t FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUJRDAY, JANUARY G, 1923 newspaper syndicates during the past season and the result was teams that met with great popular favor.{ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Michigan has no cause for complaint /m 2 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN in the matter of men selected when Published every morning except Monday the entire situation is taken into con-O duiing the University year by the Board in sideration. No other team in theNE YA Control of Studert Publications. country placed three men on Mr.: e We were forced to speak of it once Member of Western Conference Editorial Camp's teams. It is generallyecon- Association. ceded that Bernie Kirk degerved a last summer and now the same qlues- }r place on the first eleven; he was tion has come up again. It would, titled to the use for republication of all chosen by nine out of ten of the crit- seem that people would learn aftert news dispatches credited to it or not other- ics of the country. Wolverines will a while. wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. R- always disagree with the dean of foot- But some folks ain't got no sense. ball critics on this particular choice; lnered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, but the fact remains that as long as It makes us blush, but, in the ab- Michigan, as second class matter.buthfatrmista eceo an ni-ce oityhret Subscription by carrier or mail, $330. one man's selection is accorded. gen- sence of an anti-vice society, here1 Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eral acceptance the same condition goes. nard Street. tea cetnetesm odto os Phones: Editoriabl, 24X4 and 176-M; Busi- will be constantly recurring. A certain store not a hundred milest ness. g6o-. from State street is displaying a sign< Communications not to exceed soo words ROOMS IN FEBRUARY if signed, the signature not necessarily to -i readg-Oh spare our raiden blush- appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and nc tices of events will be published in '!he Daily -at the discretion of the Editor, if lit at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily dve% not ri( essarily ersdorse the sentiments expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-Hll MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL News Editor.................Paul Watzel City' Elditor................ James B. Young Assistant City Editor.......... Iarion her: lEdito(rial Board Chairman......1. R. Meiss N1g2ht FEdiors- i alph. tDyers Harry Iloey J. P. 1D awson, Jr. j. _. Mack 1,. J. ellrshdorfer R. C. Moriarty -1. A. Donahue Sports Editor.................F. HI. McPike 5:unday M1agazine Editor... Delbert Clark l"~na's Editor.. ............Marion Koch HIumor Editor...............Donald Coney ['onference Editor...........11 3. Grundy 1'ictorial Vditur................Robert Parr Music Editor....................E. H. Ailes Assistants Thelma Andrews John Garlinghouse j. A. Bacon Walter S. Goodspeed Stanley M. Baxter Portia Goulder D)orothy Bennetts Ronald Ilalgrim Maurice lerman Franklin D .Hepburn Sidne y Bielield WinonaA. Iibbard R. A. 1 ilington Edward J. Higgins helen rowii Lowell Kerr, WV. 1.lutler l'Jizabethl iebermann D., C. Clark1 John McGinnis Eugn. Carmichael, Samuel Moore A. B,. Connable Al'. f.ryor Bernadette Cote W. 1. at erty Evelynl 1. Coulglhiim Robert G. Ramsay allace .I-lliott Campbell Robertson Joseplh FEpstein J. W. Ruwitchn Maxweltl Fad Soll J. Schnitz T. E. Fiske W. Il Stoneman A. 1P Webbink Frederic G. Telmos IiLSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT 3. -PARKER Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr. vertlsing. ..... .......Edward F. Coiin" Advcertising................ Walter K. Scherer Co)pyrighting..............David J3. l ark Accounts..............Lawrence I. Favrot Chrc.ation..............Towfsend 14. Wolfe Publication....... .,....L. Beaumont Parks Assistants A case where the early bird missed the worm may be found in experience of those students who engaged rooms before school started this fall, and agreed to pay the very high rents then asked. A little 'later an oversupply of rooms became apparent, and imme- diately prices tumbled to a scale low- er than Ann Arbor has seen in many years. Nevertheless, those who had already engaged robWNw'yere bound either by written br oral agreement, and were forced to pay the exorbi- tantly high prices called for. Those who based their agreements on the one-semester lease plan pro- vided by the University, will be free in February to seek less expensive rooms or to make new agreements of a more reasonable nature. This in- cludes a great many students, and the result will be in general a readjust- ment of room rents. There are, how- ever, not a few who signed agree-I ments binding them for a full year's time. ThEse men will have to bide by their contracts unless exceptional circumstances make it possible for them to change. es! - reading "Clothing One-Fourtn Off." * * * This Is Not a Parody of Chimes I Say Roll, . Apropos of the new awakening of' poetic interest on our fair, free and brave campus (three times sic), here' is my own latest outburst entitlead simply: Worse Lieber I have!...... An urge...