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January 06, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-06

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Opinion Prevalent 1U. S. Will Adoptj
Policy of Silence until
France Acts

Harvey's Views May Determine
U. S. Attitude Toward Europe

League Benefits j
From Dance Today

U i ue i n u n|0Ul

- I

Members of Alpha Chi Omega sor- f I
ority will give a matinee dance at the
Union this afternoon. Music will be
furnished by Ted Rhodes orchestra.
Dancing will continue from 2:30 tqI
5:30 o'clock. This dance is to be giv- FU LO T1T
en for the benefit of the University of -
Patronesses for the affair will be:j BY LIBBY, ILLINOIS GAME
Mrs. N. S. Hall, Mrs. Charles Cyer,; TODAY
Mrs. C. O. Davis, Mrs. Hugo Wile, Mrs.f


(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 5. France and her re-
maining allies, Italy and Belgium,
have abandoned any idea of hasty ac-
tions into the Ruhr region of Ger-
many, and tonight have settled back
carefully to plan their coercive ac-
tions against Germany.
There seems little likelihood after
today's conferences between M. Poin-
care, the French premier; the Mar-
quis della Torretta, the Italian dele-
gate, and M. Theunis and M. Jaspar,
the representatives of Belgium, that
any civil or military movements into
Westphalia would be undertaken un-
til after Jan. 15. Germany, on that
date, it is taken for granted, will de-
fault on the $500,000,000 gold marks
due under the old schedule of pay-
metsuspended during 1922.
U. S. Advice Awaited
American suggestions, it is felt here,
would have ample time to be present-
ed .to M. Poincare before he finally
gives marching orders to engineers
and customs officers and their mili-
tary escort.
Washington dispatches inspire a
certain amount of hope that President
Harding may offer some plan which
would forestall independent action by
France. It was learned from an au-
thoritative source today, however,
that American officials in Europe see
no chance for any American move in
the premises being successful at this
time, short of the promise to cancel
debt and arrange a loan, and have so
informed the Washington g ern-
ment. Siace cancellation and 4~ loan
seem out of the question under pres-
ent conditions, it apparently is the
belief of the Americans that it would
be futile merely to offer advice.
The opinon apparently prevails here
that the Washington government has
been counselled to remain quiet until
the French go into the Ruhr territory
and have an opportunity to -test the
value of whatever plan they finally
evolve. If the French plan proves a,
failure, as American observers think
it will, it is' pointed out that then
would be the opportune monent to
suggest to France that all the Allies,
with the United States, might useful-
ly get together at an economic con-
ference, and reconsider the whole
(Continued on Page Two)
Orchestra to Play in Union
Led by Frederick Alexander, the1
Ypsilanti Normal school'orchestra
will nresent a Xmas music program at
4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the
Union. Tickets, costing $1, will be
on sale at Wahr's and Gral am's until
3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, after
which they will be placed on sale in
the Union.

C. L. Glover, Mrs. George Rhead and
rs. 1-. W. Nichols."
Tickets can be purchased at Gra-
ham's book stores at $1 each..
"The Michigan Optic", A PIctorial
Publication Granted Three Trial
"The Michigan Optic," a pictorial
magazine, was officially established
as a campus publication at a recent
meeting of the Board of Control of
r tor
t Student Publications, according to an
from announcement made yesterday. It
g to will. appear in three trial issues this
tion year, containing 16 pages of rotograv-
ure pictures, and, will, if these are
successful, he automatically establish-
ed as a monthly publication for nexti


Music, Dramatics, Debates, Dances,
Religion and Athletics Vie For
With the opening date of the semes-I
ter examinations approximately three
weeks away, the University calendar
is filled with events in all branches{
of activities on and about the cam-
Of most immediate interest are thej
dance which will be given this after-i
noon in the Union by the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority in behalf of the Wo-
men's League fund and the basketbal
game which will be played in Water-
man gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock to-
night when the Varsity meets Illi-
nois in the opening game of the Con-
ference basketball series.
Kathryn Meisle With symphony
During the intervening weeks be-
tween now and Jan. 29, the date when
the examination starts, Ignace Jan
Paderewski will appear on the con-
cert series in Hill Auditorium Jan.
8, the Detroit Symphony orchestra
featuring Kathryn Meisle, American
l contralto, will play Jan. 29 and thej
Impresario Opera company will per-

