ,. -.-..----- I _ _ FRONT SUITE6-4 or girls, for rent, #Two doors north of ca';ilpu~, 01)11- site Hill auditorium'. 236 South Thaye~r St. 1657-W. 77-3 FOR RENT-1 lamrge double room to/1 boys, 417 E. Washington. 1 block from Campus. 77-2 ROOMS for remit. Warm, quiet, double roomi. $3.50 per mian. 217 So. Fifth Ave. 77-4 WARM ROOM for rent. {quiet family. !1127 'Church St. 77-2' I XTIRCETLAWEFOITS E THE YOUNG WOMAN who picked u p a black patent leather purse and gloves in rest room of Newb erry H-aMl at 2:30 Monday afternoon has been reported andl will return sanici immediately to Secretary's office t(' avoid further trouble.7-: adds a zest and helps digest. tIne five cent package of Wrigley's contail s a beneficial after dinner treat for the -whole family* It, gives delight and keeps teeth white. It's a satisfying sweet. Wrigley's is cleansing, cooling and soothing to mouth and throat. Lasts long--costs little--does much. $2 8.50, $22150 for all overcoats formerly marked at for allI overcoats formerly marked at $37 $40 $30 T of Esupreme values. in overcoats! Made of herichest woolens, in newest, smart- est styles. Big burly ones that will defy the coldest weather; ilighter weight box: coats for,,those who prefer them. Every new col- or. At these low prices they represent val- uies never before offered in Ann Arbor. In ft FOR SAILE-A few 'Oliver, Reining- toni, Royal, Snmith-Premiier typewrit- ers, at $15 and up. All in first class{ running condition. 0. DI. Morrill, 171 Nickels Arcade. 76-41 FOR SALE- 45 cal. Colt Automatic,E holster andi 170 rounds of ammuni- tion. Perfect condition. $30. Phone 2059, Throp. 77-3I DOUBLE student desk for sale, solid- oak, just like new. $15., Phone 1487-R. "_h77 CRYSTAL radio set for sale. 40 mile ratnge. $4. Pheone 28404. 77-31 k TYPEWRITERSE Wrigley's Is made clean and comes to you clean, wholesome and full of flavor In Its wax wrapped package. r ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that 'Rider's 200 drop capacity M~aster- pen is the most popular pen on the campus? There is a reason." Call Iat Rider's Pen Shop. 21 Iii Nornanton Bilbie, teacher of Vio- lin, Piano, Theory. Collection of old violins selected in Europe. All Iprices. 307 N. Main, 611-M, 74-ti H Iave your MANUljSCRPTS, typewrit- tens by experienced T)'PISTS. Bidl- dlle's Book Store, 11 Nickels AEr(.;, le. . 76--"J Same the 77" 01% EwT Gt4F p,$A r vvaa t tfff' llff + !f -'l R- L Biggest clothing avent of the year! WRIbIUY'S aP.iK. Is the new sugar.- jacketed gum. All Wrigley's benefits and an extra treat for your "sweet tooth." The R~eule Conlin Companyvi WILL TAKE Corona as part payment lI