4,- ThllIE' MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ASTROUNOMERS TEST EISTINSTHEORYl Photographlic Plates Shoa~ng Edllpre of Sign to Determine Trutha of I Relativity PROFEASSOR CONFIDE TTHAT RESULTS WILL BE iPAVORABI4 San Francisco, J-an. 3.--Down in the basement under the dome of Lick ob- servatory, near hiere, astroiioniers re- Gently opened a box of huge photo- graphic plates, taken at a far-away Australian outinost during the Sep- tember eclips~e of the sun, -and: started developing theis to prove or dispro'' Dr. Albert instein's theory of relativ- ity. D~r. Einstein thinks the. Pictures wit) show the correctness of his theory] which is that the sun attracts or bends the light of nearby planets. Dr. W. W. Campbell, , director 4f thij observatory and head of the W. HI Crocker expedition, which took the pictures,,will make -no statement i rnd til the plates are developed and in: finitely delicate measurements and comparisons,-, are made.. Several weeks will be required for flhis work. Forty eight photographs of the ski"~ were taken by, the expedition. Eigh~j of them were in connection 'with thq~ Einstein theory and the, others were of the stars anud spectrum and corona of the sun. , The Crocker' expedition was, fortun-1 Ate in that Eclipse dlay was bright andI clear. A German iexpeditlon to, Thursday island, headed by. Dr. Eifn- stein, reported failure because fog hid the sun when the eclipse occurred. Dr. Einsten was quoted at Kobe; on his way home, to the effect that 'he thought the Campbell plates would prove his theory correct. I OCATE FEW. OIL WELLS [N STATE During the. past tw decades many attempts have been made to Alnd oil in various places- throughout the state of Michigan. These attempts have melt with slight success in somne place- while in others they have been al.. most a total failure. According toF Prof. C. W. Cook of the geology de,- partinent only a few wells in thisl state, located near Port Huron, have ever. mad~e anything approaching -aj financial sucess, and even the pro-1I duct of these is far short of that obtained in other parts of the cofhn- try. C atalogue iNeeds ddresses English Painter -o .Extend Scope Of Radioj of 19 6 rer Instructors Gve;HghHno ______ _______ yRoyal Academny: aafvrsiy Corses to be Broadasts Through Country Acording' to Plan " s; ofNtional Chambe#r o Commerce Last night Winifred Buck, '20, an nounced her engagement to W'illiar : Menke, '23, a member of Sigma Cli fraternity. ALPHA +CHI OME GA IWILL GIVE DAN C 6f inearly 200 names to be listed J: David Ellsworth Spencer, acting in the faculty section of the new alum- assistant professor of history, 1892- ni catalogue the occupations and ad- i83 drc~esofbut1~ eole eman o b J Benjamin Bruce Wallace, instructor accounted for. In the book, for 'npltclsiec,11-92 'Whih bds ae nw bd~g eceved W. C. Wishart, non-resident lectur- by the secretary of the Unilversity and rnrila tasptti,19- the early copy of which will 06 to 1912 press shortly, the names of. 60,0001_________________ ,ltii, noti-graduates, and ,faculty members since the institution Was1 founded-, will be published. In addition, in the faculty section, which will head the cat4ogue, the 11___,____-. University title and present occur a- tiou And. addres wi be stated. At Members of Sigma Delta Phi will presents Bald I'. L. Sensemnan, director meet at 4:15 o'clock this afternoop of the Alumnij cataloue ofie "there at the Kappa Delta hoiuse. are only 19 ex-faculty -members w o v are unaccounited for'. An~y informxa-1' Portia Literary society will meet tion concerning their whereaboutsI at 7:15 o'clock tonight In room 302, will be greatly appriecated