Section VOL. XXXIII No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1923 Section Two PRICE FIVE CENTS' y r WESLEYAN GUILD OPENS CAMPAIGEN GIRLS--LEND NOT THY POWDER PUFi Many Diseases Attributed to This Common Practice- American Gliders Will Oppose Europeans In Florida Contests Planned This Month AMERICANS ACTIVE 'IRENE CASTLE TO IN ENGLISH SPORTS Distinguish Themselves in Golf, Ten- P nis, Boxing, and Hockey. l I Lansing, June 19.-Streptococcuss fiMethodist Student Money .. .. LL Viridans, Micrococcus Caterrhalis, Student Church Organization 'Will Gram-Negative Coccus, Staphylococcus Solicit Members to Rnise - $1,000 Budget. This is not a roll call in the Balkan j army. It is merely a few of the lab- PLEDGING OF MONEY IN FIVE oratory findings after culturing a DAY DRIVE TO START TODAY number of the powder-puffs belonging, to clerks and stenographers working Initial steps of the campaign to raise in the offices of the state departmentI $1,500 for the expenses of the Wesley-, of health. an Guild of the Methodist church for ; O let me take your powder puff; the current year will be taken this I forgot mine" has been as common a morning. remark among women as "Gimme a This organization is composed en-'cigaret''is at an army poker game. tirely of students and has control off'These results are interesting mainly all the church activities that concern to the users of powder puffs--and to l students. Wesley hall, a building just males who have always maintained north of the Methodiist'church on State that powdering one's face is a perni- street, has been turned over to the cious habit. Streptococcus viridans, Guild as headquarters by the church an organism found in many of the authorities. In this building is cen- cultures is associated with sore tralized the various work that is be-throats, certain strains even causing tralzedthevarius orkthatis e-:sore throats. Its* discovery indicates, ing undertaken, the rooms serve as as, recreation place, and also provide authorities say, the possibility of the meeting places for the various units. existence of hemolytic streptococcus Also in Wesley hall, is located the of- or other pathogemic bacteria en the fice of Ellen E. Moore '12, student powder puffs. Hemolytic streptococ- pastor. cus causes the most severe form of The budget for the year calls for the sure throat, tonsillitis, and is asso- sum of $7,543.00. This cares for main-dated with heart lesions and kidney tenance of building, foreign missions, lesions. departmental expense, salaries, office, Scientistsat the department ad- and studeit conferences. Of this am- mitted that the powder-puff is not andstuentconernce. O ths a Ia public health problem except in so ount $6,343.00 is provided for by vari-f apublic health is insda ous funds from the Ann Arbor church ealtas multiplieda e psind viduy- and the general Methodist movement.Itp This leaves just $1,500.00 to be raised giene moral for the average woman, by student subscription. they declared is, "Use your own, and Plans for the drive include a general only your wn puff, if you must pows. call to be made at all of the meetings!der your nose." at the church today. Then as soon as" the pledge cards thus received are compared with the list of all students giving Methodist preference on their , erollment aeds, thosefrom whom be called n sby picked teams. These and it is expected, to bring the drive to a successful close Thursday night. I Positions For More Than 1200 Found This Year Through Special iA -0 /1 k6Department Cambridge, Eng., Jan. 8.-(By A. P.) -American students at the Universi- ties here took an active part in the sports of Michaelmas Term, which has just ended. T. J. E. Pulling (Prince- ton and Trinity), and W. B. Todd (Princeton and Jesus), have been play- ing steadily in the Varsity Golf Team, and show every indication of winning their golfing Blues. J. H. Van Alen (St. George School and Clrist's), who won his Blue at tennis last year, and D. K. Key (Harvard and Caius) reach- ed the finals of the Hard Court Doubles Championship where they were de- feated after a five set match. Other Americans of the Varsity Hard Court squad are E. N. Case (Princeton and Corpus), A. W. Willcox (Cornell and Peterhouse), and E. A. Weeks (Har- vard and Trinity). D. A. D. Simpson (Groton and Tri- I nity), the boxing Blue, who won the Light heavy-weight bout against Ox- ford last spring, is again in form and recently won his match against the Army at Aldershot. Three Americans are playing in the ice hockey team which will oppose Oxford at Muren shortly. They, are J. B. Hilliard (Princeton "and Trinity Hall), W. C. Miner (Yale and Magda- lene), and W. B. Todd (Princeton and Jesus). EDUCTOROFFERS ELIMINATIO'NPLAN Dean at Iowa Would Limit Amount of Schooling to Deterlhined Capabilities METHOD ONE OF PROGRESSIVE SELECTION FOR ALL GRADES