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January 04, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-04

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PA (t1~i

-7- -w-N. I I PWNIW le-V w a- --.

achusetts Institute of Technology and I He is survived by his wife, three Philippines Pay American War Fui
the Columbia universty School of sons and a brother. Manila, Jan. 3.-A fund of $1,00(
F.L TC E , 5 Mnes. In 1910 he received the A.M.A U R 0 : a e year ispoosdi a bill,
and Ph.D. degrees from Michigan. D AUGH ER TY M AY America for military and nav
establishments when the Philippine
Mr. Fletcher served as regent of free.
0 ii~ II DETR0ITRrefuGeaRthirdterm.%H recentl pre-e-
the University from 1896 to 1910 and
------ ~refused a third term. He recently pre- RuohaithtAtrny{erl!Aum sHnrd
Former Regent of University Sue- sented the state with a 160 acre park Rumor has it that Attorney General Alumnus Honored
combs After 2 Weeks' on Thunder Bay river. His chief Harry M. Daugherty, '81, will be the i e g l ' ha been ac
I in charge of all General Motors expo
Illness diversion was yachting and during next one to resign from President business In Australia. Miles formex
the World war he was pilot of an Harding's cabinet following the res- held tesamenpstion isoinaer
WAS MILLIONAIRE PAPER Eagle boat. ignation of Albert B. Fall, which was eand the Philippines.
MANUFACURER OF ALPENA: He was a member of the Detroit announced Tuesday. There is con- -__nheP____s
club, Country club, Wittenagemoto siderable talk around congress that
Frank W Fletcher, '75, regent of the club, and Delta Kappa Epsilon frater- Daugherty will resign and will enl Fire Destroys 400 NatIve Huts
University for 16 years, died Dec 17, nity. the constant struggle that has been \onila, Jan. 3.-Fire at Navotasi,
at Harper hospital, Detroit, following For more, than 40 years Mr. Fletch- waged against him by members of suburb, destroyed 400 huts, leavii
an illness of two weeks. Mr. Fletcher er was a prominent figure in indus- his own party in the house. 2,000, mostly natives, homeless.
was a millionaire paper manufacturer try and politics of northeastern Michi- It is reported that whether or not
of Detroit and Alpena and was 69 gan. He induced his father to erect a he will follow this plan depends on 250 Delegates Attend Child Congre
years old. siulphite fiber mill at Alpena and he the character of exoneration that he Mexico City, Jan. 3.-The child wN
Born in Boston in 1853, Mr. Fletcher organized the Fletcher Paper com- gets in the future from the house. His fare congress of Mexico is in sessio
was brought to Detroit and received pany, and the Alpena Paper company. friends declare that ,e positively will attended by 250 delegates.
his early education there. He grad- In 1905 he established the Alpena not resign when under fire, but xvii --
uated from the University in 1875 and power company, of which he was take no action until he has beaten off Got a room to rent: A Daily craf
~ompleted his education at the Mass- head. his foes .-" d -- - -



a~0 L Q .

nt at wil ,lnA n m r.. r-

--j illwlllimu a roomerA.--1 V.

Prices are cut
to the limit in
this clearance!

