THE WEATHER RAIN OR SNOW TODAY Y 47h ti!ran VOL. XXXIII. No. 76 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CEN I PA DEREWSKI GIVEN IMMENSE OVATION ONREPP GIVES MAGNIFICENT LZENDITLON OF SONATAS BY BEETHOVEN AND SCHUMANN PIANIST'S GREAT ART STILL UNDIMINISHE D Chc1in Group, Exhibiting Paderews- kis Emotional Playing, Wins Greatest Favor (By Edgar H. Ailes) Thirty years ago this month Ignace Jan Paderewski first thrilled Ann Ar- bor with the magic of his art. Dur- ing that long interval, he has appear- ed here twice in recitals which are still cherished in the memory of all heard them. Last night the great Polish pianist's return was the oc- casion for one of the most spontane- ous and impressive ovations ever ac- corded a visiting celebrity. More than 5,000 persons crowded Hill aud- itorium, all eager to hear and pay tribute to one of the supreme musi- clans of this generation. Dinner Dance Is Three Greek Military Leaders On Union Program On Trial, Face Firing Squad _I The Union will hold its first dinner dance of the new year from 6 to 8:31 o'clock Friday evening in the main dining room of the Union. Paul Wil- son's orchestra will furnish the mu- sic for the occasion. Dinner dances have been held : the Union in the past but not recently and the one planned for this week- end will be a trial affair. If its at- tendance shows that there is a de mand for such dances it will bs fol- lowed by others. Regular union dia ners will be served. Reservations fo' tables are to be made now through Dennis Donovan, house manager o) the Union. Dress for the dinner may be for- mal or informal. FIVE EXECUTED BY IR IS H F EE ST T i L7 - A SUGGEST BE American Officials Hold Suggestion Well Received In Foreign Quarters Deserters From National Army Conyvlcted By Order of Court Martial Are 'IRtST INSTANCE OF EXECUTION UNDER NEW IRISH GOVERNMENT1 Art Still Perfect I, s Since it was announced that Pade- (By Associated Press): rewski had abandoned his political Dublin, Jan. 8.-Five soldiers con- career and would return to the con. -victed of desertion from the national cert platform, speculation has naur- army were executed in Dublin today ally been rife ,as to .the "form" in by order of the Free State govern- - which he would present himself. Five ment. It was announced that the years'. neglect of an art whose per- men were found fighting on the side L cit, Gentral V. Dousmanis; upper right, Prince Andreas; lower, General fection requires daily practice augur- of the irregulars. Ppoulas ed ill for the success of his efforts to The men executed were Corp. Leo Another group of Greek army leaders in the recent debacle in Asia regain his former supremacy. But if Dovling, of the Curragh Camp; Cor-- Minor may have to face a firing squad as the result of court matrials now the audience contained any who came poral Sylvester Heaney, of Dillons- in progress or . contemplated.: One of these, Prince Andreas, is a brotherc to pity or to scoff, they must have re- town; Louth; Private Lawrence I of the deposed King Constantine. During the war he commanded an armyI mained to pray. Paderewski is still' Sheehy, Greytown, Meath; Private M corps in Asia Minor. His wife is a sister of Lord Louis Mountbatten of Eng-t the, master, if by that we mean con- O'Reilly, Simonstown, Kildare; and land. The others are Generals V. Dousmanis, chief of the general staff of summate musicianship' and not mere Private Terrence Brady, Wilkinstown, the Greek army under Constantine, and General Papoulas, former comman- finger-perfect virtuosity. It cannot; Meath. Ider-in-chief of the Greek forces in Asia Minor. be maintained that his playing was General headquarters issued an of- entirely 'free from confusion anc fcial announcement to the- effect that wrong notes ,although his technical the five men had been ekecuted. They equipment is still awe-inspiring, nor were convicted by court martial in *RPN IDA I S S Jt can it be denied that his old penchant Kilmaiman jail December 12 on T nnr for "pounding'" was sometimes in ev- charges of "first, treachery on the idence. But tihese things were insig first of December in assisting at Leix- R NSOON ON OOMING SIdATI nificant in the sum total of his lit certain armed persons in using . achievment and cast y a faint force against- national troops, and MRS. VERA Ik A OBOIRO WILL GIVE HOLDS ONTRAUTY SIGNED FOR :.. ta s .gni. euce. Fin-1 second, for. treacherously communi- SIX INTERPRETATTON " t ' , FtTId WNOT a ly as an interpretive artist, the eating and