Considerable discussion has 1saen caused in this country by br. Carl E. Seashore, dean of the graduate col- lege at the University of Iowa, who suggested recently that college su su-dents be selected and progressively eliminated by means of physical, med- ical, and - mental examinations, achievement records and character records. Dean Seashore hopes by such a plan to raise the standards of American c'olleges and increase their service to the students themselves. To analyze the students a personnel staff in the college and high school faculties is suggested. It would be their purpose to take an inventory of the students' powers by such means. Dean Seashore offers this plan, "How far the student would advance along the educational system would depend upon his mental capacity. If it were evident that his edlucatinn h ild en Will Appear in Hill Auditorium In Presentation o Latest Steps And -Gowns CONCERT SINGER AND MODEL ORCHESTRi ALSO TAKE PART "It is the fast movements of the fox- trot that aDDeal to the heart of the still-savage American people," is the opinion of Irene Castle who brings the new dance steps of the year to Hill Auditorium Thursday night. Mrs. Castle herself prefers the waltz, and Duke Yellman's ten musicians who accompany the dancer on her tour, play as only this model dance orches- tra can to lend grace and beauty to the dance steps. The fashions as well as the dances of 1923 are part of the Castle program and commenting on this phase, Irene Castle Treman has said,. "Never has it seems to me have the styles been so varied, so brilliant, so Interesting, so original. I have become reconciled even to the long skirt-the really long skirt that actually sweeps the ground." Irene wears her hair bobbed in spite l of current rumors afloat that the style is passing into the limbo of discarded fads and fancies. But since she could not imagine a bobbed head above the long drapes of the new styles, Irene Castle has found out how to disguise the hair so that no one need ever know that shears and clippers had ever touched it. A concert singer is another of the attractions of the Castle company. It comes here this week under the aus- pices of senior women, and the pro- ceedsabove expenses are to be con- tributed to the Michigan League build- ing fund. Tickets are on sale at Graham's. Contrary to earlier information, there will be no reserved seats, but sections only will be reserved. -- WiLL .HOLD CONENTION More than 600 delegates, including men wellknown in the-highway trans- port field. in seven states, will come to Ann Arbor from Feb. 12 to 15, for the ninth annual Michigan Conference on Highway Engineering to be held here at that time under the auspices of the college of Engineering and Architecture, the Michigan State High- way department, and the Michigan Association of Road Commissioners and Engineers. Among the men who will address the conference either at the general sessions, the smoker, or the d n er, are the following: President Marion Tole one of above photos shows Ott lilienthal, first German master of aeronautics, in his glider at Staller, near Berlin, making his first successful flight in 1896. Cen'ei', Klemperer glider in which record was established in German meet, Below, Edmund T.. Allen in first flight at Clermont-Ferrf nd meet. American- builders of gliding an:1 soaring planes are hastening construction of designs in order_. to have them ready to compete against the best of European builders in the approaching contests at Ormond-Daytona beach. Plans for the meet, which will be held late this month or early in February as weather conditions per- mit, are now well under way. Planes with small power motors-from two to seven horsepower-will be entered along with the soaring planes. Aeronautical experts who are interested in the development of the glider and the small-power plane see in them the popularization of flying from the standpoint of the public. CalledImpfortant FEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK OPEN AT PRESENT "I am convinced that the theory of Activities of the Student Employ- relativity is a-step in science, the im--et Bureau located in'the office of portance of which cannot possibly be te Dea ote d heade by overestimated," was the manner i the Dean of Students and headed by eh~ im P e. was o erf the n in Mrs. Mary L. Stewart, since beginning which Prof. A. Sommerfeld of the Uni- of school this year have provided versity of Munich, famed European more than 1200 boys with work. physicist, expressed himself recently.,Mo fa 20sosh b or He further stated that since the eclipse Jobs of all sorts have been offered of 1919, when the predictions of Ein- andfwtedadetorgh eefills stein were so brilliantly confirmed, he of he e bureau director, have been fill- has not doubted in the least that sub- ed by boys best suited for that