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January 09, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-09

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. will reciprocate with an al ternipt to
P ~ tCI1i~Xf ~ t justify any libertie'; which the powers
______________________ that be have given hiin.
Published every morning -except Monday To the men of Michigan th Varsity
daring the University year by the Board in
Control of Studen t publications, track coaches are putting forth a
plea for aid. Candidates are needed
Member of Western Conference Edtorial


TPhck c3tn 7nam in ri tSin tl3P. VEll !

!Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Everywlcre today, respect for law I
seems lessening, what with the flap-
per's light opinion of the dignity of





o- eAT



Asoition. .---_for the track team, candidates who OUI1d.$11LP~5 marrnniaa in ippigressed inI the tedency
TeAocaePrsisecuvey will help mk h rsn esnafo h eaiu xedtrso to look upon it as a mere fleeting ad-
tildt h s orrpbiaino ceial n o teUiest.Te class dues remarks in part: "It can( venture, with husbands interchangea-
news dispatcher credited to it 'or not other are needed to refte the argument of b enteeoe htoto 20
wise credited in this paper and the local b en hrfoe ha u o 2 b01ftle by divorce; the bootleger's braz-
news published theein. pessimistic theorsts that practically,
_______________________- al o th inerst f te sudet bnyspent during te year $310.00 wasi en defiance, coupled fi the avrage
Erntern at the postofice at Ann Arborisi oefr f prwile l use for urtheriug class activities.Imascnimo th pribin
Subscription "by carrier or mail, $3 0. other important branches of athletics.. " This of course is the Higher F;lascrenst ieadrerty; and th
Oicig AnArond class.Bmatter, ay-awen~s;ohe fetensdisroerdyfornthe
OfficSte:AnArot.es ulinMy are sorely neglected. And further- nance Or loaves and fishes the Klan's flouting of the regularly-
Phones: editorial, 2414 and 176.,M; Busi-i more, they are needed to uphold theb
ness, 00 sttmetthtwhnaal sisud But that to one side. (Either side.) constituted channels of law, and of thes
statmen tht wen acal isissedOn closer examination the ostensibly constitutional guarantees of justice
Communications not to exceed soo words Michigan men are . ways rayt e noetsaitc rsne ti p ewe nn cdmn
If igned, 'the signature not necessarily to sponid rayt e nocn ttsispesne tifp e~ nmnadmn
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, parent that $150 was turned over to Th'at chaos and anarchy shall not
and notices of events will be published in The coaches are calling for men for.teWmnwhra,17 eed- , fteprsn ait fmrl
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, th raktem frmehwoareil-v oetriclyhme activitire es. W omaes the orntlatouintiuos
lvft "at or masiled to The Daily otice. l't th rclem o e h rewl-y osrcl al ciiis h o-rer~c o aorisiuin
igned '" conniunications will receive n icn ogv oeo tersaetm
sidertaion.. No manusript will be retuincd igtogvesmeoytersretm the woman pays, and PAY }mulst assertatvely justify themselves.
upklss the writer encloses postage The Daily whch willtobiadworthy repreenative a-= " * But institutions can only express
does not necessarily endorse the sentin!n hic ilb otyrpeettv
expiressed in the communications. o h nvriy rc sasot Gems From the Libby Lecture those who giude them.
which__doesnotrequirethat__thepar-o"Prheessnirrsitys Trackeis ansportTo encourage marriage, and check
EDITORIAL STAFF wihde o eur httepl- "rfso ei a eeol divorce; to respect and enforce pro-
Telphoes 414and2761kI ticipants be "born stars", but is ralit couple of weeks ago and I presume he
er the one great activity where train- was lecturing on his own gas. Krtoward IbbLo hl t lw rgrlsi n i ad t; to teach the sa-
MANAGING EDITOR !ngan perseverance count as much "The movies rejected for United ;ilfadtene
M(ARION B. STAHL. as, if not more than, inherent ability.; States use are exported to Japan and J ad -'4 cirfy f roertandth ene-
....Jmesl1 YongHere at Michigan the situation ere- South America." Here we go, to o-
'hewsEditr...PaulWatzl i :iid oh cience to the law of the
Cits Editor.............mulWtendmeit eeywt ne-k
Cit Edtr^.....aen3 on ad iieit eey iha x i!Trd, and its exercise only by its law-
Assistant City Editor........arion t -pert staff of coaches and trainers**
