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January 05, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-05

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FRID.\Y, JANUARY 5, 1923

IrW I r i / M EMI MIS


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and accuracy of her players' of, pass-
ing and shooting. The Illinois lineup
as yet has not been given out but it is
probable that Hellstrom and Roett-
gers will start at the forward posi-
tIons. Both are veterans from last
year and may be counted upon to give
the 'Maize and 'Blue gaurds cons~Ider-
able trouble. Bothi are: fast on the
floor and are accurate shots both near
tihe basket and from a distance. Atj
center will be Stilwell ;another vet-1
eran nwho was rated among the best
in the Big Ten last. season.''he 1
guards will be Popken. andLipe, both'
of whom were rnembers of 'the squad 1
last year.

INTA IA TC RN S F RTY Saturday at 3 o'clock. While it is !In- Remember 445 Hutron Street 'taxi: DANCE-tonight at Ypsi. Bergen's
probable that the new coat-h will be 25.-Adv. first.-Adv.
I t E TiI Crr mn INl'TII T Iion hand at that time eorgeE. Little,! Ne
assistant director of intercollegiate Underwood, Remington, Smith, Roy-.Ne Tuxedos for rental purposes.
whoisinchage f a, and Remington Portable typewrt- Wild and Company.-Adv.
TRlIU i u tf~iI ti~ TEA 111i1rrvl md t nw ers for gale or rent. Also Underwvood fT.4v
tiesunilpirarvac ad i _o V--I___T ~t nrr atra1?fyesa

SHOOTING EYE TO WIN IThe Lineup Un~rcertain
____The Michigan lineup is still unde-
cided. Mather will choose his team
Indians Bringing Great Veteran Team iron_ the following. nine ,mdn:-l my,
with Itop~es for Big Ten : Miller, Hlaggerty, .Cappon,, Papei4,
Tltae 111gh lipke, lHenderso n;, Rice, .and Birks.
Whatever five he chooses must play I
Coach Mather sent his basketball( a nmuch better brand of basketball
proteges .through, an unusually hard' than was shown against M. A. C. If
wokutls ngt n~the Wolverines (10 not cage theirl
workut astnigt' n pepaatin fr.1shots any beter than against tihe Ag-
t:he Comning game with the Illini court gees, Michigan will have a hard time
fie which will be played at 7:30j defeating Illinois. Sine passing, clet-
o'clock tomorrow evening in Water- er floor work and close guarding will
mail gymnasium. J not wini baskctball games if the men.
Mather ; was,~ greatly dissatisfies:, annot find the basket, and 'tis ap-
with the showing made by. the Wol- i pars to- be the problem which faces,
veriens in the contest with M. A. C. i the Wolverines at present. In all
W'ednesday night and is deternlinea probability the coach will, start the
hat Michigan shall put forth a bolder same five men who opened- against
ront when they play Illinois than; the 'Farmers. .Captain Ely will be at
theyshovd aginstthe ggie: l1is',regular position as jump-off. man,
hey sho eaat e Aggies. Miller and liaggerty will-be, at the for-
While the Maize and Blue five sh~ow-j wardls and OCappon 44d Paper will take'
d fine form in a few phases of the! care of the, defense jobs".
;ame against the F'armers their shoot-j
ing of 'baskets was far below its usual lew Bo'xing Gloves
tandard. The Wolverin'es had a tO F r
.a of 69 shots at the basket according BDough tFo lei
othe chart ktept by, Mather and, of'
hese only 9 were madegoth Trugtieeotsoth oln
ther 6U) trys goinig for naught. dfie Truhtefotsfte $ign.
On the other hand Michigan phut up club tile Uniiversity has purchased 13
tfine' brand of floor work and pass- sets of 1 °ounce sparrin dgoves for
ng. 'rime after time the Wolverine. use in Waterman gymnasium. This
itence men would carry the ball marks another step In boxing pro.,
own the floor past all of the Aggie
aurds only to miss the shot. Toe pgress o; the campus and 'Coach Sulli-
Mlaize and Blue defense was ote van announces that everything is in
thing worth watching. Playing against readines8 for tryouts fo r the boxing
L five man defense the visitors foundi' team. lie destres that all men having~
t impossible to penetrate. past the any interest at all in the sport report
'iddle of the floor and were compell- at the boxing room in Waterman gym-
d to resort almost entirely to lonfg nasiuzn next Monday afternoon.
;hots at which they ware not accur- Coach Sullivan selected the type of
te. This successful Wolverine . e glove that will be used after a thor9
'ense caused the Aggies to start stall- ough investigation as to what kind
fg early in the game and slowed up give the best service hI amateur box-
hie contest considerably. With every lug. A 12 ounce glove' is large
nan down near. his own basket the enough to do away with accidents
Aggies had no way of advancing the an4~l injuries' from punches but at
all and were content to pass it back the, same time not 'too heavy for effi-
ud forth until Michigan would come dient wvork. If the gloves were heav-
[own the flool- after it. ier, the coach stated, they' would bo
H1ard Game Coming' bound to slow up the men thus sac-
Mather expects one of the hardest rificing maximum skill and speed.
,amen of the season. to come tomorrow Au intramural boxting programn is
ight wh'en Illinois will be the at-. beig planned for next semnester.
raction at Waterman gymi. The Plans are also under wtay for an all-
,nckers have five out 'of seven Varsity campus tournament which w~ill take
etter men hack this year, losing only I place in the spring.
aptain Carney and Sabo from last, ---
'car's squad. Coact: Ruby has been Log Jam Removes RVer Bridge
orking his men hard and is pre-,'Kelso, Wash., Jan. -3.-- A" bridge
iaring to make the hardest fight pos-, across the Cowlitz river here went
Ible for the Conference chamnion-outoihwen-abglgarabe
hip. This will be 'the first Big Ten the structure broke and swept agains.
&me for both' teams and the In-' it with terrific force.: At. least six.
Bans are just as anxious and deter- persons are reported to have per'-
pined as Michigan to get the season ishied'.
tarted with a' victory. Illinois plays
le 'same type of a game as the Var- Got something for sales A "Daily"'
ity, dependin~g mostly on the speed thle Daily will 'find it.-Adv.;