Walpole, White
To Speak Here
Mr. Hugh Walpole, renowned Eng-
lish novelist and literary .critic, is the
first of the. 1923 speakers to be
brought here by the Oratorical Asso-
ciation. Mr. Walpole will discuss
"Books and Friendship" in his lec-
ture here Jan. 26. He is the author
of mnay well known titles, 'among.
them "The Dark Forest," "The Secret
City" and "The Young Enchanted".
He is a descendent of Sir Robert Wal-
pole, famous prime minister and of
Horace Walpole, the literature anti
wit. D uring the war he served with
the Russian Red Cross and was sent
on important missions to Petrograd
by the British government..
Other famous men who will speak
here are Hon. William Allen White,
editor of the Emporia (Kan.) Gazette,
Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of
mammals and reptiles, New York
Zoological Park, Mr. Phidelah Rice,
f who will recite E. E. Kidder's "Peace-
ful Valley," and Mr. Lorado Taft,
§culptor of international fame and
j writer on art subjects.
Frederick Libby, of National Council
for Prevention of War, Will
Give Talk
Frederick J. Libby, executive secre-
tary of the National Council for Pre-
vention of War, will address a public
meeting tonight at 8 o'clock, in Nat-
ural Science auditorium, taking as his
subject "War on War".
"We cannot leave war as a legacy
eto our children" is one of the state-
ments Libby made before leaving
Washington for his present speaking
The lecture here is being held under
the auspices of the Liberal club.I

Rivals Appear Stronger Than Last
Year: New Indian Coach Gets
First Big Test
A queer twist of chance brings to-
gether two of the strongest basket-
ball combinations in the Big Ten in
the first Conference game of the year
for each team when Illinois Invades
Waterman gymnasium at 7;30 o'clock
tonight in a game that will have a
direct bearing on the 1923 champion-
In several respects it is unfortu-
nate that the schedule calls for a
meeting of the Indian and Wolverine
fives at this time before either has
had the advantage of a few Confer-
ence games. On the other hand neith-
er has the advantage of the opponent
in this respect. The Illini have play-.
ed three preliminary games compared
to two for Mather's charges, and each
aggregation has shown sufficient abil-
ity to elicit respectful comiments from
each coach.'
Hard Battle Predicted
Coach Mather has declared that the
contest tonight will be one of the
closest and hardest fought of the
local schedule. He has been pointing
his men for weeks for this particular
game, as much as it is possible to
prepare a team for one game when
there are so many important tilts on
the card. A win will give the team
confidence which is expected to carry
it far. On the other hand, if -defeat
is the lot of the Maize and Blue court
men it Will be only a repetition of the
1 inaugural games Mather's pupils have
played in the past three seasons.
Both teams will be composed large-
ly of veterans when they take the
floor tonight, Michigan entirely so if
Haggerty does not start. Each has
lost from the 1922 squad the captain
and star, Rea of Michigan, and Car-
ney of Illinois, but both seem even
stronger than in the last campaign.
They represent two of the greatest
rivals in the west, principals in a com-
petition that extends to every recog-
nized form of athletics, and as a rule
Michigan and Illinois are near the

Col. George Harvey in an Informal Pose
Upon the report of Col. George H arvey, United States ambassador
Great Britain, on European conditions hinges the future program of
J-arding administration toward Europe, according to reliable reports f
Washington. President Harding recalled Harvey from London, accordin
reports, so that he and Secretary Hughes might get first-hand informa
on conditions before formulating a European policy.





Prof. Edward R. Turner, of the his-,
tory department, will give a series of
15 lectures under the auspices of the
James Schouler Foundation at Johns
Hopkins university during the com-
ing months of April and May.
He Will speak in the general field
of modern European history before
the students in the department of po-
litical science and history in that in-'
stitution, stressing particularly the
development of the English consti-
tution and the cabinet system of gov-
ernment. In addition he will give a
series of three popular lectures, tak-

