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January 07, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07

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n ,
... .... w . . _ . . . . _ _.

it's worth advertising at
i'd'vertising in the Daily.

all, it's4


New Tuxedlos for rental purposes.
1.'Wid and Conparry--Adv.
71 Arbr itret
",Near State and acL-ard StreetsI
Clasi-6d Rae. Two Cnts perv
.imp =n.harge for ,first day, 25c.
centbs per wordpr day If charged
S of 5c per wagate lines. Classied, ci
ILiner IRAtes: Twelve cents per lin
REPL1IS: to boxes P.M.D., E3M, P.,
1(.R, G..R.,W.G., I..V., W.G.
are atthe Daily offie. 21
WVANTD-=Muslcans for two 'Cau-
tanua bands -for the suinner F of
1923. Must be versatile; and cap-
able. Long season, ideal associa-
tions, goodi compensation and wVon.
derful. experience.- State all about
yourself in first letter. The ands
Attractions, 1513 N. High St., Co-
lumnbus, Ohio. 73-7
' WANTED-Unf'ersity an wanted to
soli pure silk" hoiery nIlPs goods
Immtediato commssion and no de-
liveries. If you will hustle you
canf n a ° $30. weekly: on the side.
See' Wllliaii Walker at 217 Wash-
tenaw. 731
WANTED-By a ihenber of the ,fc-
ulty: 2 or 3 roori busekeeing apt.
furnished or- unfurnished; mst; bq
nodern. .all &32-M Sunday rmorn-
ing between 10 _ad 12. M. only.
WANTED-2 or 3 light housekeeping
rooms, preferably between campus
and University Hospital. Would
like rooms unfurnished or partly so.
Box E.P.F., DhI~r 75-2
WAN1TD -Suite of rooms by gradu-
ate student for second s r~e.On
north side of campl.s." all lUniver-
sity 92-mn or address Box S, Daily.
WANTE-Boarders -at 332E. Wil-
l am St. Ladies ,and entemen.
IHome cooking. Small tables. Phon
2678-W. 74-2
WA&NTED-One or two tickets to Pad-
'erewski cncet taliy price. Phone
'25'-Wor' call "53wil .street 733
WANTED-Sewing, dresses, blouses,
a$nd lingerie. Work gi~ranteed,
ahne 78,2-j,418 Thompson. 73-3
WVANTED-A boarding house that
serves salads and vegetables. Try
4144 E. Uiniersity. 75-3
WANTED-A Rider Pen which fails
to write at touch. Rider's Pen
Shop. 21
NYANTED-1821-22 Mich ganesan.
Address Box R.E.D., Daily. 75
- ~Stocks Bonds
if. M. Byllesby & Co.,JDetroit
Dime Bank" Bldg. Main 5080
LPT-Kappa Alpha Theta jewelled
pin, name 'on back. Lost Wednes-
day. Reward. all 2530-, after 5.
LOST-Long black silk tassel Wed-
* nesday night at Waterman gymi-
nasum, Arcade Theater r on the

campus. Finder pleas' call 754-It.
LOST-Bottom part of Wahl green-
gold fountain pen. Finider please
call 984-Ft, Adelaide 'De Dries. Re-j
ward. ' 74'2