consulting with said armed SATURDAY 11, 10kEN Passage of !yar seemis only to have caigadcnutn ihsadamdSTRA EBOE madehim oe ny persons". The announcement added inada him more perfect than ever be- tathcorfun al;temn fore. ga tthe court fo s; a e men Unique among tihe entertainments Men students who expect to leave Iguilty of both charges; the sentencesI It would be difficult to recall any were duly confirmed and they were which will benefit the Women's build- their present rooms at the end of the program which offered a greater var- shot at eight o'clock this morning. ing is Mrs. Vera Barbour's program semester to take other quarters are< iety or excellence of music than that According to the headquarters an- of six interpretive impersonations, expected to notify their landladies of prepared by Paderewski. Bach's nouncement they apparently had de- which she will present at 8 o'clock the fact at least two weeks before the "Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue". serted their ranks during the fightinge P end of the semester.l Beethoven's C-minor Sonata, Op. 111.The rmandurin tigngI Saturday evening, in attengill audi- At the beginning of the school yearC anns -shrpSoata O. 1L1.They had arms and ammunition with olmg Schumann's F-sharp Sonata, Op. 11. them when captured. last fall students were advised to sign Chopin's second Ballade, Nocturne This is the firt instance where The monologues are original, Mrs. only a one semester agreement withl B moaor. ,Etudes Nos. 12, 7, 3, Op. Th-is sethe or ttistancesherinTehmonooguesy 10, Mazrka inde F-sharp ,ino, Op. Free State troopers have been execut- Barbour having written them first for the head of the house in which they 10, Mazurka in F-sharp minor, op. 58. wished to live if,. for some reason or and Valse in A-flat, Op. 42, Paderew- ed for any cause. the amusement of her own friends, other, they expected to change at ski's Nocturne in B-flat, Op. 16. an- i who were so delighted with them the beginning of the 'second semester. LIszt's 12th Hungarian Rhapsody are Report Two that they urged her. to present them In many cases agreements for both often played, but seldom with more . .b idwT before larger audiences. semesters were offered students who thrilling effect than by Paderewski. W t D p&th rza . could, or could not, sign them accord- Beethoven Sonata The first public presentation occur- ing to their own wishes. However To discover the "climax" of the Two cases of diptheria among stu. red in the Little Theatre in Ypsilan- the University especially cautioned, concert, one must discrinfinate be- dents have appeared in Ann Arbor, re- ti, which is noted for sponsoring of both through an article in the official tween many mountain peaks of ac- cently, and are being watched by the productions which are artistically sig- catalogue of the University and comp ishment- Surely one of these University Health Service. Dr. War- through The Daily, that unless stu was the performance of the Beethov- ren E. Forsythe, Director of the nificant. So great wasdents were sure to want the room for en Sonata-the last and in many wa-s Health Service, states that neither of of this first performance that th the whole year, a contract of but one the greatest of the master's composi- I the cases is serious, and that trouble Detroit alumnae of Collegiate Sorosis semester should be agreed upon. tions in that form: Although devoid from this source is not anticipated. In- asked that the program be repeatedI "It is expected, furthermore," said' of qualities of popular appeal, being juries from falling on the icy walks in Detroit for the benefit of their Dr. F. B. Wahr, assistant dean of men profoundly intellectual in its scope during the last few days have beeti scholarship fund. Enthusiastic echoes and director of the rooming bureau and esoteric in its poetry, it won pro- slight, only two or three cases o reached Marion, Ohio, where Mrs. for men, "that any agreements made longed applauae. Paderewski played Fractures being reported. There. are Barbour has since charmed a large between the lessors and lessees for it as it should be played-with glow- a rather large number of colds being audience. Her fame is spreading, and their rooms, will be kept. If the ing warmth and passionate intensity, treated at this time. This ailment i she will later appear before audiences rooms have been rented for one se- exhibiting an ideal balance of Intel the most common at this season of >a t mester only, and the holders expect lectual and emotional qualities. the year. Huron, and other cities. to vacate at the end of this semester, Schumann's beautiful first sonat Alumnae house is sponsoring Mrs. we think it proper for them to inform was gorgeously played. The music Junior Research Club Meets Tonight Barbour's appearance here. Tickets their landladies at least two weeks be- abounds in passages of wonderful ro, Members of the Junior Research may. be procured at Graham's and fore the end -of the first semester in mantic warmth and tenderness but is club will hold a regular meeting at Wahr's bookstores and by calling order that the rooms may be rerented somewhat diffuse.:. 