T UHE MICHIGAN DAILY UEDAY, 2J KN:V Aerial 1,Flivver" Make Bow aise", Op. 74, Mendelssohn's "Spin- nling Song", the pianist's own beloved 1 Minuet, the Schubert-Liszt "Hark,1 I-ark the Lark" and the, Chopin-Lisza "The Maiden's Wish" ; were success- ively played for an audience which re- fused to leave until the piano wasj closed and Paderew ski made no fur- ther responsise to ther enthusiasm. Election Defeat ChcWill Be Offered L' INTITOKEARURTON RLA1,NCIIAJW LEAVES TO TAJJ( A1 lII W11AY ENGINE:ERS ME'1 Fails To Bother Jersey's Senator' " *** <. * *.* *..~... . .~.. . . A~vc gfdn~"fITyr lhgwt i ~ orhrr vrmtr The latest invention of P. tulig, German enginear and glider expert, is an acorial "flivver." This is a gl r e 'In, cad with a four - horsepower l 'help" motor.' Budig's models wiill be ,.oro at the coming Ormnond-Day- tona glider, meet soon to come.° naariDi CLU R V r_' UV REAPPEIAANCE CuMLI ~. (Continued from Page One) Comedy club will present three pane a nd noble- Ioetry. A Schubert Im- act plays at its January mieeting. at prom~ptu rewafded the, persistant ap- 8 o'clock tomorrow night in ; azr t plause at its "conc~lusion. Gasw ll A gell hal. Th newI Te other classical co myIposition was one w hiih sounds stra~ngely modern a4es to the club will compose the er ajlthiough-written nearly two centur- tie as.ics aga. This vaN l3och' s najestical j' There will re presented "The mi-;ly harmonious "Chroniantic Fantasia pertine~nce of the Creature," by Gordon and Fugue" played with an exquisiteic Cosmno- Lenox; "Nevertheless," hc r polyphonic clarity that was unique. Stuart Walker; and "Two Slatternsf Chopin (Group Fluest and a King," by Edna S. Vincent Mil-, It was the Chopin group, however, ' lay. w 'hich served to disclose at their 7on"- After thede erformiances a business ith the powers which have made Pad- medting will be held and plans will erewski a p~opular idol. In this sphere be laid for the annual production to! he iu an unrivalled musical soccer ; be held lite in March. ~. Theore are other great Chopin in-: I terpreters, ,but only one Paderewvski.' LAW EXAMS SCHED UL~,E D I Ji the signally characteristic feat- I -~ taros of his emotional playing-his Examination schedules for the Law : rhly va4ied andI delicately graduat- school have been a nnounced, regular j ci tone, his morbidlezza, his haunting- class work for second and third year' ly s.weet cantabile and his wonderfully; classes Stopping Feb. 2. fir :t year ca.! rying: pianissimos- were; perfectly classes will continue until the evell-, real1ized. pehb'as it is of his native. ing of Feb. ' The s hedule follows: Polni'id fleeting through leis, mind as Saturday, Feb. "Rights' in Land" h le nas that imaparts to his inter- from 9 to 12 o'clock; Monday, Feob. j pretations that. eerie sadness, that: 5 "Suretyship" and "Agency"; 2:30 to I lsv grace and that wholly irides", 5 o'clock and 9 to 12 o'clock re~epct- cribabi e ethereal atmbnsphere. BW~j ively; and "Roman Law"s 2 to 5 a'- Cho in's virile side was also, portray, clock. Tues~day, .+'ob. 5 "Bailments", eed. hose who still cherish the gross 91 to 11:30 o'clock, apd "Trial Prac- misconuception of Chopin as a mioon- tice", 2:30 to 5 o'clock. !.-,truck~, ien c choly hypochondriac hadj On Wednesday, Pei). 7 "Equity;" 2 to 'mu icb to learn from the sweeping weir-. 5 ''4oe1k; -. Turs~lay, Feb). e "Dam- jil7ty I'itli which jiue thundered the: ages 8 :3(0 to: Al1' clock and "Dme- "lteVcilutionary" etude,, while no onie tic Relations" 2': 30 to a 'clock.; F1 _ 1i0wholistened to the idyllic ballade, State Music Clubs ! Plan Memory Tests Officer s from all sections of the state were present at a meeting of the state b)oard of, the 'Michigan fed- er'ation of music clubs which was held yisterday in the 'Union. Chairmen of! disic ;~t and preside'nts of mnus ical club)s within the state were inviteti toi attend the meeting and ta number of these critics were present aIs guests of the state boar~d. Opening with a luncheon, at which re,)orts fromi the department chair-' T:'. were an lbmittedi, the mlecLtin g con- tinu'ed throughiout the afternoon. The development of music in the rural distrvicts, and the forthcoming state- wide music mnemory contest were the i principal topics of discussion at the ^.fternoon meeting. The music mem- ory contest which is to be0 held in Ann Arbor on Jan. 28 was also discussed. j The contest which is to be held here' is for the Ann Arbor district only, similar contests being planned for the v ariouas districts throughout the slgate. Y OST WILL SPEAK AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE F ourteen nrembers of the Univer- sity Chamber of. Commerce have r'e- served a tahle ,at the Chamber of Corn- mnerce banquet in the. Chamber of Con~nieA'ee Inn .at 12:10 o'clock ter- ,daty. Coah Fielding .H. Yost will deliver an address in conjunction with the I shotwin ; of slow motion picture% of a football game. The I 'lm to be shows. wil be of a regular game ,and as it is, sheen the coach will explain each play in detail telling the rules thatc gov ,rn that phase of action.c All seats have been reserved, and many applications refused for the banquet. APPROVES HEALTH TESTS' Groups of not less than 10 st"I'lnts each who. are studying i.sychology.r have been asked by t he jsy cliolcgy department Itoappear for t 4; ,(ltzrin: ; the course of the wiveek. 