yNew Tuxedos for rental purposes. ffltirlt ll ^s, Johnny Kilbane, of ta Kappa vs. P'hi Beta Delta;
Wild and Company.-Adv. P I IS (K lCe eland and Johnny Wilson..of 3, Signia Nu vs. Delta Alpha Ep:
UIIU3, Boston, and declared their laurelsI court 4, Phi upsilon Vs. Phi Cl
Magaine ubsriptons-estClubcoen to comnnetitioni so far as the Em- (L630 o'clock: court 1, Phi Gamma
I a. outlawetl for refusal to accept a Epsilon Pi vs. Phi Delta Theta;
'Uc hallenge from Johnnk- Dundee of New ! 3, Cygnus vs. Alpha Who Chii; on
REM ERE 01~ ~ L t BI tr k, and Wilson f'or' ignoring an Delta Tau Delta vs. Alphia :;Si
Posiitzz 1Was riot Endangered bitrgh mauler. v.TeaDla h ot[2
PR M E E1IzirgTwelive )Monthis I )'tnidee, ets xift IKa)ppa EI ;lon v. Zta Beta
J!A145E'S DANCP STUDIOS____ Dundee a'nd Danny Frush, English court, Delta S:-igma Delta v.
't ertli Arcade 'boxer who tooks up an American resi- , Theta Phi; court .4, Delta TUpsl4
EW ORK('OPfl~lT~ AKE decein levlan, ere picked by: Phi Rhzo Sigmat: t 9:30 o'clock:
/ AI) NMA{ESTWO('HMPINSthe New York comunission, as logical ii1, Sigmia Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi
cotne o h etewih i li'or , rft s uio(By Associated Press) tie and the foirmer~ acquired what court 3, upper dents vs. laws;.
THIS .New York, Jan. 6.- uneasy lies thel honors the commission was capable 4, junior lits v~.s'oph engineer
F- ~~~COLUMN head that wears a crown" in the do- of bestowing by knockinug out Frusn 10 o'clock: cott 1, hoops v lsys.
CLOSES main s of s~ ugilism~ - proof of which zs in the ninth round of a contest, iniieis; court 2, soph hits vs. senio'
CLSE ze i uu lal nun~ber of sensational August..,, ineerzs ; court 3, graduaatets vs.I
AT 3 lM i psetis -<tu lug the ring record for' Likewise, Dave Roseubeig. of Brook-:architects; court 4, lower medic
0 gg 1922. R view of the year shows that lyn, vas declared middlewveight cirm- soph d(lnts.
three world's and two American titles plon by the commission after a vie- ;Oinig to the. limnited numazb
changed hands. With the exceptionj tory over 'Phil Kring, of Harrison, N. courts that can bie employed at AA
LN DAILY I~~~ of the lheaivyweight ranks, where Jack J,, in August, but the honors wer e gynsf thtw gae
worst a day, paid In advance. Mn- Dem"psey remiaiieil supreme buIyt III transferred to the veteran Mike 0O follow were p~ostponedl fromt Tu
Minimum thereafter, 2{}c. Three active, all th(, crowns were in jeop- 'w , of St. Paul, foriner titleholder, igtUtlWdnda. t6O'
1.Whtespace charged for at rate rdy at some time. when lie won from Rosenberg on a;
Whit tothoe hvin phnes ~ .e Yok ses c~in ful n th eihthroud o a ontst.court 1, upper 'medlics vs. lower
arged only t hs ai I oe.:e 'il ee;"1~~oaiful;nteegt on fa^n est {cts, and court 2, fresh lits vs.
B, without contract, paid in advance . Fo'uir of th titles chianged hands' staged Thanksgiving Day. engineers.
99 In New 8 York while the fifth, the; The Mi iddle West also ceased to r ;-
_ ___worlds~ lighit. heavyweight champion'-sgardr Wilson as iddlt1ewizght king
shipt, lPassed into the possession of the, and the recognition was conferred by' All fraternities wishing to en-1