by this Mason hall. office, and every effort will be made! ito locate them." All women interested in writing ly- The list. contains the following rics for the Junior Girls' play are names: asked to report at '4 o'cloclk this aft- Harry Arch Augenblck, instructor 'ernoon at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. ,in descrilptive i eometry anid: draws fg, I 1910-1911. The Freshman Girls' Glee club will 'William Louis Batley, instructor in meet at 7 o'clock this evening at Bar- administrative la,1 1948-1909 bhour gymnasiumn. F'rank WMsaes Dyzrinstructor in mathematics, 1909-1919. All junior women are asked to pay C. N. Duffy, non-resident lecturer onl$ dues for the Junior Girls' jlay at electric utilities, 1911-1912, the candy booth in Uniyersity hall to- Ernst John Fluegel, instructor In day.< Glerman, 1898=1899. __________ rBerthold Blertrand Grunwald, in- - [structor in chemical-anUecring, 1911 tC.abaret Features' Rus1e.lWilliam I Car rav~e, instriic: Stun t Andt Dances tor in miachine desi~n, 1904-4900. F'ranz Alexander La Mrotte, instruc- Cabaret stuntsl are to be the draw- Stor. in. mathemiatics., 1902-19~03. i G. N. Leniniou, non-resident lectur- ing feature of the Women's League j r on power plants and lines, 1911- party which will be given from 4 to 4912: 16 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Bar- .Frank P. -MQrath,, instructor in de- Ibou~r gymnasiumi under the generalt ,scriptive geotry and drawing; 1918,' chairmanshipi of Dorothy Bishop, '24.t 1914.. Kathr'yn Woodwardf, '24, In charge of Arthur E._ Palmer, instructor. in de- the, stunts, has planned pianologues scriptive geomietry and drawing, 18051 to be given by Helen Elackaller, S. of 1906. At., readings by Velma Leigh Carter, In chemical, e ig nee rig, 1917-1918. ber hth Pike, '24,r and Dorothy Campbell, 1Jean Petit, Instructor ini Ftench", '24. The Y.W.C.A. cabinet will give a 1918-119. ' short play. A. H. Plant, note-resi dent lecturor While die stunts are being given the on railway" transpoqrtation,' 1916-191.members. of the League will be serv- .GeorgeflHerbert R~owe, instruictor in ed to refreshments at small tablefl e lectrical engineering; 1892-1893. placed around the gymnasium. Let- D. R. Scott, instructor in podltical sy Barbour girls wearing white capa economy,. 1911-1912.- and: aprons will act as waitresses. ! ' II1 li ti S lVUpl {.,+litllll Nlxi Vl VR/ii[lsaili [+ k New York, Dec. 31.-Forseeing mil- examination sheets following Icons of listeners, the bul-k of them of endl of the course." colege age, the National Radio Chain- at the ber of Comnmerce is develo'ptng a plan to establishi radio extension courses in American colleges And universities. In i s ,suo education has found a new and powerful ally, said an Aninouncemnent issued today at the Chamber's head- : q ta 'to's, in this city. lMlnanGemnarplnigto broad cast university extension ccursei;. "Several promnent insti- j ITO ENAGE)UNTS ARE~ ANNOUNCED AT SORORITY Members of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority will give a matinee dance oa S t r a af e n o at t e I ri n Ai'sic w ill be furnishted by Ted R hodes ' Annoncin tw enggemntsthesociety and Jazz orchestra. Dancinlg members of Delta Gamma sorority wilcniujrm :0t )S . have marked the beginning and thel clock. The dance will be givenfo-r close of the Christmas vacation, tho 1) cE(it of the Univ er sity of iM.ici- The engagement of Laura Mills, ganz League. '23, to Wendall Moore, '23, was an- :- nounced on Dec. 13. Mr. ?Moore is a Lose Sanmeth1,a? A ~isildl mn.ember of Zeta Psi fraternity. cl: <=itiedl ad will sellii, f'j you.