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January 06, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-06

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6. 1923



'uxaoiu ~n
-~ -

Chaperones for the dances.
a re as follows: nion-44rs..
Derger; Armry--MDs. Philip:

Ii. G

Pins for the University Uirls' Gee
club have arrived and. may' be~ ob-
tained by those who ordered them at
Arnold's jewelry store on Main street.
The additional. $2.50 is to be paid
House presidents are requested to
bring the slips ,for signing out for the
month of December to the office of
,Dean Jean Hamilton. All houses wvho
have not turned in the :lijys for N ho-I
vember 'are asked to 'do so immnediate--
A tea and business meeting of Mum--
mners will bre held at 4:15 oclock~ Mori-
day at the Alpha Omicron Pi house,
1052 Baldwin avrenu'e.
Delegates froin all houses Inter est-I
ed in interhouse basketball are re-
quested to meet at 5 o'clock' Monday,
Jan. 8;: in 'Barbour gyximnasiunt to'
vote uipon an interhouse basketiall

[PTII1 lT lI!Y Kat "Lves'Em IJA IOdSEECT
I~fhII~jL ~ftLIIIIIAt Leaguec Party ; GILT LF ) O
INS1AItSTIMHuNG'n KaElSmthMiss Elizabeth ''.C,"(1d; l-;'ofiins -i
Kat Smthand Michael Brinker, ap-
r j y peare~ oncemore in their succe s-' dale. Ill., is the' persen whoin John
Installation and initiation of Alphaj ful song',"Love.'m ndLeve'e Lawton, general chairman of tlio j'"
Delta Zeta, a local sorority, into Delta.! at the Women's League" party held' Hop, has asked to assist him in l1d
1Zeta, national womnen',. fraternity, will ye ra atrontnBrou y-In~g the grand march on Feb. :}. I.in -
take place this morning at ti~he chapternsi. This tie;oevr h dale is Lawton's home town.
house at 1028 Church street. The:hndoe'tmnwa! ir.Mche' Miss Childs I,,- a graduate of W.ell-
t ichgan chapter will bo' known a part, was sung by Dorothy Cam pbe'll, j Icy and is now attending the Chicago!
Alpha Ete o:: Delta 'Zeta. ' ''4,:and Elizabeth Pike, '24, took the Normal School of Physical Educata.'
fFollowing the installation a buffer. part of Kate.Shisam beoftePiDla '
lunheo wll e ervd t' hecha-. The other. stunt in the afternoon'j sorority.
IC o~ e byHelen Blackaller S. of M. Generaj i PROF. BARTLEYTT f: IL.'' ea 6Ucok wilgvRhe m m esofNo i i ze
c-coc il gr te emesoftedancing was featured between the 1OM 1USE. OF1:
Panhell'enic assocititon an opportunity stunts' andi the refreshmientis were"
tc eetthe~tad oficrs f Dltasbrved at tables placed around the1 Prof. Barbara 1-. Bartlett, of thae p<b
Zfmewh orl be Inrstalaioatihtcr- Igymnasium. , A large number of wo- lic health nursing departmtent, retarr-;
meis rtl ntlainb n attended the party. ed. yesterday from Battle Creek wrhere!
i gt~ illf be held this evening at the____- she has been attending the ninth a a-!
U~nionna ovninofteSaeLau
The grand officers o:f the fraternity GIRLS'I GL E CLUBnulofvlti fticSaeLge
of Nursing Education which was'
[ who wily install the local chapter in-; SINGS AT CON,,ERT1 held at the Battle Creek sanitar-111ra,
clthz- K Miss Ren~nie Sebering-Smith ofI Jan. 3 and 4. Mies Alice 1Lilce, edat-
_Kuncie, Ind.; 'who is the national pres-
ident, Mrs. Juilia,.'Bishop Coleman oifI Members of the University Girl's Ictea ietro h ~icst
Lovelar d, Ohio, the grand vice-presi- Glee club will appear at a faculty! hospitl, was also present at the meet-
dent, and Miss G race Mason. also of Concert to be given Sunday afternoon,;tgangveaalonieccz? t-
M'uncie, Ind. Active and alumni mein- Feb. ,18, at Hill auditorium. The clubt Jeets.
N'At the close of the convention I
lei' 'of ~the' chapter' at 'Nor'thwester'n under the direction of Miss Noa Mautle McClaslhie, educaltional direct-
uiniversity will also attend.3 Crane Hunt, will appear on the pro-,ro are 'opiaDtriws
I grm I twogrops o sogs. rac elected president for the, year.
,4E-W STYLE t P1' PI1A1NS '0 ; fae is being carried on at the pros-_____
CIRE FO 1ioi NEEDS et 'time In preparation for the con, 4rlI sOcr ) ig'l~y
Gowns forevr'ocso wilb These concerts are given at least ADrchald'2 vano , pec. n d
shown &t' the 'openin~g of a new, gown ;once a month by the faculty, and are' g '24, ofrthearse ra, i>
strop on 'Tuesday, Jan. 9, 'which' :will open to the public. Mr. Albert Lock- ;z- schelTwer upe wrriedo vee.2 in t
he temporarily located'at 719 Fast Un- wood, acting director of the School of Ansing.whe uley will ~zpetlv e i
iversity avenue, uxnder 'the, manage- Music, is in charge of% the program, courses in training.
nwent of Mrs. E~vans Holbrook and Mrs. which will include several other feat Announcement hasct.zeen made of thec li
Fr'anK'Cornwell:' ures as well as the numbers by the !'arae fMs
Sport, afternoon, ,an d evening gowns glee club. 'This is the first time that' i rL ge f si~ Aldlith Johlnson ocf
and niegligees were selected for the I the University Girl's Glee club has; Ca etMc.,t ~ar tissl
Evasinstrucor i organ at:the n
'shop by Mrs. Holbrook while in NewI appeared on a concert of this kinid*' j Evanst cos fMuiw hto
'York. The proprietors hope that the'- - place Saturday, Dec. 30, at Calumnnt.
shop 'may prove of especial orveni- Va~lerz. lninn--D all Ieets Mr. Evans is a member of the Phi M u'
o'nce to the girl who attends the J-Hop, j London, Jan. 5- Dublin advices say Alpha fraternity.
who,-if she desires, miay have her dress the secret Republican convention real--
ordered from N vw Yrk. ly was a meeting of the second Dail, New Tuxedos for -rental huP~iOsC.
and shows peace parleys are proceed- Wild and Company.-Adv.
New Tuxedos for rental. purposes.,,inrg-because De Valera evidently was l n opn.-i .imn rt ret

