TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY WDE~~ HOUND SELECTfl FRflP RIIAV TIJFTFP, S _. Starts wBureau "' In Talent RANGE PREPAREID Tf liaP NIIADMfll or days and that. the progressive seiz- ure of the Fuhr can only be stopped by Germany comning to terms. (By Associated Press) Zoological C(1u1 Seets Tomorrow I (Continue d from ' Page ne) brief xzention. At the University there is no auditolgin really fitted . for "dramtic performances either ama.- teur or professional. ,- } Operating, Uots Big Feature , Thke atual plans for the inriorft have been worked out in some eti ..a. 'ky the members of the commnittees. T~o audltoriums are desred within';, r ths building, one to be large enouigh y> to seat an audience of 1,200 to 1.500, . :.: ad( the other, for snmaller produc-f. tions,, having room for 500. It is the .idea of the' coma~ittee to utilize;t thle, larvoer auditorium for such pays as the Union opere, -nnual plays of, the Comedy club end Masques, and thae like, whrile the. "little' theater" t could'be used for trial performancesi or. plays written by ptudents andc faculty, and -for short one act, pro- ductions by various organizations. t'Thie building will also be provided I A. jcu Pne with adequate . wardrobe facilities,!Pnepaitat ~il dressing rooms, foyers, storage 1'Mr Jwcnnes3, itelgri addpreoniithe .roosigfor irehearsals, and offices. in eCowneraof te ;rndloiparieoisthin the mnain theater will be one bla-jCnevtie Ntoaeo as si conty, withr neither boes nor gler- New York t oen an artistic brau ics.; The orchestra pit will have fo the purpose of 'finding latent talent space for 50 brees. Concealed light- and nresenting; it to the puiblt'. lug will be used. Here the stage open- ing will be between 40 sand 50 f* t V ZSj a According t.) Professor Neson oneE.. - of the cief functions of the theater will lie in its supporting and opes--,esrs ing units. Costumres will be largely (lalssociated resl.RieMss,.an s)-- na designed and executed within thesttentoathFllRvr o- t eater shot). There wi be a cos- tnMnfcuesascaindclr 'tuinqe library, with facilities for orig- tMaactrersaasof atintd elar-ie inal design. Ample opportunity wil dta ean fteuie etl 1 ~workrs for an advance of 29 per- be ffeed or xpeimetaton n cg-cent in wages could not be wet under turning and adeomtte costume storage present conditions. The statement room will be provided, Every, Facility rovided -ii the manufacturers would close "Fro tl~proprty ork illeir mills if compelled to do so by' probably be derived one of the zreat- "-e refusal of operatives to work' est benefits of the Unversity- the.-herl .tan make an inrese at this ter," said Professor Nelson. "The de' me f sirir ,, n RV ng of ;ropertes offer -r #men an inter'estinmg field of sta_ecraft Kansas City, M--; Jan. 9--l.Mont akiln to that aff orded the women in 'Ily, governor of Porto Rico, had th e costume department. Properties i wao ribs broken in a motor car aci- should be made ino our own srop) lent here Saturday, and is now cnfn- wherever ipossible"I ed to his room in a local hotel, it was °Dnavhng and ' sketching facilities learned late today. The governor is I! will also be provided. There will be1 expected to be out of bed within a both a carpenter and a paint shop. wek. In the bnasement a large space will Governor Roily's car, occupied by! be devoted to the storing of proper-' i° imself and chafieur, was ties. A paint bridge will be provided struck by another car. and the scenery for nmany of the po- ductions will be entirely executed Washington, Jan. 9. w- The Senate from within the playhouse today passed a bill to pay Gertrud - 'he lhuldins 'as now planned will Lustig, an army nurse, the salary ' tbe constructedf so as to consist of withheld from her while she was fac-? four -complete and separate units inug charges during the war of being wheif finished. in. the first of these a German spy. The Senate acted in will be the :administrative, offices,! an effort to make amends after hear- parlors, chorus dressing rooms for' ing a plea for justice inr her behalf men, rehearsing hails, makeup rooms by Chairman Wadsworth of the mit-' and a large outer colonad. The sec- tary affairs committee. The bill ond unit 44s the main theater. In this which had the indorsement of tie War will also be dressing rooms for mem- department,. as sent to the House. biers of the cast. Each DiTvision l earate Washington, Jan. 9. -- The 1*11se in, Unit C will contain the cotume ~peach.-cit proceedings possesses wardro~be, property, room,. women's the power hld by courts to compel dressing roonms, rehearsal rooms, end 111c attention and testimony of wit- the office of the stage 'director. The Ic'^rses Representaive Sumner, Demo-! snmaller theater will be *in the fourth r" a Txadcaedtdyinarpr wheleingthIn frote ud ning tiel il d ith the judiciary committee in whol lenth f th buldin, wll ho e Kllar-Daugherty controversy. a .large foyer. T, usin a ee ensts The purpose of .this imit systen;, a-< usinha ee enstl cording to Professor Nelson, is to E ti in this country,.that Mr. Sumner, n-lv'e use of one part of the buildng a'~Eddd that evasion in this case ~ ~; without disturbing the others. Each -nl probably establsh a. precedent . dlivision ftay be locked apart from the '4'uture guidance. it will come be- othrs nd ay e eatd ai o~'-. ore -the committee tomorrow at its ter seard m hatelyll. c' V n,: ig to formulate a report on the I xactly 'hen the campus thater i ii'eaclments charges made againstI will becomenfa reality is at present -+ florney General Daugherty by Rep- a matteF of conjecture. I~ei~ns . re renative Kellar, of Minnesota. being drawn by the University a rch- tect now, and will be submitted to the Wre o atlGL rm commrittea, which is confident tht'Prtions with attacks of la grippe funds will be found to enale them crcespeCcialy warned by city health I AI aIN tFuauI an 4 41 Is IU IIs H,!1 i6 L It j j !Berlin, Jan. 9.-._I1n a manifesto is- sued today, President Ebert, e'xhort ed (Con~iiucd romPage(hl) Ithe inhabiitants of the Rulir alley to (Coninue frm Pae ~remain calm "despite the continuation The rc adincs.-, however, 1 l)proof fFec njrheadfoc' hc hat thw French have sct the~r ir d.- constitutes a breach of the Versaille. vance for 1 ednesday miornn; there treaty, committed against a disarmne,! 'iiay be a delay until Thursday, sc and (defenseless niat on."' that precmier Polneafirecanrivelayiarii. Att~aee thomit«