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January 07, 1923 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07

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'fly LAW in u

Says Korftl

Funds for the Michip
building were greatly im
ing the last two. weeks bE
cation by a- number of. F
which were given here a]
boring towns.
The great ail-campusf
the bazaar, given by all t,
the campus ini conjunct
number of Anni Arbor ch~
place on Dec. 8 and 9
Gymnasiumi. 1roceeds fr
zaar amounted to l$l.
been turned over to the mn
-secretary o fthe campal
Reid, '238 was- in charge ofi
Two hundred- dollars w
ed by memibers otL BetE
house by the sale of Chri,
ing cards. Orders for tho
solicited at the dormitorli
deneco halls.
-Powder puffs, suitable
Chri~tmas gifts were solds
apiece by- resident~s of.
-house-. This proposition re,
o-f $20 for the- campaign.
Jor'dan house, a Univel
house, entertained at a (l
the. vacation at the Detr
clubi, from which a totala
inette(V -

-Studlent life in Russian universities phreiin n esenlnugs
PROCEEDS 1!before the 1)olslhelv-,tic mnovemnent The department of - pbilo'sophi in-
SALE 'shattered the peace of a freedom-loy- c ludes sciences,- philology, history and*
p. ; ing eople, may be characterized by political science.- Romance languages
easy living on t-he ?p^t of the wvcaltli- are included as a separate divisiow
igan League ier students, drudgery by the .less for- ; along with the eastern languages."
icresedduitunate, and a been interst in Politics When asked-if the technical schools
creaed ur-evidenced by the entire student body.": in any way resembled the universities
efor theva-is the way -in w.hich Bararn S. A. korfA the baron said, "Roth the technical'
enefit ev>ents
Ind in eih- Russian statesman and eitnent auth- and pMly-echnical schols are,, loeat~-
~ndin eb- Iority on constitutionail law, voiced his' edbousideo f, the' university centers.-
funcionwasViews, in a recent interview, of the life - The scliools nosswss a- higher rate of
fuctieon sof the Russiani univercity student.l efficiency, anrd the students are- more
heo wmehonaattendance at classes a-nd lectures Bar~nes-t.- In politics- they are neul-;
-lurhes wtooka in the universities is not compulsory-1i tr-al." The baron dlid- not expres~s the
iurhe; ooland the students attend at their oven belief that these- schools, exercised
in Barbour' p -on No class list is kept by the - utch: influence within thenai, but:
won he a- aculty because it would give the gov- it was Ii opinioni that -considered'
emnent on opportunity to check up trout a ,ociolbgical standpoint, they
ndergradu;-le on the, records and actions of the in-I were of much benefit to the -courntry-.j
gn:- b-amdividual to be used against him lat- f "Student life as- it formerly existed
tlbe arrange- -'e on. received tremiendous- set-back in
"The wealthly students, of whiom t 1905 ~, hen Rsia i.teheived itsilrst'
-as also rars- lag r rinar ftengiil constitution," said Baron i~orffIin his'
sy Ba-rbour1-
type, spent ttefr time either in friv- concluding -rnmarks. -l"-etrograd,
stiras greet- olity or at .thei clubs in politica-l dis- Which Wan otir- greatest university,,
e cards were, cusslons. Poorer students have af and Mo cow, numiberetl its - students'
es and re-si- much (larder time because of the lack' 8,060, anti 1,000, respectively. 'To-,
of steady work, They have little-timre i dayv only a small-,ptoportion o6f this
for Ilse as left fol study aflt tutoring, translat- number remains. Many who were stir-I
at fifty cents ing ;or job> hunting during the dtay,"' dents and larg;e nunmbers of thosei
- McClinton ( aicd Baroan KorM. who wvould ordinarily be lunder lor- j
?alized at sum -I "It- is leporable that the men and Mal conditions, are food hlunting. A
Iwom~en do not realize Elhe, unlimnited- splendid indication ,that Russia. isI
rIsity leagueJ resources they have at their. comman&I a2wakleiing ~from ~th( lethargy into
lance during while in school. They disregard the-I which it 'la inuk during the regimre
rilt Athletic work of the lecture roomn and fail to , cof Leniine- and Trot~ky, is the encour- i
of .x200 was take advantage of tho professors' re--j genment bleing given.: to mIedical fnd'
sea che a d oin ons egineering su ens by the.- pr~isent{

'It's yours!
Just say the.

