THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ ~ _ DAILY OFFICIAL BUILLETI" Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ofJ the University. Copy received unil 2:30 p. im. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) v o u e UTSEI A , Js A Y 9 9? sychology 21: All members of the class will report to D~r. Barrett at the Psychopathic Hospital, Tuesday,' January 9 at 2 p. in. E. 13. SKAGGS. 21iathematical Club: R.egular meeting will be held in Room 401 Mason Hal11 this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. C. C 'Craig will'present "Some Applications of Linkages". Graduate students and members of the Faculty are invited. W. W. DENTON, Secretary. Physical Colloquium: Mr. David Dennison, "Thermionic Consants of a Series of Volatile Met- als" Tuesda~y, aJu. 9, at 4:15 p. im. in Room 202 of the Physical Labora- tory. All interested are cordially invited to attend. H. M. RANDALL. Junior Research Club: The regular meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held at 8 p. n. Tuesday, Jan. 9, .in Room F427' Natural Science building. Dr. J. H. Hodghs will talk on "The Compressibility of Elements and Compounds", and Dr. H. R. Roehm will give a lecture on "Gas Production by Bacteria". J. C. GENIESSE, Acting Secretary. C'rl rnasThe next lecture.. will be, given byMr. Cloppet tomorrow, J 'n: 10, at the Natural Science Auditorium at -4 :15. Subject: "Pier-re Lot,-his life and works". This lecture will be in French. A. J. JOBIN. Phi Sigma: The Fall Initiation Banquet will be held Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 6 p. in. at the Michigan Union. Initiates are asked to meet in the lobby. R., 0. T. C.: Atered Adva.nced Course Uniforms are now on hand. Commutation Cheks ar ready for distribution. See your unit commander. ' F. E. COLLINS, Capt. Int. D. 0. L. Ccinedy Club; Will meet Wednesday evening, J n. 10 ,at 3 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angel Hall., The following plays will be presented by the initiates: "The Impertinence of the Creature" by Gordon Cosmo-Lenox; "Nevertheless' by Stuart a Vlker, and 'Two Slatterns and a King" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. C. J. DRESBACH. t' ( ii vu:ieres qd wores' Xiat erua:Z.lait u enom 9 t4the bI (Wic t-ilA K Nomthe\ he Un-pic ti^ ne.i ivesh 3:30orav r inagz ., \"i:t : :".1't'.),Pt aat tth twos takeoun;:;. intecr than Tue';day, JTan. 9, iW o-"er ,o them 'o appear r-rte I92 ehgae)a. r th" wentb of .1y'amnv." All Irat er- nities; sororities, do~ecubs, and . sir x, - m'ti fpa.y for tbe:r sn, ein Le'Psin !1efore' As < -uld 1)0 iude wit? Latest in victims Aviation Toll CHEMCALL -'.Y PURE Added to the milk is of the -coming only fact that our finest quality fromt". careful- Students Suppl Store 1111 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies 1 Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos ly selected cows - our cus- tomers are assured of is pur- ity, because of our Modern Pasteurization. 1 Yrocess 4n!Ar' Poftry$Iiow frn ".. . jEc' pC v s 9 o'clock in the mr~cning until 10 o'clock in the evening. Tickiets may ble nurchased at the door. SNew Tuxedo Suits for Rental. Wild and Co., State Strec t.--Adv. Try a Ad-t rBys.