8 o'clock tonight in room F427 of the Alumnae house, phone 1847. Admis- for the second semester with littl All: the highly imaginative and im- Natural Science building. Professor J. sion charge is 50 cents. Aifficulty." provisational characteristics of Schu- H. Hodges of the Chemistry depart- "No student should believe, that mann's best work, however, are re- ment will give a talk on "The Comi- J-Hop Tickets Go with the expiration of his rooming filected in this superb portrayal oa pressibility of Elements and Conl- TieTs ragreement for the first semester, he, Florestan and Eusebius. Paderewski pounds", and Dr. H. R. Roehm will give On Sale Tomorrow may vacate his quarters -without a gave a truly marvellous exposition of a lecture on "Gas Production by Bac- !'notice of at least this amount of time its "innigkeit", its ecstatic passion teria". All members are requested toJ tto his landlady,"' he concluded. (Continued on Page two) attend. Tickets for, the J-Hop will be put ___________ ________t________d __g__T_ _)_ _t_ _.__on sale tomorrow afternoon in the Gold ark Worth 1300 Paper main lobby of the Union. Students Belin, Jn. th.- 300A.P. e I4~il c nzp le F r llit es u p will call for their, tickets. according gl ic a enfxda 600 to the time printed on the cards of ac-Reichsban's pric fo e 2-mar ceptance, and must bring these cards gold piece has bee fixed at 26000 withthe inordr t shw teirpaper marks. , Many fraternities will compete for acts, and one actiplays will make up wih the intorder to show their ars the Mimes cup in the vaudeville tourn- the program. Each art will be num- right to tickets. ament to be held Friday and Satur- bered and the members of the audi- Members of the ticket committee mence will vote by number for the act will have charge of the sale, and will, WOW ! day night at the Mimes theater. More they think best. The votes for both verify all acceptance cards accord- than 20 houses are expected to enter nights will then be added together ing to their applications before tickets We never like to pat ourselves acts in this contest. The audience on and the act receiving the largest num- are sold. No student can have an on the back or toot our own both nights will ballot and this vote ber of votes will be awarded the correction made tomorrow afternoon horn - but this morning in try- will determine the best act. Mknes cup. or Wednesday afternoon or evening. ing to get an extension run on Dress rehearsals of all acts will be This cup has been on display for Mistakes will be corrected directly a want ad a pleadng voice re- held at 7 o'clock Thursday night more than a month in the lobby of the following the sale of tickets Thurs plied, at the Mimes theater. Sixteen frater- Union. The purpose of the tourna. day, at which time also further awards nities have already registered in the ment is to bring forth latent dramat- of tickets will be decided upon. "Please, don't run it any long- competition and others intending to ic talent on the campus, and the Representatives of the fraternities er - my phone has been ring- enter, should sign at the Mimes thea- idea has been chiefly sponsored by I and independent groups will sign up ing all morning and I was more +- t a nn 'Ph +-Thp ,fmIia n +-, t e ak All -nainh +e-.n . for booths from 2 to 5 o'clock Friday than satisfied with the first call." (By Associated Press) I Washington, Jan. 8. - American proposals for an inquiry into the Ger- man reparations problem by a com- - I mission of financiers 'have been trans- ' mitted to Paris but still await definite French reaction to the plan, although a preliminary answer has been re- ceived here. No time limit was in- volved in the suggeston as put for- ward by Secretary Hughes, it was said today, and the p-an still is be- Albeir B. Fall, acretry of the fore the French government. It was ini rio' made clear