-- -- -
00 ...

wa i t

IV erchant







. ;

WE will send
out 'th is or any
you choosec today.
,Ea ry Terms

TO SPEAK BJF', IIE JACWROSN I iFraternities were absolutely taboo
AIX.1ItiI-GRIiP' TO3IQRMOW: in 'Russian scho.ols, said the baron,
- / due- chiefly to the fact that the gov.
Mrs. Nathan S. Potter and AM's. emnnt feared the autocratic spirit-
E~vans Iolbrooli, secreary of groupt that inight be formed by such organ-
or'ganizations of the University oiliations. Instead, the eating'houses,
Michigan leaigue, will go to Jacklsoni which, for the most part were clubsj
tomorrow, wer Mrs. Holbroolc -Will °for the discussion' of politics,, took
address the Michigan alumnae abo ut their palacc.

We+0ise thlos Appro ed
, $ Y' bn c l:ScU.D1
Ho nfiilton JBusnesss Colege
state and AWillam st's.

WS MAO~R~.} a
}- -

JJi a p~erson caIme in your store vou w ovdd4.t tin
ofIefating, 0)em.istaxi4a.round a d_ not bh-hlr
V-ourseif to wvit on thiem. No merchant wouild .
Yet th ere are m er e can t s in this toiny i4. wc
presti n e nery rtowvn, th1at Lt dpp O pps"
pec-tive., buyers. stand around just outside tlheir
c oo r an d kn ' cba4r thrn tve, t. ca11, themx
to s

the league wor'k.
Mrs. Hzolbrook states that several1
new alumnae groups wrill be organ-f
Ized in Mihig~an in the near future.
"Every Occide'ntal should come 'to1
honor and respect the great Chinese;
civilization. If hie is a man hre should,
love the Republic; and if he is a
Christian man, he shoulq, help her to
achieve: her salvation,'' stated jDr. A.
Piadelf ore in the Baptist chur~ch here
recently. Dr. Pod'elfore is one of they
seven mien sent out by the British :gov-
ernment to investigate .educational,
conditions inl China, and has just re-
turned fr-om a year's work 'there. I
That the hope of China lies in her
adoption of the Christian religion is
his sincere belief. "China,"" he said,-
has two religions, "two of which, Bud-
dhism and Taoism, bind the people
wvith danger-ous superstitions, an'd -it
is for the Christiani religion' to bring
these people to true religious 'salva-i
China has changed materially both
industrially and educationially as well
as religiously according to Dr. Padel-
ford. The introduction of new sciena-
tific methods :of agriculture and manu-1
facturing havye greatly imnproved Chin-
ese life, th~ough ther~e is no sembiIlance
of i ndustrial la.ws. Hour-s are long
and pay is small. Child labor in its
worst form is tolerated here.f
"China has not achieved political 4
perfection any miore than any otherj
nation has," he said, speaking of.- the
Chinese government. "But in ten
years, she has accomplished more
than any othier government. When
we consider how long it tool- Ameri-
ca. to esablish a government, and ne-
member that Chinua had to turn a des-#
potismu of. 4,000 - years into a republic
almost overnight, we must admit that
it is a ma~rvel how much has done in
the last decade."

