THE MICHIGAN DAILY St SATURDAY, JANU. ---------- FA ( l A &MOt t .. - 000,010IMN ( w r _ -rs .11§M OW, .+w" . i r ' te v MEN HQOD LIGHT PRACTICE .. ..._ ............ ........ EARLY SEASON TRAkINING Faf~rel IPostpoiue'sHeavy W01"X 'hue Getting Ii ; Mel)Bate Into Conidition aFEL\TS APPEAR TO E STRONGEST DEPARTM~EN.T ;b Farrel is now fared with thie Ibuilding his amon tip to a point they will be in condition toj more strenuous workf running. tiOwe. Light practice hase been iedule for the week and it will bt be seome time before the naien, rin good enuogh condition to e against each other in earn- During this light, preliminary e it' is impossible to obtain aj the respective merits of the Judged from the past work1 ofJ iad it appears that this. year's ill be exceptionally good if the emain up to the quality they E woved tblfemselvee to be. - The'i irdles is the only event that to be i~n weak shape at this Spinte~rs Work Out Al F~arrel for the first- time thin, Lgave his sprinters gun prat- H1e sent Captain ]Burke, Martin, ,rd, and Wittmlan through three of 35 yards. Although the men ,) as Yet in shape they show- etty good form- in these trials. an took the first one and Hub- the other two. In this event Farrel has unusually flie mate- nd should 'be able to develope s out -of the lot- he, distances Steve continued his of ight work and ran his mnen ;h short distance; at slow pacea.f sent he is trying to train these o timie their paces over'givenl ces. Ip this they are doing well ering the short amount of prac- iey have h 4. Isbell and D~avie, e bet so far in the long runs. gre a fair that are evenly 'match- 1furnish each 'other an abund- af competition. Other men in ent. are working hard and it is ed that strong runners will bel ped in this department. Vaaltes Look G004 )ker, and Preser loot; to be mienj isuab ~calibre in the, pole vault. were able to clear 11 feet res.- without much diffiulty gnd goo-d for at least six inches oot highe~r at thstme. "Kelly sen working hard and at times streaks of real vaulting. I Orden in the shot looks to be onaIlly..strong. He has thrown-z eet this ;year and Iritit practice 1 y be able to equal his record f45 feet that he made last year. is also working in this event s a fine build for a shot putter." -er, he is green in this part ofI ort and needs 'considerable', 'e before he will b© able' to o A. 'Hunter iy also doing wall l ,ent. Lven is doing well, at this time as able to clear the bar at five thi inches yesterday. U'e is a'n's best bet in the high jutlp. ay be depended upon' to garnepr' in this event. ch and Hubbard Worked for#' HOCKEY PRACTICE ocktey practivec this aftor* ,n at S o'clock at Wlneberg'c SCUnM. 'I GE~ORGE JITTILH, }j short time ini the broad jump trying, to obtain the +correct form, but not as yet jumping for distance. By1~ Feb. 17 Coach Farrel llwill. no doubt have lis men in. fair, shape. 'It is'. doubtful that. Chicago; will put a strong team against the Wolverines although they have sx~"mena bacik thsyea.. WILL START CONFE WI T RE NE ENTIRIES FOR LEAG'E '8,01VBEING 11,XCEIVEX) All INTILA:,MT7AL WFFICE Entriep are now be ng received for- tl econd annual Western. Confvr- ence bo-wling 'tourmq int which will jopen Jan. 10, in which all' ot the fra- 'tern itie~s at Michligan, Minnesota, 1l- linois, and Ohio State will participate, andi pos~sibly 'Wisconsin and Iowa. INr- die, Noarthwestern, Chioago, and In-- diana do not at the present time have the, machinery -with which to 'conduct such a tourntament, but it is expected that they will fall in line within the nest few years when their intramural departments will be better organized uinder 'whose auspices these affairs are directed. 0. 5S. L .is S pon.'or The intramural 'department at Ohio State, which is considered to be one of the best equipped in the country, is the father of this annul'event and 4as giving a hanidsome loving cup to. the SFraternities at Michigan will send their application: to the local Intra-. mural office the 'dead lie of which has, been set for JTan. 10. Last' year a4 number of the fraternities on the cam- pies partioprated and turned in. some creditable scores, although they fail-: ed to land' the trophy. It is expect- ed by the 'officeials at Ohio State that this year's tournament will surpass lase ;bar's 'results in every rlgpeet, for it' is better organized. 