farIs. Vera Ear"our ofOxford, 'Bug- credit , ours and honor point do not
Ilndl, will 1b- presiented neat aturday ge li.tesaeet sudo
Vi,imtat the : at-e ;11hlauditorium in ter adbb ie ie 1te e y l 1Learn iMore Raily}
trrare askiedj to remecmber :~ r
a ~iecofin'erpetve mpesoatinswork being taKen by te il -I e
u7 erti e ?u Fl)iCes of the residents e~i mester is taken into consideratl;ionin P li 5TE LESS$
A I.n:: hozase. 'thle colmphtation of the statist ics. LSEY1'S DANCE' STUDQS~
Theimprsoatinswhih wll e They are asked not to call at. the( of-
g iven were first offered -a year agc lece if their own ideas of'hi eod _____________
at the little theater in Ypsilanti by up to the beginnling of this semnesti;- Ry
!rs. arbour. The entertainment was1t tally with the records on thle cald.;
ao given in Novemiber. in Detroitj Out of the 1,030 cards sent out -approx-
unde the ausluices of the alumnae o; imately 40 seniors have called.,atIzn o a
C ollegiate Soro sis. -^1A in s i n w l e ff y c n s n
Admssin wll e ift cets ndRELJIABLE IER 1! ASTS
tickets are now on sale at Wahr'q 4 Find the classified section of The
,,nld Graham's book stores or may bcQ D1aily to be a business getter, for them.
t.rocured at Alumqnae house. Proceeds It will do as much for you. Phone
vill go to augment the UTniv rsity of 960 and an ad man will call -on you
Michiganl League fund. ophone. Carson 1643*J. 72-3

E ng&geiient Is Announced
Announcement has been made o:'
tho engagement of May V. Mitchell.
'z", of Ann Arbor to Russell G,
Larko, '19x, of Niagra Fails, N. Y
Larke is a member of Pi kappa Al-
pha and Tau Sigma Delta fraterni-

w B .lqi u in . Col g
stmt' and ill 1iam Sis.