Trial Issue in Febimiry form Jan. 23.
The first of these trial issues will On the lecture, program of the Ora-
ILL probably appear some time in the torical association, Hugh Walpole,
latter part of February if present novelist and literary critic, will be
SPEAKERS TO BE CHOSEN FOR plans are carried out. The selling the only one to appear. He will speak
MID-WEST MEET WITH BAD. ' price of the magazine will be either Jan. 26.
GERS, ILLINI five or ten cents. , Jan. 13 has been set as the final date
The action of the board in grant-' when preliminary tryouts in the Mid-
Tryouts for positions on the Var- ing the rights for such a publication neat debate contest may be held. The
came as a result of a etition ' sub= annual triangular debate of -these-

sydbtigteams -which will ar- Da1 ap saV~ol u
part' wct ytral League with the Michigan affirm- This noon he will be given a lunch-
ticipate in the Mid-West debate witlh dents were made, by theBeBard in ative team debating at: Ann Arbor eon at the Twentieth Century club, in
Wisconsin and Illinois suniversities Control of Student Publications, a against Northwestern and the nega- Detroit, after which an attempt will
March 16 w ll begin at.8 o'clock nextis oardto control the "Optic". They (Continued on Page Two) be made to organize a Michigan State
Sardh moringeginrook02,Masne Bas- folos.troh Rusel, '24 . Hey-Council for the Prevention of War. J.
Saturday morning i room 302, Mason are as follows: John Russell, '24, Her- J. Hirscher, Grad., will be the Liberal
hall when 6 men will be chosen from bert Case, '23, Edward McCobb, '23,;club's representative at that confer-
the independents on the campus. The Wallace Elliot, '23, Burton Dunlop, Ience, and several other members of
two public speaking societies, Alpha '23, Max Schrayer, '23E, Sheldon the club are expected to be in attend-
Nu and Adelphi House of Represent- Brown, '23, and Herold Hunt, '23Ed. ance.
atives, must have their men chosen by, The board in Control also appoint- In addition to his address tonight
Friday of next week, 6 to be picked ed the business manager and inanag- L in Natural Science auditorium, Mr.
from each. society. 'These 18 will, be ,Ing editor for the three trial issues, 9 g g Libby will ;speak at 10:30 o'clock to-
reduced to 12 on the following Sat- John Russel, '24, being appointed morr'ow morning before the Congrega-
.h. 4."rlh.-.-1y..",a' Parvi Procedin s Wil Not Afet the. .



Chimes Rivals Smith


Chimes is to be complimented, defi-
nitely, truly,' heartily, complimented.
It announced that it was to put out
a "Co-ed Number" and it did put out
a "Co-ed Number". From pinkish
cover to final advertisement, the issuel
that made its appearance yesterday
deals solely and delightfully withl
that branch of activity on the Michi-
gan campus.
That a member of the feminine body
of the student organization should
adorn the cover with. her fair per-
sonage is inevitable and extremely
necessary. Albert T. Peck, '25, has
placed on paper one of these from
Russian boots to floopish hat. The
only untrue part shines in the fact
that she is carrying books; Verily,
ye artists, observe more closely.
It is also fitting and proper that the
new dean of women be given prom-
inent space. She contributes an Ar-
ticle, one that is not revolutionary in
its revelations, but one that seems. to
introduce the new dean in a manner
that should win her favor in every
Co-eds, Co-eds, Everywhere
All of Chimes, from "Protection or
Equality" to the editorials where the,
Women's League is even given its
share of comment, is on women. Per-
haps he men may object, but their