that the outline of Ameri- T ~2 '' " yes:nnl ;usincss af: can thought on the question had been: C:irs has rog:1 about t rye ;- sent to Paris through official chan- ilon oi Albert B. Fall, secretdry of the nels prior to the premiers' meeting interior in the Harding cabinet, to on Jan. 2. take effect March 4. Fall is the sec- Secretary Hughes did not trust en- ond member of the President's offichi tirely'to the informal method of sug- family to resign. gestion in his speech at New Haven when he discussed the plan. Although it was not indicated today in what way the French government had been TB CK PE M S"1 advised ' officially of the American views; it was assumed that Ambassa- T dor Jusserand was given a very defi- nite statement for that purpose, and' SET111 V II that this was amplified in later con-- versation. - There has been ample evidence, Assemb y to Increase Suppdr for American officials hold, that the sug- leam Draws Faculty ~estop was well received in some Speakers quarters abroad. What is lacking, ap- parently, is a clear understanding. of COACHES SEEK TO AROUSE the. French position with respect to INTEREST IN "IN DER PORT the plan and hope has not been aban- doned in Washington that it may yet prove a ;means of escape for the al- Speaking on the general subject of lied governments from the conse- 'Eligibility of Athletes," Prof. Ralph quence which it is believed in official W. Aigler, chairman of the oad in circles. here, must grow from drastic Control of Athletics, will be the sprin- meaures of forcible reparations col- cipal speaker at a "track enthusiasm" lections. " The French reply already received is meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight in not regarded here as conclusive. It Natural Science- auditorium, held un- leaves the way open to ultimate ac- der the auspices of the Athletic asso- ceptance of the Hughes suggestion, ciation. it was indicated. The meetin tonight will act as a Since Mr. Hughes' speech at New Haven, no authorized spokesman has f:>"mal opening of the Michigan track commented on the probable effect of season for the year. It is at this time actual seizure in the Ruhr region as that Coach Farrell wi'l issue his for- planned by the French. Yet there is mal call for candidates and outline the no mystery about the view in Wash- schedule that the team will partici- ington as to what probably will fo'- pate in. low, for the secretary frankly stated It is urged by the coaches, however, in his New Haven address what those that not only track candidates turn views were. He pointed out that ec- out at this meeting, but,-all who are onomic authorities held that force- interested in track in any way, or in able measures "will not produce rep- any athletics at Michigan. The speak- arations paymen but might tend to ers who w1l talk will not confine destroy the bases of those payments themselves to this one sport, but will which must be found in economic re-, make their subjects pertain to ath- co-operation." letics in general. Despite action of the senate in res- The purpose of the meeting, accord- olutions expressing the opinion that ing to Coach Farrell, is to interest American troops should be withdrawn men in track and to get as great a from the Rhine, there is official sup- number of tryouts as possible out port for' the view that this course for the team. The coach points out would involve possibilities of misun- that the prospects at Michigan this derstanding which it would be ina d- year are the brightest -"in years, and visable to risk. The withdrawal in that a large number to make up the any case, it is held, could not add squad is needed. T'he fact that the much weight to the American view as Conference meet this year will be to the unwisdom of the cause that is held on Ferry field has added impetus tobe pursued In the crisis,.otesaoh de.A4.In- - - lcnll in ., r nfrn ccnr irir P At a business meeting of the Play- ers club yesterday afternoon Mr. George R. Stewart, of the English de- partment, was elected as a director of the organization to aid in coor- dinating the various branches of the club's activities under a common pol- icy.- It was also decided to hold a social meetin'g - for members of the club be- for the close of the semester, this to 'e followed next semester by similar meetings whenever scheduled by the 4iewly appointed social committee. New -memberships will be accepted for the rema-.ning 'half year at a reduced fee of $1.50 for the second semes- ter. COURT . TICKETS RF .N i