' that it-will be essenitial for every Than
R4Ve 'nAi40n GiveS Swimmtoing Ort another excellent Crawl swirner, and to show up. In a biref talk to the
1 i3 .rShowyn by Record John S. 'Valentine, a"'thir'd free style candidates Coach Little stressed the
T'urniout man who has done well in the past. i difference between the sport as ins
Two Newcomers ORM NCLEUSformal and in its present ..Varsity
TE, TERLANr.S GOO) NWCOER8 I sinpsilea Sistetoslc status. lie. emphasized the fact that
those a=ong the newer men who willcaseaunarsithe soriswimmingciplle
conae in for serious consideration, biut cm ne h sa ii icpie
Swimming has started .with a grand ~mynt1eais omnintv instead, of the .lax mnethods that char-
splash. Fogytyrien, the largest. num- whs efracsdrn h fe-Iacterize informal' aggregations. The
leer that has ever greeted a first call eaigo ~atc it.ntb~emt
forpratic, gve vidnce'ofthenoon s practice gave evidence of the'ctigoprtcewlntbpri-
fact that they will be reckoned With td codn oLtladtann
great impetus; that recognition ha.f ilesao rgess .H on rules. must be strictly observed.
given the sport,. the number being. '2 1' showed no lithe: promise in -the Coc ite particularly stressed
fullly Ir inl excess of the high turnout plnefrdsjne on 5 eto the ,point that the M licig'an Varsity
ofng theridormalyears aninte 5at-flettr is ot an.,,easy award .to win,
of he it~ornal yers an th mte-letehis 'ili first attempt. "John is entirely. in-
~rial, as a whole, seemed far more pro-' and' that every rule that has governed
Igrgto experienced, buit .with the' tutelage ofth dicpneo obabsbl,
misi~g thn anyinfomala good coach should develop into al basketball, track, and tennis, form
elie.Ote adiaehghly valuable man. L. A. Vaupre,,
hash veran and. newcomers,' are ex- '5 hwdthth a ot iewl erly the only sports In the Varsity
b pothd vtoerson field, will apply to the newly recog-4
peoted to report soon.acid get off a fast free style, 'sprint; ie om fahei nevr
Practice" was of the briefest, an4 may become ah exceptionall ily good ______fomsoatletceneavr._
anit cpnsiatetd, for the most part, of I all' around man.From the t'rainder,
short sprint4 ini each style of swim- Is moa :t eetan usad New Tuxedos for rental purp~oses.
minig, 'with a fdW trials by the divers ' Wild and Company.-Adv..
and lungrs.AlthughworkI 'ing pman, particularly' inrthe. freestyle,
.a~n plnges. . Alhouh wlk as ow ing to the large' number of calndi- ...
commeliced in cearnest, there can be dater".
no definite schedule of practice laid' Next Work SaI~urdti.
cut uintil the arrival of the coach for Tenx eua r~c sstfr
whose services the athletic association
is now aratlgittf. _ . .'