Arcade- Thomnas Mveighan in
"Back Home; and Broke."

r -
1 11 a 1
w s nr NAhNesA 110[x¢ Y91 td

Majestic -,Ejllott Dexter
Clara Kimball Young ik"
ter Madame;" comedy


Wuerth -- "fiair. Laddy" by Ai x
Beach; and HaroldL Lloyd- in
"Never Weaken."

: . ,
i .

Are always m~e cheapest in the
That is why we, recommend
Shoes. for Men

{ It 9hymf... nne r I
. ! irecfc Jby Ke~,n h (4bb
ScsnariobyDoivtbqkwxrncm F
H fow a woman's scorn
turns to love that embraces
all, dares all, pardons all,
is told in this great screen
k eodaa

j) I

Orpheum -"West' of
', and comedy.




{ ,
...., d. ( 'S TC D : ,r

Stage-This Wek
Grik(Detroit)-Eddie 'r .tor
in "Make it Snappy."~
Shubert-Michiga) (Detroit)---'lie
Bonstelle; company in 'Petei

r., .
, ,
- '

,, : ,


J(entu ky

Eg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump
Pocahontas and Coke


They are leaders in the shoe world just as we
are leaders ini thisl community.
A pair of Nettletons this season will convince
you of their real worth.
Wahr's Shoe Store



r. n i 'at hx tA XT T-%1T-A I-.'T- W~nTfI'V

moIst ols , rlNE 8. Fyad 207CHICAGO"
are hoeQ ffice -- Cornwell Block.
,pIf you've lost an article of any ! ,'SI~ 01~
sort, some one,-has ,probnbly- R: _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
hIe knew to whom it belonged. at ,
Most people read The Daily nunuunnlI1iIlIllIIIlIluhItlIilhItlIIlnHIg;I
;Classified column, 'ard you *ill 10~~ -
find that it serves. very.effient-r
ly in finding any lost article. ' .N~h7AX P
"'In the rush of the football game GO J'170-, - A =
Y.yesterday a good many things ~ de ~ t
,i were lost. A lot of 'them :will' -'.
be found again through The 9. '
"Daily Classified Column. or 1the wq'idest andmo t appetiz-y
CALL 960 ho o~etos-A
or leave your ad at quarry's I ng choice of:e nf -1n.
Drug Store or Calkins-letch-
'or's (East and South Univeit a
; Branch. ___________ -
- a onor-
Movie 'in Wesley Hall toight. " The f3 \ iJ i i~N~~
Mistress of Shenstone." Everyonq 1
welcome.-Adv. ' 'i114last Huron Street -1 I
Try a Classified Ad-it pays -Ads. Il)91111N1####1llfIUIII ! ,,unu! IU Illlimn!Itnunli[v II#nnIoiill!I I##i111 Igil~ :
[a -
Mae Tiee Sas: '
.od Nx~n'tf ie hsoe tdd'
WanttO lugh9Her s yur rjuie exensie sts. t (ld-
chane! t t equre alot'of ostme+
sa aebsone ave"ge 1eta y ne s.i hpen,_
GoTdyo itenam o god ctie toikputhisouta ereyIcdit-
chnce~' ehv opc be!"n 't. rogura lpitur'o cs'a -s
B- I' ndr:h hi s'~ t a'3ANSblldi
one f te clvenst o~ed- Pter ; Knc wotethe tor, CENEDas he wrldwoulIwih i
W uerisworth tilodeSar'yting nd h astngla,-- '{YU OvTMISTHSEV

' ' ti,,.. ,
t @ a,1 -
a- " , z Fti + ,ra 3
V a 7r
, v h"zr yca ;r


J~ney ks
ate" T( '. -


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