Idforiai Board Chairman....... E. R. Meiss ful (,dicrs---tese are the duaties or
Night Editors-. ready to fill out the prescription. Tho THE UNIVERSAL CUT eercizn;uthyaetees-
"Ralph Byers Harry Hoey( remedy Is a large turnout of cadm"E-il oko h lwe n h
. DawjesorfJr.CI,,Moarty dates who -will be willing to sacrifice4.J esioer CMiat judge, for to them, the task comes
14. A.'Donahue a little personal pleasure in themoti edaly Thyrehec-
3pots ditr.............. I. c~ie tofqrsof imeithl.eyocarentitutons
Sundart y aazie EIditor. . iF blbdrtC lak cause of Michigan athletics. m s
Women'sEdtr......MainKc Tonight, at 7:30 o'clock, the pep tesca ntttos
F-umor Editor..........oadCny iwhcd first with these problems,
onfrence Editor.. .. .. .. . B. Grundy m eeting in N atural Science auditoriumthMu i Edt r. . ..Assa s' ..R btcbII Al sl tw l en bo y E e yr m ho
Pictorial Editor ..'......k ,vi - and they can do much in shaping the
MuiAEior sistants..EH Als lldtrmnrterepn e of thefuture aogteelns
Asitnssuetbd.Eeymntorli h a tdmto today bears so
Thelma Andrew. o~ Garli~house ies his own duty to the nvrsiy ev epniiity i h fra
.,I Iacon kaiter S. Goodspeed anid at the same time wishes to g ain ev epniilt ntefra
Stanley Ml. Baxter Portia oulder tinotmrow halfeugto
Tiurothy Bennetts Ronald Halgrim an opportunity to represent Michigan !'Itino tmrowtath ugtt
~daric Beman Frakli D Hepurndetermine to be personally a leader
Sdney Bielfield Winona A. Hibbard in the field of sport, should attend. the frbte hns eagtt e
,A. Billington Edward J. Higgins, assembly tonight and signify- to te vfrbte hng.H uh or
Helen Brown Lowell err solve to be an example in his own
W. B. Butler Elizabeth Liebermann coaches his desire to report for lm- o
I. C. Clark John McGinnis life of better morals, better law en-
rugene Carmichael, Samuel M'~oore mediate practice. Of Michigan Spirit J forceient fier respect for law, and
"A. B" Connabl M. H. Pryor much has been said-tonigl.t is the
Bernadette Cote' W. B. Rafferty i cleaner citizenship. There is no guar-,
Evlyn I. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsay time to demonstrate that it is still1atyojuicsysErch"eep
Wallace F. Elliott Campbell Robertson dabVe.atyojuicsysErch"eep
~oseph' Epstein ' J W. Ruwitclx the personality of the judge."' That
1"4axwell Fead tol3. Schnitz
1 F,:Fiske XV.if. Stoneman remark is well-worth the considera-
. P. Webbinik redeic'. Telmos SWYTJIE ON SOUTH U AN) STA9't 9I tirn of the students of the Law School.
BUSINESS STAFF The bane of Smythe's existence, ac-1 GEORGE D. HALLER.
fTelephone 960 crding to his own admission, is the Not ai young caallero leaning through ___________________
corner where South University avenue a cul hle aiild sathiiiigia fair
a BSlINESMANAGER' meets State street,a corner he is maiden; nor yet the Flying Petri- ____________'_____
ALBERT 3. PARKER compelled to cross several times every nos doilg 'their stuff._ Nay, it is EDITORIAL COMMENT
Advertising.,.........John J. Hamel, Jr. day. .Smytheclse usually pt f itrNwoamdowsturn i g te Ca.'I____s:
Aavertisng ..........Edward F. Conlin lug to lase util the lastf possible ilb.Notrntsdea.
Advertising.........Walter K. Scherer * * * I THOUG~HTS ON IINKiING
" opyrigbtini....... aidJ .Pr iue avoiding being tt flagrantly I Now Twenty Years i Tils Cellar (Harvard Crimson)
Accounts........Lawrence H. avrot late by wakn ttpsed ota
circu~ation.... .....ownsend 1. Wolfe 'kn ttpspes htNow tet years in this cellar brew- Twne
Publicationneinrdcoy. ..... ........ L. Beaumont Parks. he is usually uder full sail by the teyinrdtoy cusshv
Assistants time be gt to the i- rec~i. fte in, twenty years these odors me- been recommended by a committee or
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton Itwstet.Adh prntou- lwig the American Association of Univer-
(,eorge Rockwood James A. Dryer w tet.Ad ei rn o H apr- lloing, r einnseel iyIrfsos t aeapaei h
Perry Al. Hayden Wni. I-. Good ry home as well because his classesfisfom fo iniy-'osorttae pcenth
Eugene 7,. Dunne Clyde L. Hageman my irs.fasfaig curriculumn of every college. The one
Wni. Graulich, Jr. Hloward Jlayden 1arovrsclstolnhtm.WeeiInwpeetmylfa elwdik
John C. Haskini h~enry Freud arf vrs ls olnhtm.Wer-Inwpeetmsl elwdik to teach freshmen to "think", so
C L. Putnarh Pferbert P. Bostick fore it irritates him to be compelled, toalwowllbhlje