-. To splurge.. Into rime that jingles, dingles, dan- gles, jangles.. Like glittering mud at the bottom of a slimy, slittery, slickety lake**.. A dirge..... Little pickaninnies dancing barefooted on the shores of the Caribbean Sea...... Moonlight, sunlight, dawn, twilight... Blaa....Blaa... .Mo-o-o-o-o-o...... Szxwquopstz! *No freeverse possible without that EDITORIAL COMMENT (AMP'S ALL-AMERICAN (Daily Illini) Walter Camp has picked his All- American, and as usual it is a team of surprises. This year's selections will cause even more than usual pro- test because several men of wonderful ability were placed on the second and third teams or, in some cases, not even mentioned. Although picking an All-American team is a thankless task for any one critic, when such a selection is at- tempted it should be made only after taking into consideration every phase of the game. The only possible way a man can learn of the ability of his men is through hearsay. He sees one man play a wonderful game but per- haps that same player looks poor in the rest of his games during the sea- son; he may see some of the teams in action but there are hundreds of good Men he never sees. How is he tol choose from them except through thej newspapers? This year the west clearly demon- stra.el that it produces as good foot- ball teams as the east. Yet Mr. Camp has chosen seven men from the east, one from California and three from the Western Conference. This shows{ only too clearly that he favored the players he saw in action, that he pick- ed an All-American team after hav- ing seen only three western teams, Michigan, Iowa and Chicago in ac- tion. John Tlomas of Chicago played a wonderful game against Princeton. Camp saw him and placed him on h~s team. Yet western critics who saw all of the teams in action generally shunted Thomas to the second or third team. This was because Thomas was Fifty - thousand - dollar robberies don't even get banners in the metro- politan newspapers any more. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. - - .. 3 1111i, CSAM TANDkTIs STEAM FITTING LAST EDITION OF SGTB0EK BOTH STORES 0 DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson T #AE TAB _E (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.ni., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a.rn. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p.m. Local Cars East Bound-7 :00 a.m. and every two hours to 9 :oo p. in., x z :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-11 :40 p.m., ix:15 a.mi. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bcund-7:50 a.m 12:1 p.m. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim- ied cars 8:47, 10:47 aimn., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. in mini ""u rd I- 'S 'Ni VON ON 119 An 1,1 pin 2 15 E. HURON PHONE 214-F1 Yn , i Obviously, a regrettable mistake was made by those who did not de- mand the one-semester lease when en-f gaging rooms. This plan is fairest not only to the student but also to the landlord. It conforms with-the divi- sions in the Universiy year, and gives either side an opportunity to rectify complaints, should they arise, or to be# released from obligation to the other1 without proceeding through an entire year of dissatisfaction. When the time comes in February,I those who have one-semester leases at+ prices above the level now set in Ann Arbor are free to make agreements at the prevailing rates. And in the fntnr s+.] udef(1nt whon enzazinz Word. a great player in one game, the game **Perfectimagery; see Chrin~es. 'that Camp saw. **P rfet i age y; ee h 1nTes. Hardly a sport writer in America H l w i failed to pick Bernie Kirk for an ena position ,except Mr. Camp. Mueller of Dear Cal: Seems like as we should California was chosen though Camp begin to worry about De Joisy Boid. ' has never seen him play. This was be- I-He ain't showed up for a heluva long cause cno man had to be chosen from time and I'm beginning to be afeared the far west and Mueller stood out. that he fell among thieves. He might McMillen or Illinois was recognized a been a dangerous character in as the greatest guard in the west anas Joisy but he didn't know Ann Arbor. Weller of Nebraska stood head anac He was a diamond in the ruff and shoulders over the tackles. Yet Mac maybe somebody stole him. Or may- made the third team and Weller was' be the Annarbor Policeforce got him. not mentioned. Mr. Camp did not see Let's start a fund to find him. You I Illinois or Nebraska in action. Gordon can have the stamp off this letter to Locke was too good to be kept off of start it with, and there will be more of any team so Camp placed him at quar- them later. FULL MOO?:. ter, leaving Smythe, a wonderful mars, .i - - « ,. 