11~~ k S yeen given a trial it has become are .7 ri a M ag zine ays Icgnized snort oan the organized pro- gram. Seedbal Has Proven Success The playing field has been seen _________________ y most of the students at Michigan Si mid needs but little description, but Speedball, a new game invented byI and arms and they have found that tipo little de ;c-iption, but the various I llmer ID.Mitchell, iriector of nta Athbletic Assoc ationi to, Thick Spsort many times Conference champion in mrlaheis nodrt ov h To Uinit in Opening of i Rig Ten the aquaticfheld, is again formnidable, problem of obtaining a new outdoor Comlpetition j and is e :pected to put in a powerful game that would,1be a success for fall I bid for Big Ten lhonors. No meet will Intramural sjorts aniong; ,the students WORKJ( ON SCIIEI. *t LE NEAlk INg(1 {be hld wc uith2 Chicago, it being iiipos- Where football andl soccer failed, has INN; NORTHJIYE1,TE 'Its;SL l: sible to agree upon a date. I-lowever, proven its worth, according to an ar- Indiana will probably be substituted ti~cle that appears in the January is- for the M~aroons, the meet to take. sue of The American Boy, a peried- Swimming, "Varsity sport, has its' aldvtdoth uliin ad curtain call this afternoon. At 3:30 place either in the local Y.M.C.A. oricldvtdoth ulfin ad o'cock'evry rop~civetan cadithe Detroit Athletic Club. This meet -boosting of all athletic sports. is t er~ is still hnigfrhwvr sae Gog F. .Pierrot, the writer of the dlate isexpecedto report to otGeorgestrygdescribrespeeowallasaaclaan E. Little, assistant Director of Inter-! oherfstr,ectigges for boy s alan , cleitAtltcathAnAro Tlhe first practice this afternoon is!fsectngaeorby ndo- clegaAtl~ics, at he A . Arbo[lege studel,ntand characterizes it as refrainy andabide by these r estr icierons;ph-3('s of. the ' Me which ave beeni I of soccer is to make the game des-' defvelvpedl by the teamts while in search tastefullin every way.I o ntew plays fire what have insured With interest lagfging; in soccer, it'the continued playing o" speedball. ,was seen that a niew game was need..- Particuilary is this true. of the over- ed. In the fall of the year outtside >tc-a lg-Mie and the different ways in ofsa football, ther'e is no popular sport < i.;! The player that caches the fly veil evolved about the idea which brings ' can advance one stele with the ball the handls into play witiout destroyingr and then must resort to several alter- the kicking feature of soccer. The natives before lie can go any farther rule on this phase of the game read:; toward his goal. It can be passedl that a kicked fly ball can be lilayedl to another player, or he may punt ;with the hands until it, has again and if lie is close enough to his owni dropped to the ground. With passing goal may dropkick it. A successful allowed, a new miethod of scoring wa dropkick counts in the scoring, though introduced, similar to the forWard not as much as a goal. Furthermoe bass. into the end zone of a football the ball can be jockeyed down the -a firm hold upon the members of the; field, field or dribbled with the feet, and{ -1 different fratcr nities, classes and cam-( With this inspiration as a basis, the' can keep it to himself by resorting to pus organizations here at Mlicigan1study of either g;ams was utndertaken7 the overhead dribble-that is pas,- and besides has been ethusiastically and by the f'all of 1921 the nrew game ing" it over an opponent's' head and' endorsed- by mansy r ecrea.tional di- had beenr satisfactorily invented. it' catching is before it strikes the rectors ithroughout the lstate of Mich- ! was first 13laye*d by' two volnte- r boilml. 'These various means of ad- igani. At a- recent; meetbingof the teams with the resullt tat when the a+