partic- sequent experiments would support ular work as far as possible.i the theory of relativity. "At present," said Mrs. Stewart,4 Professor Sornmerfeld believes that "there are insufficient jobs for all of the Mt. Wilson observatory especially those students desiring some sort of Will Ul'n Oh~ tnJ -l L bLnhJLL Li lt ; work. It is usually difficult at this BOTANISTS SEARCHING FOR WILDFRANKLINIAi ACTION MAY LEAD TO ESTABLISH- MENT OF GOVERNMENT GARDEN S "In" But Not "Out" Until Many Succumb UPN To Masculine Wiles; INVESTIGATING BO 19HO, "if I lose my ga, in Alabam, Tbat't won't worry me---- Eddie Cantor, and his numerous, Iwidelv sea ttred i imra.a -t a. SOCIETY OF ENQIN EWIN CATU N NAMES DEA ON NEW BODY' A EDI- Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 12.-In a final i v e a.j -c effort to locate some wild specimens thing on the 85 troupers of the justly Having as its purpose the introduc- of the tree Franklinia, the National renowed opera, "In and Out", whia tion of the "humanistic element" intot Lumberman's Association has sent out ,ompleted Its seventeen day tour at engineering education, the American a party that will thoroughly comb the Detroit Orchestra Hall the evening of Society for the Promotion of Engin- region :of the Altamaha valley. The January 1eering education has created a board Frankllnia, named after Benj. Frank- Eddie may have 'em in Alabam and for the "investigation and coordina- lin is so rare that it is considered ex- Tennessee. That's nothing. The "In tion of engineering education," ap- tinct. There are only six parks or i and Out" crew have 'em in Pittsburg pointing Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of a4 nmanc, nand Cincinnati, Cleveland and Louis- t*m, Q fe r* .-.anti a..,i, will be anie to settiezne diffit ques- gardens Known to nave specimens of :iu se t lleg ot ngeerngan rc'i'6 U'' Lu~ " -' n'ca~c sL 'Ou stop B tion of the existsnce of the shift of particular period, immediately after the tree which ranks with the first vile, Indianapolis and Chicago, and tecture, as one of the five members. upon completion of high school, his . Burt lines in the solag spectrum, towara the Christmas holidays, to find odd in the order of beauty. It has beauti- throughout most of the state of Mich- The avowed purpose of the board will work would be such as to prepare him comimis the red end of thlpectrum, with re- jobs, but we hope, within, a short time fl white, mildly fragrant blossoms gan. be to undertake and direct the study for effective. wage earning. The more puty c f e redce dt o fhos e tr m ,e t re - riaw htoe,;indlsomefworkntforothemboyse ande Hon. P. ference to thoseom the terrestrial to'find some work for the boys, and and bears a dry woody apple or pen- The In-and-Outers had a regular of engineering education, its relation 'gifted students would be urged to con- Michiga. source. He then went on to say, "1 especially for those who find it neces- carp fruit. formula for doing a city. First was to the profession and the relation of tinue the educational process in the tion; H am convinced that Einstein must be sary to earn a portion of the money .w.ethe arrival at the station, where usu- the engineering profession to society junior college, the still more gifted H;H counted among the great minds of all { to put them through school." ally they would be met with motors in general, would continue into the senior college cut;a ti e. h r a e n a g n rltn e c ,Altanmaha river valley by W illiam alcteuwud be m t;ih ooandn e erl times."sec n There has been a general tendency, Bartram in 1756 in the company of his and taken to the hotel where luncheon Michigan's part in this country-wide and the graduate college, and so on. Enginee Tells of German Universities father John. The Franklinia immewas to be served. There they would program of study and research will "In whichever of these colleges the of Publ In telling of the chief differencesb dfately became popular for garden and 'oget n r wit Dad Tn maybe by a committee on the student should naturally stop, it Dun i of accepting odd jobs, not only for the ark decoation because of its great there a Thestudy of engineering education, which should finish him for his career. The there vetwee s,Americandand ermapoinunt- eason that the permanent, or at least pthose o tre the e would be another auto trip, or was appointed when the report of the junior college particularly has failed Davis i vesitieroessor Smeredbeuyand toewho gterdthe ftditoo douthtAeiastdns the ones covering a longer period of I an aernoon dance. Then dnneintoarovninwsra to he this in the st ed but that American students take up , seeds and seedlings for propagation, it te show formal national convention was read the past. and Hig uptime, are nmore remunerative, but alsoTisdosbehe ho, a frmldance Ifclymeig h ebr n aypol r fteoiinta 