Why use che(,ap), rough paper in your mimeo raphied book when
a smnooth, 'thin paper costs so very little more?; Your course ii judg-;
ed larely by your text hook or laboratory manual.
Mimieographing; on Bond Paper, absolutely dlevoid or all off ettir~g
and smearing, makes a much better appearance and .a¢lass, bulky book.,
is especially adapted to notes in Ink, andl will endure twice the wearV,

1-Portables for sale. S. A. Mvoran, 1I 'a rointo enc i UL&I)IVaL 1,'livLa~s
Room 2, 711 N. U~niversity.-~Adv.' fled ad will find a roomer.--Att.


.. J




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Ten veterin were among the nu m-
ber that turnedl out. Oh these per-
aps the best :p, Jack Cow, national in-
terscholastic 44) and 100 yard title
holder,. and a swimmer whose reputa-
tion. bids fair tot become. greatly en-
hanced with the Conference competi-
tionl that hie must face this year. Lyle
l hubard, vetera4p of two- years :of ijn-
formal wrork, was also on the job.
llu~b Qd holly the De4troit river-Belle-
Isle record and is a distant man who
is' s-jre to be reckoned with in Big
Tex circls.,
Feric Nfidner in the (lives and Jack
ba;in the plunge are two others
w'ho lead it t h r respetive filds,
while '111 the bregist stroke. Norman R.
hiansozn #ud JiL es Aldrich, a pair-.of
veteran s-Whitbers, will, make hot
competition for all newcomers; Oth-
er vets whoa turned,. out are .Andrew
C4.rnegie, breast stroke, Burton,.Dunlop,3
crack ifree style man, W. H x. Schw artz,l
We Glrantee to Teach You
Ito ;Dance 1A1 ofthe
In One Course

a _ __.


F-'",,- -E a **.



-- ----.

Probably t 0 per : eeptof
Michigan 'f egera bare
Eel er played i lads::be.
fore comning :to pn ArI~r.
The 5say that 90~ per ('eat
of :lzgn l~ en play JRfl.
Ilards Ion 'and of d4urtug
their college ecrr'e, ipot
of teem at-'

U NUSUAL indeed is the eat-
ing establishm ent t h a t is
able to offer food's of the finest
qualities at the lowest prices.
'Yet it is a combination you'll
find here every day =- a. fact no
doubt resosbefor the in-
creasing patronage.
meal ticketis save 9 to 10 percent!

Baked .Trot hwith delIghtiml
Slinni 'h sauice, 2 )c.
CNornl F0itters"'I Aiw ire uma.
file syrup (at nloon only), 18ke.
lfcroni iwithiv lese, In, in-
dividual dishes, ifle.
French. Toast with -pure. ma-
lile' syru r(ev-ening only), Ise.
Candied,Sweet Potatoes, tas-
tily preparet, :fre lOc.
'['apiOeca Pudding swerved with
rich cream, only 100.


7"'~T' .~' '-

i i

"we1'~ tr-y to treat you* ?i~ht"

612 East Libertj Street

D~elleiouas Jf° aip1 e Nut
(Cream, 6c and'ifWe.


171 #


i1 sa es * wq&I

I "¢ ...




nd for catalog describing over 409 ;ourses in History, kngiish,
atheinatics, Chemistry, Zology, Modemn Languages, Economics,
Mfosoohy, Sociology, etc., given by correwpondlence. Inquire
w credits earned may be applied on present coleg program.

i i
yI ; i


Bu f h Zwerdling for Dependable Fui

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Suits adI
Overcoats I
''24 '29$3
PRICEShave been cut for this, Sale
ctto the bone ! And the
Suit andOvercoats' in the offering are'
all from our regular, this 'season's, high
' class stocks.
We're making these great price reduc-
tions in order to x0akeaa. clean sweep
for 'the: coming Spring's merchandis+e.:
Take advantage while you may.



lt e , irt igttn


T HE Greatest College Daily.,
Your Own Newspaper. if
you don't read The Daiy regu-
larly, why not.~ If there are not
enough pipers to go around, or- .
der more today. This is a season


Zwerdling's Fur Sale Starts Today.
Here's the Opportunity You've, Been Waiting
Right at the beginning of the New Year comes
this great value and quality giving sale. of high
grade Furs.
This -Sale will Predominate. among the well
desdwmn Evrgamn--Nohn11excepted -'has been greatly reduced' in price.
From the smallest animal piece to the most
Gorgeous of Luxurious Wr aps, your needs can

of barigains:

* *Ge''Gt Yours



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