FOR REN4T Senegalese, Battling Siki, when he ' bcxing athorities in several states; the We'stern Cc"Qferednce bli
___________________________lnockcd out,'GergesC~'po,4' il a ra Dwiy, leead
.~e~ge ~dO1.c1 n oi Bya l~wnc. o Clvelnd.2qr:ament lIIuat signify their
FOR RENT-- For second semeitster Parils.tat Septembjer. Sil hi aliso ac- ' -------- ___b_________a,.an.10
tSuite and double room Half block tiriiz° 11-: ~ropetai lztavyweig'lp. I- ln'y'ensaJn 0
Ie ii> vt~or ;nie titti, l'tn',a 'lwc S ,gcorcs of oach iraternity for the
from campus. Present occupants Icby hsvctr1Snc hn hw I-e ;tamesbowled in tis toijriianien
entering fraternity. Call 643 Tapre- ez er, he has lost wt criteer prestige he;alobekpadwiloar'a
pan Saturday or Sunday. 74-2 igained by- (lrawizig a long-term sus-'al ortket faen ilygoin th
__________________________:ension from French bxing autlziri-[ Fraternity basketb~all will get under sc ore frta rtriyI h
FOR RENT--Single or double steam ties for improper coflidct and add-,I way' with a bagsoirwnigt tifying rouned of the fraternity be
iheated rooms suitable for men or 'itg fuel to the "'ames'of tcontroversy 'VWatermani gymnasium whlen mre _________________
b Ioya. 91.4 S. State,'t. ('al or lphonec{ with uusublstaxi { iat c~l charge., that hi,,t tan 10 teamis will batttle wtiitl each
28 0t1-M mornings 'or aftvr 6{ p.mn. i cU tith C(.arp ierwas sintended as, other inl the first gamnes (f th'e seaz-
7.4-2 a "Panne-till for Georgcs to woin but1.. son. Classs teamrs will enigage inl their
_____________________________________tha lhe (double-crossodl the ex-poili initial contests Tuesday night.
FOR R1.ENT--Two rooms oni t floor by, a "cliange of heart."' during the ' Preliiniary* practice for the teamizs
for two or three boys, each very de, bout. -IpreIcCQudldthe Chrilstmas; vaction andl
six-able. Steam heat, shower bath. I Johnny B:uff, v(Aterant Jersey City' was marked,' i~y largye turnouts for'
536 Thompson. 75=3 oxe,i~ met doubllle disaater duzring the all oif the teamts. which speaks well
eari, IosiLig t.ie worlds }: i'.uniweig~i~z for the high ; ra~jeof 'team play and I
FOIL RENT--One szingle and two 'rifle to JOoe Lynchi of New YiorR L'iiatg htwilb mloeyt
dobl oos tresnalepics fora erg chaffrpion of thie division inI agg;regations to copi their tilts. This
944 Greenwood. 71-6 July and the Axner icti4 flyweighit yarseauegae.ad elmiato
FOR RENT--A place at "Nrs. Water- 1crownt to Pancho Vill-i, the, Fliliim contests are exp~ected' to surpass in
man's (ining table. Tjry 644 E. I sensation, in. September. Buff', ills, every respect any that h4-% e ever been
Universityl 74-3 ;mutch o_' his former Prow'ess' throughi held before in Waterman gymnasium'
_______________________________ along illniess, was knocked out by. nMna,*a.8 h olwn
FOR ENTDesrabe qietroo. U~chin the fourteenth and by Villa teams will linieub against' each other
Private family. Ph'one 1.697-M. 520 'n the eleventh round, Ileie as not;1;PiS
Chlerry St. 74-2 ; a'pearedl in the ring since then. ~ at 6 o'clock: court 1 hSgaDl
ta_________________________ne_____trtaVs. Psi Omega; court 2, Pi Tau;
FIt SALE A ~nr eerar Fhin rined vs.-I ,Chi Psi; cou't 3, Acacia vs. Alpha