'The tests will be in the nature of plsyiholo gical character anid analysis and the men} and women appearing for thiework! willI gra de each other in character. which will necessitate their boing tc a cortain' extent intimate with cac'l P 1ros. A arion L. Burton gill leave today for Flint where ]owvi:l'1)0 the spatr at the Chamber of Commerceoi,-,i h, i atldress I ic'higan talmi t"1 the city, onl the plans fOr i' ierliA y T Paiisioni. During hiusta ly inll it Pres-' ident -- on will be the guest of" F. Spencer 131512p.. ITomorrow President Burton Nvill go to Bay City where hie will address the c~ t v In~, ~ 1u .,~, ' , , ., Pror. Arthur it. Blanchard, head of the dlepartment of hlighway engineer- in:anl transport, will leave tomorrow 'or C"ohlmbus, Mo., where he will adl- dres s the 161,h1alnnual Convention of tc1 hilghway i'nginewrW s' asoiaion of M itssouri, being held under theou spice- of the! University of Mfissouri. ILie wI take as his subject : "Legisla- 'e I I igh wa~vy Tra nsport _Problems." !It is exnected that more than hail of the Ftate legislature will attend 'the I p~~art in the dedication of thz!e new BayV If the tests prove satisfact~ory they t ity high sch~ool, as the pinpa will be of much . huportance to tesee thehe irhr1. ie pil b employmecnt mianwagers in seleetinig* the uest of 'Regent William 1. ('1tm- Imen -to fill positions, according to ienzts in Bay City. lile will return toc Prof. Henry F. Adams, head of the An~ro hrdyatron psychology department. "'if the vill- _An_.________ ___________rnooz. no placed on'-imiself by the individ-l;zezc 1:I vzzpo ual ca be relie d on, and whether or 1)eai "drwlo riIh''(~5 not he under .triovErrates himnself will Lai .annme, Jan1. 8. -{- 4y <. P.)-The help considerably inl seicting ,mz en iE.yptiaris have kent another (onnuli-I for :various positions." cation A to the conference deznianding The test will also show if it is, 1)0- withdrawal of B~ritish troops alid corin- si1)le for one nunzi or woman to ac- r'et independence for i<ne giv- pilTe larhar lc pagean try of the Rhap- enl inl Cleveland luring thi hitmssty its stirring rhythm, coruscating holidays will also be mawde. ITrilliarice and ornate arabesque do c- oratioas 4ere stirringly delivered. _________ I he tor ent of applause which greet- New Tuxedo Suits for dental. Wji d A tis stupendous rendition' was me- and co. State. Street.-Adv. 1rnorable anid inaugurated one of the Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. longest encore programns over given here. Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Advy. The Chlopin-Liszt "Melody poloni- i s sc N'Ice eople5 r, ! Skating, Coatn A Attexming .Sii~tc 4 s -New York :and 'ITlroig~Ioiut; the C'(ountry. illtlf!gSatire ad Suble *llior. ______ $1 iesdav 25 Ni1ghts 50c, 75c, $1Mat#-s. TIhurd Sa-5. WEEK OF JAN. 15- "THE, MOUNTAIN MAN" . , i c. t - TAILORS TO MICHIGAN MEN *-, '~ 1, L i ---" 14 tI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r.:. or - ---A - 1 I just being Out- of- Doors NOW6! +w NOW!! Here's something new! I and A hoto'plav That Is An Answer to The Demand, For Better Pictures!l Oil Mayonnaise Now Served Having to Use Hard Water c.. fIul not to miss the out: tidhig cil 011m110!7 hIemnents. Wri'yYou sire golig No matter how careless yo a Jway te ~ ,ibmt the, ordinary rn tof attractiqns , You are k I ) j'. s' I I , O IL mayonnaise dre-ssing, ..Made in a manner" that leaves 4nothing to be desiredz, is served now with all salads whenever desired-at no'ad- ditiO-nal charge. Try it1 to- day. Th e salads are 8c to 25c: Roughens the Hands. No remedy quite like, Dermal Cream Lotion1 pio Adiac to IPrices Evenings.....31c ~Var i'ax.....oc l)lataaee .....2Ac War Tax. .. ...03c Total........ School ("ldre-1's "Rat- irtee Tuiesdauy, 4I &cloek. (Chilidren under 112, 10c. H und reds tu'rne d away every show / I 1 T G Y 1 great you 'll ask frore t~on Chlianey as fir' ~4 "'ieanaitn77s4iMi~ S LMoneltRevv oe . 8 Reels sa ilgi1n;" I 1s i s I I .. '. . f t p~, a,.: -1 a ' a a i I r l . ifJ .. y -4- I -- ." , r=- -_ _ ._ _ . . I. made at I Michigan I Jul J, l ** gq I ~rr I - ~.\. . .