2md university work much earlier than do because these do not break in so much is believed, caused its extermination at the Cquntry club or somewhere, and faculty meeting. The members and Many people are of the opinion that s ibmde students in Germany and that in for- Iupon the time which might be devoted J in the wild state. The Franklinia re- the Tuxedoes again. rthe work which they will undertake such a plan would not be successful abridges, eign institutions there is not the de- to study. "-a perfectly natural l quires an acid" soil, a condition that Ane ar Line son, chairmanomfollows: vise c a s e wherebeta and uay railed supervision of student lire ~horticulturists d ntunderstand. ASadr yse hrbIeranadpv tailed supervision of student lire situation," continued Mrs. Stewart, I do not s Even the conversations with the ir ctheinsan of the prttee ea-' .ssuch a sys minedy Stin as ta which exists in this country. Classes "however, there are still many boys Discussion of the preservation of newly met local belles were virtually drect the investigation of the prepar- persons would be eliminated. Still o are much smaller in Geman schools who desire and will accept odd jobs." this tree is responsible for the pro- standardized. (Fortunately it is hard- and professional experience of others believe that it would snuff out tion of and there is little laboratory work. the faculty, most of which data is al- all ambition and would take away all ;sub-grac4 n Heeies tatude rtisrysrk. iDuring the past year more students "posed government botanical gardens. ly possible that the girls will ever ready available in records kept In incentives for those persons who have He believes that underp this syste have been placed in houses where Attention called to the preservation compare notes). The line was some- ean Coole ic rof. John i bneie d. May people students- become independent mare te eeal owr o hi om of the Franklinia lead to a provisionthg fhsnau- Dean Cooleys office; Prof. John Airey, been eliminated. Many people argue AT quickly and form a'judgment of their the y ae for their oond of the Prnieato a prsn t - supt. of the engineering shops, build- that all persons who are able should own ability earlier. The outstanding bot, ithan ever before The Employ- soon to be developed. to preserve trees -such a poetic name, almost as ing and equipment; Prof. Joseph H. go to co'llege for it can do them no - disadvantage here, however, he de- ment Bureau earnestly desires to co of this sort, other botanical specimens pretty as the lady to whom it refers. Cannon, of the electrical engineering harm and they can surely derive some clared, to be the failure of so many operate with the townspeople in sup- of interest, and to be used for experi- .o. . 'nm dno baifuin , a you e epartment, laboratory and teaching good therefrom. "Thirt stdnst oeit ls oc ihppdo-no Im not kidding, cant you see equipment.I dramati students to come into close touch withlynalthsudt eneedndmtlproe. the teachers. plying all the student help needed a mental purposes. I' asolutely in earet?-must Prof. Wiliam C. Hoad,. of the san- CHICAGO ANNOUNCES DATES Reid, is iasks- that all those, who have work -- come down to Ann Arbor for a house we e, " n the re terested," he declr- which may be done by students to ac- French Army Short of Ready Money party some time. . . . I really mean rect tme work of investigating studentA TYyso obtained at the University of Michigan Iquaint the bureau with the informa- (A. P. Ma I for P. M. S. Jan. 6) Paris it, yessiree, be delighted to have you agmother. In the inetiti f if-rd ab tion either by phone. or by calling in Dec. 18-The French army has had---don't forget to write now and curriculum conditions. Secretary Chicago, Jan. 6-The Universityofclivitie sorption spectra and am convinced person. Mrs. Stewart in conclusion temporarily to stop promoting pri- yes, Tappan avenue, T-a-double-p-a-n school, will complete his partially fin- collegiate basketball tournament will ha pt that the knowledge concernin the said that she would welcome all com- vates to'the rank of corp'oral because And so it went. But if all the girls ihe, rsrc ofete ds fith cege and tuaen chemical molecule will be materially ments on the calibre of the work done it lacls money with which to meet [who received invitations to "come up alumnhi of the engineering school, announced. ,able in' advanced by these results. I feel and particularly as to its merit. the increased pay for corporals. to the House for a week-end party,' aumn ___ftheengneeringscho_._announced. aroused eatlyindebte to Prof. H. M. Ran-. accept the proffer, the Ann Arbor ,.but att dll of the physics departnment, who housing& r sSaysationAwill#-no longer be a husband has shown me the work now in pro-: W hipple Says Journalists tiing to joke "bout. "0T da0n(hA LIrn"ioc