--Atdv. P The Royal Academy, fountai k ar of British e t, has just honored XMrs Anne L. Swynnerton With electicn to an associate memnbership. This is thze first time sin.co the das of Sir Joshua Reynolds that a woman has bee,, ad-: rnlttedl. tFormrer Track lK3ti'e'd" Miss Frances Buell, of Detroixt, andj1 Rufus A. Bailey, '22, of Detroit, welr 2 married in that city, Dec. 21. P iicy was manager of the Varsitytrc team last year. He is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity. Patronize Daily advertisers-Ads'. tuticrs of learning in tihe United, £ s~. rtes; have made a beginning in this direction," the announcement con-I1' tfnuQs, "andf their reports of the en-{{ couraging success attending their ef- Ytoris show us that the possibilities of La nov, mnethod are not underesti- fThe National Radio Chamber of1 t ox ; nrcc, which has set out to end ; "onfu ion in the radio industry by bringing into harmony all of its in-! strunnentalities, is devising a scheme i of u:actical assistance to educational! {"Extension lectures m-ay be broad- --asted from the university without~ t ny w',ay interfering with the local1 dX: vlwthin the school. It is ., £ row necessary that, the scihool1 -a;; ifs o-vn broadcasting station; a : el-ful central station nearby con- tcii therewith by the microphone a11 ti' cleftur; room may be used. In ;oemo instances the lectures are beingj foliowed up by questionnaires and >L . :, e d n , w i h a e m i e :e !is te n e r s u p o n r e q u e s t, a n d b y ' e c o to InA 0of te InOe Cours eC l'ALII' I)NCE STI TDIOS $9.75 $49.75 D a shi ng modes mnarked at zero) low prices 1by)our Jan- Uaryp Clearance. -NewPf abrics, colors; novel trimmiing modes! Goodyer 's 124 SOUTH MAIN P, NO y ._.....a.... ........~.....,. . 'j 1 i' i Afte the sow GRAY Doyou' know were to go?. ,W I auUWU 3E uiU33umUUSE U Tor T he CGrey Shoff Tir,~Bfao ... _.._ Ama ei nShips 11nnoiested b)r Ii~h -Dublin, Jan. 3.-The Free State notified the United States consul that Do6 American vessel was seized for try-t ing to land arms and ammunition In Ireland (recent dispiatehes said sulchi a ship was held). 4 AT THLE THIEATERS Arc'ade -. Thomas Meghan 'iW "Back .Home anrd Broke. Majestic--Quincy Saw.yer Adrs I accompanied by a great cast. Wuerohi-,"Fair L.,ady" 'by a Beach. Orplieuin-"All for a Wna Captain Kiddf erial, andl cora- Sae-s eGarrick (Dctroi)--Eddie Cantor in "Make it ; nappy.": IShubert-M'ichigaxi (Detroit)---Tto4 IBonstelle company. in "PeterI P an." - 6, ? i., "' . . r 1. l , : ,..r, 6oo 1 L~ibt' i I ar LAST TIE TONIGHT Winter Coats ,y~ a16"'s -$99'75 I ..8 :P P: V Jan u ary clearance h as made these coats aston- ishing values. Every style, e e rt; color. Distinctive! Goodyear's. 124, APUTH MAIN I I° I I U I TODAY THRU SATURIJAYT )II IANADE -- TIHE WORLD'S GIREATEST TONIC FOR THIM LES ADOLPH4 ZUKOR PRESENTS ~~ GEORGE AE'S ANDn ~i ? eS . {J,~" , , er, 4. r9ti um ouNt fullfir, oleYnv 1 l t r5'r h r 1n11a1d s u rp r is e s 611c r r__ _ __ _ _ __r_ __ _ _ ___" F r4LA L wry Tr"GIr : t f rCN Featurin SGIAFCT1MA fl I-i.IWNNY Lose something? A classified [nj the Daily will find 4t.-.adv.l Got something for sale? A "Dally"'I !he Daily will, rjd. it:-Ad'V.!, .E...w...U mU..... .....w...,.."w " Th ere's odetc way to satisfy your, crav-~ ing for home cook ed, foods; at a 16w cast too-by visiting the WXITH - CA.ire MeD s-.< I.o2 ha o 1"rs. 4waxrd Connelly, BlnceSw:c ne Civh v ,cha Chaney, V ('tor % otel abr d -c: ~ 2r, EAxilaO Lin- coob, Iluh a', l1~ue:!a, Kate Lester, It l as r.l;s, l aOflili. . IL ...:. .0 unch! , F -E ' f 1 A rf /11P (>ifntnrin All O h adC;i oca 'ne1 sn17vt!fn1D 4 E .. __, .,....,.. I 1 rt 6 f4 R I '? ( 171? T 0 V, i ( 1 S ORCHESTRA I