E: D. Armantrout D. L. Pierce for safety's sake, to wait. ad watch Thtyalunlovlvetisyetras hat they may more easily become ac-I
WaleretFl ooper Clyton Puznbrdy i for a favorable opportunity to make ,Ia cabigrc o customed to the University methods
Wiliai If. Reid,Jr. Clifford Mitts the crossing. my run ascabigrefo of lectures and individual research;
Hdard IB. RHale Phlp ewallt e. and the second is to give them a };en-
WaoIn. Hale PRalph Lewrigh So much fo' the situaion in gen- Mr n oeaddikn oe ea cetfcbcgon f"h
WnD.Roesser eral. In particular it is the propen-Mr admr n rnigmr ra cetfcbcgon f"Ar
c ity of passing automobiles to take,; Till hot and breathless you stop witt Nature of the World and of Man".
wtotsaknn'sedte-log the dregs. Both are to ble prescribed for all first
witoutslckein spech Ae lngYou regard each other and laugh.yer en
TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. 93 creo h umu ieo h look down on the roling swaying A suggestion such pi's this sounds
1323 corner, whee a- ortion of the cam-
I p~s lawn has been cut a and made floor, - much m"ore startling to men in the
Night Editor-RALPH N. BYERS pr fte he.Sylesy i And go wild with hootch.. ....Hot University than to others, for in four-
TOMiTINIT YS can never judge quite correctly just Dog! *teen colleges, including Princeton and
appINAN N ERing how narrowly these cars will miss the IKMU OMN Williams, courses o much the same
In a 'communicationapern yes- ,curbiing-oa-'hm And aft'~t* al, it is-, type have already been given and
terday in The Daily, the statement ws n't the curbing lie worries about. DEAR CALIGULA i am very very proved satisfactory. The Association
angry. And can you blame me I
mnade that a student, tends to learn For once Smythe has :t working is basing its report rather on exper-
pla t oferas el asvauabe ri- applied over at the Union the otherI mental cases than on a novel sug-
less and less as his college career -,plan tofffr aswlasvubecrtf ticket t their Saturday)gsinoitowadtishpg
- ~~icism, He confesses that it is not~dyo eto fit wadi shpn
reaches its conclusion. orgnl uc fi a be orw night dlance, and they laughed in my to make easier a difficult step in each
A more rigid scrutiny might showoiialuh fitha en'orw face. I would have retired unnettled 'tdn' rges-te tasto
that students while perhaps not bdom oblarervaition.Hofi si tif this had been their only act. But _from prseparatory school to college. It
learning less, do work with less en- tbriny. latargrties.eeeuthe sayiwt dithyobugrbmbyheisean in idtecsefte
.wh n it .o ak ofthde h yckdo nbuthgrab e b y t e i e rn n m n h ae o
thusiasm. During the freshman year brel.Altaffcbtsnedhsa, hcko enckndteblofm student who passed his entrance ex-
a lighted tiaffic ,tto n ito
the student works with genuine zeal. i~iain ih oo ak n
He i ovrcoe wth he ewnss f*wite paint. Merely place the button coat and shirt-tail me right out of the,
approximately in the center of the in- fr( orweete osdm otethen reecived four E's and a D during
the University courses, and he at-r pavement and let me lay ther quiver- is first term in college; as well a
tackis his problems with no sign of tisciaadmrkof~ aeyz ng until a kind hearted S. C. A.' the more general case of those wh
indifference. During the sophomore t-onieauooIles oetai cworker found nme and escorted me -fi o"idtesle"i olg
,year the student is still thoroughlytisofhetre Hesntpa- home, af dead with fright and and so come to the conclusion that it
ulr where-the line is drawn, just as
Zimbued, as a rule, with the spirit of lngfatigue! is not worth the time spent.
work.ln as it will serve for a ba4ls cf ohi duthwer,(rI
"prediction as to the probable fouse -Ntigdutd oee,(o Even now a general course in sc-
As te sudet reche hi thid yarheard that he had a date with an-' ence is under consideration, whici
Asethentudeofontgeachesahs bthirdyateuiqiosmcie lflo, other girl) I procured a long, long would give an introductioi to- ad-
the onoonyof oingto las beins These, for the city, wod be small
to affect his work. He goes to class-ladransuceeinlibnic-vcdcossltug ntofo
es ffteu hors wek jut a h~favors to the harassed pedestrian. Butlaeransceddinlmbg " andcussltohntofc
de ifthen frsayer.Hestill goes mte tlat sotntaku o to the dnce ball through a window. incl..ive a sort as that proposed by
di hefesmn er. e tllg'sIWhen I attempted to cut in on my the cus nte"aueo h
OLti~ll fa.VorS cuseo te"atr o h