1 WVolycrioes Roll at Ornlon ~After the entries have been sent into the intramural, department at Ohio 4 tt the' schedules will be drawn up and forwarded to each school ykhlch= entered teams. The first '"teams will' roll on the night of J an. 15, at 'Mich- igan. on the Union alleys. Uinder no circumnsta4nces will the teamsa enter- ed be' allowed to toll after the speci- jfied time 'set' for then to roll by the SOhio Stateo officials., Representatives of the Intramural department. at Michigan .and: the men 1in charge' of the Union 'alleyS will- falternate in keeping the scares of each team. as they roll. Six teamas .will roll three &ets apiece' on the,' 6pening -night and the roli will continue until all. of the teams have turned in their score; or have forfeited their chance byv reason of ab- clock, fre~sh engineers., Voce; 3 5..36,.~ Io'clock, senior lits, ?Mudd; - Thursday 1 1: -6 oclock, senior engiers, Gold- Iinitlh; f,-x:30 o'clockz, Medics, Lb Fever; Pridny, 51~'0-6 o'clock, 8oph' tits Hurwich;: 6-6:30 o'clock, lawes, Storz. There will 1)e ho 7skatig* charge for the practice, sessions or for 'the oliin- inatilitgames. All, class lhocktey team :,managerm should get" in touch with' the' Intra- mural department somtetime today. 'Any. student on' the campus. that wishes to, organize and 'manage an independent. hockeyx team should leave his nave' with the Intramur ak department. Inlramural Item. Watch this column tomorrow for the. announcemenat of: the schedulo. games i'athe fraternity and ,class base, ketball league.. -ALso .the' 4izFis Prisn Camps Satisfacto ry twhnoigotfrpatc.' play starts' This was brought out liheld heilre March 3, from evening to! Athn, Jan5-Miss Florence Bil- "The schedule is as follows:, Monda-, s at the recent meeting of the 'Fot Bal, k afternon. It is expected that larg- Coach Archie Hahn of the fresh- v:3-6o'coc, re~lzill;:Chrry 6 C'; h~' Assciaio Rexe te ick 'codwl 'teda h eut f altaksud is ste nt igs, laiedMs~Wre yAgr ! 30' o'clock, junier engineers,, Pig- jers of'.the '-sport fromiy all 'parts obj the change, while thle' events will notl call for candidates for the yearlingt to inspect Trkrisi prisoners' camps got; .TuesdlayS, ';0- o'clock, T atio. the country had 'an' pportu nty tqbe hurried and conditions will be1 team. The first ear: men on th Iin Greece, is on the way to report that Sits, Younig; ;G66:(l' 'clock , soph. en- iscuss ,jut such poiths. more~ suitable'to competing athletes. cmpus have not been turning out aa ,she "fond conditions generally 'satis- gineers, MVoody; Wednesclay, 5:30- o The. "conveto" system cosists- In I Coach Harry Gill, who founded the well RSs was expected and Hahn is an- factory. CUSTOM TAILOR Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf Suits SATISFACTION Nickels Arcade PI jl ,Ijjj, I jj'' 'I, lil'', lip lj E. I i I II iiii : " , " I A I 171C C MARX REG. U. $. PAT. ovf. raE ORIGINAL wrap Wh en you change from -the old nrrowgartesto the comfortable wride ones, b sure to otart right Glet the originial'E. Z~ 'which fl!- tations cannot equal. $soo $1 . ert hoe -e, ii ingte.Uri'P £andtke E. 2, t,'lxti, n rtts . Z. S +ort (krtcr. AMad, so*el byh t . . .Tayior C., BMge0.rt. Coss, t: lT5Ra1f3as17 t G l. : E.:. L C G w3 : 3Lr amft-M "Featured by all- leading. Student =Supply Stores" I / ...:... i sK~r"'4 BREECHES I i 1 1 1 41 4 Shoes, Hose, Knit Coats and Sweaters i : ,i "i !: ti!: f I Wor ladies and men.. f I Shepkins,J Overcoats, Here~~ a lot of ~valealto tl TheSae f heSelo nere Gelt o al-airorTot owl CAMPUSBO--oriteRYoey LOR 304 S SATEseerypi ALLMAD & FRSYTH a quality 122oe . LIBeerY are 1 I '. I f ( , l f ' !_ f . ' a t I: [ [ fEf E 4 f t . 1" 1 f° [ r.,. t t i' t % AtY DINNER' Corduroys, Leather Coats and Jackeds, Fir Collar Coat, "tom Wyc" and "Bradley" '$weafemr:" Wo1l'Army and.BlanketShirts, Underwvear, :docks, Puttec.Sh's Moccasin Packs, etc. MENU SOUP Wlits' Best frs 'Celery O}Ilvrs We have largest assortmfent of finest W ool ns Rib Roast Beef, aticjus tweced Chicken with 'Biait Early June Peas 'Mashed Potatoesj Fruit Salad Rolls DESSERTI Home-madeI apple or Cherry Pie , Vanilla Ie Cream. Tea Coffee Milk to0 P. M. PMie $IA04) Blankets, Auto. Robes- )' 1' and Steamner Rugs. CW e nd she thtem: 14 "Wed' Tire Chain s,. all sizes a oest Prices Surplus Supplies Store, 213 N. 4th Ave i