THE MICHIGAN DAILY3 UUM t1I1[LBLUEINSTUflK I SATUDN VSIATION b.E ,,,) 1L fE ;aV .E1, ?RQ NI'T ME I Investig at,on Cof the student situa- ton looking to a.reorganization of the student coouncil ,:s an institution, if a better plan of re(organization cani be found, was j gun yesterday' by the comimittee appoin tedt for that liar- pose recently by theo Senate council.;t The thiree memibers of the commnit- tce, rof. Mforr'is P. Tilley, represent- ing the Unive(rsity Conmittec on Dis-) ciline;. Dean Alfred HI. Lloyd, repro- senting the Senate c .ncil1; and Prof. Evaistna olbro: k, representing the Senate (Commi~ttee on Student Affairs, met withi the presidents of the senior classes an other students to talki ovter thle situiationi. 4 number (of lcanges in electior and repres-,entation wecre suggested, and ideas we cre echanitigedl as to what the exact. function of the council a1hou1d be on tl c Campus. Hleariugs fill continue, and other studen2ts wVi lx aslked to givte their ideas before thes in,-,estigatilg'coirn- rm t-(, in an effort to findl out Whether it is possib le to find a better plan of organlzat;on for the council. U. S hol s Watime The hockey team will have its in-' W r e Fo Theft1meKWisconsin here JTan. 12 and YET I 13. Later in the month, Jan. 19 ant)/ 20, it will again meet Wisconsini on Its opponents home ground. Notre I A II T T A Dame will send its team here Jan. Plans for attempting the passage of 26. the Burson pension b311l over Presi- I I Two events are t~ow scheduled oan dent Harding's veto. were abandoned. the'Wornen's League program between! < .. .: .---~- .~ rn Appointment of D. R. Crissinger, K. CstleandCompny wll ppea inpresent comptroller of the currency, I-WiAudtorim Jn. 1 whle As1 as governor of the Federal Resaerve . . ea Barbour will give some inter- rO~~ Kels, enty Mhilssing in Disasterisi MINE MEN BIAGREE Kes'WshJn 5-h issn list in the Cowlitz river bridge disas- ter was fixed at 20 today throughj the j(By-Associated Press)# location of 4 niersons who were on the Chicago, Jan. 5.-Prosects of anl list last night investigators addlrg at 'agremen wer mea;er oday a si the timie an unidlentified *man. lhis agremen wer meger oda makes the total missing 20,- in addi- unien soft coal miners and operators i tion to 2- known dead. began their third day's conference to 4 ___________ Patronize Dail' :Ind an agreeable method for" fixing new contracts at the expiration March; 31 of the present agreeix-ent. The miners yesterday rejected a plan submitted by the operators which I would have made each district a -wage i r t G i l I } i i. .a: Josep .. uffe Joseph F. Gaffey, former oil mag-1 ate, political leader, and Democratic national committeeman, has beein in- dicted on a charge of embezzling 406,- 00(0 from the verumefit while-acting as "director of sales," a "dollar-a- year" wartime job. H-e 'denies. the ,charge , . 4 D T -- I A Q oval-u, W U6 t egar ticu t) cer rani pretive monologues in Pattengihl au-f ditoriuni, Jan. 13. !Frederick J. Libby, ex-secrotary of the National Council for the Preven- I tlonof Wtiar, in Washington, D. C., ar- rives" in Ann Arbor this rmorning to! speak at. 8 o'clock to3ight under the auspiices of the Liberal club. .4r. Libby was, formerly European co,)mnissioner: ifr the Quaker relief comimittee worki g in Germnany and several of the Allied countries and I wvas also present iat all the sessions ofI the disarmament conference. Three Play ; Oficered IIn the field 0%1. canmpus. dramnatics. fPlay Productlon plays will be prLesent -I ed& Jan. M0 and Jans. 18. On the form,-! er date "Eugenically Speaking," a one- acet performance, and "The Perfect: Cure," a~ three-act comedy, Nvill be en- acted 'in University hall auditorium. "Much Ado About Nothing" is ,sched-1 uled in the samne place for the latter date. These wvill be, paid performanc- es. Free entertainments will be given by the clauses in interpretative reading, Jan. 23. Classes In Play Production Young to Coach P elm E Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 5.- Louis Young, capt.ain of the 1913 University of Pennsylvania football team, was to-, dlay named head football coach a'1 Pennsylvania. He succeeds John W. Heisnan, who has become coach Of the W. and J. team:; A NEW TERM BEGINS - ON JANUARY 8TH li'militon ihisiness College We Use the 'lost Approved System Of TeaclhigI HALSEY'S IPA CE $T1TDIOS Arguments were presented in the scale unzit with the privilege ocf Supreme Court oan the question of grouping with any -othler districts. permitting American vessels to sell The, miners said thzat question hiad ilquor outside the three mile limit. ; : een settled by the strike. --' Inability of operators' to agree The British dieb~ t commistsion, .whzich among thzemselves because of alleg- is cx;pectedl to begin :funding negotia-