,CxAH M 'S'

I' .

be out again this week. That's
so fanny.

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard rim-e)
Detroit Limiuted and Express Cars.--
6 :oo a.mn., y :oo a.m., 8:oo ,a.m., 9 :c
al.anti lourly to 9 :o5 p.m1.
Jackson Express Cars (local stop
vvrt of Ann arbor)-9:4.7 a.m.,, an
e-very two hours to 9:47 P.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.n
aaid every two hours to 9 :00 p. m,
Y i :oo p.o-. To Ypsilanti only-i i:
p. in., 1:15 a. m.
To Salin e--Chanoge at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bcund-7 :5o a.m
To Jackson aind Kalamazoo-Liii
ited cars 8:47,- 10:47 a.m., 12 :47, -:4i

At the ditffere Ice in the appearance of Iour clothes
wvhen they've beenw
n; 'The Ann Arbor Steam Dye Works
-204 East Washington Phone 628

To jacks-.'a ad Lansing-Limited at 1111lI111111111U11111111 11111 S1111N11I ii111111
_____ _____ ____Grand Opera Tonight and AllWeek
1 2 3 4 a 6 . EVENdT - "
7 8S 9 10 11 12 13 }1 A ; Matinees W1ednesday and Saturday
14 1) 16 17 18 119 20 Seven Brilliant Produ~ctions by the-RI-I
21 22 23242 6 7
23 29/30 31 _SAAAR O
We do all kinds of Cleaning I R L O G
and Reblocking of hats at :
lowo prices for HIGH CLASS -PR$
617 Packard Street Phone 179 FORTUNE GALJLO, General Director.
-- - - - - Amerivu's Only Permanent Touring Operatic Organization
S--- - - --- igmented Orchestra 100 PEOPLE Magnificent' Chorus'
Schednte in Effect October i8, 1922 RPROR N AT
1) Central Time (Slow Tine) D - Toih at 815 LVahee Fite, Charlebo s, Salazar, =
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.1% Va15lalBoemeDeBiasi.-
:45 7:45 .. Adrian .... !2 :45 8:5 Luhe, DeMette, Boscacci,
- ':15 8:~..Tecumseh ...12 :1r5 8 :i 5'- \Xediesday Ma. .LuAcia Lterrae Cvi.
:3:30o 8 :30 . Clinton .... 12:oo 8:0 on -neCe
5:i5 9:15 ,. Saline .... 11:15 7:15\J, A Rappold, DeMette, Famadas ,
5:45 9:jAr'nn Arborlv. 10:4536':45 ; Ted~. Ee Ad BonliDeas.-,
9:5(Court l-os.e Square) A. M. i EvharnebisDeliasi alrih
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays I Tusa......as hreos lnvBhrc, .
andl Holidays. Friday and Saturday specia. RnligD is'
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:5.leaves rdy -Cre DeMette Kllinova,' Salazar, -
Ann Arbor 4:45. Fia........Cre Interrante, DeBiasi. '
JAMrs I-i. ELLIOTT,' Proprietor = Sat. MCIat. .jewels of Fitziu, DeMette, Boscacci,
'hor..: 426-M Atdrian, MichtheMadnnaValle, Cervi. ..
- I DeMette, Klinova, Baldrich,
:gSat. Eve. Cavalleria Rusticana Interrante. '
~1IIIIIIIIIiIlI~ii~IIIIht~hIII~IJFollowed by . . . . Pagliacci Charleos, Fantadas,
CHIOP ACT R tWed. and Sat. Mit.... $2.00, $1.00, 00
606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. PIE
Hous,1. pm. hoe 01J ighets. .....$2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c