"There was an extreme dlanger in!
these discussions," is the baron's opin-
ion.. "Before bolshievisni came into'
powcr, manfy student demonstrations
took place, which frequently re-sulted
ini serious (danmage and occasional lss
of life. The professors were some-
times blamed- for these uprisings, be-
cause of their alleged. statements in
the lecture halls. There are a num-
ber of, instances -on record where the
professors suffered capital punish-
ment. A reactionary faculty usually
contrived to protect the students."'
jBaron Ksorif thought it to be our
constitutional form of government
which was. responsible' for the Amn&,-
can student's lack' of participation in
political discussion. "I think' your"
-system~ to be of great merit," hie said.
Serving as pro'fessor "of constitu-
tional la*w in the University of P~etro-
grad, the baron lectured only in the
women's university. Hle was nevei-
allowed by the governiment to occu-
py a chair in the men's- schools.-
.All Statie Institutions-
".Ru ssiani universities aie all state
institutions," explained the baron.
"There is no president of the uni-
versity. A "rector" is 'chosen by the
professors from among their' number
to serve in this capacity. He is .elect-
ed for a term of three years, but is
frequently r e-elected, depending upon
his ability and pdpulW city. In a nuMi-
4 ber of cases the rector has been ap-
pointed by the government, but than
is of rare instance."
"Th'e structure of the Russian uni-
versity is- essentially Germ an," BaronKo f c nt ue . "I ma ti s o r
d ivisions or branches: law. ,philoso-:

Scha Eberle &Son.
music House
110 Main St.


PHONE 311 7
We Call For andl Delirer

x " Every Sunday the year
a ronnd -you can make Sunday
11 Isert a delightful surprise.
BftIEK Iv? 'By serving the deli-
Pious Connor Special for each
x tvek end. -
DID'ry it t oday. The famous
N~4Conor combination of cara-
Amel ice cream and pieapple;
parfait is a treat the whole
k~y t .{. aily will enjoy.
C4l4 up our deakr A different sebta1 each week
note andl place y'tir Watc'h for them.!
odder' __________
_ -'
--YO! WAIT "-
w .
-.11.- - - ,
"Iv js rtrne fo avsi t h pohos,"si
1 'vv" jubeen cal rnd'ra tiohtwaihitrat-uther day."
' hat 'imay be left-handed' philosophy, lkf you don't get ;
1 u g haFti meant - but think it over.
"" T'Please htice, th-at im wa: only a visitor -- distributing
a f~w gifts to -tae -eey, lie has It to give.
-WE .CA4 F0,4 AN -DtLI VE R
and 1'
w ---" i 3 om of 8n'rer irie. " -

Jaxu. ary



btan.w month, 1flJ 1j
~Westu'dents are, back aid h av9 x- r it wit4
them thousands of doll-ars worth of bviing pow-
er. More mopmey will be spent b~y thse sstu~de~nt
body betwe~en now and the first Qof,ebruar), th an
durigany.,other simnilar period of. time.
Tphis ;is the 0miw f~r every merchiant to bte'gn. his
toes 'this is absolutely ra month of oppwtuinityl
aind -the moerchant that ost fullyr realizes that is


be a----

the one tatt wiprfi the m1ost9

- - - - ~i -~ -
- 5- - --
--4 -'5-
-- - - ~ --
-- -5- ~55

Iitbh students and t-wnsp eope. ordy

We Call F'or' and Delive~r
F~Jine Customn Taioing~~


knew wh at you and youir

- -5
-S - ~ - -

clerks knows;

- - - -*.:-
-S -- -,

308-10- 12 SOUTJ'-L MAIN STREET PHONE-S 174-1 75-M
The NewDryHn Mop

g~You know s1~ values you art offering' this tegnth. But there is~
~economical1 wa of letting the students know --- that is to advertie.
tell 10,000 prospective customers through the m~edium of this paper

You' ,all
the thii gs

that you telt the individual customer wh tin he comes into your,. sore afid finally
makes a1 purchase. Don't fail to tell them these~ things: beCause if every stu-
der4t realized what you. and your crerks know about the v~aes you are offer-'
ing your' stone couldn't -hold: the trade,.-- Not because you are necemarify
of0ring greater values-,than your neighbor but-because the, buyingpobic.dbu4''t
rt~li e the values- he is offering either.---'




The tii to do is Advertise'-- not l u.tsjan ally but
Every D , Not a ittleCramped - u p 44 but some-
thing sipifhcient to'yvour, needs.



-~ . W 0WA.- - W 9 .

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