S U NDAY, JANUARY 7, 1923 ITHl"E MICHIGAN DAILY K WiXorn e --- -C.A. wi~ll met Motafternoon ,: Unique Costumes Anticip4at ' o.'clck. In Newb erry hall. PATO wSEEAI(AT 3MEETING OF ASSOCIATION WVO NTEN - ~I Pins for the Uiniversity Girls' Glee club have arrived. and may be ob- t~ined by those who ordered them at Arnold's jewelry store on Main street: The additional $2.50 is to be 'Paid. t here. VHouse presidents -are requested to faring. the slips for, signing' out for the mnonth *0! .,December to the office of Dean Jean Hamilton. All houses who have not turned in the slips for No- vember are asked to do, so.lnmmediate- ly~. A tea and business mneetinig of Mums m~ers will' be held at 4:15 oclock to- morrow at the Alpha Omicron PI house, 1052 Baldwin avenue. Delegates from all houses interest- ed in interhouise basketball are re- quested to meet at 5 Cuclock to- morrow in, Barbhour gymnasium to vote upon: an interhouse basketball league.{ "'Mtembers, of the cabinet of the Y. W. Junior women who arc interested in.. I.1 ldUsgU 17 'J'ty L/Jrr ;7U ly ran jean Hamilton will speak writing lyrics for the Juniorz Girl::' informally at a meeting of the Amer-- play are asked to communicate witl, - _ Ix zz association of Uni4versity women Dorothy, Jeffrey, '24, phone 398. Those; Unique and amusing costumes are, charged for each girl in costume iu h wlr;ill be hell at 3 o'clock Saut- jwho are already writing lyrics are re-, being plannedl for the fancy dress par - twenty five q its for those not in tes-; urday afternoon, Jan. 13, at the Un- quiested to turn them in by Jan. 13. tywicisbngiv yth Wo tumne and fifty cents for guests. Dance ; -ion. The members of groups of thi mens J nag will compl)ete the evening. association will be the hostesses. LeaueSatr'y eenngDorothy LEihop, '24, general chair-i "Y" IL'L, DISCUJS S 20. This is, one of the biggest affairsf man, is as istedl by Lucille Witney, Secretary Announces Engagement O- EVMNS PROBLEMS given by the League during the year.I '2'i, in charge of stunts, Margaret A nifra e edyseda --Various dormitories, sororities and 3Stair, ' 24, refreshments, and Margar-, - anoa teahldheshoeferayo irt o a eris f dscusios o tearty insesarebodynin tnbatteof et Simmons, '23, music. A group of L. Burton, anuoujiceuxent was made the artyin bod, mmber ofwives of members of the faculty will- industrial problems will take place 1-groups dressing alike. A prize is b~e- act as Judges in awarding the prizes, oof h ngagemenolt o CalsJA- Tuesday afternoon;, Jan. ,9, at 3 0'- p ing offered for the most cleverly cos- -bcrt Sink, secretary of the School of clcki Nwery al.Tes I- tzuned group. There are other prizes FRESHMEN WOMEN TO JOIN Mu.zsic. Miss. Gordon is the secretary -csin re~en ed ymmesoffered which will induce every wo- SNFIIO 1 .A..A. THIS WE '- to Mrs. Burton. Mr. Sink was for- oth . ...omiteon coop-I man to use her imagination and skill } - - nerly state senator. t ~ ~ ~~ p th ....cmiteizn arranging a unique costume. The oainwith, industrial girls, as a red girl who is. dressed the peteti Freshmen wvomzen who have earned- fsuit of a spec ial .Joint meeting held a~ to be awarded,, as well- as the girl 100 honor points in athletics vnih have ! Senir Announees Engagoeuet month ago in Detroit. Plans for fu- who is dressed the- ugliest, an opportunity to pay the 75 ccxxi t Announcement was made last night tarp meetirgs were made, at that timeo Stunts during the evening by spe-- dues of the senior organization of thol - a thco Pi Beta Phi house of' the ell" by mem-ber:, of industrial groups of)* vial groups will. add. mauch to the. nier- Women's Athletic association at 8 o'", 'agemc nt of Lucy Huber, '23, of Ann i Detroit and a group from the Univer- rimeut and fun. Members of Wyvern clock Tuesday and Thursday evening,;- Arbor to Dr. William DeWitt Andirus. i y will appear' in one stunt, Mortarboard Jan. 9 and 11 in B~arbour gymnasiumi. Dr. Andrus is' a gaduate 012 Oberlin Group meetings. where, the discus- 'and. Senior Society will give a. joint Those freshmen who are alreadyl college and Johns Hopkins university. slon of problems-such as "A Livin,, stunt. and the social committees ofI members of the junior organizationIl e is a member of Nu Sigma Nu fra- W