~ i
a j
i j




to lectures and crowded quizz sec-
tions. He jfeels that his mental ca- j
pacity has increased, that he has a
desire to meet professors and in-
structors on more intimate terms, orl
to delve into one particular subjectl
mnore thoroughly for a period of sev-
eral weeks or several months. Butl
these opportunities are not provided.I
While the semester system now inl

Very few foreigners whp have temr-"
poraril'r deprived their country of the
particular talents that have been given
them and have undertaken a bid for
favor in the dubious and sceptical
country, the United Stag~s, have been
heralded with such a flattering inter--

beloved three tall strong members of
the dance committee' charged. down
upon me and, throwing me to the
'floor, deliberately trod upon me!
Shall this sort of thing be tolerated
in the land of the free and the home
of the brave?,-.Shall such acts of dis-
courtesy as 1 have cited be allowed'?
I solicit public opinion on this sinb-

W\~orld and
A"has im-
'If such
sary, LPelli
in the last
work; for
change ea:
much on tl
the college

use at Michigan is p-=rh.aps the onye' est in the wares threy nave to offrisCL' d5 ELEN tween the
Inost commonly used in Arri siwan uni- has Dr. Coue, the great French ex-I Wh Started ilie Argument? ,from the s
versities inuch dloubt exists as to ponent of auto-suggestion.. "Dr. Otto Frenzel, who died in a the colleg(
whether or not it is, the best system. Like many men who have become Saginaw hospital Friday, was mar- gradually-
At Ohio State University the "guar- great in the eyes of the public, Dr. ried Sunday to Miss Matilda Myers of. vanish.
ter" systeni is in ame. aad r. ucli un- Coue merely puts into concrete form Pigeon it became known here Salur-_
favorable as well a~s favorali. e corn- what the public has ,always known to ay."--Freepress. The oldi
ment has been directed against this be true; and the public, because it haas PETS, Romne, etc.
system of shore qua-4r'hy pe ods. known the fact all along, andnw ** says : W11(
As yet no one can say with the prop- finds an eminent scientist agreeing WANTED)--Mfiinto milk and drive a with a bey;
er degree of author it.y whether : tIiVC with it, can voice in popular acclaim, tic", 'as Walt Whitman woul:l say. do-parkc
week period of study, or a two month # "That's what I have always said!", We suppose that its pictures will be'
period ,or a five and one ad.-mionth and can discuss among themselves,;cle pia luinsb h ol- Oedv
period is miost commend-arUal 'd ~n guardedly, the "supremacy of mine; be wits-about-the-campus, for two m(o
ducive to the best work. D ut :the ar- over matter". All of which is better # « *« be in style

d of M an". B ut "T hink ing e e e n s r~ u l o s d
a course is really neces--
-iaps it could better be given
tyear of preparatory schoc
the duuty of making the
tier should fall at least as
the preparatory school as on
e. With a co-operation be-!
etwo - better preparation
schools, and more care fromt
;s to introduce the student
- the difficulty will largely
Iadage says: When in
.The Michigan woman'
yen crossing the diagonal
y of sisters, do as the Fords
e'n the walk.

atee of art let his hair grow
onths in order that he might
eat the Paderewski concert


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