UA M ....4'n tfi. Wit. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .." .. . +~i.GY"{{r;4:J SJI
Atove, plaeing the 22,000-poind lump of coal on exhitition in the UTal capitol, Below, on its way to capitol.
Utah now has on exhibition in i ts statehouse the largest lump o .. o f "gver mined. It was brought from
the Mohrland iner of the Western Fad compan and weighs 22,000tcur1It ' five feet square and ten feet
long and cost $2,000 to inine and convey to the capitol. The "black (W';}nu d .:a:; put on display at the request
of state of"cials. "It is.tracting much attention.
Engineers To Study LightinL]tformulae which will be verified later.
19 ng by practical tests.
Negotiations are also under way
with the same company which will
Local Professor Is ip Charge of Research on. Natural Light Systems probably lead to a similar investiga-
Financed by Private Company tion of ventilation under the direc-
tion of Prof. J. E. Emswiler of the
mechanical engineering department.,
Through the channels of the de-I been undertaken. A thorough Inves-
partment of engineering' research, the tigation, however, has been made in Value Lord's Estate at -High Figure
Detroit Steel Products company has I all departments of artificial lighting, London, Jan. 3.-The Daily Express
arranged for an extensive investiga- and the lessons learned in these in- says Lord Northcliffe's estate is val-
tion of natural tlighting to be carried ( vestigations will be used as a basis ued at $27,500,000.
on in the laboratores of the engineer- upon which to carry out the plans
ing school. This company has agreed. at a minimum of expense and time. The Michigan Calendar-limited edi-
to-fntnishthie"fu'nds necessary for the A graduate student in electrical en- tion, 75c. 'Take one home with you.
first six months of the work, and it is I gineering will undertake the work, Wahr's University Bookstore-Adv.
believed that the research during this giving full time under the direction of --
period will produce suchi important Professor Higbie. -The first problem Patronize Daily ,advertisers.-Adv.
results as to warrant its continuation will be to determine the rational prin-<
: H over a period of several years. ciples underlying the design of win-
A preliminary survey of the prob- dows to illuminate factory buildings. LEARN TO DANCE
lem, made by Prof. H. H. Higbie, of A complete survey will be made of the
the electrical engineering depart- existing types of buildings, classify- HALSEY
ment, and presented to the company-s ing the regirements of each. Special- DANCE STUDIOS
officials on Tuesday, revealed that ly constructed models in the labora- Hours 1-5, 7-10 Wuerth Arcade
practically nothing in this field has tory will aid in determining rational
-1 ElMk


T HIS great sale calls an imme-
diate halt to your search for
clothing values, for every price
has been cut to rock bottom. Prof-
its have been unmercifully slash-
ed in our eagerness to clear stocks
before inventory. It's an e v e n t
that will save you money, that will
give you values never before


CopYrfkht 1922 Hart Schaffner & Marx


the Wrlds Smartest COLLA
T HE VAN HEUSEN Collar is the greatest innovation in
men's dress since the old, high, stiff-brimmed beaver
gave place to the modern, soft felt hat.
No other collar can compare with the VAN HEUSEN,
because no other collar is made from the same seamless fabric.
And men wear the VAN HEUSEN Collar for the same
reasons that they wear the soft felt hat: it is better looking
and more comfortable.
The trim dignity of the VAN HEUSEN is not starched
nor ironed into it, but woven and tailored into it.
The VAN HEUSEN Collar is as trim as a Tuxedo; as
stylish as it is starchless; and as correct as it is comfortable.
Men who scorned soft collars wear it and praise it. And
fastidious men -men who like a slight sug-
gestion of the formal, or the severe, in
their attire-are fast friends of the VAN No Starch
HEUSEN Collar.


The smartest neckwear of
the season, in all. colors;
regularly 0c to $2.50. Now
* *
Sweaters in warm, eon-
fortable- styles; all-wool;
were $8.50 to $12. Now
20% Less.
Shirts, with and without
collars attached; regular
$2 to $7.50 values. 20%
, a
Wi n t er. Fuderwrear for
men, in medium and heavy
weiwlits. Formerly $2.50
to $8.50. Now 20% Less.
* *
Hose of wool and of silk
and wool. were regularly
priced $1 to $2. Offered
at 20% Less.
Wool cashmere hose that
were' regularly marked
75c are going now, per
pair, at 53c.

Fine Crombie Greatcoats that were $75, 0
now marked only ........... . .... i P U
$45 and $50 Overcoats are going in this CAr
sale at only . . ,. . . .. . . . . .
All the $37 and $40 values marked
down for clearanceat . . . .. .. . -250
Every $30 overcoat in stock priced ex-
ceptionally low at. .... ...... . 9LL.IJ
Suits that were $55 and $60 are great
vaues now foronl 5
$45 and $50 Suits are lowered in this
sale. Now ... . .. ....... . . 7
$37.50 and $42-50 Suits reduced for this
sped al e ent to "". ".f "".0 ,, "

Hart Schaffner &c Marx and
other fine Suits and'O'coats
at Prices sensationaly low!

I {

Suits that were $30 and
cleared away now at only

N35 will be


Nine styles and heights, quarter sizes from
13Y2 to 18, price fifty cents. Will out-
wear a half-dozen ordinary collars.
If vnur dealer rannot sI vai, vniti

Will Not Wrinkle

GloTes of finest leathers;
song fur lined; regularly
$1.50 to $6. Now 20% Less.
House coats and lounging
robes, formerly $5 to $12,
are great values at 25%


F~ffcat wijt


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