court tournament. Teams may enter the
)silon; qualifying; round of the comning fra-
11i; at te nrity bowling tournament without
xDel- rolling in the Western Conference
2,Tan meet. Each fraternity will be ' coma
court I pelled, to announce its intentions in
utrt 4, t his respect, regarding wliether ;theyl
ia; at will roil for the one meet or for both'
;pilon of them b~efore they will be allowe 3
Delta 'upon the alleys at the Union. En-
Tau;' tries, can be made at the IntramuralI
Delta office at any time now eithet by per-
ol vs. soma] appearance or telep'honing.



D lta.Pa o ;ecmn hce;tun
Dltsament a b tween the differet 'y classes
*s; at on the camipus have been opte,
!)har- andl the schedule for preliminary pract 3
W eng9- t;-o has been 'arranged. -Thle'prae-
up~perI tice session=s will be held at t1 th t i
is Vs. indicated'l on the schedule in Wine-"}
bem-'s Coliseumn. Managers of 'the'
ber o't (K 4-rent cl ss teams are iuchuded
Water- j with they schedu le wo as to make 'it'
Sthat clear just who the mnen are 'to'report-+
uesday t when going; out for practice.
tJock j Thec schedule is as follows: Monday,
a li :30-6 o'clockl, froeshl lits, Cherry ;'67.
fresh 6:.-0-.'o'clock, 'Junior engineers, Pig-
gott- Tuemlay, '5!30-6 o'clibek, junioll
litsi, Young;; - _: 30 'o'clock, soph cu-
ster pi niee rs, Moody; Wednesday, 5:30-S. ox-
wliug clock,' frsh ongineers, Vose; 6-6::3()
,.'c1Qck, senior lits, lVudd; 'Thursday,
it t ;il-5:30-6 o'clouc, senior t'engineers. Gold-
Th'le srmithl; 6-6:.-30 o'c'lock,; ' Medics, Le
tI l C# 'ee evr'; .Friday, 5 :30-1i o'clock, soplh
it will I ]its, Hurwich'; 6-6:30 o'cloc k, laws,j
s the' stortz.'
quial'-r There will. be no skating charge tfo
owlilig (Continued on Page Eight)

a MI'
tile 'U1iI

1 t061$*

k l,,








ic *1.x



FOR SALE-$350 genuine racoon fr -ack lRritton, king of the welter ranks) 'lc :c ut ,SIra1h~ pio s
coat at 25 per cent reduction. Write for years and one of the craftiest!j Phi Sig ma Kappa; court 2, Alpha Chiit
-or phone if interested. L., OCppen- zing generals, of all time, lost a de-;Ih s im elaKpa or
heim & Co. Jackson, Mich., .137 W. 'cision and his world title to Mickey I 11 BetavP. vsn. DlKpha;SigmarPhi
'Main St. Bell ph'one 496, Jackson."i Walkeri of Elizabeth, N. J., in Niovem- PiBt 1.s lhl im-Pi
73-3 b er. But a, few -months before Brit- court 4,' Tau Delta Phi vs.Xi' Psi Pi;
_ "on had put up one of the best figh"s !'at 7 o'clock: court 1, Phi Epsilon Pi vrs.
FOR SALE-Conn E-flat alto Saxe- -,t' his career agains Benny LeonarcPhi Kappa. Psi; court 2, Kappa Bete
phone.' Silver finish,' fine conudi-' lightweight titleholder, winning on A Psi vs.'Beta Pi Delta; court 3, Kap-
tion. Call Dick Freyberg, 907-F and technical fol Inithe thirteenthi rouna(. pai Nu vs. tucker T1ous#; court 4, The-
33. 73-3 The American light heoavyweight ? tat Xi vs. Trigon; at 9:30 'o'clock:,
FORSAL-Chaponebl'n~lnewC-e changed possession twice.' Gene! cur 1, Sigima Delta Pi vs. Beta Theta
melody Conn saxophone in A-i con- Tunney, GreenwIcW Village favorite,I Pi'; court 2, Phi Kappa Sigma" vs.
_(>ok the honors from Battling Levitz Sigma Chi; court 3, Sigma, Phi vs.
ditin.' all 36. 21 ky in January by the decision route) Hermitage; court 4, Lamfida Clii Al-
FOR SALE-Dress suit in good condi- but lost the crown in M~ay to Harry I phavs. Delta SIgmna Pi; at 10 o'clock:
tion. .Call LeF vre, University 191, Gr'eb, of Pittsburgh, who gained a do-; court 2, Kappa' Sigma vs. Chi Psi;
evenings. -_____ 73-3 'ii5oni aftor a hard-fought 15-round court 1, Alpha Tan Omega vs. Peers;j
bout.' court 3, Phi Mu Alpha vs. Alpha Chii
FOR SALE--Michigan Banners, Pen- The situation in the featherweiglu j Sigma; court 4, Nu Sigmia Nu vs.
nants, Pillow tops. Phone 2334-M. =and middleweight divison was com- Delta Tau Upsilon.,
1341 Wilmot. 74-2 1plicated by decisions' of the New York '(( The following teams will play Tutes-
IState Athletic 'commission which took (lday, Jan. 9, at 6 o'clock: court 1, Del-
FOR SALE-Relnington Portable away the licenses of the respcvetClis.TtaC;cor2.PiD-
typewriter. Black, 432 Thompson. 1___________t__C__ivs._________________court___ 2,__ Phi__Del-
1128-J. 7-

vo rE

These Performances are for the General Public as weU l as for mornbers of
the University.
Friday and Saturday, Jfan. 12 and 13,
Fist Round of Mimes Dramatic'Tura en Open to 1ll
Students except Members of Mmes.':-