1 923 TD 11 .1{bYE1923 1 2 i 4 5 46 7 8 9 10 1t' 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 X 29 30 31 We do all kinds of Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS -- - WORK. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedmle in Effect October x8. :x922 Central Time (Slow Time) D X X D P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. :45 7 .. . Adrian -... 52:45 8:45 4:15 8:15 ..'''Tecumseh .'.. 1:m. 8:15 4:0 8:30 . Clinton ... i2:o :oo 5:3 9:45 ArAnn ArborLv. o:45 0:45 (Courta Jlowe Square) A. M.y D--Daily. X-Dlaly except Srnidays and Ilolidays. Friday and Saturday special bis for students -leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves Ann Arbor 4:45. JAMES I. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Phone o.6-M Atdrian, Mich. P re- op Prpaaton Anticipate your needs in Draperies now, to have those rooms looking their best for future Festivities. We have various materials to match our Wall Papers. - Plain Fabrics for Living Rooms, etc. All can be made to your individual ideas. - Some Window Shades need renewing. New Curtain Rods, etc. Service is our Motto PAINTING AND DECORATING TWO STORES.' ANT t ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI- 1 . .,.w -71177 7 77" 'A 0 )Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton 'm o i taos7 *ohe am. i aI YGcorge Rockwood James A. Dryer rooms should insist upon using the EEN T s AIAM Igive Thomas a place on account of h.s Eugerryne .Dne Clyde I. Hagerman University lease covering one semes-Nplayingaagainst Princeton Wn. Graulich, Jr sloward Hayden ter. ern criticsdeny that Locke was a bet- U Jolin C.I'askirt Henry reud ______________ ___ C.L. Putnam 'filert P.Botck I" e an than Thomas. B.D. Armantrout D. L. Pierce ITESTIN LTPER o v / ^ 'erbertW Cooper layton Purdy ~TERNATIONAL U When we get rid of the old one- Wallace Flower J. B. Sanzenbacher SITY 4. ' man system of picking all-teams and "Wilhiam I. Reid. jr. Cli ord Mitts Edward B. Riedle Ralph Lewright To employ nowadays that once- accept the verdict of the majority %r h-hiarold L.~IHale Ph1ilip N"wall Wn. D. Roesser e - ubiqitous phrase . "international co- Oh Cal, you don't know who I am. sports writers of the country we will operation" is but to invite cynical rid- I've just come, and I think Michigan get somewhere, and not before. They F urnis icule; yet sooner or later Civiliza- is just too gorgeous for anything. see the players all season, they know tion, if it is to endure, must come You know, one of your contribs has what they can do and they are in- . around to it. The more quickly we been feeling awfully, terribly lone-, dined to play no favorites. The idea SATURDAY, JANUAR 6, 1923 heed, instead of criticising, proposals some, and so the Great Spirit rocked has been tried by a few syndicate Night Editor-L. J. HERSHDORFER looking to this end, the better for him to sleep and took out one of his concerns this year and worked well. _________-- world - reconstruction. - Accordingly, ribs, and what do you suppose he did? With a better organized system it $I TIE ALL-AMERICAN ARGUMENT we should not lightly pass over as vi- He made me! And so I'm to be a should replace the present systemA Michigan football followers were sionary and impracticable the recent companion to-I won't tell who -it's- Football has branched out too far to proposal of the ,New York Times for one of your contribs. allow Mr. Camp to select his teams thrilled during the past recess by the a super-university, a sort of interna- Honest, Cal, he's awful nice, and he unaided. announcement that Walter Camp had tional clearing-house for. all the new says I can write to you every day. chosen three members of the 1922 Var- ideas which the world evolves each You're nice too. I know lots of nice ANOTHER HISTAKE CORRECTED sity eleven for places on his an- year. things about you but I won't tell, (Detroit Free Press) nual All-American gridiron selections, That such an institution is possible 'cause I'm afraid you will publish my Among all of the strange, instruc-60E Harry Kipke, captain-elect of the is proved by the success of what has letters. But if you see me, say hello- tive and interesting bits of informa- E 1923 team, as halfback on the first se- been called a "national super-univer- you'll know me 'cause I'm tion that came out of the meeting o lection; the late Bernard Kirk as end sity"; namely, the recent meeting in . EVE. the American Association for the Ad- E f+* .L on the second gelection, and Irwin C. Cambridge of the American Assocla- P. S. He says he isn't so ticklish as vancement of Science it is probable a Is oNUI lUteritz as quarterback on the third tion for the Advancement of Science. he used to be - he's got one less rib, that nothing attracted more attention I' h t' ll fil ill 1 i1117161681 11 iil liillflllllill lililliI1 119 11E1l l i I l~l lll11 11 i111iilI111111611I team. As has always been the case At this