-Adv.,i Fresh S iinmrnt of .Ayres 8SIthi iCAP insuring themselves and their children protection from dis- ease. LET US SATISFY YOU. CLL 42 3 ANN ARO- jR DAIRY SAMPLES on sphiy at GUY WOOL~GLK & I ;tfl A!4 CIX lii Iifni2k lige2d ~y Co 4th & Catherine Sts. We Guarantee to Teach You 4 ,.. ._P ,,.. r r. .:.w to Daince All of the hIALSEtY'S D)ANCE SlTUDIGS I pp} Wr H I TE H IJS&1.4HARDY BROADWAY AT 40' S7 PET 144 WEST 42"A S11EE~" HrMOVCwr'uAN d OnPA IlOUSEBLDG,. ICKCRBOgCKER OUIIN~G NVW YORK cosmopolitan* Club: Meets in Wesley Halt Thursday evening, Jan. Moran, of the Western Union Telegraph and Cable spea%. on "Thie World Cable Situation". Important lows. ' .blic invited to Cable lecture. I1 Univrsity of ffichigan Varsity Baird: R.eguar rehearsal 7 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 10, poi-tant that all members be prosent.WIRE A i 11, at 7:30 p. mn., Mr. Company of Chicago business meeting fol- J. A. C. HILDNER. University Hall. Im- WILSON, Director. Above, 'Major Guy i. Gearhart I Belo«, Capt. Benton A. Doyley The latest casualties, in the battle or supremacy of the air are Major guy L. Gearhart and Captain Benton' k~. Doyle, army flyers. They died af- :er an air collision at Langley field, Ja. Four enlisted men also were kill- 'd in the crash. _ i 1923 L 1 192 3 STRITLY OMECOOKNGt EXCE LSoft IOrKm L ® ARD HEPLER'S STUDENT IUNCH Is Ish Adv. serving a splendid. steak and supper every evening, $1.25.-. OFFICE SUPPLIES N GNRAL _ ~7:l-scalp and Mlade club meets ht I mrom0"16, Union. '.WHAT'S GOING ON 1j1 304, Lnion.Ifpr s et nr I7 F:, 3de-i tll. club smoker in room" 30l'% Union. N~OTICE--Copp for tis column sholid ! :U ?-aatbeatics club aiiets in roont be submttd by 6:30~ o'clock oil 401, Mason hall. M. C. C. Craig the day before pub~licationf. I specaks of "Some Applications of - Linka ge,,%" TUESDAY :40tl--juuiiy: 'e arch d tzp-cis b) 12:04--M.edical faculty lunch i l- room '. -427, Natural Scienice big ld- ion.. 12:10-Chamber of Commerce Lunch.-WEIlNESII)XI eonu club meets in Chamber of Corn-wi .1 rP--Matnee iuskca. uach in'°room merco Inn.. 31.9, Union. 4:00.-4Hp commijttee meets in roomnI ; Al- Cceo Fraicais lectures in N9a- 302, IUnion. tural Science auditorium, Mr. Clop- 5:00-Chibmes business staff and try- pet speaks on "Pierre Loti-His Life u o uts meeting.J and His Works." S ma4:15-Phy sical eolloqubn. '1r. Dai'bh. 0:00-Phi Sg a baniquet 'It Vlion Dennison speaks on "Thermonie j7 :1 -errF. IW. meets in . SSenily C ontents of a Series of Volatile' Met- hall, Union. a~s in room 202, Physical labora- 7 :14) -Ilenorah Study circle meets. tor'. -J 7:1 -ille club meets in ro nt i302,! 8 :00-Tau Reta P1 dinner 3n room 319; Union.- Union.7 :i0---Student~ council mecets in raoir 7:000--Candidates for freshmnm engin- 0,Uin sera basketball team meet in room 7 :30--Westerners club meets in Lame 326, Union. 1ial. ? :00-Uleyeland club meets lit room 8:0%iComedy club meets i Art . -b '313, Union.m Casw-ell Angell hail. 41.) EA~ST rJEF'ERISON STr. ii, New Tuxedos for .rental purposes. Vild and Company.-.adv. '{ , UPNIVERSITY WAM H fjorl' A rl--,f nn u-., ' 'Pry a Utassirlt U .LI -L pas -. ',. , -Glee club M. Union. meets ill readling Try a Classified d--it pays. --Adlv. YLIt 15 SA C.ANDgSu1 u, Olt Y IS u'I, STEAMFITTING VJ Mit" I CORNWELL COAL Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump Pocahontas and Coke IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMMON AND FACE BRICK CORNWELL COAL PHONES 81-Fl and 2207 Office -- Cornwell Block. II -- ---- HILL AUDITORIUM Ticetso'n ale at ow MMEMM ffmommm FAMIM Im, Mob, am mm