ing as his subjects the following: ' W V teU rNi httwtB n.-
"Modern Problems and Policies of held. During the next week follow- '23Ed, business manager. Franco-Briwish Near East will talk before Prof. W. D. Hender- insure a battle from first to last.
Great Britain", "Great Britain and the ing the two teams will be picked. Magazine' An Innovation Relations son's Sunday noon class at the Pres- Will Ruby 1eliver
United States", and "The Italian Fas- The question that will be debated The creation of a magazine of this -~byterian church. Illinois has a new coach going into
cisti Movement." this year is, Resolved, that whatever character Is not only aninnovation at COLD ATTITUDE OF TURKS At 7 o'clock tonight the members of his first Conference game tonight.
The invitation was extended in rec- statutory or constitutional changes Michigan, but throughout the univer- CHILLS PEACE ADVOCATES the Liberal club will hold an Informal Down in Urbana they expect wonders
ognition of the authoritative position are necessary to render impossible the I sities of the country. At the present sreception for Mr. Libby, at the Union. of Ruby, a man who won undying
as a student of English history which use of injunctions in labor disputes in l time the University of California is (By Associated Press) According to the announcement made fame as a player in the Missouri Val-
Professor Turner has attained in the the United States, should be immedi- the only other school publishing such Lausanne, Jan. 5-Plainly, affairsby the club, the audience will be giva ley Conference and later as a coach
past few years. He returned in Sepi ately made. Each candidate will a paper. Those in charge point out are approaching a climax at the Near en an opportunity to askw estions of by leading every team he coached to
tember from a stay of 15 months in make, a six minute speech on any that it would be thus an advertising East'conference. Whether te re- him in regard to the National Council championships. He has been work-
London, devoted to research work. phase of the resolution - and must feature for Michigan as well as a mag-suts are negative or satisfactory, he n ts rtrhrgsn
hand in a brief of one side of the azine of local interest to the cam- t a st" meetns nt g enough to have inculcated in the men
Guest Speaks Tomorrow Night question. - ' pus. I Advisor to be Named ost of the basketball skill which has
In the tryouts' members of the pub- i In planning the issues, the editors issues of the conference on which no Athens, Jan. 5.-An American advis- won titles for him in thepast. to
Edgar A. Guest, Detroit poet, will lic speaking faculty will act as judg are establishing the aim of using pi- accord has yet been reached will be Aor is to be named to the Greek Rlief night will be the test,
aperi n rortmro ih fought out at sessions of the whoeoritobnaetoteGekRienghwlletets,-
appear in Ann Arbor tomorrow night es. In the debate March 16 the Mich- i tures of general interest that pertain fought out atsessonso__thewh___ministr-. (Continued on Page Seven)
as a speaker on the Wesleyan guild igan affirmative team will. neet the to everyday life on the campus. With iesn vr.
lecture program which will be held Wisconsin negative' trio in1 Ann Ar- a monthly publication it will be pos- agreed there has been enough detail- PadaererskirWill
in the Methodist church. His talk bor and the Varsity negative team sible for the news to be kept near ed tha e nfeence
will start at 7:30 o'clock. ed discussion and that the conference
will argue against the Illinois affirm- enough up to date to be interesting. mstr ei nwndup Boh H rtEs
Iative'squad at Urbana. The Wiscon-I They also plan to use a minimum of the s British gn and Frenhp isplaoesmende- lIJet Here vvzrn E'n thusiasnz
Colle e sin airmative team will debate with the posed form of still pictures with lared today that the "amicable rup
'the Illinois negative group at Madison, as many action photographs as pos- ture" in reparation at aPris will not
th"t In January IssueWis sible affect the Lausanne proceedings, and Admirers of Ignace Jan 'Paderew- ed ovation which greeted him at his
rI p is extremely important that all Artists Hae Chance that if the British and French disa- ski who have long anticipated his re- recent New York recital proved that
the good public speakers from any The staff of the new magazine will gree on reparations it is no reason cital here next Monday evening; have his hold upon the popular affection
scene. Interesting, yes, and perhaps and all departments on the campus consist of a number of photographers why they should disagree on the con- 'in store a genuine musical treat judg- and imagination is as great as ever.
timely. It may fall a little short of tryout for these teams,' said Prof. who will take all of the pictures that pelling necessity of restoring peace in ing by the enthusiasm which the The sensational nature of Paderew-
Its purpose, but for that it cannot be Thomas C. Trueblood of the public will be published. These will be the Neai' East. great Polish pianist has been arous- ski's art has led many to the false
bamed. A sole criticism, if one may{ speaking department. "It will be a members of the student body. Ar- France Is Serious ing every time he plays. Press re- conclusion that he does not fully mer-
be ventured, is that it is a trifle too hard contest, but the question of the tists will also be used in the work as That France gives large importance ports indicate that capacity audiences it all the praise which has been show-
