z k1N DAILY I . . i i Y n In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rsity. Copy received until 3:30 D. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) IUN)DAY, JAkNUARY 7, 192.: Nubetr7 i Zolg Department Arranges Lectuares For Next Sentester, Lillie, of the University of Chicago, that the classificatioii : pp~ also ;a former Michigan instructor, ed by intelligence teo. ~ r who will sneak on Biology of Sex". liable and useful 'cL > Two other speakers are yet to be sew~ is afforded by any off cured. We, do not argue that o _________________examinations and ot 1 subject matter exami. Whipl- e.nd ;, Y ipp e. ete 5 abolished despite the fact ta Intellect- Te 3ts readily be demonstrated t tle cJ s -examinations is distinctly 1*5 acr- -, that afforded by intelligence far as tie tests,,given Saprobation in the li- Y! igan is concerned, those ;~3 s it is to make use of v r convinced, unless I ami 'ujredthat the success in the inte iwcteAs are important factors r: u, .~ngAOn the treatments of the S ud~ts i~ rned."= © u eo Deans: ere will be no, conference of the Deans on Wednesday, January 10. ext conference will take place Wednesday, January 17, at 10 a. in., in >re~ident's office. M. L. BURTON. ,rsty Senate: 'e second regular meeting of .the University- Senate for the year will 4d in Room C, Law Building, on Monday, 'January 15, at 8: 001 p. m. -of business:- eport of Board in Control of Athletics Qemorial to.,Dr. Van Zwaluwenbr-erg Report of committee appointed to formulate a plan for Mid-week Vespers. JOHN BRADSHA'W, Secretary of the Senate. fe Council: he fourth regular meeting of the Senate Council for the 'year will, be in the President's office Mondlay, January 8, at 4:15 p. m. F. E. ROBBINS, Secretary. 4t Records : Cw years ago there was' established in the Pr'esident's Office a con- tal academic and personal record of the members of the faculties. a. view to makting this record complete, blanks are now being sent to members of the faculties who either because they have recently come e University 'or for any other' reason have not filed such records.. The Las proved to be of real and practical value, and the co-operation of ty members ini maintaining it, by promptly, filing their records, will ppreciatetd. F. E. ROBBINS. booy 21: 01 members of the class, will report to Dr. Barrett at the Psychopathic, ital, Tuesday, January 9 at 2 p. gyn. E. B. SKAGGS. Pest Debate: ?relminaries for the Mid-West d, bate must be completed in Alpha Nu .Adelphi by Friday, January 12. The independent try-out for others e Campus will be held Saturday morning, January 13 at 8 o'clock. question is as follows: "Resolve 1, that whatever statutory or constl- nal changes are necessary to re Eder impossible the use of injunctions bor disputes in the United States should be immediately made." RAY K. IMMEL, Contest Director. [es--Tryouts for Mkembershp: Cry-outs for membership in MasQ'ies will be held in Sarah Caswell An- Hall at 4 o'clock Monday, Tuesd y, and Wednesday, January 9, 10, 11. bers of Masques are expected to be present to assist in the choice of new hers.J. RALEIGH NELSON. IEleven lectures, dealing with bio- logical subjects, will be given at reg- ular intervals throughout; the second semester under the auspices of the zoology depar'tment. Men of national reputation have been secured for this series and each wil deliver one lec- ture, to which the general public is invited. Several talks of af technical nature, especially provided for a~i- vanced students, will also- be given: Although dates have not yet been arranged,' a number of men have ac- cepted invitations to speak in Ann Arbor during, the second semester. Prof. T. H. Morgan, of the University of California, an authority on heredi- ty, will be the most important figure in this series. The: topic of Dr. Mor- gan 's talk will be0 announced at a lat- er date. Prof. Raymond Pearl, o1 ,Johns- Hopkins Medical school, bot- anist, and student of vital statistics, will discuss the problems raised by increased pofiulation bearing upon the results of the war. Prof. T-. S. Jen- "nings, also of Johns, .Hopkins, will speak on some phase of genetics. Dr. [Jennings and P rofessor M organ were l department here. Others who hav~e accepted invita- tions are: Prof. C. A. Kofid, of the University of California, who will' speak on "The Relation of the Amoe-, ba to Human Disease", Dr. L. 0. Howard, of the bureau of ethnology of the U. S. department of agriculture, who will discuss economic ethnology and son-e ipractical applications, Prof. L. J. Henderson of the University of Pennsylvania, a biological chemist, 'who will talk on "The Fitness xof En- vironment", Prof. C. R. Stockard, head of the anatomy and embryology de- partments at the Cornell medical col- loge, who will discuss