meeting representatives of I'm that. than Professor's Strattons discovery when one man, no matter how high his nearly every department of knowledge * that red does not anger a bull. A red standing in his chosen field, attempts were present and offered valuable DEAR CAL: On my way down from flag he says has no greater tendency to advance his opinion in the face o contributions to Science and Art. God's country (nobody else wants it) to get on the nerves of bos taurus than 0 opposition from the rest of his fel-I Somewhat of an approach was thus I met an old friend -on the Pullman. a yellow flag or one that bears the lows, Mr.' Camp's choices have met made to the ideal of the super-uni- fie was more or less (mostly more) green of his beloved pastures. Blue, with general and widespread criti- versity, with a faculty composed of all under the well known influence of said to be dear in the eyes of the busy cism. the researchers, inventors, and think- spirited liquids and just at the point bee, blue the symbol of innocence, the We have no quarrel with Mr. Camp's ers in the world, and a student body of doing something decidedly dras color of calm skies and the eyes of judgment; the difficulties, almost the composed of every man, no matter tic. I cautiously advised him to Love, will make a bull lower his head physical impossibility of choosing a what his race, creed ,or financial stat- heave his lunch in the proper place. and snort just as quickly as the fa-- team that would meet with unanimous j us, who Is interested in the progress He looked at me with a sardonic and orite hue of a revolutionary commun- favor are too well realized. It is the of learning. snster grin and hissed, "Heave m' ist. ill N system of choosing these teams, ade- To extend the scope of such a uni- lunch. What'n hell do you think I Perhaps the communists will take P quate and perhaps efficient twenty versity to cover the entire civilized bought it for?" this as proof that a bull knows more = FaThisoIslA years ago when the game was playe world is naturally somewhat difficult; GORILLA. than an average capitalist, but Pro- This Is A on a much smaller scale than at pres- we cannot, nevertheless, call it imI * * * fessor Stratton's remarks on the sub- - ent, that needs a general revision and possible. And assuredly, the greatest WE found the Chimes Salesmen more jest seem to indicate that a bull rea- new foundation'. Mr. Camp's system effort should be made to realize the than usually annoying today. ly does not know one color from an- is \ simple one on the face of things. plan, inasmuch as the world is sadly Having vaulted from our couch at other. He does not respond to colors?- a T Ile sees as many of the big teams in in need of some means for the disin- 7:50 for our eight o'clock, and and if he takes after a lady with a red T osr S ay led N h ts i action as is possible from the first terested pursuit and unbiased presen- Arroven on the Campus at 8:06, may parasol and forces her into an undig- week of October until the last week tation of truth. In the social and po I be roasted nified scramble over the fence it is=and of November. He sees at the most a litical sciences, particularly, is there In a peanut wagon not because of the red but because dozen games during this time; prob- a perilous lack of definite knowledge. If this benighted son of Belial didn't the parasol was a strange sight in his'-CarrynM eBakeTo M yCawolinl ably seven or eight of these in the Guesses, half-truths, and prejudices' BUTTON*HOLE me, eyes which would have been equally east, two or three in the middle west, abound, to breed distrust and *trite. Yes, Buttonhole me, by Janis, and provocative if it had been of some and the rest in the south. In addition Most of our ills are due to ignor- exhibit his miserable and other color.__ to his Personal observation he has an ance - a statement we repeat until Thrice cursed wares. So science shatters another illusion elaborate scouting system among the it is hackneyed, yet on which we fail "Can you change a ten?" We tried to bat it is safe to say that nobody will EYou Gave Me Your Heart coaches of the country who make re- to act. But now, faced with the ruin bluff him. 1abandon the comparison "like a reeGe= ports to him on the outstanding i lay- of society unless we do away with "Sure," was his fawningly eager flag to a bull" merely because a pro-I ers in their various localities. It is suspicion and ignorance, we must be- .comeback, along of business of fessor from California finds it to be the result of the combination of these gin to strive after truth and co-opera- fishing. meaningless. two methods that is given to the tion. Where better than by an inter- "Oh, I forgot, I'm a subscriber," was_______ country each year as THE ALL- national agency such as tfhe super-, - our unconvincing counter. A prince of Portugal is now sell- 4 al lring Shings aiog Dressers Iarqu rdt I Liberty - se new Good One .i )ixieland IMI. A