good, a little too well organized, too abolishment of injunctions is a good well as business assistants. It is to Near Eastern matters is seen in the have greeted Paderewski everywhere1 ered upon him. His many idiosyn-
mechanically worked out, to deal with one." pointed out by those in charge that fact that M. Barrere will leave for he has appeared and that he is re- crasies-his flowing hair, his "17
the subject thit it attempts. But even -- this will be one magazine where an Paris tomorrow night to consult with producing his triumphs of three de- hours a day" practice, his insistence
that makes it easier to comprehend. artist or photographer will have the Premier Poincare. He will return to cades ago. Ann Arbor apparently upon an infernal temperature when
Then there are the stories. Again1 RR[bet chance of obtaining the manag. Lausanne Tuesday. M. Barrere has the will not lag behind the rest in its re- playing, his love of a "dim religious
these break the co-ordination of the ing editor's position. admiration of all the delegations, in- ception. Every seat in Hill auditorium light"-all were exploited by his
feminine features. "The Heroic At- Tryouts for photographers, artists, cluding the Turkish and American, for , has been sold and the standing room adroit press agent. His fame spread
titude" tells all about how a man - and business assistants are requestedI his skillful, although perfectly open, tickets are going rapidly, according like a forest fire and Aericans ev-
takes a girl out in the chummy road- to report anytine during the coming diplomacy in seeking to harmonize to Charles A. Sink, secretary of the erywhere fought to hear him and paid
ster that all rich men have and then week at the "Optic" office in the ac, the widely diverging views with the School of Music.il hitherto unheard of pricgs for the
proceeds to stop and think after the On the second and fourth Fridays of k tivities room of the Union. Those who plenipotentiaries have been called up-- Five years neglect of his art seems privilege. The adulation with which
customary engine trouble. The story May an oratorical contest will be have had experience along photo on the reconcile- to have had no detrimental effect upon he was regarded was little short of
is by Herman Griffith, '24. held, and the winne will be given a graphic lines are preferred. They M. Barrere has rallied vigorously to Paderewski's playing. It is known fanatical and during the last three
Fetion Is Interesting gold medal and the sum of $50 by are also requested to bring cameras oring to induce the Turks to see the that, before announcing his present decades a veritable legend has formed
o n the tlerate stryn "Thrt" by0. C. Atkinson of Battle Creek, Mich., although they will be furnished with financial claims, and has been endeav- tour, he devoted months to the most about his personality.
John Mitchell, '23, he will probably who recently established these awards them in the case that they show abil- oing to induce the Turks to see the iresults of
be itet, andthe he will on- as a memorial in honor of his son, ity and own none. , reasonableness of the Allied and which now are evident. Only a vry (Continued on PagetrTwo)
be Cterested, and then he will won- C. Maurice Atkinson, '21, who was American view on capitulation. It Is few of his critics have remarked any
der what such a horrid thng is doIng killed last year in an automobile ac- LIBRARIAN BISHOP RETURNS will hav atdecit M. abatement of his technical faculties I ,
in an issue devoted to as high an dt Th bt f contest wil EUROPE MAJESTIC ncre will have a decisive i while all agree that his Interpretive
ideal as women. Perhaps he will read bcae due cE C, A Ed ence on the conference, which now ispowersareentirely iinie.
'bean" SueCacter oaladof butthi it ATSPOO
on and find that the story is interest-' ReceiveseOvationoin dew Yokk
ing, and that it takes up the rather Spiritual,..for World Citizenship." Library authorities are in receipt ol period to enter a crisis stage.
l uT heaa w a rdah astb e ene s dpa d lote dd
hackneyed subject of the shipwrecked The award has been perpetuated a telegram telling of the return from . Turks Are Exacting The memory of Paderewskis su- Fraternities, sororities and all cam-
men in a boat in a rather unusual through a permanent endowment Europe of Librarian W. W. Bishopi The attitude taken by the Turks to- perb playing is still fresh in the mind pus organizations which have not ye
manner. It is prolonged a little bit fund.' According to Prof. Thomas C. Mr. Bishop had been in France since day relative to the Ottoman debt hado of all who were privileged to hea had their group pictures taken for
too far, but one forgets this in the in- Trueblood, of the public speaking de- the early part of last November, chilly effect on those expecting a sig- him on his first American tour. In this year's Michiganensian, should do
terest that it is bound to arouse. partulent, Mr. Atkinson has given the where he negotiated the purchase of nature of peace. Previously the those days he was a striking figure so this month without fail, according
"Phantoms", by Leona M. Hor- University authorities the assurancl the Vignaud collection of books re- Turks had insisted that the Turkish with his long blonde hair, his wonder- to 'Ensian editors. No pictures will
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