the effects o1 alcohol on various animals, Prof. C. El. McClung of the University of Penn- sylvania, an emrinent cytologist, who will talk, on chromozones and their bearing on heredity, and Prof. F'. R. i S I l f 7 L f r i 4i4> St to our critics, who fear that we are- i mO~te ignorant of what intelligence. really. is. But educational psycholo- *i.iare. fairly well agreed that Intel- igence tests do measure in a fairly accurate. mannier that intrinsic -cap- acity to learn' that is at the root of school progress, and, as far as that is concerned, physicists do not hesitate to measure electricity while they de- bate about its. ultimate nature, and simrilarly, the experimental psycholo- gist proceeds with his elaborate tech- nique of laboratory investigation de- spite the fact that few of his. kind' would agree -as to the ultimate nature of mind, itself. Riesuits Are Realable "In the second' place, there is an! imposing bulk of evidence to show 1923 DIARI ES *STAN DAR D IERAL SEND R~AI~ JSAG to ' a I l ! ,,: , r 1923 CALENDR N °f, ';; . : y .k;, r.:.: + ,..'f . r __ w , : y .ay il Z fit. 1 . w 1 3x 'f a : c t .i: ?' u , t.- . 1 , < k k l ft;.ti ' A STATE STREE~T Call 303-W fo>r appointm~ent EXCELSIORt - NATIONAL 0 OFFICE SUPPLIES IN GE~r Esau UNIVERSITY, wlif - S BO'OKSTORE~ All group picture,,: s h taken by Jan. 20., ny w weeks. Arrange ' hma t once! i _ _ -- bt "e will be a. very important m~et ng of the Players Club in room 205 fall, Monday at 4 o'clock. Any others interested in the. work of are invited to attend. ROBERT S. TUBBS, President. Societies, Editorial B~oards and Similar {Organizations: all memnbers of the Universl y faculties holding office in learned for the current year have reported, as requested. Will the de- 3, please write~ to me' at 9nee. The information, as nearly complete ble, is desired by a special committee investigating the whole mat- tedac at scientific meetings. The committee would like to have nams of all -who attended s ?ch meetings during the recent Christ- %tion as officers, as readers o' papers or only °as members. Address y, Hall 9. ALFRED H. LLOYD. 4uctioin Plays, Final Rehearsils: following appointments for rehearsals, apply to the use of the University FIall andl must he promptly kept. Other rehearsals 'must in other rols. January 8 at 2, "Six Why Pass"; at 3,, "The Exchange"; at 4 ch Ado", Act 1, Scene 1, Act III, Scene 2, and Act IV, Scene I.. ~January 9 at 3, "Much. Ado", Act 111, Scene 1, Act I, Scene 3, and I, Scene 2; at 4, "Much Ado", Act- III, Scene 3, Act III,' Sceite 5, IV, Scene 2; at 5, "Much Ado" Act V, Scene 1; at 7:30, "Much Ado", It, Scene 3 with musicians; at 8, "Much Ado", Act I. Scene 1 and. V, ,Scene 4 with musicians. lay,1 January 10 at 2 ,"Eugenically, Speaking"; st 2:3~0, "The Perfect 'y at 4, "Six Who Pass"; at 5, "The Exchange", y, January 11 at 4, "Much Ado", Act V, Scene 1, Act III, Scene 5. Janua~ry- 12 at 1, "Eugenically ;Speaking"; at 2, "The.Perfect' Cure"; Free pu~blic review of " Six Who Pass" and "The Exchange". Y, Janu~ary 13 at 9, Dress rehearsal of "Eugenically Speaking"; at Dress rehearsal of "The Perfect Cure'; at 1;,30, All scenes from ch1 ;Ado" - in order. Entire cast~ and stage !crew must be present. Janary15 at 7, Dress rehearsal of "Much Ado". ,,anuay 16 at 4, Stage set for. "Eugenically Speaking" and "The Iect Cre"; at 8, Public perfjarmance of "Eugenically Speaking" "The Perfet Cure" Make-up at 7. lay January 17 at 4, Stage sc 3nery rehearsal for "Much Ado". ,y,,g ry 18 at 6:34, Make-aip for "Much'"Ado"; at 8 (sharp), le, perfomance of "Much Ado". --- R. D. T. HOLLISTER AN ALL STAR, CAST THAT 66FIT"9 THEI OLES STARTING TODAY I PY ~i - ._ I, Y __ , ,. ;_ , , - ,... F? ,F - , a { .. \ie s r ^ ,,, ,: .r t k _ >y a . { h _ r... t i ', i ' ,. R 3-'- - -- , / r / " 1 ,';; FROM THE PEN OF VeesB ynes4 Wives!-andothers! ve in a short life but a married one - hopelessly addicted - to single bles- -r > a - I A I -4 ralswhich ex- s -your o wn person- and character are most truly artistic y yu . It f t elect f ' r4 41 z Husband! To -those who belie -to those who are sedness--to those who expect some day to sign on the dotted line'- in brief to all those who have thought about- marriage, seriously or otherwise we advise an f b , ,J"t°. . ,. ._~ imimediate viewin~g of this ing and witty picture of N When henpecked husban, -watch out! 'It's a riot >frolicsome, dar- !' T. hough superior they are .inexpensive. Te le- p h on e 604-W; Arrange for an early agppointment A G4REAT SLTRROUN~i)N G PRO(4I31- wedded bliss. ids turn cavemen of laughs.; ~~r I'- i f ' 1 , t boll :, : > , , _ - t - , ,i 2 Portraits Quality 619 East Liberty Street a 01 : ---Il.p,, r -i. lJ .,_ f/N c 0)11 T 'N S 0 "6Slim 'sho lerI THE O-REATLS'!' IPlICY O (F iil I r r.. J I ' ;OW7 ..