FOR SALE-Remington Portable
with a Spanish keyboard. Black,
432 Thompson. 1128-J. 74-2;
FOR SALE-Two second oalcony,
seats for Padcrewski concert. Call
2373-1t between 7 and S. 75
FOR SALU---Two Pad erewski Concert
seats. First balcony. Phone 854-1
M i.75
FOR SALE-Two tickets for Pader-I
ewski concert. Phone 1519. 75


2. H. Fyfe & Co., Detroit

Crepe Rubber
Sole Oxfords

FOR SALE-Buescher C-Melody
phone. Carson 1643-3.
FOR SALE-Gibson mandolin.
3015 after 7 p. in.

S axo-
74- 1

ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that
Rider's 200 drop capacity Master-
pen is th~e most popular pen kon the
campus? There is a reason.' Call


LOST-On campus or E. Uhiiveraity, a
purse containing about "$20. Phone
30965-M. ' Reward, 75
LOST-Gold watch with grey ribbon
wrist band. PhoAe 831-J.' Reward.
1,0ST. -Lower part -'of gold fountain'
Jaen, marked M.N.W., '22. Call ;452.
LOST--Barrel 'of Rider; Fountain Pen,
Call 'Zinu '3070-J.'. 74-2
LOST-My pen troubles, at Rider's of
FOUND-Cooking like 'mother's. Try
'644 E. University.. 74-3
FOUJND-At Rider's Pe Shop. A real
fountain pen for exams. 21
LOCKSMITH-All kinds of trunk and
door keys. Keeler, 1138 W. Huroni.
Phone 2498. 71-6

at ideL Yen~r w o ~up. Z
through school.' Five lessons given
free. with each purchase. Call Phil-
lips 2850-M. Exclusive Un~vergif' -
agent for all Conn instruments. ' 4- I
Have your manuscripts typewritten
iy experienced typists. Biddles'
Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade.
E}. Normanton Bilbie, teacher of Vio-
lin, Piano, Theory. Collection o;
old violins selected in Europe. All
prices.: 307 N. Main, 611-M.' 74-6 1
FOR H-IRE--Enclosed car, with or I
without drivcr. Phone 1758-R.
' ~71-21I
ICE SKATING-Sunday, 2 to 5, and '
to 10 o'clock. 'Coliseumn. 75-21

For Golf and Campus Wear
THEIR thick crepe rubber soles are as buoyant
as cushions, yet:"as long wearing as leather.
This is the latest sensation in eastern footwear.
We think it, is the most or iginal and p~ractical shoe of
its type introduced in seasons.
Taun Nori ,egiail calfskin splendidly constructed,
SpcilVipay and
Sales Room
at the Tailor 'Shop of
608 East Liberty
Mr. H. C. Mack in Charge

Friday and Saturday;, Jan. 19 and 20'
"TE13 th CHAIR".
A ,Mystcry Drama full of. thrills and comedy. A play that has stood. the test
for four years The best drama of its kind ever 'writteni.
As Always in. "Mimes" Productions .All C haracters 'arc Played by Metz
Students '
MAIL ORDERS. NOW - Send check and sel-'A'-ddre"sed
stamped envelpe ---All eats Reserved.
PRICE $-1.00 I


Friday and Saturday, Jan.. 2 6, and 2 7





Same Excellent Acting Company -- - and'Massive Produc-
tion. --- Mail orders now. Price $1.50

BOARDFor men students,
-Geddes Ave. 3 meals $7.


i I IV T TT7T'Th 7

In Preparatidn
Based upon the Novel





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