cionsa gress." Professor Sommerfeld was College Training -- o a. 0$ - - kill Jo particularly impressed by the wealth Today Attack Intelligence iWhile many unique things occurred friend, in equipmentpophysical e, ratArcsduring tmhe course of the tour, one in- suggds in this country and by-theeresearchesTests s A n Indoor Sport cident, which had Louisville for its Two outside speakers of note are in sermon is "Dr E L. Trudeau days which are in progress. setting, must be conicled. It was he wou Research Under Difficulties at the formal given the Michigan Ann Arbor today. Frederick J. Lib- Church of Christ stiletto. So far as experimertai physics in "One of the favorite indoor sports to pick and choose their citations to company, after the performance, at by, of Washington, executive of the Regular services will be held by for bea Sfaasepinetlpycsn o un of stedavoiste ioor{ sportssvitoepick Germany is concerned, Professor Som- of journalists today is the writing, In make out their case. the Louisville Country club. The hall National Council for the Prevention the Rev. F. P. Arthur at the Church of himself merfeld can see in the future no great' an off-hand, denunciatory, and super- Mr. Skaggs Praised and its decorations was charming, the of Wars, will speak at the First Con- Christ today. The subject of the ser- Wand possibility. Because of depreciation cilious vein, of articles attacking the "To discuss the situation in detail music was captivating, and the maids gregational church this morning and mon this morning is, "Beginning at minne r of German currency it is impossible to intelligence testing program of the would be out of place here; indeed, were so beautiful that they took one's at the First Presbyterian church at Jerusalem". The Students' class will Floyd's buy new apparatus and even the cost- applied and educational psychologist," the exceallent presentation yin The breath away. An In-and-Outer, all noon. Edgar Guest, the American meet at noon under the leadership of seen as of books and the most commonplace says Prof. Guy M. Whipple, of the Daily of Sunday, Dec. 3rd, by Mr. prettied up, cut in on a particularly: poet, will speak this evening at the Mr. I. C. Coffman. The Men's club Prese materials Is beyond the means l of te School of Education. Apparently, the a delectable damsel in a red creation Methodist church. will also meet at this time. Dr. cast, Ge maeilsi eyn h mas~ ~ISholoSEuain."parnlgs, of tepyhlaydprm n d,atrheualowd-udo average scientist. Progress in the less the writers have had to do with at Michigan, may be regarded as a ne usa o-O-ou-o, "The Bequest of Peace" will be the Stouffer is the teacher. Christian En- product universities has likewise been retard- the construction and application of sufficient statement of what intellig- introduced himself. theme of the sermon at the morning deavor will hold their regular meet- ture fo ed. Educational appropriawons are mental tests, the surer they are of ence tests are doing. I expect to "And I am Miss"-(indistinguish-I service of the First Baptist church. ing at 6:30 o'clock. "Pictures from The tw( extremely hard to secure at a time their position. - speak at soime length ont the topic at able Kentucky drawl) purred the Mr. Chapman will conduct the Stu- Meiro ily" will be given at the evening reforme on, Michigan State Highway sioner Frank F. Rogers; De- ommissioner )G. C. Dillman; T. Colgrove, president of the n State Good Roads associa- on. Charles J. Bennett, State y Commissioner of Connecti- d C. T. Goldbeck, Chief Testing 'r of the United States Bureau ic Roads. g the week of the conference Hill be on exhibition in the brary of Highway'Engineering hway Transport, an exhibit of els of roads, pavements, and prepared by the United States of Public Roads. The road 'ement models are so designed ow each step in the construc- the road from the compacted de to the finished surface. THE THEATERS Arcade y Days," a humorous and c photoplay, starring Wallace the opening attraction of the The star is cast as John Floyd, n of a wealthy and indulgent Because of his flirting pro- , his fiancee, Lucy Ledyard John on probation for a In the course of his charit- vestigations, his sympathy is by the tale of woe of a poor ractive Italian woman. Her 1suddenly enters, his suspi- re aroused and he swears to ihn. Judge Hooker, family portrayed by Charles Ogle, s that John go to jail for thirty is being the only place where ld be safe from the Italian's But the Italian is sent to jail ting his wife and John' finds once more on the defensive. a Hawley has the leading fem- ole, Helen Dunbar is cast as mother and Cyril Chadwick is the mischief making friend. nting a remarkable stellar orge Fitzmaurice's Paramount Ion, "Kick In," will be the fea- r the remainder of the week. O main roles of Chic Hewes, a d crook, and Molly Brandon,